Server :: DNS TXT With Multiple Key-value Pairs?

Mar 3, 2011

how I can have a TXT dns record having more than one key-value pair for the same domain (, for example). The problem is that if I have two separate TXT records, only the first one gets returned when doing a dns query on it. I am using BIND 9. so, how can I place these two key-value pairs on one TXT record:

TXT "v=spf1 ip4: ip4:13.434.89.0/26 ip4: ~all"


TXT "google-site-verification=cadfasklfjasdfsdfJJDSDFSDfdska3kasfjsdf903"

in just one TXT record. When doing a query, this is what I get:


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Security :: Ssh: Key Pairs Per User Or OS?

Apr 20, 2010

I have recently moved back to Linux as my primary desktop platform and have begun to use ssh keys for a lot of things. Logging into remote machines but also things like github, bitbucket, and a mercurial-server instance. The managing of my keys has become a little cumbersome. For example, I have the following OSs that I may use on any given day:

- Primary Linux Desktop
- Laptop w/ Windows 7
- Laptop w/ Linux
- Local Linux Server
- Production Linux Server

On each of those OSs, I have a user and from any of them I might need to pull code from a mercurial-server instance. That means I have to setup five "users" on the mercurial-server instance to give just one person (me) access from all locations. So, I was wondering what the best practice for this setup is. Can I use just one key pair for "me" and install the .pub key on all my systems? If I do that, then on most of those systems, the .pub key will be installed and also be in the authorized_keys file (i.e. I want to be able to login to the production server from my local linux box but also be able to login to mercurial-server from the production server), is that a problem?

Finally, I have been wondering about the wisdom in using the same public key for all services. For example, I currently use the same key to login to my production linux server as I use to login to bitbucket. If there was a malicious admin at bitbucket, or any third party I am using a key with, then they can get access to my user on my production system b/c they know my .pub key.

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Ubuntu :: Managing Pairs Of Web Pages And Folders?

Dec 20, 2010

Is there any way to manage pairs of Web pages and folders as one does in windows? it is a handy feature

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General :: Find Network / Broadcast Pairs?

Dec 5, 2009

Given a subnet mask of and the first network address of, what are all of the network/broadcast pairs?

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General :: Multiple Servers Or One Server With Multiple VMWare?

Feb 7, 2011

I'm looking at setting up a couple automated systems: Here are a few examples:

* Internal accounting system to download and process emails
* Public web server to visit

I could put each system on its own separate box -- for example, it's generally good practice to separate anything that external users have access to (such as a webserver) from internal processes such as accounting. Now, rather than dishing out the money for two separate servers, could I get away with just installing new instances of VMWare on the same box for each system?

To give you an idea, these are not large scale computationally sensitive systems. The accounting one is simply downloading and tallying emails, and the latter is just a webserver with maybe 5 hits per day on a good day. I could definitely pick up a new box for say $50, but I wanted to know the general practice of using VMWare on the same box versus two separate boxes.

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Server :: Create A Webhost On An Running Fedora Server Which Runs Multiple Webpages + A Coldfusion Server?

Sep 29, 2010

have to create a webhost on an running fedora server which runs multiple webpages + a coldfusion serveri have to add an coldfusion virtual host to these.what i would do:*crate a new user & group*enter vhosts.conf and copy an existing host and modify it for the new one.*create an new folder and copy the main files (phpstarter and webroot) *chown the files for the right useri think an apache graceful would be needet

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Networking :: Server On Multiple VLANs Server Not Responding To Pings From Non-local Subnets?

Jul 14, 2010

I've got a machine running Ubuntu Server that is on several VLANs. Each VLAN has its own subnet and the server has an address on each subnet. The switches are set to allow tagged traffic to the server for each VLAN that it is on. Switch ports ending with workstations are given untagged ports on whatever VLAN is appropriate. Workstations are given addresses on a subnet for each VLAN via DHCP. All this works great and hosts on any subnet/VLAN can access the server as normal via its address on that subnet/VLAN.

Accessing the machine by its address on a non-local subnet is where I run into a problem. Inter-subnet traffic has to go through a router, which has been set up appropriately. Running tcpdump on the server and pinging it from a workstation on a subnet, using its address on a different subnet, shows the server receives the ping, but sends no response:

sudo tcpdump -i vlan4 -n
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode


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Server :: IOPS On Multiple Server Single Mount Point System?

May 28, 2010

In my production setup, i have 3 servers using the same mount point. However, i see that the IOPS is low. Does this kind of architecture have any impact on IOPS. In case it is neutral, how can i tune my setup for better IOPS.

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Server :: Multiple Users Logging Into Same Windows Server And Using Xwindows?

May 18, 2010

I have an issue with users logging into a server. There are multiple (5 or so) database admins that have to log into a windows 2003 server and from there log into a red hat server. Once they are in the rhel box they execute an app (let's say xclock) that gives them an xwindows session on their desktop. Currently only one person can do this at a time, but they have asked me to configure it to allow multiple users to log into the red hat box from the windows server and run an xwindow.

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Server :: Postfix Relaying Email To Multiple Mailbox Server?

Apr 4, 2010

i have setup mailrelay using postfix and relay email to exchange server. The problem is how can i relay email to multiple exchange server. For example: -

domain relay to exchange server
domain relay to exchange server

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CentOS 5 Server :: Multiple Html Folders For Sandbox Server?

Aug 30, 2010

I am running Centos 5.5 with Apache 2.2.3, MySql 5, and PHP 5.1.6. I am migrating a Drupal installation to the default html folder for development purposes. I am very new to server management, and a bit lost.I want to install some other web sites on the sandbox server to experiment with before uploading them to a Production environment. Is it possible to have multiple html folders? Or to use symlinks to point to the folders where the other web sites will reside?

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Ubuntu :: Set Up Server Over Multiple Pcs?

Sep 29, 2010

So I have a few old dell computers. I want to use them to set up a ubuntu linux server in my basement. Is there a way for me to set up the server over all the pcs so that I can use the processing power of them all together for the server. What would be the best way for me to set a server up with these machines.

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Server :: Using DNS At Multiple Locations?

Jan 13, 2011

My company has 2 locations. I have a server running BIND, Apache, and MySQL. I'm setting up a second server just in case the primary goes down. I'm sure it's bad form to it the way I'm doing it, but how might I go about configuing my backup? Should I do it as a Secondary DNS server?

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Server :: Ftp For Multiple Domain?

Apr 3, 2010

i have two domains(eg. my and my in my server for single static ip.i have also configured ftp server for those two domains.And also seperate ftp users for my and my

e.g. my ftp user----big
my ftp user----small

i can able to access the ftp server from client pcs. my problem is when i tried to access ftp server by

user small
passwd xxx

i.e the domain i want to access is my

the username and password which i given is for my

but i can able to login through that ftp user and the location is location.

but i don't want this to happen .

i want to be accessed only through my domain ftp users and my to be accessed only through my ftp users,what to do.

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Debian :: Proxy Server Multiple IPs?

Oct 1, 2015

I am want to host a lot of SOCK5 proxies and would like to know what's the best software/Linux build that could suit for hosting proxies for a while sub net on once instance. So I want roughly 256 ipv4's on one machine, what's the best way of doing this? I have looked into Dante but would like to know if there is there any better software multiple proxies?

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Ubuntu :: Multiple Terminal In Server?

Mar 9, 2011

I am using Ubuntu 10.04 Server as my web server. I need to run Kannel for sending SMS. This require two programs i.e bearerbox and smsbox to be run. In case of Redhat I do this by opening 2 terminals. How can I do this in Ubuntu server which has no GUI

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Server :: How To Backup Multiple Servers

Jun 28, 2011

I am currently working on managing multiple linux servers in remote locations, servers particularly user for web hosting. I need to backup data to a backup server but rsync which i currently using doesnt helps is there any tool to backup every server with out modifying it bcos there are hundreds of servers so installing a tool in every server is time consuming process.

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Server :: How To Check Multiple Processes?

Jun 13, 2011

I have running license server on my server. Right now I would like to write small status script and check if software is running.My software include 3 deamons:

1) daemonA
2) daemonB
3) daemonC

My script should check, if each of this deamon is running. If all deamons are running then script should print short output: "License server is running" if one of this daemons is not running, output should "License server is not running". Is it possible to write small loop to check it ? Let say, loop will take new daemon name from deamons pool and will check if its running. Sometimes I need to check more than three daemons of one Program and I dont know how to write good script for this. Maybe somebody could help me with this loop that in the future I could also use; daemonD, daemonE, daemonF.etc.etc. if all daemons from pool is running then..."Software is running"

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Server :: Mounting Multiple LUNs Over 1 HBA?

Apr 27, 2011

Is it possible to present multiple LUNs from 1 SAN with 1 NFS server? Currently, my NFS server is directly connected to my FC SAN. Do I have to install and configure multipathing for this to work OR is this just not possible to do over one connection?

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Server :: Multiple Domain Name In One Mail?

Apr 6, 2010

I have a Slackware 12.1 box with mail server running on Postfix and Dovecot. My domain name is,say, [URL].. I have another domain, I want to use both the domain for incoming. Like, someone sends mail to [URL]... otherone sends mail to Both the mail should be received.

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Server :: Run Multiple Httpd Daemon?

Apr 21, 2010

I need to run multiple httpd daemon. I have multiple ip's assigned on one interface and i want to run multiple websites on these ip's,

And i need to run multiple apache daemons for this. How can i do that

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Server :: Multiple IP Address On A Single NIC?

Jan 20, 2011

We can add multiple IP address on a single NIC. Is there any limitation that is how many ip address I can add on a single NIC card??

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Server :: Possible To Have Multiple Qmail Smtproutes?

Feb 7, 2010

Is it possible to have multiple servers in /var/qmail/control/smtproutes? I need to prevent if the server unavailable then it would connect to another ones.

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Server :: Multiple Servers Acting Like One?

Jan 26, 2010

by now I have 10 servers for hpc, power computing oriented. My users need to launch several processes using qmake. The users are used to work with ubuntu 9.10, and the software from the repositories is switable for them. I've deployed ubuntu 9.10 to all 10 servers (pxe rocks). By now we work with parallel-ssh and cluster-ssh, which allows as to launch the same process to all servers. With this tools this tools the servers remain as independent but with the same software and the same launched command. Now we would like to go to next step and see all the servers as a single one with all the resources from the other 9 as if was its resources. The difference would be substantial in time to process and also time to design the command to launch.

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Server :: Mysql For Multiple Websites?

Aug 1, 2011

I currently have a single mysql instance for a couple of websites. Both websites require that the user provide a username.

The thing I just noticed is that two people might choose the same username for both applications. Both of them would have grants to each others' tables, although neither would ever be able to access them, since they can only access through php scripts.

But, I'm now guessing this is not best practice. What does one do? Run multiple instances of mysql for several websites?

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Server :: Possible To Use Multiple SSL Certs For Same IP In Apache?

Sep 2, 2009

Is it possible to run multiple SSL enabled sites (each having it's own SSL certificate) off of one IP address, or do I need a separate IP for each one? Any links to conclusive web pages.

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Server :: Postgresql Runs In Multiple Pid?

Jul 19, 2010

when i give service postgresql status command. i get the following.ostmaster (pid xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx) is running...The issue is my postmaster service is running in multiple process ids.As a result my cpu usage becomes high.How to resolve this. my postmaster service need to be run under only one process id

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Server :: SSH On Multiple Computers In Same Network

Dec 29, 2010

I am setting up my home network. Currently, I have one computer (Munchen) which I have set in my router to receive SSH requests. This works just fine; I can SSH into that box from anywhere. I just put together a new computer, which I want to be a file repository, my ftp server, my http server, etc. What I would like is to be able to SSH into that machine from anywhere, then SSH into the other computers on that network from there.

Here is where I really don't understand the concept of what is going on. I can SSH past the router into one computer just fine either from anywhere (that makes sense to me). I can SSH from my new computer (Chemnitz) into Munchen (which is where the router points to and is running sshd) by using its local IP address, but I can't go from Munchen to Chemnitz (even though the server is running and the firewall should be allowing the connection). [URL]

Details of the system setup are below.
Munchen (receives all port 22 requests now)
Ubuntu 10.04
Chemnitz (I want to receive all port 22 requests and SSH into other computers on the network from it. Ultimately it will be a file sharing box, hosting a webpage, running an ftp server, etc.)
Fedora 14

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Server :: Multiple SSL Certificates On Apache

Apr 4, 2010

I'm trying to set up a 2nd SSL cert on a different domain on a server, each domain has its own IP address, the problem is the Web developer that configured the first domain specified ssl keys for the primary domain in both the vhost config in httpd.conf AND in the ssl.conf config files. If I attempt to remove the keys form ssl.conf the server will not start up. and with them there It will not start up if I specify keys for the secondary domain.

LoadModule ssl_module modules/
SSLCertificateFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/
SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/primary_gd_bundle.crt

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Server :: VPS Setting Up Multiple Outgoing Ips?

Jun 10, 2011

i have ip's which are and If i log into the outgoing ip shows up as and if i log into the outgoing ip still shows up as I need to set it so that when i log into a to shows up as as the outgoing. Same for when i log into it shows up as on the outgoing end. I need to know how to set it like this. Anyhelp would be greatly appreciated. I am using my VPS as an SSH tunneling. I would to have it set up so that if i log into 1 account the ip will be x.xx.xx.1 and if i log into another account it would be x.x.xx.2 ect. I have been searching for hrs on thsi stuff and no luck at all.

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