Server :: Rhds Uses Login To Windows?

Jan 3, 2011

i have my directory server user as dn = i want to make this user to login into my windows xp in client edition.its wking fine in linux client even we get the whole profile .so similar i want with xp m/c also please suggest the only way is to intigrate it with samba or wtever it is?also my mc is in workgoup i have my dns [URL] wan to add my m/c on this domain.

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Server :: Compiling Sample LDAP Plug-in On RHDS

Feb 24, 2010

I am writing an sample LDAP Plug-in on RHDS. While compiling plug-in file, i am getting an error related to missing header files(prtypes.h, prprf.h etc..).

'slapi-plugin.h' file is generated in the path /usr/include/dirsrv. But inside this file, they are using some other header files like prtypes.h, prprf.h, etc. But there is no files generated with this names. Because of this i am getting "No such file or directory" error for these files. I can get these header files from Netscape coporation(Thirdpary), but can we use the same header files for Redhat or is there any separate header files are there for RHDS.

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Software :: RHDS A Alternative To AD In World?

Apr 12, 2011

A couple years ago I tried to enable LDAP/Kerberos sign-on from Active Directory 2003. Ran into a whole bunch of issues (mostly related to our Red Hat ES3 servers). I'm going to start looking into this again. We still have our old Red Hat ES3 servers (along with AS4 and 5.5).

So my options are basically this:
- Try again to integrate with Active Directory
- Setup an RHDS server (completely separate from AD)
- Setup an RHDS server and sync with AD

I'm looking for a simple method that is reliable. Integrating with AD left a bad taste because of all the weird issues we ran into but I was trying to integrate using LDAP and Kerberos (and as I understand it we can authenticate using LDAP only) . I need to be able to restrict access to groups of users and groups of servers which I know is possible in RHDS. I've read a few documents from Red Hat about RHDS and it sounds like a good product, but there aren't many impressions from actual users on the internet.

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Server :: Ssh Login Via Windows AD / Kerberos?

Mar 24, 2011

Following the instructions listed here:[URL].. I have a machine set up to use Kerberos authentication for logins. The problem is, logins are now incredibly slow and any user from the AD fails to log in.Here's the output from the server in debug mode:


What I want to do is use a Windows AD with the UNIX extensions to control user logins on CentOS 5.5 servers. Previously I've used OpenLDAP and AD, but that was still two separate auth methods and I just want one.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Compiling Sample LDAP Plug-in On RHDS?

Feb 24, 2010

I am writing an sample LDAP Plug-in on RHDS. While compiling plug-in file, i am getting an error related to missing header files(prtypes.h, prprf.h etc..).

'slapi-plugin.h' file is generated in the path /usr/include/dirsrv. But inside this file, they are using some other header files like prtypes.h, prprf.h, etc. But there is no files generated with this names. Because of this i am getting "No such file or directory" error for these files. I can get these header files from Netscape coporation(Thirdpary), but can we use the same header files for Redhat or is there any separate header files are there for RHDS.

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Programming :: Compiling Sample LDAP Plug-in On RHDS?

Feb 24, 2010

I am writing an sample LDAP Plug-in on RHDS. While compiling plug-in file, i am getting an error related to missing header files(prtypes.h, prprf.h etc..) 'slapi-plugin.h' file is generated in the path /usr/include/dirsrv. But inside this file, they are using some other header files like prtypes.h, prprf.h, etc. But there is no files generated with this names. Because of this i am getting "No such file or directory" error for these files. I can get these header files from Netscape coporation(Thirdpary), but can we use the same header files for Redhat or is there any separate header files are there for RHDS.

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Server :: Login Windows Active Directory Users In System?

Jan 22, 2010

I have running windows 2008 active directory. need to login ad users to linux system, which is inside the windows domain

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CentOS 5 :: Passwordless Ssh Login From Windows - Uploaded The Generated File To Server

Aug 22, 2009

I have an rsync server and am now setting up cwrsync on my windows machine. I want to be able to run cwrsync over ssh with public private keys. I followed a tutorial over here to set this up. It, however, still prompts me for server password and works only if I provide the password. For some reason the public/private key process is not working.

- I generated a key using the command: ssh-keygen -t rsa -N '' (I verified the key gets generated on my Windows machine)

- I uploaded the generated file to server /root/.ssh/authorized_keys

I am also prompted for a password if from command prompt I run this command to log into server: ssh -i c:docume~1user.sshid_rsa root@<server_ip_address> On server I have changed the configuration file (/etc/ssh/ssh_config) to say:

RSAAuthentication yes
PubkeyAuthentication yes

I then restarted the sshd service, however, to no avail.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Server Login Information That Gets Displayed When You Login To A 10.04 Server ?

Apr 9, 2011

I like the server login information that gets displayed when you login to a 10.04 server. It lists disk usage, CPU usage, Temperature etc...

Unfortunately I had problems installing 10.04 from a USB. At the end of the process the master boot record was stored on the USB and not the hard disk.

But now when I login to my server I don't get the server information.

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Ubuntu Security :: Rebooting From Windows - When X Is Starting Up Before The Login Screen Comes Up It Will Flash A Screenshot From Windows

Oct 31, 2010

I have a dual-boot with windows and linux. Sometimes if I reboot from windows into linux, I notice that when X is starting up before the login screen comes up it will flash a screenshot from Windows. Has anyone ever noticed this?

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General :: Unable To Login To Server Through Console But Able To Login Via Network Using Putty?

Mar 13, 2009

I am not able to login to server from console attached to server, every time i enter username & password but it again asks for username & password. But when i try to login to server from remote machine, login happens properly.

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Server :: Setup An Ssh Server That Doesn't Require A Username,password Or Cert To Login?

Jun 22, 2010

Is it possible to somehow setup an ssh server that doesn't require a username,password or cert to login?I wish to provide shell access to a console program, which will prompt for a username and password.Encryption is essential though, and users must not be able to snoop in on each other

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Server :: Can't Login To Sendmail Server Using Cyrus-imap On Fedora Core

Apr 4, 2011

I recently setup an email server on Fedora Core (14). Sendmail is running and I am trying to authenticate from a client pc using imaps. I installed Cyrus-imap and it is running and listening on 993. When I try to login, it doesn't accept authentication even though I verified the user's password is correct. (tested with ssh)Is there something I have to do with Cyrus or on the server to allow connections to email? I have not used Cyrus before. I am attempting to access my mail folders via Sendmail and did not make mailboxes in Cyrus. I did allow imaps through the firewall.

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Server :: Ldap Server Login Error When Logged In As Admin

Mar 23, 2010

I am facing login issues when i try to login as admin using phpldapadmin into ldap server. Installed phpldapadmin for administering ldap server from the repository:


2)yum install phpldapadmin

Able to see the default phpldapadmin login page.

ldapadmin throws the error as "Bad username/password.Please try again"

But when i login as anonymous i am able to login but the web page asks whether to create the root domain?

whether anything needs to be done for making it login as admin.

The details of my set up are as follows:

My slapd configuration:

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Server :: Putty/SSH Login Failed When Using RSA Public Key: 'Server Refused Our Key'

Sep 19, 2010

ENV: openssh-server-5.4p1-1.fc13.i686 Problem: I am unable to ssh using Putty (when using ssh-auth/pki) to a fedora box . I get the message: Server refused our key. Here's what I tried so far:

- Tried generating rsa (as well as dsa) keys on the linux server and put the generated public key in the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. Then I converted the private key using PuttyGen.

- Also, tried generating keys using PuttyGen and then converted the public key and placed it on the server

- Configured the sshd server (ssh_config) for using RSAAuthentication=yes. Tried all combinations and purmutations; however, I still get the "Server refused our key" error.

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Fedora :: Where Is Login Windows On 12

Jan 27, 2010

recently i installed fedora 12 on my laptop then i try to change login screen on fedora 12 but there is no login screen menu, to change login screen on fedora 12

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Server :: CentOS Server - Filter Login Failed?

Mar 6, 2011

We have a CentOS server which has beed restarted due to some reason. Now we have ping to the server and we can reboot it via KVM, but the server loads to some messaageThis is filter.unknown_domain (Linux ...)Filter Login:and then it stops. Do you have an idea what might be the problem and how can we fix it?

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Server :: Login Page Enough To Work Dhcp Server?

Nov 4, 2010

\Actually i lost the login details of my server so im recovering it in rescue mode.what i want to ask here is if i restarted my server what i need to do in order to work as it was before.on my server samba and dhcp server is configured.will my client users can access there network if login page comes or i need to do something else such as restarting services or not.

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OpenSUSE :: GDM Login Windows Gone / Get That Back?

Dec 9, 2010

I have gone from Suse 10.3 to 11.3, completely refreshed.
I used to have boot screens really nice ones come up at random after Grub loaded.

Now with the 11.3 that is gone.
I looked at GDM and see it is different from my previous version and does not seem to have the option to have the login window.
Is there any way to get back the old version of GDM?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Login To Windows Since 10.04

Mar 21, 2010

i upgraded to the 10.04 beta today . i upgraded from 9.10 64bit. I am on a dual boot system, Ubuntu is on my secondary hard-drive and windows xp is on my primary hard drive.Since upgrading to the 10.04 beta i cannot login into XP, GRUB restarts when i select it. selecting Ubuntu works though. during the upgrade process GRUB prompted me to select some options and to be quite honest i was not entirely sure what to select, regardless i tried three times to select options, twice it rejected me from selecting all of the ( what seemed to be) disks. until i tried selecting two out of the 5 names on the list it gave me.

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Ubuntu :: Way To Remote GUI Login From Windows

Apr 20, 2010

Is there a way to remotely login to a Linux machine from Windows without having to have a session already going? The ideal situation would be to turn the Linux machine on, remotely log in with the Linux username and password and be presented with a desktop, and when I disconnect the session ends. I don't want to have a session already going to connect to... it seems like I can't accomplish this using VNC. What other options are there?

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Debian :: Samba - 7.0 Wheezy And Windows 7 Cannot Login

Feb 23, 2016

I'm using Windows 7 & Debian Wheezy,and samba is the software that I use to share the folders/files for Linux & Windows.

The issue is one of my users(nv) cannot login to her folder in Linux using his windows credentials(the password keep prompt).But If I'm using my windows password she can access to her linux folder.But it is a temporary solution as when she restart the pc,the password authentication will prompt again.

This is my smb.conf file:
# Sample configuration file for the Samba suite for Debian GNU/Linux.
# This is the main Samba configuration file. You should read the
# smb.conf(5) manual page in order to understand the options listed
# here. Samba has a huge number of configurable options most of which
# are not shown in this example

[Code] .....

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Login To Windows Xp After Suse 11.1

Apr 19, 2009

I can't seem to boot to windows xp after installation and then update from the openSUSE 11.1 live cd. This is my /boot/grub/menu.lst


# Modified by YaST2. Last modification on Sun Apr 19 19:35:24 WEST 2009
default 0
timeout 8
##YaST - generic_mbr


/dev/sda1 boots fine to the system restore from Acer. when selecting Windows option on boot menu it simply flickers and returns to the menu. /dev/sda3 is non bootable, symply filesystem. When using boot loader settings from YasT I go to other and press "Propose new configuration" it changes the menu but when pressing OK it asks for a floppy disk and doesn't save the configuration (so on new boot I return to the same).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Can't Login To Windows Seven

Jul 1, 2010

I've got two computer :

- My laptop, with Ubuntu 10.04
- My PC, with Windows Seven

When I try to access my shared files ON my PC FROM my laptop, Samba ask for a password. I typed my Windows Seven login/password, pressed OK... and again, Samba asked for the password. I thought the problem came from Windows Seven, not allowing remote access from a local user account... I tried to allow anonymous access on my PC, but it didn't help...

But then, I learned I could also mount my shared files by adding a line in /etc/fstab :

// /media/KynePC smbfs credentials=/etc/samba/cred-file,rw 0 0

In the cred-file, I put the exact same login and password then before... and bingo, it works.

But the problem is not fully resolved, as I can only browse files from the "mounted shortcut". I can't use my remote printer anymore, or access any external HD that I share on my PC So I really need to get samba working.

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Ubuntu :: Windows Domain Not Available Until After Local Login?

Aug 6, 2010

I used Likewise (specifically, likewise-open-gui) to add my computer to the Windows domain at work. I can log into the computer with my domain credentials.

Until I reboot.

If the computer ever shuts down fully, I get an authentication failure when I log in using the domain account. But if I log in using a local account and run likewise-open-gui again from there, everything works. I don't have to rejoin the domain, only launch the program, close it, and log out of the local account. This seems to allow me to log into the domain afterward.

Is there something in specific that I can add to my startup scripts that will connect me to the domain before login?

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Ubuntu :: Windows XP - Not Accept Password And Won't Login

Aug 14, 2010

For some reason, several irksome changes have occurred. The worst is that it won't let me log in. It will not accept my password.? I was told that if I downloaded Ubuntu, I could use that to get to control panel and fix the problem. After 4.5 hours on another pc, I had the download and the cd does boot Ubuntu. What is my next step I have no working knowledge of Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Remote Login From Windows VISTA

Mar 28, 2011

I need to remotely Ubuntu 10.10 server. However I want to do it froma Windows XP VISTA or Windows 7 machine. Ideall I would like to login using http web browser. The primary reason is because I want to be able to update the server software remotely when required. Ofcourse it would be nice to see the GUI and be able.10 to perform all functions as if I was sitting at the computer. I heard of webmin.... or webadmin... However I have not find this software in the Ubuntu Software Centre and I would like it to be good for Ubuntu 10.10.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Login In Windows Domain?

Jul 21, 2011

With Kerberos it's possible to join and login in Windows domain. The easiest way to do is this or I think so...

When installing likewise-open, it installs Kerberos also. I have no idea what are those realms and other stuff. There's some guides (also by Microsoft!), but it's gibberish for me. My native language isn't English, so half of those words go in one ear and out from the other.

I'm running Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise SP1 and I'm able to join the domain with my Windows clients. Now I want to join with Ubuntu but I have no idea what to do.

Like what's FQDN how to find out domain's FQDN Whats Kerberos realm and what it should contain how to install Kerberos correctly and so on

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Software :: Set Up Samba To Act As A Domain Login For A Windows 7 PC?

Jul 15, 2010

I have set up Samba to act as a domain login for a Windows 7 PC. The Windows 7 PC has the two correct registry compat entries.

So, I've added "root" to smbpasswd and the Windows machine tries the "LINNIS" server. Authentication is successful, as stated in the Samba log but the Windows machine fails with the following:

"The specified computer account could not be found. Contact an administrator to verify the account is in the domain. If the account has been deleted, unjoin, reboot and rejoin the domain."

I feel like I'm doing something dumb, but the authentication passed so what is it talking about?

Slack 13.1 (Samba 3.5.x)

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Server :: Login Ssh Server Without Password Attenuation?

Jul 25, 2011

i want to login ssh server without password.i tried the below link but still i could not able to login without password authentication.

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