OpenSUSE :: Openafs-client Not Starting / Resolve This?

Sep 3, 2010

I am trying to setup openafs-client but I am having a problem when starting it. I am using a fresh install of OpenSUSE 11.3 and I installed the openafs, openafs-client, krb5 and kernel (default) packages from the filesystems respository of 11.3. When I start the client, either by hand or with the runlevel settings from yast I get the following errors code...

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OpenSUSE :: How To Install Openafs On 11.3

Jul 16, 2010

(Can't edit the thread title, to make clear: I'm only interested in openafs-client, not openafs server components, I simply want to mount remote afs directories),
I've upgraded to 11.3 and now openafs-client isn't working anymore code...

I've downloaded the source, did a configure, make and make install, but it's still the same error. What is the next step I can try to work out why libafs isn't found? I've confirmed that libafs.ko is build by "make" and copied somewhere (where?) by "make install", perhaps I have to configure a path somewhere?
Or is there even an ETA for an official openafs package for 11.3?

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OpenSUSE :: Nfs-client Service Very Slow To Start Or Not Starting?

Oct 6, 2010

The nfs-client service isn't starting after boot up. This is causing problems with the user as they cannot access the remote folders on the server. The PC is a Thinkpad X60s with oS11.3 and KDE4.4.4. The problem started about a week ago after some updates (new kernel update, kde4 updates and some system files) were applied on the laptop.

After logging in none of the remote folders are available. Checking the nfs-client service under Yast>System Services (Runlevel) shows the nfs-client service is not running. If I enable and start the service I get the pop-up confirming the service has started but still cannot access the remote folders even after issuing a mount -a. Opening Dolphin just opens a blank grey window which needs to be terminated.

Trying to restart the nfs service using su -c 'rcnfs restart' sticks at Starting NFS client services: sm-notify Just leaving the PC for 10-15mins eventually sorts itself out and the remote folders become visible. I cannot see anything obvious in the logs so am a bit stumped.

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Ubuntu :: Eclipse Not Starting / Resolve This?

Jan 22, 2010

Today, eclipse will not start for me. The initial splash screen comes up, then the attached window pops-up with not text in it...the only way to get rid of the window is to kill the eclipse process from the terminal/command-line.

I have completely purged and reinstalled java and eclipse, but am still having the same issue. Starting from the terminal also does not give any message besides the "(eclipse:15273): GLib-WARNING **: g_set_prgname() called multiple times" warning. Any ideas or suggestions?

Btw, running Ubuntu 9.10 x86 and the most up-to-date eclipse that is in the repos.

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Software :: Samba Client - Cannot Resolve Name Error

Jul 6, 2010

I am trying to send a message to a windows machine using smbclient have few questions

1. Do I need to have samba server running on the senders side for this to work smbclient -M -L sam (since there was some error popping up when I try to execute this with out samba service running part of the error is tdb(/var/cache/samba/unexpected.tdb):
rec_read bad magic 0x43414341 at offset=4652)

2. After I started the samba service I am getting fallowing message and error
I tried both name smbclient -M -L sam and the IP smbclient -M -I
added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
Cannot resolve name -L#0x3

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Ubuntu :: Can't Login After Attempt At Openafs Install

Sep 6, 2010

I'm running Kubuntu 9.10. In the process of trying to install openafs, I messed w/etc/pam. d/common-auth and /etc/pam.d/common-session. So, now I can't login to my machine. Loging in using the console gives the message module is unknown.I'm unable to log in in recovery-mode: the system freezes at the recovery menu.

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Software :: Ubuntu 10.10.1 Crashes On Boot Starting NBD Client After Online Update?

Nov 29, 2010

I loaded the Pre-Release version of Ubuntu 10.10.1 32 bit workstation. It ran mostly fine for about a 2 months. Then I did an online update and it told me that I had to reboot. When I did, I booted to a splash screen and then a dead machine with a black screen where control-alt-delete does nothing, no disk activity, no mouse, no keyboard, totally dead. Had to hit reset button. I booted to a suse partition and hacked the grub entry to remove the splash and silent to get more spew at boot time. The last thing before the screen goes black is starting NBD client. I have my email and various directories on my central server so I need NFS. Is there a way I can hack my way to get it to boot even without NFS temporarily to possibly rebuild the nbd kernel module? I have looked at the /var/log/ syslog, daemon, debug, kern messages and gdm log files and don't see any indication of why it crashed. Where else can I look?

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SUSE :: Can't Start Nfs Server - "Not Starting NFS Client Services - No NFS Found In /etc/fstab/

Sep 13, 2010

I cant start Nfs services. When I type the comman /etc/init.d nfs start I get "Not starting NFS client services - no NFS found in /etc/fstab/. I used yast to install nfs server already

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.4 Insists In Starting X - Stopped With Message On Tty1 "Starting YaST2"

Jul 18, 2011

I installed OS11.4 on my old laptop, Compaq Armada E500., 512MB RAM, ATI Rage Mobility. During installation I chose "minimal server" and added some development packages, lxde and a little more. I chose to start in runlevel 3 which is full networking without X. Still, when computer is booted it tries to start Xorg which doesn't work because of some problem w driver. The start-up seems to stop there, it never loads completely - seems most things in runlevel 3 are not started (see below) I can manually login on laptop and fix it - but never permanently, same thing again after reboot.

I have checked /etc/inittab & yast - both states default runlevel is 3. I have checked services to be started both directly, browsing directory /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/, and with YaST, it is very clear X should not load during boot. But, as said, it does.. I don't really care about the driver problem right now, I can fix that later when I have more time. So how do I stop X from getting started automatically?

More info, if needed: The installation also stopped with message on tty1 "Starting YaST2" and tty8 showing errors with graphics driver (mach64). The system seemed to be installed though, so I simply rebooted (issuing "reboot" from tty2).


I'm not completely sure where it stops, network is configured but keyboard is wrong and mysql & everything after is not started, so somewhere between S02network and S06kbd. I'm going to use it as a server for testing purposes so no X is actually needed - however I do want to have X & lxde installed just in case, my Internet connection at home is terribly slow so I need most things I might need in the future installed today.

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CentOS 5 :: After "yum Update" Centos Crashes While Starting / Resolve This?

Mar 17, 2010

I have centos on Microsoft Virtual PC 2007.

yesterday i updated my CentOS 5.4 with command "yum update" and today it won't to start.

Shows processor error and needs to be resetted.

How to solve this issue??

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OpenSUSE Install :: Error Message: Couldn't Resolve Host ''

Apr 20, 2011

This is an example of the error I receive when trying to do an update via YaST, YaST2, or zypper. Basically, curl is broken. With out it functioning normally, I can't use openSUSE's update mechanism to fix my system. Need to find a way to manually fix / upgrade curl.There was an error in the repository initialization.'Updates-for-openSUSE-11.4-11.4-0': [|] Valid metadata not found at specified URL(s)History:

- Unknown error reading from ''
- SKIP request: User-requested skipping of a file
- Download (curl) error for


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OpenSUSE :: Get Packagekit Error While Using My Pc / Resolve This?

May 9, 2010

I get a "packagekit error" while using my pc. code...

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OpenSUSE :: Mic Not Working In Skype / Resolve This?

Aug 19, 2010

I installed Opensuse 11.3 KDE on my laptop and Mic on skype is not working at all. It was working fine on GNOME.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Unable To Resolve DNS On VPN

Jul 9, 2010

I'm able to connect to my company's VPN network using GNOME NetworkManager but when I try to login to the remote system using SSH it is not able to resolve the DNS name, It works fine if I use IP instead of the FQDN.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Can't Resolve DNS / Solve This?

Oct 19, 2010

I'm not sure what I did if anything but I have not used my opensuse for several months. Now when I try to connect to the Internet I can not pull any websites. The wireless connection is active and connected. I am getting an IP address via dhcp. When I try and ping out ( I get unknown host. If I ping an IP address or type the IP in my browser it works fine. nslookup works but only if I specify the dns server.

Here is a copy of my troubleshooting commands.code...

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OpenSUSE Network :: The Browser At The XP Client Doesnt Find The Opensuse Through The IP?

Dec 15, 2010

The putty connection is ok, FTP also. Apache is on. Could be something at the firewall?I am trying with the IP and a directory at lampp/htdocs.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Novell Iprint Client On OpenSUSE Fails

May 10, 2011

Trying to install the Novell iprint client but got the following error message:

My system specifications are as follows:

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OpenSUSE :: Not Able To Download Community Repositories / Resolve This?

Jan 30, 2010

After upgrading to 11.2 I'm trying to install required codecs for restricted formats and following the advice that is given, and starting at "Step 1", making sure that I have at least the OSS, non-OSS etc. repos.

For some reason, when I try to add community repositories through yast, I get a Warning pop-up, stating "Unable to download list of repositories or no repositories defined".

Am I doing something wrong? If tried about 20 times...and so far no luck.

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OpenSUSE :: Amarok Can't Play A Song / Resolve This?

Feb 12, 2010

I've just installed opensuse 11.2, its cool man..the problem is : i open amarok (just fine) and i add couple of song but they won't play. there is something i miss..?

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OpenSUSE :: Gnome Goes To Permanent Sleep / Resolve This?

Feb 16, 2010

A fresh install of 11.2 with Gnome (all updates applied, only recommended standard repos enabled) turned the screen black after the predefined time of 5 minutes. The screensaver is set to "Blank screen" and screen lock is disabled. The PC did not wake up again and was not ping'able from the outside. The last words in /var/log/messages are code...

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OpenSUSE :: Resolve Errors When Akonadi Starts?

Jun 17, 2010

how to resolve this errors when akonadi starts. Uploaded with

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OpenSUSE :: Zypper Won't Download Any Packages / Resolve This?

Jul 8, 2011

Zypper seems unable to reach the openSUSE servers. I am currently on a network that may or may not block certain traffic, so I don't know if their firewall is in the way. I am able to browse the web without any problems. Sometimes Zypper downloads proceed eventually, but the download is doggone slow. I did this code...

Apparently Zypper has trouble downloading this URI, but if I open it in Chrome it loads perfectly without any problems. How can I find the root of this problem?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Scanner Won't Work / Resolve This?

Feb 23, 2010

I recently have a need to get my HP ScanJet 5590 working. Never used it in suse, only in the old windoze daze. Running opensuse 11.2, kde 4.3.4 quite nicely.

When I dusted the scanner off (USB) and plugged it in and fired it up, then went into Yast, scanner, it correctly recognized the scanner by model, but the driver line has Not configured: in front of the driver info. And, it will not do a test scan, nor do any apps see the scanner. As far as I can see all the dependencies are installed, I just need to configure the scanner. But I can't find any place in Yast to do that, nor do I have a clue what command line would work.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Won't Boot / Shutdown - Resolve This?

Jul 6, 2010

I have recently created a KDE 4 desktop using suse studio, it boots up fine on my machine, but doesn't shutdown!!
On my mum's laptop, which I will be using it most on, (it's windoez) it won't start KDE 4 at all! I can use the console, but I wanted to impress her with the amazing GUI and Compiz. And you can't make presentations or browse the web in a console, can you?
And sudo poweroff and sudo shutdown -h now don't work either!

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Amarok Crashing / Resolve This?

Nov 4, 2010

I've had problems with Amarok crashing so I reinstalled. I think its the Nvidia Driver, so I read on another thread. I tried the uninstall and init 3 thing and needed gcc and a few more files that were not installed. In the end I had enough and reinstalled. Now Amarok runs. If I install the nvidia driver I have an idea that it will crash like Ayrton Senna, or maybe quicker. so is there a simple work around.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Usbmuxd Broken In 11.4 / Resolve This?

Mar 12, 2011

Did my 11.4 upgrade today, and so far things have been going pretty good, but I'm having a slight problem with my iPhone4 being "seen" correctly by my desktop environment, and I was hoping someone would be able to answer a question or two for me.

In the 11.4 RPM for usbmuxd, a udev rule is installed which controls the "mounting" and "unmounting" of the iOS device. The udev rule expects a certain username and group to be present, as it runs under that specfic username (but unfortunately the RPM doesn't create the username and group, and neither are created at install time). This prevents iOS devices from being seen correctly by programs like banshee, amarok, etc.

Logging in as 'root' and spawning the 'usbmuxd' process as root works fine, but it doesn't work so well for other non-root users.

Does anyone have any idea(s) as to what group, etc that the "usbmuxd" user should be in?

Once I get this working, I'd be happy to write up a FAQ for getting the iPhone working under openSUSE .. .this is something that has been hit or miss for me with OS (and has worked pretty well with some other distros)...

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OpenSUSE :: Internet / Network Not Working On 11.2 KDE / Resolve This?

Apr 4, 2010

Just recently installed Opensuse 11.2 in a KDE environment. The problem I am facing is that when I connect it to my network either via wired or wirless neither getting internet or access to the network although the network manager shows the connection as active
I am using a Dlink Di-524 Wireless Router at home
The Wirless router for the computer is Broadcom BCM 4312
Was able to install the drivers for this from the packman repository

Also when I connect my laptop directly to the internet connection via wired it is working fine. However if i connect it to my wireless router either over wifi or thru wired it just shows connected but i can neither access internet or other computers on the network.
Have checked the wireless router other computers (windows and ubuntu are being able to access the internet via it)
Results of my ifconfig-a command when i am connected over my wirless connection code...

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OpenSUSE Network :: Resolve Local Hostnames Without DNS ?

Jul 14, 2010

How do you get linux to resolve local hostnames without DNS?

I've recently migrated from a fully windows home network, to a few linux machines and im unable to ping any local machines with hostname via these linux machines. i can ping IP and internet hostnames. also, windows > anything pings ok too. however linux > anything will not ping via hostname.

I beleive it's an additional service running on windows to resolve hostnames without DNS (wins/netbios).

DNS is done via a netgear DG834 router (DNS forwarding).

I know i could either use direct IP, or add machines into the hosts file, but im wondering if theres some way around that and to have it dynamically update like it does on the windows machines. static mappings seem a bit silly inside DHCP zones

I've seen some reports of avahi causing local network issues (taking over the .local domain), but i think this only extends to having to manually enter in .local after the hostname and even after removing avahi, the problem is still present.

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OpenSUSE Network :: 11.4 Zypper Cannot Resolve Repositories

Mar 28, 2011

I installed 11.4 from a verified and checked CD. Had and worked through the DSL and ipv6 problems discussed elsewhere in this forum. So browsers now work on the internet, but neither zypper nor yast will resolve the 11.4 repositories, so no refresh, no updates. Browsers bring up the repositories fine, so I can download and install an rpm that way, but it's not a life. Haven't been able to find this issue elsewhere, asis usually the case.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Yast Won't Set DNS Servers / Resolve It?

Apr 29, 2011

When I set my DNS servers via Yast>Network Devices>Network Settings>Hostname DNS it accepts the addresses, but then when I check then the next time they are faded out. I set them again, but same results.

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