Software :: Unable To Find Any Stored Data In Kwalletmanager

Oct 6, 2010

I'm probably doing something stupid, but I thought I'd ask here, because I'm stumped. I'm on slackware 12.2, KDE 3.5 and AIR 2.02.When Echofon abruptly stopped linux support, I switched to tweetdeck (v. It worked great, and they recently pushed a new update. I installed it, deleted the ELS directory in ~/.appdata/Adobe/AIR, and it was unable to find any stored data in kwalletmanager. (I got the error that it wasn't able to find any stored data and that AIR isn't installed properly--the error one gets when tweetdeck is started without kwalletmanager running.)

I deleted the entry in kwalletmanager for AIR, deleted the ELS directory again, and restarted it. Same error, and no new entry in kwalletmanager was made. I downgraded to the previous version (, and it worked perfectly once more.

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Software :: Unable To Find The Data That Controls The Speed Of Zaz?

Mar 11, 2011

I have searched but I have been unable to find the data that controls the speed of Zaz, does anyone know how to hack it so that an eighty-plus year old can play?

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Ubuntu :: Mounted Data Stored Where?

Jul 5, 2011

Does anyone know WHERE Ubuntu stores the location for mounted external filesystems and/or servers? I can mount other computers on my network, display the files etc., but CAN NOT find where Ubuntu saves the mounted system data and locations.

I mount a PC on the network, open a file manager window and see everything, but can't find where Ubuntu has that system "mounted". It's NOT in the /mnt folder or anywhere else I can see. I need to find this location to feed it to a program that sets up a remote server. I can't setup the server because the program only "looks" at the local root and doesn't find any external mounts.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lose Data That Already Stored On PC - Run OK In Netbook?

Jul 26, 2010

I am an Apple user who ended up buying a netbook with XP installed on it. I got the Acer Aspire One zg5 refurb, because it was super cheap. Problem is, I noticed I hate the Windows experience and I would like to have something similar to Mac in this computer, and I've had some casual experience with linux before (through a live CD that a friend gave me). However, I need to keep the XP running on this thing because I need it for work. The main use that I have this netbook for is to take up notes, do some light music/video editing (for which I have to admit XP has been strangely okayish), listen to music, browse the web, among other things. I would like to install Linux in this because it offers great tools for these functions, and I need to have those on the run. So I thought I would try to double-boot this computer with XP and Ubuntu, but I am sort of a beginner on this aspect.

My questions are what follows: If I use the GParted that comes with the Ubuntu 10.04 installation disk, will I lose the data that I have already stored on this PC? If my computer isn't able to give the needed resolution to run Ubuntu, would it still run OK in the netbook? Will my computer run OK if I make it double-boot? Would it be too much of a hassle for its Atom processor to do this? I would like to install some of the apps that come with the Ubuntu Studio version if I can make the system double-boot. Is this possible? Can I customize the desktop version of ubuntu to give me some ot
her color for the taskbar instead of the blackish gray that is set by default?


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Ubuntu Security :: Iptables - Where To Find IP's That's Stored With RECENT

Apr 18, 2010

I'm playing around with iptables on Ubuntu 10.04 Beta2.


That's what I got so far. Accoring to iptables man pages: "/proc/net/ipt_recent/* are the current lists of addresses and information about each entry of each list." There's nothing like that there on my Ubuntu installation. There's a file that's called /proc/net/ip_tables_matches. However, it doesn't contain the information I'm looking for. It contains:


where I can find the file where iptables stores the matching IPs? Also, can anyone verify that I have put the rules in the right order for them to work?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Bootmgr Is Missing Occurs When Plug The SATA 1 TB(data Stored With Windows File System)

Jun 18, 2010

I have a problem : " bootmgr is missing" It occurs when I plug the SATA 1 TB(data stored with windows file system).

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Ubuntu :: On Remote Reboot, Bypass KDE Daemon Kwalletmanager?

Jan 3, 2011

I tried a remote reboot via ssh. I couldn't log back in even though sshd is a startup script, because the KDE daemon wanted me to enter my kwallet password...which is of course part of the DE, not something accessible via ssh. How do I turn off that check or automate it?

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General :: How To Find Size Of Flash File Not Stored In Temp

Apr 8, 2011

How to find the filesize of a flash which is not exactly stored in the temp but redirected by a fd.
flash31 -> /tmp/FlashXXvsg1uY (deleted) directory is /proc/processid
Chrome is downloading a flash and I can see in the proc directory the flash file, How can I see the current file size of such a file ?

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Ubuntu :: Creation Date For Directories Isn't Stored Or At Least Couldn't Find It?

Feb 19, 2010

i'm trying to make a script that gives one output if a directory in /home is older than one month, and another if the directory is less than one month old. I looked around and saw that the creation date for directories isn't stored, or at least i couldn't find it? How is this possible to do then?

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Ubuntu :: Find Command For Multiple Filenames Stored In List?

May 3, 2011

I searched the forum and didn't find any threads that seemed to answer this question. I have a large directory of files, and dozens of subdirectories on a remote box I have ssh access to. I need a subset of these files copied to another folder.



files I want (the files are all the same format, but some have extensions and others dont)

Unfortunately, I need a lot of files, and plan to do this on a regular basis (the files I need will be different each time) I was thinking it would be nice to be able to put the filenames in a text file (one filename per line) and use the find command to copy the files (I don't necessarily know which subdirectory the file will be in).


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General :: Where To Find Address Book And Stored Emails In Ubuntu 9.04

Sep 24, 2010

I have just upgraded to Ubuntu 10.4 and I need to get my Address Book and saved emails from earlier version.Can someone please tell me where they will be located

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Fedora :: Where Are Stored PWs For Remote Desktop Viewer Stored?

Oct 20, 2010

I have machine that I used to VNC to on my network with Remote Desktop Viewer from my Fedora 12. When I first connected I checked the checkbox that I wanted to store the pw. Now the pw on the other machine has changed but Remote Desktop Viewer does not ask for a new password, it just gives me a black screen, like I am connected but I can't see anything. I'd like to know if anyone knows where this pw data is stored on the system so I can start fresh. I already tried uninstalling Remote Desktop Viewer and installing it again.

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OpenSUSE Install :: "write" Access For Data Stored In NTFS?

Jun 20, 2010

I have acces to NTFS partitions from OpenSuse 11.2, and read data, yet I cannot write changes of it. I tryed to change "rw" attributes using "sudo", and was not possible. Even the windows version I had is 7, the NTFS partition I want to access for writing, comes from a previous XP install. Is there a way to have "write" access for data stored in NTFS? I recall an install I had on a laptop with Windows XP and Ubuntu... and Ubuntu was able to write on NTFS; would it be possible in OpenSuse?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Hear Sound Played Through Both Browser-based Flash And Locally Stored Files After Install Command Line

Aug 18, 2011

I have recently installed Ubuntu 11.04 from the alternative installation CD; the installation was just the command line system. On top of this I have installed xorg and awesome window manager. The only problem I am having is with sound; I am unable to hear sound played through both browser-based Flash and locally stored files.

Is there something that I have to do before I can use sound? Edit: I have solved the original problem however I would like to know if I can remove pulseaudio as it seems that I am only using alsa.

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Fedora :: GNOME3 - Unable To Initialize Clutter: Unable To Find Suitable Fbconfig For The GLX Context

Jun 27, 2011

The machine boots, graphics come up, login window shows up, but after login there is only the background window (and mouse). My .xsession looks like this:


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Hardware :: [Data Recovery] No /dev/hda - Can't Find HD

Mar 28, 2010

I'm trying to recover my Western Digtal 500GB hd (connected through IDE), I've already succesfully recoverd 80GB with copyr.dma (didn't have a bigger IDE drive laying around). and want to do the rest of the drive with GNU ddrescue. I use the Parted Magic live cd to do this. The problem is that I can't find my HD, although it is listed when I look in the Hardware info app. How can I access it as /dev/hda or /dev/sda or whatever it wants?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Install Kubuntu 10.4 - Unable To Find A Medium Containing A Live File System

Aug 15, 2010

I cannot install Kubuntu (or Unbuntu) 10.4 on my husband's computer. I have spent 5 hours on this and cannot get anywhere. I am deeply frustrated. The iso I burned to CD is good (works on 2 other computers). His computer will not boot from USB, no matter what I do to the drive order in BIOS. After loading the blue screen with the Kubuntu logo on it (and the blue-white dots), the screen changes to black and shows the following text:

BusyBox v1.13.3 (Ubuntu 1:1.13.3-1ubuntu11) built-in shell (ash) (initrafs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system.

He really needs to get rid of WinXP. Kubuntu is what I have on my computer (and love it!). Here is some info about his computer:

OS Name Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
Version 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3 Build 2600
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation


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Ubuntu :: Find Out Which Process Uploads A Lot Of Data

May 18, 2011

Sometimes I notice that there is high upload speeds for 10 minutes or so. At the time of the screenshot I was sitting in a public wireless place, only chromium was open and I don't see any reason why there should be sustained upload speeds.Is there a GUI or CLI so I can find out which process uses the internet?

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Ubuntu :: Find Data From Damaged Windows Using Cd Live?

Jan 16, 2011

Yesterday, my windows xp died and I can not do anything with that, but I would like to rescue my important files from hdd before format. I open ubuntu trial version from cd but i can not access my hdd. I find my hdd in system->administration->disk utility but I can not go anywhere from there.

When I solve this problem I would like to try ubuntu as my os but i am worried that some programs may not work on it . Like for example my bamboo tablet, fm2010, adobe ilustrator, autocad.

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General :: Find Soundcard Used By Alsa For Sending The Data?

Jun 1, 2011

I have slackware 13.0 installed in my system. how to find soundcard used by alsa for sending the data.

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General :: Script To Find Files By Data And Time?

Aug 6, 2010

We have a script that FTP files 3 times a day, once ant 02:30, 04:00 and 13:00. Once the process runs it puts a copy of the file sent in the processed folder. What I'm trying to do is check to see if the files are there and if not send an alert /email. The file names are IVF_20100806_*.150, PLAZ_ 20100806_*.151, TRAN_20100806_*.152 and TRAN_20100806_*.151

This is what I have

. ${HOME}/.bash_profile


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OpenSUSE :: 11.2 & OpenOffice 3.2 \ Find It Necessary To Extract Specific Data From Received?

Oct 14, 2010

Elsewhere is my question about 11.3. I have had to abandon that and 11.3 as my RAM is too small. Now, for the first time in many years, I find it necessary to extract specific data from received .pdf files. According to OpenOffice, editing of these files is only possible from version 3.2. My concern is whether this later vesion will be compatible with 11.2.OpenOffice installed is The same question has been directed to their Forum.

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Software :: Pipeline Data Of Find Command In Array After Processing Contents

Jun 7, 2010

I am searching for a file in a specific folder using the following command and storing it in a log file

find . -maxdepth 2 -type f -name "components.xml" -print | while read obj
basename `dirname $obj` >> avail_list.log

Here I want to do the following
1. Store each entry after processing in an array variable.
2. Use this array variables as arguments to function calls.

Here my primary objective is to store the entries from 'find' command in an array. So it is ok for me if I am not creating the log file.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Burn Data Cd?

Sep 4, 2010

I am unable to burn data cd's. I tried both k3b and Brasero. Both of them seems to be burning but about 70% through both say unknown error and ejects the cd. I am using cd-rw. I tried different cd's but the error is the same.

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Security :: Unable To Decrypt Data?

May 6, 2010

I need to be able to decrypt data, like simple text files, that have been encrypted and base64 encoded with my public key.I need to use openssl so i do:

$cat encrypted | openssl enc -base64 -d > ./answer.txt

and i get exactly the same data as before the command was run. Am i right in thinking that i need to decode before decrypting? I tried decrypting, before i realized that i had to decode first,using this command:


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Programming :: Unable To Publish Data

Aug 5, 2010

In my application, we are using Publish/subscribe model implemented in JAVA and when I implemented it on windows to windows os,it is working fine and able to publish the right data and even when I am trying the same between two different OS i.e between Windows and Solaris sparc or opensolaris. I am getting the expected data.

But when I am doing the same thing with same code on Linux and any other OS,not able to publish data on other OS's but when I am publishing the data from other OS to Linux,I am getting the right data.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unable To Open DATA DVD?

Jan 5, 2011

I burned a bunch of files months ago on DATA dvds to keep copies just incase my external died, so i wanted to grab a few files, and the CD won't show up.

Some of them work, some dont, all were tested and confirmed to be working when i burned them a while back using Windows 7 and some where made using Vista

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Burn A Data Disk?

Jan 14, 2011

I can't burn a data disk through Ubuntu.I tried using the built-in disk creator, It had some kind of error saying the disk cannot be mounted. So I used Brasero instead and I got essentially the same error. When I tried to open both CD's the files appeared to be present but were all corrupt. Braso works fine for burning music CD's but I can't get it to work for data. here is the error log from Brasero:

BraseroReadom stderr: Time total: 131.474sec
BraseroReadom stderr: Read 666760.00 kB at 5071.4 kB/sec.
BraseroReadom stderr: HUP

Session error : Some files may be corrupted on the disc (brasero_burn_record brasero-burn.c:2862)

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Software :: Webalizer: Unable To Restore Run Data (10)

Oct 21, 2010

I'm using Webmin, and Webalizer plugin. Days ago, webalizer works fine. But starting from yesterday, Webalizer no longer generate reports. And when I try to generate report manually using webmin, I get this message: Code: Running Webalizer to generate report from [URL]..

.. Webalizer failed! See the output above for details. Because I didn't get any details on that message, I run webalizer manually using command:

Code: # webalizer -n And as result, I got this message:

Code: # webalizer -n Error: Unable to restore run data (10) I have few domains in this machine, and for all domains I got the same result. Anyone has any idea(s) about what happened and how to cure it? Few days ago I think I tried to install Perl-Small-XML using CPAN and failed. And I installed awstats too. Don't know whether it's related or not.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error - The Boot Configuration Data Store Could Not Be Opened - The System Cannot Find The File Specified

May 24, 2011

every-time i try to install, i get this

Error executing command
>>command=C:Windowssysnativecdedit.exe /create/d Ubuntu/application bootsector
>>stderr=The boot configuration data store could not be opened
The system cannot find the file specified

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