OpenSUSE :: GDM Login Windows Gone / Get That Back?

Dec 9, 2010

I have gone from Suse 10.3 to 11.3, completely refreshed.
I used to have boot screens really nice ones come up at random after Grub loaded.

Now with the 11.3 that is gone.
I looked at GDM and see it is different from my previous version and does not seem to have the option to have the login window.
Is there any way to get back the old version of GDM?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Login At The Main Login In Prompt After Boot - Just Returns Back ?

Jan 6, 2010

When I try and login at the main login in prompt after boot, it just returns me back to the prompt again.

If I login as root it's fine...OpenSuse: 11.3 Kde: Latest

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OpenSUSE Install :: Cannot Login - Just Cycles Back To The Login Screen ?

Jan 4, 2010

Every account every option I try. when I login, it just cycles back to the login screen. I have attempted to do a repair install, but to no avail. it happens when I try to boot normally or if I boot into failsafe.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Crash Back To Login Screen After Login?

Feb 3, 2010

The graphical login screen is loaded just fine. Though very shortly after (a moment after the loading screen could be seen) it crashes back to the graphical login. And that happens no matter what wm I'm trying - gnome, kde3, kde4, e16, e17, even twm.

It happened after the logout after a zypper up yesterday morning. Looking through the list of what packages were upgraded (two machines, both last zypper up'ed last Sunday, checked on the second one after the problem with the first one), the only packages which might be responsible are kwin or qt4.

The graphics card seems to be fine (NVidia 9600), as it happens whether or not I use nv or the propietary driver. Also tried reinstalling it from the repo as well as using the binary blob from NVidia. Has been tested on Windows and games are running fine there, so it shouldn't be the card.

What is strange, is that when calling upon sax2 -r from runlevel three, the initial screen loads nicely, but sax2 crashes back to the cli once one presses 'Change Configuration'. No error messages are being printed.

Any pointers on how I can narrow down the cause (and get it fixed)?

OpenSuSE 11.2 + KDE 4 factory & enlightenment & qt 4.6 repos
X.Org 7.4-35.3
Kwin 4.3.98-406.6
libqt4 4.6.1+4.6.20100202-1.1


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OpenSUSE Install :: Login Screen Keeps Bouncing Back To Login Screen

Sep 17, 2010

I have installed VirtualBox and setup a Windows Vista host, initially with a .vdi of 10gb. That filled up quickly, so I added another 20gb secondary partition, after first trying to allocate a .vdi to a SCSI controller. Configured the drive in Windows (Computer Management), and all seemed ok. I shutdown VB, and rebooted my Linux host (openSuse 11.3). Now I keep bouncing back to the login screen, and can't login to Linux KDE, but can login to a console.I do have the following info:

/dev/dis/by-id/ata-ST9250410ASG_5VG0B5VS-part5 swap swap defaults 0 0
/dev/dis/by-id/ata-ST9250410ASG_5VG0B5VS-part6 / ext4 acl,user_xattr 1 1


I did see a message before, that I don't see anymore, that said it could not start NFS services due to missing entry in fstab. Another I'm seeing now is it couldn't start the avahi-daemon, no space left on device. This is odd, since I have a 200GB drive, with half of it left, only max 30GB set to VB. Here's my df -k output:

/dev/sda6 Use% is 100%
devtmpfs Use% is 1%
tmpfs Use% is 1%
/dev/sda7 Use% is 46%

So root "/" is mounted on /dev/sda6, which looks like it could be a problem, but why would this suddenly be a problem after working with VirtualBox? Could this be a matter of just freeing up space on /dev/sda6? Like the /tmp folder that's under "/"?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Desktop Won't Come Back After Login

Jan 27, 2010

Whenever I logoff my workstation, I log back on and my desktop doesn't come back. Only the mouse pointer and the wallpaper show up. The panel and the shortcuts don't show. I have to power off using the power button, then power back on to fix.

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OpenSUSE :: Get The Older GDM Back With The Login Window Functionality?

Jan 31, 2011

I had an older version of Suse 11.0 and did an upgrade new install to Suse 11.3 (Awosme)!.The only problem is now when I boot I no longer see my GDM login screens.This was located in /usr/bin/gdmsetup. I think this has something to do with the newer version of GDM. Is there a way to get the older GDM back with the Login window functionality?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Back Up Entire System While Still Login Into SUSE?

Apr 28, 2010

Main reason I am using openSUSE currently is because my Windows system's went bad. I haven't been able to easily restore and will probably have to do clean windows install. I want to make sure my entire openSuse system (application/OS setting/etc) backup so I can easily restore of it fast. Since this type of back takes awhile, I would preferably like do this while I am still logged into SUSE. I am where to disk cloning thing like clonezilla, but looks like I would need turn of my system entirely to get this done.

Currently my SUSE root and home are in a partition with another NTFS partition on my hard drive. I really don't want to use 'dd' to clone the entire hard disk. I would much rather store of required partitions in other locations. Hopefully, there is easy to get this done without too much of effort and time.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installed On Back Up - How To Delete Windows HDD

Jun 12, 2010

My desktop computer has 2 hardrives, one 70gb and one 40gb, previously, the 40gb was windows XP and the 70gb was a backup, I decided to install opensuse on the 70gb backup, and now I want to wipe out the 40gb HDD that has windows xp and turn that into a back up.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10: Login In Just Brings Me Back To Login Screen?

Jun 5, 2010

I have just did an upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10. I am planning to go to 10.04 . After the upgrade everything was ok but I noticed the GRUB was still legacy. So I updated my GRUB to GRUB2. Now when I boot, after entering my logon-id and password, it just brings me back to the login-id screen (to logon on). Any indication of what is wrong and how I should fix this ?

I have no encryptions. [added comments] Currently reading thread about login loop bug with 9.10 Followed instructions about possible missing pre-release update but even if it did do updates, I am still login screen looping. Doing additional researches until someone answers with the fix.
did :
CTRL + ALT + F1 switch to one virtual console
sudo service gdm stop


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Ubuntu :: Login But Almost Immediately Kicks Back To The Login Screen?

Sep 28, 2010

When I try to login with my username, the one I created when I installed the OS, it seems to try to login but almost immediately kicks back to the login screen. No authentication error it just seems to just logout? The only change I made since last successful login was to add ". .alias" to the .profile file - the only entries in the .alias file are comments and "alias" commands. I have one other username but it is not in the sudo's list of users so I can not change anything in the master login.

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OpenSUSE :: Running Dos Commands From Suse On Windows And Getting Back The Result?

Sep 15, 2011

My application requires that I run dos commands on a Windows desktop which is in the same network as the Suse server. The command needs to be initiated from my Suse serverand I need to get the result of the command from Windows on my Suse server

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Ubuntu :: GDM Login Starts And Then Goes Back To Login

Feb 7, 2011

I just upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10 this morning and after the upgrade I can't log in via GDM. If I log in it seems to work and the screen goes black, but then it goes right back to the login screen.I can't figure out what is throwing the signal, but the interesting thing is that if I stop GDM and log in on the console, I can run startx and my session runs fine (I'm typing this message from firefox). Any ideas on how to determine what is throwing the signal? I tried poking around in /var/log but I can't find anything that seems relevant.

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Fedora Installation :: F11: Comes Back To The Same Login Screen After Login As Didn't Do Anything And Configuring The RPM Fusion "Repo"

Sep 18, 2009

I would like to post my problems here with Fedora 11 regarding that I am using Dell inspiron 1525, Dual core-N series. I have got two problems:

First;- After I updated my system, I have experienced a a login problem , which is each time I try to login and insert my password correctly it seems that it will login but it comes back to the same login screen as if I did not do anything, but after too many times it works.

Second: I read some posts in a website that talks about configuring the RPM fusion "Repo" and I did all the steps posted there , but after that whenever I try to update or download anything through terminal.... it appears the following:


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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Login To Windows Xp After Suse 11.1

Apr 19, 2009

I can't seem to boot to windows xp after installation and then update from the openSUSE 11.1 live cd. This is my /boot/grub/menu.lst


# Modified by YaST2. Last modification on Sun Apr 19 19:35:24 WEST 2009
default 0
timeout 8
##YaST - generic_mbr


/dev/sda1 boots fine to the system restore from Acer. when selecting Windows option on boot menu it simply flickers and returns to the menu. /dev/sda3 is non bootable, symply filesystem. When using boot loader settings from YasT I go to other and press "Propose new configuration" it changes the menu but when pressing OK it asks for a floppy disk and doesn't save the configuration (so on new boot I return to the same).

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Ubuntu :: Login To Xfce The Screen Goes Black - Flickers A Few Times Then It Brings Back To The Login Screen

Apr 12, 2011

My last setup (years ago) ran fluxbox so because it was familiar I installed it as a secondary to xfce right off the bat. I download a lot of different stuff because I like to try out all the apps I can find but somewhere I broke something. I can still run fluxbox fine, but nither the Xubuntu nor Xfce sessions will run now. Last thing I remember changing was pulse audio(removed it for an experiment I was trying with jack audio), not sure if it is connected but when I try to login to xfce the screen goes black, flickers a few times then it brings me back to the login screen.

I tried failsafe but everytime I do my monitor gives me a "frequency out of range" error. I tried purging and reinstalling xubuntu desktop and xfce settings but I am thinking its my xorg config. My laptop is a Toshiba satellite M305D-s4830 with ATI Radeon 3100 mobile graphics card and I am running Xubuntu 10.10. Unfortunately I also broke the screen, so right now I am stuck with an external monitor till I get a new one.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Boot Goes To X-Windows Login Screen Instead Of Xfce?

May 12, 2011

My default desktop environment is Xfce 4.7 (older machine). Monday I came back to work to discover a 17 GB log file in /var/log that ate up my root partition and gave me trouble running. I deleted it, which solved the problem EXCEPT that now when I boot, instead of the Xfce login prompt, I get an X-Windows login prompt. This takes me to a terminal (which apparently reads my .zshrc file), from which I can start an Xfce session by running xfce4-session. How can I get back to booting into the Xfce login screen?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Hybernate Doesn't Work - Goes Black - Back To User Icon Screen To Log Back

Sep 1, 2011

i have noticed that if vista is not the active partition, hybernate does not work. it just goes black and then back to the user icon screen to log back in. another "slight" problem was that i was not able to apply a service pack. after restoring vistas dominance i was able to install the pack. is there any other work arounds for hybernate? even though you might not be interested in cleaning up after microsoft.

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Ubuntu :: Windows 7 Won't Boot - Displays Windows Logo And Then Drops Back To The Grub Menu

Jan 9, 2010

I have a Compaq Presario CQ60 with Nvidia GeForce 8200M graphics card. When I first installed Windows 7 followed by Karmic in dual boot I could boot into both OS. Now when I try to boot into Windows, it displays the Windows logo and then drops back to the grub menu. It may have started happening after Windows 7 installed updates. I tried reinstalling both Windows and Karmic again and it again worked initially but now Windows no longer boots. Does anyone have any suggestions about what may be causing this or how I can fix the problem without reinstalling?

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Ubuntu :: Keeps Going Back To The Login Screen?

Feb 3, 2010

I did a clean install of xubuntu 9.10. I set up an account for my wife on it and now everytime I try to login under my own it keeps going back to the login screen. Sometimes twice last night I had to log in 4 times before it went to the desktop. I have played with some live CD's of ubuntu and xubuntu, but this is the first full install I have done. Before I set up the wife account, I could login first time. Should I try and reinstall and hope for the best or is there something in terminal that could be done?

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Fedora :: Keyboard Layout Back To USA After Login

Dec 12, 2009

This problem has been discussed a couple of times here and there and there are numerous solutions as well as unsolved stories. The topic says it all I think. I use ca(fr) layout, and in the gnome keyboard configuration (system, preferences, keyboard) I only leave Canada. When I log out and go back in, the layout changes to USA and in the configuration tool, theres canada AND usa. I have to delete USA every time. The file /etc/sysconfig/keyboard is already set to ca(fr) and doesn't change

I tried to delete:
rm -f /var/cache/gdm/your-username/.dmrc
rm -f ~/.dmrc

but I either did miss something or it didn't work. The only thing I observed is that if I set the keyboard layout to Ca(fr) at the login screen (which is always set back to USA), the layout stays to ca(fr) in my session. This problem did not occur on Fedora 11 and it began on 12 on my laptop as well as on my girlfriend's.

I've read somewhere and I forgot where, that it is a known bug in Gnome and that it is fixed in a later version. I applied all available updates and system/about this computer says I have Gnome 2.28.0 and if I recall, this bug is supposedly fixed in 2.28.4 but I may be wrong on the version number. This is very annoying as we try to turn our computers off when we don't use them but this reset every login kind of forces us to our previous bad habits.

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Ubuntu :: 9.1 Login Screen Changed And Cannot Get It Back

Mar 14, 2010

That's a picture of my ubuntu 9.1 64bit login screen. The background image I changed myself months after this problem started, so I'm sure that has nothing to do with it. What I DID do that caused this problem was follow the openoffice dark theme fix on this page:[URL]

BACKGROUND: I installed a dark theme that made the openoffice word page black, so I had to find a fix for it on the page above. I'm not using the theme anymore, but it was "Slickness black" on gnomelooks.

In case someone didn't see a problem with the orginal login screen, the section where you click the username and enter your password should look like this:

Also incase anyone was going to ask, my login DID look like the second picture at one point (before the openoffice fix) I just removed openoffice completely and reinstalled it so that isn't the solution.

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General :: Thrown Back Into Login Screen?

Feb 18, 2010

My problem is basically that when I boot for the first time after a fresh installation and setup, I am always stuck at the login screen or thrown back to it. No matter what account I log onto, whether it's 'root' or any other user account I have setup, it would attempt logging in, black out the screen, turn my monitor off then on again and I'm back at the login screen. This is all using the graphical interface of course. I'm having this same problem with all the linux distributions that I've tried so far:

Gnome Sabayon Mandriva 2010-I've even tried changing all the different boot environments, and same problem Open Solaris and Ubuntu won't even install. It just sits at the loading screen. Why would this happen? I've tried all these OS's on my regular PC, which is a dual core, 4 gb of ram, and they've worked perfectly. So why wouldn't it run properly on that other PC?

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Fedora :: When Iogin It Takes Me Back To The Login Screen

Aug 21, 2009

I wanted to try KDE 4.3 on Fedora 11. I enabled the testing repos and updated. However after the update, I restarted and when I login, it takes me back to the login screen. I've tried to login with the gnome desktop and also as other users but it still took me back to the login screen.

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Ubuntu :: 10.4 Cannot Shutdown - Takes Back To The Login Screen

Apr 26, 2010

Clean install of 10.4 I select shutdown and it takes me back to the login screen. Trying to shutdown from that screen does the same.

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Ubuntu :: Changing Login Screen Back To Default?

Aug 15, 2010

First of all not sure if this is the correct forum but anyway.Ok well i installed this theme because i liked the look of windows 7 ( i ran the and it seemed to work but the login screen still has the theme i was wondering how i could change it back to the defualt one.

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Ubuntu :: Right After #2 It Goes Black And Kicks Back To The Login Screen?

Apr 22, 2011

1st Problem:The problem that I am having is for Ubuntu 10.10. When logging in for some reason it will:1. Login and play the Ubuntu login sound.2. Will start loading the desktop and panels.Right after #2 it goes black and kicks back to the login screen. I am not sure what to do since it constantly does this. It renders the computer useless if I cannot get passed the login page. Yes the username and password are correct.2nd Problem:Before this 1st problem occurred this has also been a problem that has not went away.When I used to be able to login to the desktop I have just the panel on the top of the screen with the traditional Ubuntu "start menu", "system", etc. For some reason the right side which is the other half of the panel will not load. The only solution which fixes it while I am on the current session is to right click the panel and click Minimize/Expand button which toggles to center the panel on the top of the screen. Now when I click Expand its like the problem never happend, but this only fixes it for that session.

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Ubuntu :: Computer Goes Back To Login Screen With No Reason?

May 28, 2011

I have Natty, and from time to time Computer goest back to login screen. Is there any reason for this?

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Fedora :: Can't Login To F14 / Display Goes Black And Redirected Back To The Log In Screen?

Nov 3, 2010

So, I just installed Fedora yesterday. I have been trying out different Linux distros and Fedora was next after Ubuntu and SuSE failed severely. So, I installed F14 yesterday and everything has been great... until I tried to set my JAVA_HOME variable. I followed the instructions here.

After editing $ vi ~/.bash_profile as the site instructs, I proceeded to log-out and log back in...except I can't log back in. I have repeatedly gotten the login screen, selected my account, and entered my password. When I enter my password incorrectly, it says 'Validation Error' and that is not what is occurring. The display goes black for a couple of seconds and I am redirected back to the log in screen.

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Ubuntu :: While Opening Page Whole X Restart And Back To Login Window Of Gdm

Jun 7, 2010

I use firefox3.6.x, and i play online video (sockwave flash) often, but while opening the page (often has swf), the whole X restart, and back to login window of gdm. The problem not accured everytime i open the page, but very often. I met this problem both in ubuntu 9.10 and 10.04, and also lubuntu 10.04. So, i fall back to use firefox 3.5.9, and evrything seems fine.

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