Server :: Get 3 Good Commercial Antivirus That Supports Redhat 8.0?

Jun 19, 2010

I want to protect samba Server running on Red hat 8.0(2.4.18-14 kernel). (i686 Architecture)
can any one prefer me 3 good commercial anti virus that supports
Redhat 8.0.

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Ubuntu :: Commercial Or Non-commercial Antivirus Software That Runs On 10.04 And That Works With The Samba V-scan Module?

Oct 17, 2010

Does anyone knows good commercial or non-commercial antivirus software that runs on ubuntu 10.04 and that works with the samba v-scan module? I was thinking about Avast, but I'm not sure it works with samba v-scan. Also I'm not sure it is possible to install the avast server edition for linux on ubuntu 10.04.

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Ubuntu Security :: Basics Of Good Security Of Small Commercial Website?

Jan 17, 2011

1. I understand you can protect your files or directories in your website by setting file/directory permissions. The meaning of r w x is clear to me, but I'm not sure how to proceed... Starting with the index.html file, if I wanted to make it so that anyone in the world can read it but can't modify it, do I set its permissions to rwxr-xr-x? If I set it to rwxr--r--, would that mean the file couldn't be served? I mean, what does the x setting do on a .html file, how can a .html file be executable?

2. If file permissions work on the lines of owner-group-others, in the context of a website, who is 'group'? As far as I can tell, there's only the owner, which is me, and others, which is the world accessing the site. Am I correct in thinking that by default, say when creating a website on a shared hosting server, there is no group unless I specifically set one up?

3. My ISP allows the service, meaning that I could serve a website from my home. It's too early to go that route just yet, but for future reference, I would like to ask about the server software called Hiawatha. It is said to be secure, but having read some evaluations of it, it doesn't seem to offer anything that couldn't be accomplished with Apache or Cherokee, it's just that its security settings are simpler and easier to configure. Am I right about this? Or does Hiawatha truly offer something that the other major server packages don't?

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General :: Found That RedHat Linux Supports Context-Dependent Path Names In Symbolic Links?

Apr 21, 2010

Found that RedHat Linux supports Context-Dependent Path Names in symbolic links using special reserved CDPN variables. Will it be possible to create a user-defined CDPN variable and use it in creating a symbolic link

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General :: Need A Good Video Player For Redhat 5.2

Oct 29, 2010

I am unable to install vlc player in my redhat 5.2 box.
can anyone suggest me any other good video player for my redhat 5.2 box
and from where i can download it with all dependencies .

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OpenSUSE :: Free Antivirus For 11.1 Server?

Aug 29, 2010

I have a web/db server running OpenSuSE 11.1, Apache 2.0, and MySQL 5.0.

What would be a good and free antivirus solution for it? I don't mind whether it's installed or runs from a website similar to as long as it's decent.

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Server :: Determine If A Device Supports IO Fencing?

Jul 20, 2010

Is there a command to determine of a device supports IO Fencing?We are trying to run a Sybase cluster that shares storage. I'm sure the device supports fencing, but don't know how to show that it does.

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Server :: RHL 8.0 Version Supports Installation Of Oracle 10g?

Nov 30, 2010

Does the RHL 8.0 version supports the Installation of Oracle 10g

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Security :: Install Based AntiVirus Server With Windows Clients?

Apr 1, 2010

I would like to install Linux based AntiVirus Server with Windows Clients. As per the existing setup, all Windows machines are using "demo" or "evaluation" copy of antivirus & all antivirus softwares are not same on all windows computers.

Someone is using Trend-Micro ,other is using Avast. Due to above listed problem,i want to implement Linux Based Free AntiVirus Server,which will be connected directly on the internet. The Linux AntiVirus server will updated it's database from Internet automatically.

Inside the Linux Server,all Windows PC's are connected in a same Local Area Connection. All windows XP computers will fetch the updated data from the Anti Virus Server. Also,i am searching MAIL RESPONDER OR POP UP Windows,when any virus found on any client machine. My company needs Cost Effective solution & Linux is the best solution for this.

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Server :: Virtual Boxes Supports 32bit And 64bit Os?

Jun 23, 2010

Iam using Centos 5.4 and now i want to install virtual box in my os. how many virtual boxes can be run
on 32bit and 64bit linux os?

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Server :: FTP Server For Which Supports FTPS?

May 11, 2010

do you know if there is any ftp server than can support FTPS?

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Server :: Minimum Partition Size Required In Redhat Linux Server For DNS Server Configuration?

May 5, 2011

Right now i have a HP DL 180 Server with 130 Gb Hard Disk & 8 Gb ram after Raiding0+1. i want to configure Domain Controller Server for my office for 200 to 300 Users. what should the partition size must be mentioned in my 130 Gb Hard Disk, is that going to be Sufficient for ME ?

i am bit confused about /Usr /Var /Boot partitions, as i need to manage perfectly in 130 GB

if i go with 4 Gb swap and remaining for " / " is that will be fine ? should i need to specify partition sizes separately for / tmp /var / usr ..

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Server :: Configure Redhat Enterprise Server 4 As Router And Proxy Server

May 18, 2010

Im new in linux i want to configure my redhat machine as both router and transparent proxy!

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Server :: Rsync Files And Directories From A RedHat Host To A Windows Server 2003R2?

Jun 9, 2011

I'm trying to rsync files and directories from a RedHat linux host(v 4.5 & 4.7) to a Windows server 2003R2 Standard Edition with cygwin running. I'm executing the rsync command from the cygwin shell. The transfer involves rsync'ing approximately 1 TB of data from the linux server to the windows server. After about 280+GB of data transfer, the transfer just dies.

There seems to be no particular file or directory that the transfer stops at. I'm able to rsync GB's of data from other linux hosts to this cygwin server with no problem. Files and directories rsync fine.The network infrastructure is essentially the same regardless of the server being rsync'ed in that it is GB Ethernet running through Cisco GB switches. There appear to be no glitches or hiccups across the network path.

I've asked the folks at if they know of any problems or issues. Their response has been neutral in that if the version of rsync that cygwin has ported is within standards then there is no rsync reason this problem should happen.I've asked the cygwin support site if they know of any issues and they have yet to reply. So, my question is whether the version of rsync that is ported to cygwin is standard. If so, is there any reason cygwin & rsync keep failing like this?

I've asked the local rsync on linux guru's and they can't see any reason this should fail from a linux perspective. Apparently I am our company cygwin knowledge base by default.

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Server :: Configure RedHat As A Time Of Day Server For A Docsis Modem System

May 13, 2011

I have been able to find enough information that I need to enable 'time-udp' in /etc/xinetd.d/ But there isn't an entry for time-udp. How do I enable time-udp (Time of Day server) on a Red Hat system? It's RHEL 5.6 64bit.

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Server :: Icons Not Showing In GNOME Desktop At REDHAT ES Server

May 4, 2011

Icons Not Showing in GNOME desktop at REDHAT ES Server.Also no right click on desktop .No Action.

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Server :: Unable To Load Redhat 9 Server After Disk Recovered?

Mar 13, 2011

I got this type of messages:k journald starting. commit interval 5 seconds.EXT3.fs:mounted file system with ordered data modefreeing unused kernel memory : 212 k freed.Warning:unable to open an initial consoleAfter this Server is not hang state but stay at same Anybody can help me how to resloved this type of issue.

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Server :: Redhat Version 5 Server Use As BTSN Exchange?

Mar 6, 2011

i had redhat version 5 server , i want use it as BTSN exchange can i used for this, and how

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Fedora :: Reading A Commercial DVD?

Mar 23, 2011

How do I get Fedora 14 to read a commercial DVD?

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Software :: Ubuntu 10.04 Rip Commercial DVDs

Jun 17, 2010

I want to take dvds that I have bought and put them on my droid phone. I have been using windows XP for this but my windows machine took a dive a few weeks ago and I am struggling getting it going and I am trying to make Linux work. On my dell laptop inspiron 6000 I am running Ubuntu 10.04 and I am loving it so far but I am jot able to get any of my commercial DVD to rip. I know that it has to do with the copyrights but is there a way for me to rip a DVD and then convert it. I have virtualbox on the system and I am not against using another OS. I have tried to install windows 98 and XP (2different disk) and I have not been able to get it. I have tried k9copy, acidrip, DVD::rip, kino and pitivi video editor and I have not been able to get any of them to work.

I have also tried several different DVDs. I am not an expert in any of these software's. I am even willing to by software if I have to. I have also tried to get my wintv pvr usb2 video capture device to work under Ubuntu but I am have tried several times over the past several years to get it work but the walkthrough I have been finding have not workedm. My system does not do what they say its supposed to or I don't understand the walkthroughs. I would be very happy if anyone could any of the above options working. I don't care which one. I would even consider paying some to log into my computer and get it setup if there is a person or company that does that with Ubuntu.

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CentOS 5 :: Commercial Paid Support?

Nov 12, 2010

is there commerical paid support for centos i know fedora is supported by redhat

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Server :: How To Install Bind Server On RedHat 5

Apr 26, 2010

How to install step by step to install bind server on RHEL 5.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Difference Between NIS And Redhat Dir Server?

Apr 6, 2009

It seems that NIS/NIS+ and Redhat Dir Server/CentOS Dir Server have similar functions.

What are important differences between them?

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Server :: LAMPP, Good For Internal Use Or No?

Jul 7, 2010

We want to build a couple internal web apps for about 150 people to use, maybe 10 concurrently of any one app/site. LAMPP seems to be pretty simple to use for all it does, but their website has the following disclaimer at the bottom of this post, and there's some people here, programmers who like to make things way more intense/"cool" for programmers than they need to be for a small shop, who agrue that it shouldn't be used in production. I'm not really sure our internal 150 people classify as the type of "production" they are referring to below, I think they more mean a public facing site. We're never going to grow any bigger than this people-wise, or ever make these public facing sites. Just looking for some advice, as lampp seems very easy to use, as well as easy to backup and restore the entire lampp folder and get going on another server quickly in the event of a disaster.

As mentioned before, XAMPP is not meant for production use but only for developers in a development environment. The way XAMPP is configured is to be open as possible and allowing the developer anything he/she wants. For development environments this is great but in a production environment it could be fatal.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Commercial Cutting MPEG2?

Sep 13, 2010

I'm just looking for a good mpeg cutter for my Ubuntu laptop. I currently use video redo on my Windows PC but that is also my HTPC and is hooked up to the TV. I would prefer not to do it on the TV because of possible burn in issues and would love to be able to take the mpeg files recorded on the HTPC and cut them on the laptop but haven't found a really great application to do that.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Codecs For Commercial DVDs?

Dec 16, 2010

I am unable to play commercial DVDs on an Ubuntu laptop.I have a fairly new Lenovo 4151 laptop. It came with Windows 7 Premium but I have replaced that with Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Lucid. (Actually, a friend helped me do that.) I would like to play commercial DVD's on it.Movie Player says it need a plugin but is unable to find on on the web. "No packages with the requested plugins found." "The requested plugins are: DVD Source"

So I installed VLC Media Player and it won't play the DVD either. It presents me with a host of files, none of which it will play.I would like to stay with 10.04 if possible because I want to give this lap-top to my sister and I would like her to have an LTS distro, so she doesn't have to upgrade for a long time.My supposition is that I need to add a source for additional codecs and install them.I did search these forums (fora?) for codec, but didn't find anything appropriate. I'm not so familiar with this, so I may have missed something.

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General :: Commercial C++ Compiler For OS Based Application?

Jan 12, 2011

What is the best commercial C++ compiler on Linux. Best in the sense of runtime performance.

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General :: Good Email Server To Use On Ubuntu 9.10

May 18, 2010

Looking for recommendations on an easy to configure email server to use on Ubuntu. I have been using SME but I have encountered some issues with how emails are handled. I primarily want to use it in a test capacity for a small lan I have created.

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Server :: Good Links To Know More About OS Clustering In System?

Dec 1, 2010

Share good links to know more about OS clustering in Linux.

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Red Hat :: Redhat 5 Windows XP Dual Boot Boots Only Into Redhat?

Jan 11, 2011

I had Windows XP working. I then put in a new hard disk and installed Redhat 5 on it. rom then i could only boot into Redhat. Further, everyting is very slow. Anothe rproblem is that Redhat does not see my netwrok so I cannot get onto the Internet. I need to have the choice of booting into XP or Redhat.

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