Red Hat / Fedora :: Changes Don't Reflect After Reboot?

Nov 3, 2010

I have installed fedora linux distribution on oracle virtual machine on windows.
The problem am facing is whenever I make changes( as in adding users, configuring web servers, making any kind of changes in files etc.).. and after a while I reboot my machine, I dont see any changes I made.. the changes do not just show up.

what could be the reason behind it and how do I fix it ?

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Fedora Installation :: Update Media's Repo Information To Reflect Some Of Updated Packages

May 13, 2011

I am creating custom install media using the Fedora Core 14 DVD as a base and I have gathered all of the packages and their dependencies I require using the yumdownloader command.I made sure to download the @core group along with the ones listed above. The problem I'm running into is that I don't know how to update the media's repo information to reflect some of the updated packages I have downloaded. So when I go to install on the device, it's saying it can't read/open a certain package and you can see that it's looking for an older version because I'm guessing its repo is telling anaconda that this is the specific version to look for. I'm looking for a way to "update" the repo found on the installation media.

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Hardware :: Can't Even Reflect Screen Across X Or Y Axis?

Jul 9, 2010

My LCD has pivot mode but i don't know how i can use that. I've read manual but I can't even reflect my screen across x or y axis. I've tried also transform option. Nothing worked. In result I've got only massage that i don't understand:

$ xrandr -x
X Error of failed request: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
Major opcode of failed request: 151 (RANDR)
Minor opcode of failed request: 2 (RRSetScreenConfig)
Serial number of failed request: 14


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Server :: Does RES In Top Reflect Any Shared Memory?

Apr 20, 2010

I am trying to troubleshoot an Apache/Mysql server that once every few days falls over due to memory starvation. I thought I had tuned my httpd.conf file with relativley small MaxClients and so on, but then noticed some unusual RES values in top while monitoring.

In short, `top -b -n1 -u apache` shows that I have 28 httpd processes. their VIRT is ~300MB for each process (I understand this is shared), and the RES ~50MB for each. I thought this wasn't shared. Is this true? I just noticed 2 of the processes jump to 1.2g. If RES represents non-shared memory then concievably 1.2g x 28 processes would be a problem on an 8GB server.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Identify Reboot Source Or Cause Of Reboot?

Feb 16, 2011

last -a shows server rebooted, how to identify the source or cause of reboot? thx reboot system boot Wed Feb 16 08:52 (02:0

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OpenSUSE :: OpenOffice File Dialog Does Not Reflect Changes Of New Documents?

Jan 7, 2011

Whenever, I successfully save a new document, the document's icon does not display in the KDE File Dialog until OpenOffice restarts. The document exists, because trying to do a "Save As" on it produces a dialog that states if one wants to overwrite the document. Also, trying to export a PDF twice has the same outcome.

OpenOffice 3.2.1
scim 1.4.7-174.1
KDE 4.4.4
openSUSE 11.3 64-bit

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Ubuntu Installation :: Changes To Menu.lst Do Not Reflect Correct Partition?

May 19, 2010

I have Ubuntu Lucid, but this problem has been around since Feisty for me. Here's what happens: My menu.lst file has the following line in it:

title Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, kernel 2.6.32-22-generic
root (hd0,2)
kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.32-22-generic root=UUID=de57202b-4cfd-4de3-8b3c-92c2267eb10a ro quiet splash vga=773
initrd /initrd.img-2.6.32-22-generic

Upon any kernel updates, or uninstalling old kernels that I no longer need, the hd(0,2) gets replaced by hd(0,0), which leads to not being able to boot, unless I manually reset the hd(0,0) back to hd(0,2).

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Ubuntu :: Natty Kickoff Menu Does Not Reflect New App Install

May 6, 2011

I just installed Kubuntu, but whenever I install an application or remove one, the Kickoff Menu doesn't update to reflect this. The strange thing is, I can actually click on apps I supposedly uninstalled and they still launch, for example I replaced libreoffice with openoffice, and the menu still only shows libreoffice...

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Ubuntu Security :: Changing Permissions Of Files To Reflect Their New Folder?

Jan 4, 2011

I have a shared folder set up that allows all users on the computer to have access to all the music on the computer. In the folder with all the music the group 'music' has permission to add and delete files and all users are members of 'music'. This should allow all users to have complete access to these files, however, when I add files to the folder they retain their original permissions and do not take on the permissions of the folder. I could change the permissions of the files to reflect the folder every time I add a cd. But that is annoying. What I am wondering is if there is any way to make files automatically reflect the permissions on the folder they are moved into.

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Networking :: SO_RCVBUF Does Not Reflect Increasing Listen Queue Size

Jul 9, 2010

In my Solaris tcp client server program, In server side I am checking the size of recv buffer, based on different listen queue size.

I was expecting this size to be increased due to the increase in receive queue size. why the value is same ?

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Software :: System Date / Time Change Not Reflect On Log Messages

Jun 29, 2010

I have the application and kernel module running on my system. In the meantime, I am changing the date and time of the system. However, this change doesn't reflect on log messages of the application that's being executed.

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OpenSUSE :: Auto Configure - Reinstall To Reflect System In Current State

Apr 17, 2011

Is there a way to get a list of all packages installed since install (that are currently on the system) and upon re-install run an application that will automatically install those packages. This would save greatly on initialisation time (the re-set up afterwards). Essentially, I want to re-install and/or move to another machine and want to the new install to reflect the system as it currently stands.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Configure The Server To Reflect The New Settings Of The New Service Provider?

Jun 4, 2011

I am a newbie to linux and running ubuntu server 10.10 (no gui), I had it configured with a fixed ip address and all was fine till I changed internet poroviders and got issued with a new router.

I am trying to configure the server to reflect the new settings of the new service provider. here are the contents of /etc/network/interfaces

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

Just so I got this right can someone tell me if I am right here. address is the IP I wish to give to my server statically. and gateway is the ip of the router. When I try to ping the router I get

Ping ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From icmp_seq=1 Destrination Host unreachable
When I try to ping the internet i get :


Is there anyone that can shed some light on where my problem may be. As i said before I got the new router I had been working with the server no problem.

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Ubuntu :: Mount TrueCrypt Volume To Recover Macrium Reflect Image?

Feb 28, 2011

I have created a TrueCrypt volume, mounted it in Windows, and created an image file for my OS partition using Macrium Reflect (free version). I made a Rescue CD for Macrium, and the setup works great on unencrypted files, but I have no way to mount the TrueCrypt volume, while booted to the Macruim rescue CD. I have Puppy Linux 4.3.1 on a CD, and can boot to it. I'm a beginner's beginner, however, and I haven't figured out how to install TrueCrypt with Puppy Linux running. Getting the Macrium recovery program to run with the TrueCrypt volume mounted looks even more complicated, and I don't know if it's even possible. I want to be able to recover my laptop from a drive failure, as well as protect my OS from bad programs or malware. Macrium reflect does this job well, because it:

1. is free

2. only writes the used space of the system partition to the image file, and also compresses the data, resulting in a relatively small file. (~ 50 percent of the used space on the OS partition)

3. retains drive alignment for a pre-aligned partition.

However, I wish to keep my backup partitions encrypted to protect my privacy. TrueCrypt does an excellent job of this because it:

1. is free

2. encrypts the OS and all data on the computer.

3. protects all backup data.

I like the fact that Puppy Linux can be loaded into memory, so I only need to boot from removable media to work on my OS partition. I understand there is a portable Ubuntu OS, and perhaps this would be a better platform for my goal? Is there a way to combine Linux on removable media, with Macrium Reflect, and recover an image from a TrueCrypt volume?

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General :: Embedded Reboot Crash - Error Executing The Reboot Command

May 4, 2011

I'm working with Linux 2.6.23 on an embedded device and am receiving the following error executing the reboot command.

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General :: Will Not Reboot After Install (Arch) - -bash: /sbin/reboot: Input/output Error

Oct 7, 2010

I am using sda1 as /, which is a bootable drive. I do not know if my problem is that I did not create a /boot drive. After removing the iso dvd, I tried to reboot and I get this back: -bash: /sbin/reboot: input/output error Then it returns me to the terminal prompt.

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Fedora :: Fedora LiveUSB - After Reboot Machine - System Backtrack The Original One

Nov 1, 2010

Today I installed starDict in my Fedora LiveUSB, after I reboot machine. The system backtrack the original one, and then I update the kernel, the system also backtrack.

Why LiveUSB have this function. Can you explain theory about LiveUSB.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: DNS Changes On Reboot?

May 29, 2011

I hav got RHEL 5 installed on my system. i have two nic cards in my system. one of the ethernet card is connected to internet provider and another nic to another system in lan. I have configured one of the nics to get ip automatically from internet service provider and another nic has got static address. on reboot the static dns and dns search path assigned on second ethernet is also changing, may be coz i hav configured dynamic ip on another nic. in this situation am able to get internet but am not able to communicate with other system in lan. can we not have two different setting as we can hav in windows.

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Fedora Servers :: VNC After Reboot

Mar 14, 2009

Ok this is one of those questions that have probably been made often. But I just CANNOT find a way around this on Fedora, and i have searched for it alot. Basically, after remotely rebooting my server, i'm not able to connect through vnc because the server needs to login. I've looked into an automatic login, but this is not the way i want to go. Edit: I'm using the default fedora vnc server, and RealVNC on my Windows computer. Been to ##linux on freenode, but at the time, noone there could answer me either.

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Fedora :: Reboot After Every Update?

Sep 5, 2009

Why does it seem now I have to reboot after EVERY update ? I have been a Fedora user for YEARS !! I am on Fedora 11. It seems now that I get updates sometimes 3 to 6 times per week and it always has an icon to reboot !! I can't run a stable web server/DNS/email/NAS server if I have to reboot every day !! Why is every update requiring a reboot now ?

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Fedora :: Upgrade F11 To F12 Will Not Reboot

Dec 10, 2009

At the end of preupgrade & upgrade a reboot was called for. After reboot, the only choice that appears in the boot screen is ... Upgrade to Fedora 12 (Constantine). The only thing to edit after typing 'e' is ... kernel /upgrade/vmlinuz preupgrade Repo=HD::/var/cache/yum/preupgrade->

initrd /upgrade/initrd.img

If I allow it to boot to "Upgrade" it tries to do a fresh install.

P.S. This was a lot of typing to do on an IPhone

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Fedora :: Can't Reboot After Power Cut

May 15, 2011

Unbeknown to us our son removed the battery and I unplugged the power cord. Instant off! Since then I can't restart. The error is very lengthy but each Control-D brings a reboot but the same sticking point. If I understand correctly I am asked to run setenforce as root. I did this and it does each separate file. How many will I have to do? Is there another way to restart?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Reboot After Installing F15?

Jun 10, 2011

reboot after installing fedora15, it gives me the BAD EIP value error

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Fedora Networking :: DNS Lost After Every Reboot?

Mar 2, 2009

I have entered my primary and secondary DNS addresses through Network Configuration tool (system-config-network). But whenever I reboot the system it loses the DNS addresses. Following another thread, I tried changing the PEERDNS=no in ifcfg-wlan0; but it didn't work. I also put both DNS addresses in the ifcfg file, but that didn't work either.Does anyone know a solution to this?$ uname -aLinux fedoralinux #1 SMP Wed Feb 11 23:58:12 EST 2009 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

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Fedora Networking :: Network Not Up After Reboot

Mar 10, 2009

I have installed fedora core 9 and configures the ifcfg-eth0 script as below. my problem is the network is not coming up after reboot. after the reboot if i restart the network service(service network restart) network is coming up.

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Fedora Installation :: 10 Hanged After Reboot?

Apr 2, 2009

i have a Emu10k1 sound card in my system , i did a installation and after reboot it hanged

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Fedora :: Xwindows Crash After Reboot?

Oct 19, 2009

after playing games using WINE, I noticed that the system went Black screen of death.

I had to hard boot the system and now system is hanging. However, I can ssh into the system from another machine so I know only X windows hung.

I can log in using NX client without any issue, but can not log in from the console.

This is the entry from .xsession-errors:
Window manager warning: Failed to read saved session file /home/stranger/.config


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Fedora :: Reboot System Before Write DVD?

May 8, 2010

I use Fedora12 AMD 64 and use Gnome and use K3B for write CD and DVD , when my system is ON for 1 hour and I want write DVD with K3B , I have to reboot system and after reboot , I can write DVD and I do not have problem , but when I do not REBOOT system and start write DVD , write 4.3 GB od DATA , take long time , and my fedora write on DVD in 8 hour and sometimes it take long time , but after reboot write one DVD take 16 min. I do not know why .

fedora work for 1 hour -----> when dose not reboot system --> take 8 hour for write one DVD Fedora work for 1 hour -----> when reboot system ---------> take 16 min for write on DVD

this is happen when I use brasero for write DVD. my HDD is 80 GB and I use Default partitioning rule for partition my HDD

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Fedora :: Settings Not Saved After Reboot

May 24, 2010

I'm having a problem with the mesa-dri-drivers-experimental, I bought a new monitor, Samsung 24" Widescreen LCD Monitor (B2430H) and my old monitor was a 24 inch too but with a different native resolution, my new monitors native resolution is 1680x1050 and I try to change the settings in the system settings/ display/ size&orientation area since the mesa drivers don't have a xorg.conf but my settings don't save after a reboot. Is there a config file for the mesa-dri-drivers-experimental where I can change these settings?

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Fedora :: Reload Partition Without Reboot?

Jul 13, 2010

I make partition on fedora-12, after that it gives me warning

kernel was unable to re-read the partition table on /dev/sda (Device or resource busy). This means Linux won't know anything about the modifications you made until you reboot.

Is it possible to reload partition without reboot, i tried partprobe as well but no luck.

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