OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Login To Windows Xp After Suse 11.1

Apr 19, 2009

I can't seem to boot to windows xp after installation and then update from the openSUSE 11.1 live cd. This is my /boot/grub/menu.lst


# Modified by YaST2. Last modification on Sun Apr 19 19:35:24 WEST 2009
default 0
timeout 8
##YaST - generic_mbr


/dev/sda1 boots fine to the system restore from Acer. when selecting Windows option on boot menu it simply flickers and returns to the menu. /dev/sda3 is non bootable, symply filesystem. When using boot loader settings from YasT I go to other and press "Propose new configuration" it changes the menu but when pressing OK it asks for a floppy disk and doesn't save the configuration (so on new boot I return to the same).

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OpenSUSE Install :: Make Suse Prompt For A Login When First Boot Up?

Jan 30, 2010

how to make suse prompt for a login when I first boot up. It never asks for my password and boots directly into kde.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Back Up Entire System While Still Login Into SUSE?

Apr 28, 2010

Main reason I am using openSUSE currently is because my Windows system's went bad. I haven't been able to easily restore and will probably have to do clean windows install. I want to make sure my entire openSuse system (application/OS setting/etc) backup so I can easily restore of it fast. Since this type of back takes awhile, I would preferably like do this while I am still logged into SUSE. I am where to disk cloning thing like clonezilla, but looks like I would need turn of my system entirely to get this done.

Currently my SUSE root and home are in a partition with another NTFS partition on my hard drive. I really don't want to use 'dd' to clone the entire hard disk. I would much rather store of required partitions in other locations. Hopefully, there is easy to get this done without too much of effort and time.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Replace The Windows By Suse?

May 26, 2010

I used Win7 and Suse, but now Win7 was exhausted by virus and I'm going to use only Suse. DO you know how to install Suse for my computer such that use only Suse < Del win7> . If I do that so I have to coppy all my datas ??? and how should I create partition ?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Install Suse 11 - Without Distrubing Windows 7

Oct 23, 2010

I have installed windows 7 in my laptop. i have only c drive with a memory space of 284mb. now i like to install suse 11 in c drive itself without distrubing windows 7. after installing i should be able to go for either windows 7 or suse 11 easily. i must have the both. I had partitioned windows 7 in fat. i had not use ntfs.

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Enter To Suse After Installing Windows 7

Sep 4, 2010

I bought a new laptop in which a Linux Suse Enterprise Desktop is installed,After that, I installed Windows 7 by the common method: Using Gparted CD, but the problem is that after the end of the installing of Windows 7, the latter became as the first only OS installed in, and the grub of Linux Suse has been disabled , and the only way to enable the grab (in order to use dual-boot, switch between Suse and Win7) is to use the Linux Suse CD and enter to it for enter some prompt command (as u know), but I didn't get the CD with the attached pack, I got instead of it, a System Recovery CD, the only option shown in the first page is to restore the system and not to enter it

Hence my question: How can I enter to linuxSuse to enable the grub to activate the dual-boot?Can't I enable the dual-boot from command line of Windows 7?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Cannot See Windows Partitions When Running Suse

Nov 27, 2010

i have Windows XP and OpenSuse on my harddrive (dualboot) my problem is i cannot see my Windows-partitions when running Suse, i need to have access to those partitions and i cannot find how to do that.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Migrating From Windows 2000 To SuSe?

Sep 8, 2011

I need a new OS and heard about Suse for the longest time and wanted to give it a go. It's gonna be hard to let go of Win 2k, but with support degrading I need a OS that's rock stable like 2k. My main concern is application compatibility so I can run my current windows app in Suse. Ultimately I would want a multiboot so I don't lose windows 2k.

I'm using a IBM Thinkpad T61 with these configurations: T9300(2.5GHz), 4GB RAM, Cricual SSD 120GB, 14.1in 1440x900 LCD, 128MB nVIDIA Quadro NVS 140M, CDRW/DVDRW, Intel 802.11abgn, Modem, 1Gb Ether, UltraNav, Sec Chip, FPR, Camera, Windows 2000 SP4

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OpenSUSE Install :: Windows 7 Reports Suse Not In Extended Partition?

Dec 29, 2009

I have installed Windows 7 Professional (64 bit version), and OpenSuse 11.2 (64 bit) on to a newly built Core i5 machine. I installed Windows first, with 3 partitions. The 100MB partition Windows reserves, a C: drive for the operating system and a D: drive for data. Both of these are NTFS partitions. I then installed OpenSuse into the unallocated section at the end of the new disk drive. The Linux partitioner showed OpenSuse in an extended partition, containing a swap / /home and /tmp partition. Both operating systems now appear to be working fine, but I'm worried about the Windows Disk Manager showing that the OpenSuse partions are primary ones, and are not inside an extended partition. It only shows a small amount of unallocated space at the end of the drive as being in an extended partition.

Should I delete OpenSuse and start again? Perhaps creating an extended partition with Windows before trying to reinstall OpenSuse?If I leave the disk as it is, is it likely to continue to dual boot without something unstable occuring? It may just be a Windows problem which will not be fatal, but I'm worried all my files may get scrambled at a some point in the future.

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OpenSUSE Install :: SUSE Studio ImageWriter For Microsoft Windows?

Jan 31, 2011

I have been looking all over the internet for it can not find it . The link posted at [URL] SDB:Live_USB_..._way_.28GUI.29 does not work.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Cannot Start Windows Vista After Failed Suse Installation

Feb 7, 2010

I wanted to try openSuse alongside with Windows Vista and Ubuntu. During the installation Suse wanted to delete my Windows partition. Of course I denied and stopped this installation, but now when starting my computer, the boot menu gives Vista, Ubuntu and Suse as a choice, but if I choose Vista, the Suse installation process is starting instead of Windows, there is no way to get Windows started (fortunately Ubuntu is working so that I can write this message).How can I get Windows starting?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Cancel Windows Domain Membership Durin Suse Installation

Mar 25, 2010

I am installing SUSE 11.2, and went with the default options, now it reached the point of "Windows Domain Membership". At job I do not remember the right names, so I tried some but I get an error message which says "cannot use the group "WORKGROUP" for Linux authentication", etc.So I would like to avoid windows authentication, but at this point I do not see this option. I can only try domain names or abort the installation. What could I do here in order to finish the installation without windows memebership?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Boot Goes To X-Windows Login Screen Instead Of Xfce?

May 12, 2011

My default desktop environment is Xfce 4.7 (older machine). Monday I came back to work to discover a 17 GB log file in /var/log that ate up my root partition and gave me trouble running. I deleted it, which solved the problem EXCEPT that now when I boot, instead of the Xfce login prompt, I get an X-Windows login prompt. This takes me to a terminal (which apparently reads my .zshrc file), from which I can start an Xfce session by running xfce4-session. How can I get back to booting into the Xfce login screen?

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SUSE :: Change The Login Screen From Opensuse 11.1?

Feb 1, 2009

how to change the login screen from opensuse 11.1?

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SUSE / Novell :: Allow Root Login Using Kde 4.5.3 On Opensuse 11.3?

Nov 6, 2010

How can I allow root logins using kde gui 4.5.3 on opensuse 11.3 ? Currently the gui says "root logons are not allowed" Rpms installed see listing [1]

# rpm -qa | grep -i kde |sort


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SUSE :: Disable Opensuse Auto Login From Command Line?

Mar 2, 2010

I have installed opensuse on VirutalBox , during installation I said "yes" to autologin as normal user.After installation and restart , it shows follwing message "Logging in Laks ...Cannot enter home directory . using /"I can login as single user by passing "single " in grub.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: No Login Screen With 11.4 (Suse Studio Build) With ATi Mobility Radeon HD 4250

May 25, 2011

I finished making a custom build OS of openSUSE 11.4 using suse studio but when I tried running the LIVE DVD in a laptop with an ATi Mobility Radeon HD 4250, I got a black screen. Everything from the word go seemed fine showing everything from the loading Kernel message, but the screen that is supposed to show the user accounts is surprisingly absent and only a black screen in its place.

I have only seen this problem with ATi graphics, Intel graphics work just fine. I haven't tested it on a laptop with nvidia. I'm using the default openSUSE 11.4 Kernel (Kernel-Desktop, Xorg-X11-driver-video-radeonhd 1.3.0_20100512_80ba041-2.1, Mesa 7.10.2-7.3.1, Xorg-X11 7.6-43.44.1. I have listed these few packages contained in the build, but I'm not sure where to look or what I may be missing.

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OpenSUSE :: Access Windows File System From Suse?

Aug 27, 2010

I am using 11.2 suse with gnome in vmware player on windows 7. I can drag and drop indivisual files from windows to suse and vice versa but Can I mount the whole windows file system in Suse.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: PDA With Windows Mobile 6.0 And Suse 11.1 With Gnome?

Oct 28, 2009

I spent more than a week trying to understand how to synchronize my PDA (Windows Mobile 6.0) with Suse 11.1 and no result. So far I learned what is PalmOS and what is not (I've been trying J-pilot and Gnome Pilot) I've tried with USB-cable and Bluetooth.

What I have so far:
- SynCE (installed via YaST, with some other components)
- Blueman just in case.
Was by default in my SUSE 11.1
- Evolution
- working bluetooth (Gnome Aplet + OBEX)
- Multisync (it does see the SynCE, doesn't see the Evolution)

So how to synchronize is one case, but first of all I need to know: how connect my PDA that SUSE will see a device for synchronization? I've tried Bluetooth and I can only get a paired OBEX PDA. I can send files. that's all. I would like to ask You for help. How to do it, step by step. We can start from scratch. During debug we can use text-terminal mode. But after is finished I would like to have a GUI terminal. I can promise, that if we manage to set-it up. I can describe it as a WIKI for other. Step-by-step.

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OpenSUSE Network :: File Transfer Suse To Windows?

Jan 30, 2010

I am currently running Windows Xp with service pack 3 and OpenSuse 11.0 (i586) on the same machine on separate hard drives. here are the specs on the machine. (Note: it is only a single core machine. I have no idea why both Suse and Windows say it is dual core as the processor was bought and installed months before dual cores went on the market.)

OS Information
OS: Linux i686
Current user: telknor@linux-l3e2
System: openSUSE 11.0 (i586)
KDE: 4.0.4 (KDE 4.0.4 >= 20080505) "release 15.4"


Now on to my problem. About a year ago I had to wipe my Windows drive and backed up about 32 GB of stuff from it to my OpenSuse drive. I did this from the Suse OS using Dolphin. In fact I can see, open, change, delete, modify layout, and move stuff around on the Windows drive all day long from Suse. I can as I said pull stuff over to the Suse drive from Windows drive while in Suse and save to Suse drive. Now I have need of the stuff that was moved but Windows does not see the Suse drive for what it is. Just says 'unknown partion type' gives size in GB and ignores it otherwise. From Suse if I try to move stuff back to the Windows drive it starts to transfer then stops and tells me it does not have permission to access the destination drive, folder, or location depending on how I tried to save it to the Windows drive. Adding new hard drives to the system does not help and the external 1 TB drive we have Suse can see it but will not do anything with it. The thumb drives on the other hand Suse does not have a problem with. It will open, read, and write to them all day long. Suse will not access the network to dump files to the network file server and it does not see any other systems on the network not even the ones running the same OS. I want to do the following:

1. Move the Windows files from the Suse drive to the Windows drive in same machine or to the network file server (also a windows machine)

2. Move all the Suse files to another machine running same Suse OS.

3. Wipe the Suse drive in this Machine so that Windows can use it.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Remote Desktop To SUSE From Windows

Feb 26, 2010

I have been reading up around the internet that although it is possible to use MSTSC.exe under Windows XP to connect back to a Suse machine running XRDP (I believe).I had been working fine with Suse 11.0 until today. I had not made any changes to my local network but now whenever I try to connect in, I am told that I can not start the session as the sesman logon fails!

I tail'ed /var/log/messages but there is nothing written to that log when I try (interestingly enough, I do get the logon prompt that requests username, password and session type - I usually select KDE3 but have tried all options - and get the error after clicking OK).

My questions:-
1. Is XRDP under 11.1 any better (more stable as when it worked, I use to get kicked out a lot under 11.0)
2. What log file should I be trying to tail so I can see what is happening?

I must use Linux as the back end, I don't want to use a hacked copy of XP anymore and don't want to pay �� for a real version when Linux is free and should by now be able to grant me access to my network from a remote location!VNC is not an option as I will be wanting to log on more than one user at the same time.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Replace Windows AD Domain In Suse?

May 29, 2010

At home I am using a Windows Server 2003 as Domain controller with Active Directory. My "client" computers are all currently running Windows XP. They all require CONTROL-ALT-DELETE and the user to enter their credentials before they will allow logon. Shared files reside on various other Server 2003 machines and have restrictions on so only specific users can access certain resources.

For example, I have the family finances and other important documents in a share named 'Private-Files', only members of the 'PrivateFiles' global group have access. Likewise, I have my movies sorted into their appropriate age categories - after all, I don't want my 5 year old son accidentally watching Aliens! So this all works but as you can imagine, the copies of Windows XP and Server 2003 are far from legitimate. I want to go legal and the only real way I can afford to do this is to switch over to Linux.

I have used Suse, Ubuntu, Fedora and a few other distros in the past and found that for ease of use, I want to use Ubuntu on the desktop computers but power the servers with Open Suse. The problem is, although I can install the OSes, I have no idea where to proceed from there - for example, how do I create a Domain in Suse? Where and how do I create domain users and groups? How do I set permissions on shares for the domain users?

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Remote Desktop From Windows To Suse

Aug 23, 2010

I am really a noob using Suse or any linux configuration. I have to work in a computer that uses Suse 10.3 from another computer that uses Windows.What I am looking for is for some programe that works most similarly to windows remote desktop or logmein. What I mean is that I want is to see my actual desktop, not to log as a new user (when I do that I loose my work when I log out)As I said I new at this so it would be great if you could recomend me some easy program to do what I need and with a detailed tutorial.

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SUSE :: Change Between Ubuntu And OpenSUSE And Dualbooting With Windows?

Feb 5, 2010

I'm currently dualbooting ubuntu and win7, can I just delete the ubuntu partition and install opensuse? Will grub still be there to choose between opensuse and win7? also, is it possible that video playback and overall speed will be better with openSUSE+KDE instead of ubuntu+gnome?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can`t Install Suse 11.3 - Every Time System Shut Down In Install Process

Jan 30, 2011

I tried to install suse 11.3 but every time the system shut down in the install process it never finish

I think that the FAN does not work

I have an Acer Aspire 5720z

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General :: Change To KDE - Install SuSE On Second Hd Than After Windows Partition On First Hd?

Feb 25, 2010

I have a computer with 2*Quad cores, 48GB RAM and 2* 1TB harddisks. There is a 100 GB partition for Windows 7 on one of the harddisks (sda). We want to use the computer for chemical computations, by running the chemical software on SuSE (SLES 10). I used GParted to shrink the Windows partition. I tried to install SuSE, but just before it asks for the root password, it restarts the computer, and after the restart the keyboard and mouse didn't work. (I had the keyboard, mouse and screen connected to a KVM switch, because I have more than one computer in the office). I tried to plug the mouse & keyboard directly into the computer, but nothing worked.

I was afraid of restarting the computer (since the installation wasn't completed) but I reasoned that perhaps then the computer would automatically pick up the mouse and keyboard. It did. However, earlier in the installation I chose to install KDE and not Gnome, but when everything was finished I found that I had Gnome, and not KDE. How do I change to KDE? I guess there should be a way using YAST or something, but I'm not sure. At present, one of the harddisks has the Windows partition, and then the SWAP (primary), and then the rest of the Linux part (primary). I would like to partition the Linux part like this......

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OpenSUSE Install :: Login At KDM (KDE4), The Monitor Goes Black And Returns To The Login Screen?

Nov 17, 2009

My OpenSUSE 11.2 is working fine as samba server, no problems, but I have a problem with KDM.My default init runlevel is set to 5 and every time I try to login at KDM (KDE4), the monitor goes black and returns to the login screen.If I hit Ctrl+Alt+F1 to go to console and start /usr/sbin/console-kit-daemon manually, press Ctrl+Alt+F7 to return to KDM login, everything is fine.What do I have to do to fix this issue?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Login At The Main Login In Prompt After Boot - Just Returns Back ?

Jan 6, 2010

When I try and login at the main login in prompt after boot, it just returns me back to the prompt again.

If I login as root it's fine...OpenSuse: 11.3 Kde: Latest

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Login / Get To Login Screen Type In Password It Begins To Load Desktop?

Jun 18, 2010

been using 11.2 with KDE on a Sony laptop since 11.2 was released always ran perfect suddenly I can't login, I get to the login screen type in password it begins to load my desktop, then fails and dumps me back to the login screen I can login as root, all my stuff is there (under /home/me) I tried changing my password, no luck I went to run level 3 and there I can login just fine seems to be something with my KDE profile
any ideas where I might find some error messages telling me what's going on?

this seemed to happen when I was running "blender" and making the machine do some heavy number crunching, it actually locked up.

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OpenSUSE Install :: After Boot Restored Defaults In Login Screen Themes / Login Theme Not Working?

Jun 3, 2011

i am having a boot problem with opensuse.i installed a theme named suse-elegant under personal settings(configure desktop)-system administration-login screen.

i had also added vbox users(i ticked vboxusers) under yast-security and users-user and group management-edit-details to make virtual box work.

i want to check that installed theme so i restarted my laptop.after the restart opensuse taking too long time to boot

note:the login theme also not working.

after the boot i restored defaults in login screen is also not working.

i don't know which cause this problem(vboxusers or login theme).i am also seeing a root user has been added in my login area.i tried opensuse failsafe also.

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