OpenSUSE :: Launching Script At Startup But It Doesn't Run?

Nov 16, 2010

I have installed kbiff (mail notifier) on opensuse 11.3, and I would like to have itlaunched at startup.I searched on the web, tried some answers using /etc/init.d, ln , etc... but it doesn't run.could you tell me what are the steps to have it done

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Ubuntu :: Can't Stop Gde Launching On Startup

Jan 15, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 (I installed server then installed the desktop packages) I have tried "sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove" I have also tried creating an inittab file in /etc with the line id:3:initdefault

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Ubuntu :: Launching Firefox At Startup?

Nov 8, 2010

I just upgraded to 10.10 and I was previously able to run the following command in startup applications preferences menu "command" box to have firefox launch around the time that my wireless card came up:

sleep 20; firefox

For some reason this doesn't work anymore. I can run the command from the terminal and it works fine. Is there something that I'm missing?

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Ubuntu :: Unity Not Launching On Startup?

Jun 21, 2011

I recently recovered Unity after purging the Gnome3 PPA and running a dist upgrade again back to Unity. My problem now is that when I boot into Unity, all I get is the desktop, background and a cursor. I can click on and launch any apps that happen to be on the desktop, but I can't see the unity launch bar, or the action menu, or the top panel - which leads me to believe Unity isn't actually launching. The theory is further supported by the fact that if I launch Unity manually in a terminal ("unity") - it launches, after a brief loading period, and works perfectly. How can I make this happen automatically again?

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General :: Skype Doesn't Appear In Panel After Launching?

Jun 25, 2010

After the latest update manager was run. Skype no longer appears in my panel when launched. A window opens to log in, but if I close that window skype disappears instead of minimizing to the panel like it used to. When I click the launcher it tells me there is another instance of skype running. (oh really?) Where?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Trying To Switch Over To Ubuntu - Doesn't Have The Program Startup Disk Creator

Oct 20, 2010

I am having trouble trying to figure out how to switch over to Ubuntu. I have downloaded the OS to my computer but can't figure out how to put it on my USB flashdrive as directed. It shows how use your USB flashdrive using Windows, Mac and Ubuntu but when I read the instructions for Ubuntu, opensuse does not have the program Startup Disk Creator.

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OpenSUSE :: Kate Crashes On Launching?

Jun 25, 2010

kate is my favorite text editor, and everything was working fine until recently. Whenever launching Kate, whether by opening a text file or by clicking the Kate icon, a dialog box pops up that KDEInit could not launch 'konsole'. In the background, a konsole window flashes briefly before disappearing.The baffling thing is, that if I click the "run Kate" shortcut, instead of the Kate shortcut, then Kate launches normally. I'm running 11.2 with all the updates installed

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OpenSUSE :: Gtk Warning While Launching Application?

Feb 28, 2011

after installation of a s/w for authentication from my ISP I couldnt launch the same and the following msg appears

pradipta@linux-auem:~> sudo sifyconnect
root's password:
(sifyconnect:5062): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:

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OpenSUSE :: Segmentation Fault While Launching Eric?

Sep 13, 2009

I get segmentation fault error while trying to launch eric python IDE. I tried reinstalling a lot of times but with no use. I even tried using a different version but gives the same error. I am only installing it through rpms. here is the stacktrace.


(I also tried chmod to make it executable since the gdb said it is not in executable format.)

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OpenSUSE :: Keep Getting Error When Trying To Download RPM Files And Launching Them?

Feb 28, 2010

11.2 KDE 4.3.5

keep getting this error when trying to download RPM files and launching them.

KLauncher could not be reached via D-Bus. Error when calling start_service_by_desktop_path:

Not connected to D-Bus server

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OpenSUSE :: Using Extra Keys For Launching Applications?

Aug 12, 2010

I own a Microsoft Wireless Keyboard 1000 which I'm overall pleased with. The keyboard has some extra media and application launching keys which I try to assign in systemsettings>Input Actions. I believe the application is called khotkeys, however I'm not sure. Four different cases occurred as follows: The keys are recognized and can be assigned a command to run. When settings are saved the specified application launches. Examples of keys that works:

Physical key symbol : Recognized by khotkeys as : HEX code send by keyboard (obtained by showkeys)
Headphones : Tools : keycode 171 press, keycode 171 release
House : Home Page : keycode 172 press, keycode 172 release
All media keys (play/pause, next, prev, stop, vol-up, vol-down & mute)


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OpenSUSE :: Gksudo Command Not Found On Launching Hamachi-gui

Feb 23, 2010

can't find where is gksudo, it is a part of some pakage but witch one?

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OpenSUSE :: Launching KDE Applications From Dolphin Super User?

Mar 8, 2010

In Dolphin Super User mode trying to launch an application such as Kwrite gives the alert

KDEInit could not launch '/usr/bin/kwrite

"use Konqueror super user"
"launch from terminal su"

This is present in Opensuse 11.2 with KDE 4.3.5

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard Doesn't At First Startup?

Apr 19, 2010

Problem one: My keyboard wasn't working. Solution one: Needed a new xorg.conf file.

Problem two: How to open a programme in terminal without rendering the terminal unresponsive until that programme is closed. Solution two: Append a '&' at the end of the command. For example: gedit test-file & [/SOLVED]

The problem is, my keyboard doesn't respond when I first boot into Ubuntu. None of the keys seem to work except the 'power' key (which helps me turn this laptop on or off). During the second boot, I incessantly press the space bar hoping for something to happen. Only when the boot process completes and I see my desktop does the keyboard, finally, respond. That is precisely how I'm typing this very moment. I had not faced this problem on Windows. I use a laptop (an old one but not too old).

Nothing happens during the first boot regardless the key I press on any time.
It is a nuisance to restart my laptop and periodically strain my space bar for the keyboard to respond on the second boot (It refuses to respond on the first boot, regardless of what I do).

When I, sometimes, open files using gedit through terminal by typing: ~$ gedit PATH, what happens is that I am then unable to use any other commands on the same terminal until I close gedit or open another terminal. I can type in the terminal but nothing happens until I exit gedit. I would like my terminal to be responsive whilst I am working on gedit simultaneously. I hope it is not impossible...

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Ubuntu :: Mouse Doesn't Appear At Startup?

Jun 7, 2010

The mouse has been working fine ever since we got Ubuntu 10.04, until I switched monitors. For some reason, after changing monitors from 4:3 to 16:9 and back, (changing the output res in the process), the mouse doesn't appear when starting up the computer. It still highlights things, and it will pop up completely when searching for something on Google Chrome, and a few other things. But for some reason, the mouse doesn't appear right away when starting up the computer. I'm not sure why this happened -- I'm new to Ubuntu, (used to Windows)

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CentOS 5 :: Doesn't Log Of All Startup Messages

Sep 22, 2010

After reviewing the dmesg log, I realize that it does not log all startup messages. Is there a way to configure it or another log to do so?

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Ubuntu :: Startup Music Doesn't Play?

May 15, 2010

For a long time, I haven't heard a startup sound from Ubuntu. I do hear the short staccato drum beat when the log in screen is displayed. However, the other longer startup music doesn't play. Not a very serious flaw but since I upgraded to ubuntu 10.04, I thought I'd like to have everything in perfect working order.

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Ubuntu :: Startup Script Doesn't Work?

Jul 24, 2010

I try to run a bash script when the machine boots up. I followed the exactly the same procedure as stated in [URL] I tried to use update-rc.d and rc.local. The both ways still dont make the bash script automatically run when it boots up in Ubuntu 9.04. The script can be successfully executed when I log in as root and run it manually.

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Ubuntu :: Tweak Doesn't Have The Option Startup?

Oct 19, 2010

Ubuntu-Tweak doesn't have the option Startup which includesSession ManagerSession Control and few other options are not there. I am running the latest version available to download. I remember having all those menus in lucid.for a better difference comparison see the menus in the ubuntu tweak homepage with mine....

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Ubuntu :: Run The Script Ok Through The Terminal \ But It Doesn't Run On Startup?

Oct 21, 2010

I'm having trouble with the rc.local file. So I tried the suggestions on this page[URL]I could run the script ok through the terminal. But it doesn't run on startup. Has anyone got this to work in the way explained in the link above? I'm using Ubuntu Lucid.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Interface Doesn't Come-up On Startup

Nov 27, 2010

I have a server with 3 interfaces. Only one of them comes up after boot tho (the one with the cable plugged in). When I start dhclient the others show up in ifconfig... Could it be just cause there is no cable plugged in them? Or then how do i bring them up automatically without having to issue dhclient myself after boot?

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Ubuntu :: Booting But Doesn't Load The Startup GUI

May 2, 2011

I am still new to Ubuntu but I am having a problem when booting into Ubuntu 10.10. When I turn on the computer, after a few screens go by I see a boot manager giving me the option of:

1: Earlier Versions of Windows
2: Windows 7
3: Ubuntu

All OSes are working with no trouble. But when I try to boot into Ubuntu, I get another boot screen that states:

1: Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.35-28-generic
2: Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.35-28-generic (recovery mode)
3: Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.35-22-generic
4: Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.35-22-generic (recovery mode)
5: Windows 7 (loader) (on /dev/sda2)

When I choose 1 or 3, quite often it doesn't load up the startup GUI, it loads up some command line crap that I don't understand yet, where I type in reboot until I finally get Ubuntu loaded, this happens several times then finally works to the point I can log in. What could be going on, my install is inside Windows 7, not a full install if that matters. What is the difference between line 1 and 3?

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Ubuntu :: GUI Doesn't Always Start On Startup (Kubuntu)

Mar 13, 2010

A lot of times when I start up my computer, instead of the graphical login screen I'm brought to a CLI login. If I log in and do "startx," it'll start KDE, but sound doesn't work and the shutdown/restart options disappear. (The logout option is still there.) It's inconsistent; sometimes it'll start the GUI and sometimes it won't. I have yet to find out what causes it to work right and what causes it to bring me to the CLI. When it doesn't work, if I run "shutdown -r now" or "shutdown -h now," it'll start the GUI as the computer is shutting down. I've tried Ctrl+Alt+F7 when it's brought me to the CLI, but it didn't do anything

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Network Doesn't Run At Startup?

Mar 31, 2011

I have to type /etc/init.d/network start everytime after log in.I search little over internet and found out some command to fix it so i tried it but i got error response.Here is what i typed and what i got response.[root@winn ~]# system-config-netbootbash: system-config-netboot: comman not foundI also tried to find setting but i could not under Applications > System Settings > Server Settings > Network Booting Service.Also my ifcfg-eth0 files is below:

# Intel Corporation 82566DM-2 Gigabit Network Connection


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Ubuntu :: USB Startup Disk Creator Doesn't Respond?

Jan 19, 2010

I have been an Ubuntu user for a few years now, and in the previous versions I have made numerous bootable USB devices, I always thought it was so useful, and I never have had any problems.I just installed version 9.10 the other day, and it seems to be working well, but the USB bootable disk creator is messed up big time.When i try to select an .iso image to add to the source disk image area, it is just unresponsive. And when i try to do something else, like format a USB device, it says i cannot format because the device cannot mounted. But i know its mounted because i can access the contents of the drive.Anyways this was a huge disappointment as I was showing a friend how useful the UBUNTU tools are, and it does this. Does anyone know anything about this bug?

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Ubuntu :: Conky Doesn't Start At Startup Even With 30 Sec Sleep

Jan 21, 2010

Conky does not start during start up.I used this script, It has execute permission also!But it did not start! What is the problem!It works manually when i run that script!

Note: It is not working in the background also at startup as i checked it -When is run killall conky it showed No such process

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Ubuntu :: Startup Manager Doesn't Show All Tabs

May 29, 2010

Currently Startup manager won't show all the tabs (appearance and secuirity) how do i get access to these tabs.

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Ubuntu :: Upgrade To 10.04 And On Start Desktop Doesn't Startup

Sep 3, 2010

I recently updated to Ubuntu 10.04. On this same machine I've used Ubuntu for 3 or 4 years now. Upgrading from 8 - 9 - 10. I love Ubuntu and use it as my everyday work environment. Anyway, recently when I start my machine in the morning it boots to commandline instead of the desktop. For the last couple days I boot to safe-mode and do a package repair. Sometimes more than once. Eventually I get the desktop to start but it is annoying. When trying to boot to Fail Safe Graphics Mode(?) I get an error stating: "Fatal Server Error: No Screens." The message referred me to /var/log/Xorg/failsafe.log. Here is a snippet of the end of that log file:


Also, I'm using an NVidia graphics card on an HP machine. I installed the "current version" accelerated graphics driver which it says is proprietary.

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Ubuntu :: Bootloader Doesn't Show Windows At Startup

Sep 14, 2010

i just installed Ubuntu from an ISO about a year old and of course i updated it to the latest version and when i get that screen at startup where i have a choice of which version to load i get something like this: My current version, memtest, an old installation of Ubuntu and some really old versions. The problem is i also have Windows7 and Vista installed(vista really needs to go) but i don't have either of them as a choice in the bootloader. How do i get it back? Also before the update i had it on the list.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Trying To Reinstall - Doesn't Boot On Startup ?

Apr 5, 2011

I'm trying to help my dad, who's recently got a computer that had Ubuntu 10.10 preinstalled. After some problems while I wasn't in a position to help out, I think a reinstallation is necessary. But when I make a USB drive to install it from, it only has .exe files, and nothing Ubuntu can use, so it doesn't boot on startup (even though it's set to boot from USB first) and it can't be run later either. This happens when I download the ISO from the main download page on the Ubuntu website, so is there a link to download one without Windows files?

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