Programming :: Unable To Publish Data

Aug 5, 2010

In my application, we are using Publish/subscribe model implemented in JAVA and when I implemented it on windows to windows os,it is working fine and able to publish the right data and even when I am trying the same between two different OS i.e between Windows and Solaris sparc or opensolaris. I am getting the expected data.

But when I am doing the same thing with same code on Linux and any other OS,not able to publish data on other OS's but when I am publishing the data from other OS to Linux,I am getting the right data.

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Server :: Unable To Publish Application On Citrix Xenapp 4.0 (Unix Version )?

Apr 28, 2011

i have installed solaris 10, on solaris i have deploy citrix xennapp 4.0 (Unix Version). installation complete successfully,but now i want to publish an application on citrix for publishing application on citrix there is command #ctxappcfg when i run above command in terminal below error showingctxappcfg: not foundso anyone has publish application on citrix plz let me know how to deal with above error tried searching google but there is no much information on citrix.

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Programming :: Get Data From Serial Port Function Read() Blocks When Data Not Available?

Jun 11, 2009

I am using read() in c++ to get data from a serial port. However, if no data is available on the serial port the function blocks until dta arrives.Example code:

char m_readBuffer[255] = {0};
char* p_curChar = m_readBuffer;


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Programming :: Data Directory In Automake - Data Is Always Read-only ?

May 9, 2010

I have some data files that should be distributed with my program. Using dist_pkgdata_DATA in, I get these files installed to /usr/local/data/share/package-name. The problem is that data is read-only, and my program needs to modify it. Playing with dist_sharedstate_DATA, dist_localstate_DATA, dist-data_DATA varibles, I got different installation directories, like /usr/local/com, usr/local/var, but data is always read-only.

How can I distribute modifiable data files with my package? I need some common directory for all users, or maybe local data in a user directory.

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Ubuntu One :: Possible To Publish Evolution Calendars

Jan 6, 2010

Does anyone know if it is possible to publish Evolution calendars to ubuntu one as this would be an easy way to share my calendar with my wife who also uses ubuntu.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Httpd Does Not Publish SSL_PROTOCOL To PHP

Mar 27, 2011

In other words, $_SERVER does not have an entry 'SSL_PROTOCOL'. Is that correct? My other server (BSD) happily says 'TLSv1'.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Publish Video To Ftp Server?

Jun 3, 2010

I'm planning on setting up a linksys wireless camera to keep an eye on things while I'm away for the summer. What I'm wondering is if it would possible to send the video/images it captures to an ubuntu ftp server I have and if so how would I accomplish this. The camera I'm planning on getting has a built-in webserver, but from my understanding the video feed can only be accessed from local computers.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Publish Swf With Just .as File And Flex SDK Mxmlc.exe?

May 25, 2010

Here is a link explaining how publish an swf without installing flash . senocular.comIs anything similar like this possible in linux .i mean is it possible to get a flex sdk installed in linux the linux way without the use of wine?

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General :: Enable Sam To Publish Web Pages From ~/website Dir But Not Allow

Dec 1, 2010

How would you ( I )enable sam to publish web pages from his ~/website directory but not allow anyone else to publish to the web? I am trying to do this in Fedora. Or should i do this through Apache?

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Fedora :: HPLib - Enable Publish Shared Printers

Feb 21, 2010

I'm using FC 11 and HP deskjet F2480. the last general update completely upset my printer settings and I can no longer use my printer at all. According to HPlib diagnostics I need to enable publish shared printers which I've dome. But it persists that the printer is not publised.

This is the second time a general update has messed up my printer setting, the time before I managed to fix by reinstalling HPLib. But this time it refuses with the message 'gs (GhostScript - PostScript and PDF language interpreter and previewer)', but I have the latest version of gs already installed.

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Ubuntu :: Publish A Newsletter So Anyone Can Open His / Her Email And Find (not In Form Of Attachment)

Feb 26, 2011

i need to publish a newsletter so anyone can open his/her email and find my newsletter (not in form of attachment) one more thing i wish to inform u that i dont have any website

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Programming :: Convert The String Data Type To Other Primitive Data Type?

Mar 4, 2011

I am trying to generic way to convert the string datatype to other primitive data type. To achieve, i used Template . But i getting error and couldn't resolve the issue and error reported is also clueless.

#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>


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Ubuntu One :: When Upload A File To A Shared Folder, It Gives The Choice Of Checking A Check Box That Says "publish"?

Jan 16, 2011

When I upload a file to a shared folder, it gives me the choice of checking a check box that says "publish", what's the difference between checking/not checking it?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Burn Data Cd?

Sep 4, 2010

I am unable to burn data cd's. I tried both k3b and Brasero. Both of them seems to be burning but about 70% through both say unknown error and ejects the cd. I am using cd-rw. I tried different cd's but the error is the same.

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Security :: Unable To Decrypt Data?

May 6, 2010

I need to be able to decrypt data, like simple text files, that have been encrypted and base64 encoded with my public key.I need to use openssl so i do:

$cat encrypted | openssl enc -base64 -d > ./answer.txt

and i get exactly the same data as before the command was run. Am i right in thinking that i need to decode before decrypting? I tried decrypting, before i realized that i had to decode first,using this command:


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unable To Open DATA DVD?

Jan 5, 2011

I burned a bunch of files months ago on DATA dvds to keep copies just incase my external died, so i wanted to grab a few files, and the CD won't show up.

Some of them work, some dont, all were tested and confirmed to be working when i burned them a while back using Windows 7 and some where made using Vista

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Burn A Data Disk?

Jan 14, 2011

I can't burn a data disk through Ubuntu.I tried using the built-in disk creator, It had some kind of error saying the disk cannot be mounted. So I used Brasero instead and I got essentially the same error. When I tried to open both CD's the files appeared to be present but were all corrupt. Braso works fine for burning music CD's but I can't get it to work for data. here is the error log from Brasero:

BraseroReadom stderr: Time total: 131.474sec
BraseroReadom stderr: Read 666760.00 kB at 5071.4 kB/sec.
BraseroReadom stderr: HUP

Session error : Some files may be corrupted on the disc (brasero_burn_record brasero-burn.c:2862)

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Software :: Webalizer: Unable To Restore Run Data (10)

Oct 21, 2010

I'm using Webmin, and Webalizer plugin. Days ago, webalizer works fine. But starting from yesterday, Webalizer no longer generate reports. And when I try to generate report manually using webmin, I get this message: Code: Running Webalizer to generate report from [URL]..

.. Webalizer failed! See the output above for details. Because I didn't get any details on that message, I run webalizer manually using command:

Code: # webalizer -n And as result, I got this message:

Code: # webalizer -n Error: Unable to restore run data (10) I have few domains in this machine, and for all domains I got the same result. Anyone has any idea(s) about what happened and how to cure it? Few days ago I think I tried to install Perl-Small-XML using CPAN and failed. And I installed awstats too. Don't know whether it's related or not.

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Programming :: C++: Getting And Handling Web Data?

Jan 29, 2010

I'm just starting out on a project relating to web search, to be done in C++. Which library should I use to help with downloading web pages into memory so that I can process them? The big thing is I want to be able to download the pages into variables/structures without actually putting them onto the hard disk.I googled and saw libcurl, but I was confused by some of the examples and wondering if this was really what I wanted.

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Programming :: Data Structures Using STL?

May 19, 2010

Anyone know some links where i can find about data structures using STL ?

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Programming :: Get The Data From A Tag In XML File?

Dec 3, 2008

have a tag in XML file in unix like this <EmailAddress></EmailAddress> this tag is there for multiple times in the xml file and the data is in continuous line like below State>UN</State><Zip/><CompanyName/><EmailAddress>FDF@gmail.COM</EmailAddress><PromoType>UNKNOWN</PromoType></Promotion></PromotionList<State>UN</State><Zip/><CompanyName/><EmailAddress></EmailAddress>I have to check the data in between bold tags is valid or not ... means have to check whether its a email address or not and have to find the length of the attribute means tag ...script is in kshsorry if its already asked...i checked but i didnt get Exatly matching result for my requirement

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Programming :: Passing Data Between Php And C

Aug 21, 2010

I'm trying to work out the best way to achieve the following.

1)php page that grabs data from a local database. (not a problem)

2)It then needs to send this data to a c program/service running on a remote server. (I probably need it to be able to handle 4+ million reocrds in an array)

3) The c service then needs to process the data and send it back to the initial php script that called it. i was hoping this could be in a an array like structure of some kind. 4)update the db with the results.

I was thinking of using gsoap to write a simple c soap service that php can communicate with. Would this be the right way of doing this or would something like sockets in php be a better way of sending this volume of data as an array or struct to linux c socket if thats even possible.

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Fedora Networking :: Unable To Receive Multicast Data

Jun 13, 2010

I have just set up an FC 13 box for a small network application. At the core, the application is supposed to receive some data over a multicast on my local network. However, for some reason, I am not being able to receive any multicast data on this machine. Other machines, on the same network (connected on the same layer 2 switch) are receiving the multicast just fine. I have tried the following things:

1. ensure that I am joining the multicast on the correct interface: the machine has only one ethernet card. Also, after starting my application, I use netstat -g to check for group membership. The multicast subscription shows up fine.

2. ensure there is no error in the program: the program works fine on my person linux machine

3. ensure that the multicast is actually available: it is available on all other local machines. I also wrote my own small broadcaster. data from this broadcaster (running on the same box) is available to other machines but not to my own listener program.

4. no firewall/filtering settings on the layer2 switch

5. TTL setting on the broadcast: have tried changing it from 1 through 5 with no effect. Note that even if the broadcast is coming from the same machine, my machine does not pick it up while other machines on the network do so.

I suspect this has to do with some settings on the network card itself. Below is the output of /sbin/ifconfig on the card:

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:08:A1:67:BBA
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::208:a1ff:fe67:bbca/64 Scope:Link


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OpenSUSE Network :: Unable To Write Print Data

Jan 24, 2010

I have installed my Konica Minolta mc 2430dl printer (opensuse 11.2 x64).

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Ubuntu :: Decrypted Home Directory And Still Unable To See Data

Dec 12, 2010

I Decrypted home directory and still unable to see data.

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Software :: Unable To Find The Data That Controls The Speed Of Zaz?

Mar 11, 2011

I have searched but I have been unable to find the data that controls the speed of Zaz, does anyone know how to hack it so that an eighty-plus year old can play?

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Software :: Unable To Find Any Stored Data In Kwalletmanager

Oct 6, 2010

I'm probably doing something stupid, but I thought I'd ask here, because I'm stumped. I'm on slackware 12.2, KDE 3.5 and AIR 2.02.When Echofon abruptly stopped linux support, I switched to tweetdeck (v. It worked great, and they recently pushed a new update. I installed it, deleted the ELS directory in ~/.appdata/Adobe/AIR, and it was unable to find any stored data in kwalletmanager. (I got the error that it wasn't able to find any stored data and that AIR isn't installed properly--the error one gets when tweetdeck is started without kwalletmanager running.)

I deleted the entry in kwalletmanager for AIR, deleted the ELS directory again, and restarted it. Same error, and no new entry in kwalletmanager was made. I downgraded to the previous version (, and it worked perfectly once more.

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Programming :: Read Data From A Socket?

Aug 24, 2010

I need to read data from a socket but it should be always listening because data arrives continuously .. I thought something like this would do it but it doesn't work .... I already set the socket options before

Code: char databuf[1024];
int datalen = sizeof(databuf);
if(read(sd, databuf, datalen) < 0)


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General :: Data Type In Programming?

Jun 14, 2010

I declared a variable as int data type which was a placeholder for a resulttatus (meaning, based on the result status that variable varies from 0/1/2/3. It can contain only these four values).data type is 4 byte integer in C#. But I can declare this variable as which represents a 1 byte integer. Since that variable contains only 1 or 2 or 3 or 4, declaring the variable asis wastage of memory space.Before declaring any variable we need to just think of the memory space needed for that variable, our requirement,

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Programming :: Access CD Audio Data?

May 13, 2011

I'm looking for a way to access the raw data on a CD.I have a small program that I'm using to play raw PCM data pushed into stdin.I'd assumed that I could just use:play-pcm < /dev/cdromBut this isn't producing any data.Will I need to do this programatically or is there a simple way for me to grab raw data from an audio cd in the same way I might do so for a data cd?

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