OpenSUSE :: Open Movie Maker And Some Other Apps Won't Open / Is It Timing Out?

Feb 12, 2010

What i am i doing wrong? i download these very good app's from yast
and at times i run into a problem when you click on the app and it looks like it wants to open,the application's icon is on the bottom panel and the icon is bouncing up and down where there cursor is and then eventually it disappears.Is it timing out?

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Ubuntu :: Click To Open Directory It Uses Movie Player To Open?

Apr 12, 2011

So when I click Places in the Main Menu and then any directory like Desktop or Documents or Pictures the Movie Player starts, and all the files that the directory contains are in the playlist. The only way around is to click Computer which would bring me into the file manager as normal.

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OpenSUSE :: Opensuse 11.4/gnome - Most Gui Apps Not Working With Gtk Error - Cannot Open Display: ::1:1.0

Jun 22, 2011

I recently installed opensuse 11.4 on a remote server. It has GNOME installed as a desktop. The problem I am experiencing is that when logged in through VNC, most of the GUI apps are not functioning, especially ones that require root privs. Example: The Add/Create users context does not function. After you supply root pw, nothing happens. If you launch it from a terminal, you see this:

jjmuw@g01:~> xdg-su -c /sbin/yast2 users
Xlib: extension "RANDR" missing on display "::1:1.0".
No protocol specified
No protocol specified


(y2base:4872): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: ::1:1.0

Followed by a hang. This is also affecting things like the Xen configuration contexts (creating/managing VMs).

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OpenSUSE :: Sudo And Graphic Apps Not Working - Can't Open Display: :0.0 From /etc/sudoers

Oct 18, 2010

After upgrading GNOME to 2.32 in my openSUSE 11.3 x86_64 running graphic applications with sudo is impossible. (that means it worked before upgrading GNOME)


etam@etam-laptop:~> sudo xeyes
root's password:
No protocol specified
Error: Can't open display: :0.0 From /etc/sudoers:


Some interesting facts:


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Fedora :: What Is The Substitute Of Windows Movie Maker?

Apr 4, 2010

what is the substitute of windows movie maker in linux?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Windows Movie Maker Alternative?

Feb 9, 2011

my dad is wanting me to make a slideshow for him. all it has to be is just a different picture every 4 or 5 seconds, with captions in-between them. i remember i could very easily do this with windows movie maker, but is there a program for ubuntu that i could use that is the same?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: A Replacement For Windows Movie Maker?

Feb 12, 2011

I need a replacement for Windows Movie Maker.Specifically, I need to combine STILL images with sound ...

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Software :: Movie Player - Could Not Open Location

Jun 22, 2010

I'm running Fedora 13 right now and I'm having a problem with Movie player. Every time I try to watch a dvd it says: Could not open location; you might not have permission to open the file. I run in root so I know that can't be true.

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Fedora :: Cannot Open Movie File - Connection Terminated

Sep 28, 2010

When I am trying to open a movie with movie player I get the following.

An error occurred
Disconnected: Connection Terminated.
An error occurred
pa_stream_cork() failed: Connection terminate
An error occurred
pa_stream_writable_size() failed: Connection terminated

I've installed all of my codecs with autoten.

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OpenSUSE :: Root Trying To Open Flashplayer In KDE Getting Cannot Open Display

Feb 18, 2011

We have a digital signage appliance built on SUSE 11.3 with a LAMP server that uses the flashplayer application to play a .swf file from localhost. It is a AOpen GP7A mini pc that has the nVidia drivers loaded. We have lots of customers that have been running the exact same system for over 6 months (we image the drive for each sale).

For some reason, my last customer is seeing the following problem shown below, and this linux configuration is way over my head. Everything else is working (local LAMP server is working, communicating with our production servers to get information works, etc). I have verified that it is screen 0 that is running (at least it shows with Ctrl-Alt-F7). I thought that it may have occurred because of updating the software with zypper up. I had the customer rebuild from the image being careful not to upgrade the software. The result was the same. The pc is a newer version compared to my bench pc, but there are multiple other customers running that same version just fine. So I am not sure if it is

The command is issued by a php script that is run in a root cron job. As I said, it works great on all other customer pc's including my bench system. I also tried to execute the command on a ssh terminal as the root user with the same result. I also upgraded my bench pc and it still worked properly.

The command being executed is sudo env DISPLAY=:0 XAUTHORITY=/home/svision/.Xauthority flashplayer http://localhost/flash/sign.swf &

the result (when run in terminal) is: No protocol specified (flashplayer:15077): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0

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Ubuntu :: Clicking On System & Trash From Launcher Open Movie Player?

Jun 13, 2011

if i click on System or Trash, from the unity launcher, it open movie player. only the player and not either of those places. when clicking Trash, the player opens and starts playing "4 non-blonds", which was probably the last thing sent to the trash. clicking System just opens the movie player not playing anything specific. why is this happening? why cant we access those places. I'm not even sure how to revert. would like not to have to.

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Ubuntu :: Places - Home Folder Opens Movie Player - Could Not Open Location

Feb 19, 2011

I was trying to view a dvd on ubuntu (which works on windows) so I downloaded a few progams from the synapatic manager and software center - nothing made the dvd work but now when I go to "places" and "home folder" movie player opens and has a error message window that is at least 10 deep that says "could not open location; you might not have permission to open file." I can't get to home folder at all!Did I totally ruin Ubuntu? Is this fixable? I rebooted and that didn't help

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: When Open Video Files In Movie Player / Colour Gets Distorted

May 22, 2011

I recently installed VLC media Player and have been using it as the default application to view my video files.The audio files get opened in the Movie Player(the default one).But When I open the Video files in Movie Player ,The Colour gets distorted and all videos appear bluish in colour.Also the same thing happens when I open a video file in VLC after opening on the audio files in movie player (The colour gets distorted and appears bluish).

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Software :: Not Able To Open Open E-sword On OpenSuse 11

Jun 14, 2009

I install the latest wine on my OpenSuse 11 and was able to install e-sword Bible software. When I clicked on e-sword it tried to open but never did.

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Ubuntu :: Open Apps Not On The Application List?

Jan 5, 2010

I downloaded a WHOLE bunch of linux programs, but I can't open them. How do I open programs such as mupen64 plus?

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Ubuntu :: Get Open Apps To Minimize To The Task Bar?

Apr 30, 2010

All open apps when minimised just disappear, they do not go to the task bar.What can I do to get open apps to minimize to the task bar.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Open Gl Apps Hang 10.10 X64?

Oct 24, 2010

Somehow and I'm not sure how. But opengl apps will completely hang Ubuntu 10.10 x64.This is my 2nd fresh install. I'm using the latest nvidia driver for my asus gtx460 (260.19.12)Have already verified rendering is enabled, uninstalled nouveau & blacklisted, mesa glx is installed, no errors (that I can see), etc.When I run apps, even a gl screensaver, it will hang my whole box. To the point where I can't even, ctrl + alt + F1 (or F2, F3), for cli. So no command line output. And I've tested this in World of Padman, Alien Arena, Call of Duty 4 (under Wine), even Amnesia: The Dark Descent. Apps will start, but any gl content will quickly hang.This is the first time running ubuntu x64, and a new box

Processor: AMD Phenom II 965 BE 3.4
RAM: 8 GB of Corsair XMS3
HDD: 600GB WD Velociraptor HD
Graphics: ASUS ENGTX460 1GB
Motherboard: ASUS M4A87TD EVO

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General :: Open Apps At Boot Automatically?

Dec 3, 2010

Is there a way (in Ubuntu) to open applications automatically after login (and maybe after a couple of seconds) so that they are automatically placed (in sequence) on a particular portion of the screen and assigned to a particular desktop number?

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Ubuntu :: Open Multiple Apps From Bash Script?

Nov 17, 2010

I'm trying to create a bash script that will open firefox, evolution, gedit (specific file), etc. For the most part it works, but after it opens evolution or gedit, it pauses execution, until I close that app down.

I don't want to have this done at login, i want to pick and choose when I open them all.

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Ubuntu :: Setup Apps To Open On The Same Workspace After Reboot?

Mar 25, 2011

I use the workspaces a lot.It helps me de clutter my desktop.One thing that does bug me about it though, is that every time I start my PC or laptop I have to move the auto start apps to the workspace I want them on. They always kick off in Workspace 1, I want them in specific spaces.

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Ubuntu :: Any Open Source Apps That Can Be Used To Identify Color Being Used?

May 28, 2011

Does anyone know of any Open Source apps that can be used to identify a color being used? I'm building a new site for a client and in their logo is a color that I can't seem to match to any html code. Someone mentioned a tool for Windows that would do this but since I haven't touched Windows in more than 10 years.

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Ubuntu :: DockbarX No Longer Shows Open Apps Or Launchers

Jun 17, 2010

Ubuntu 10.04 fresh install on eee 900. I had previously tried Cairo-Dock and AWN (successfully but I like that DockbarX is integrated into the panel) I installed Dockbarx like so:


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dockbar-main/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install dockbarx
DockbarX was working.

Then I uninstalled Cairo and AWN with Synaptic.I got a notification of an error in the panel saying I had broken packages - see broken package filter to check it out.I can't find filters in Synaptic.Then I noticed DockbarX was empty (and I had pinned Firefox to it) So I tried uninstalling and reinstalling via terminal. No problems with that but when added it to the panel again it was still empty . I rebooted several times during these attempts.



- Launchers disappear
- Open applications not reflected in launchers
Jun 7/2010 status: New → Incomplete


But I have 0.39.3-1.

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Ubuntu :: Open Port For Winmx And Other Windows Only Apps In Vbox

Jun 27, 2010

i installed windows xp last night on vbox useing ubuntu 1004 as the host os
i went to try to open a port for winmx 2.6 and its timeing out so i looked @ the ip and its completely diffrent from my host os ip so how would i allow out going connections in windows xp running under vbox

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Ubuntu :: Can't Open Terminal And Other Apps After Automatically Update And Reboot

Sep 24, 2010

I did an automatic update and rebooted this morning and I now have a bit of a nightmare situation where I can't open the majority of applications, including the terminal. When I rebooted, my desktop loaded as normal, but then when I try to open the terminal (from Applications -> Accessories or from my quick launch panel), nothing happens other than the quick launch panel disappears for a second then reappears. This is the case for most other apps, but not for Chrome (obviously).

EDIT: Used Alt+F2 to open the terminal, ran safe upgrade and then rebooted, but still having the same issue. As Ubuntu was booting, there was a "Broken pipe" message, which didn't stop the boot process but is still a bit worrying. I've run a file system check but this hasn't resolved the problem either.

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General :: Can't Open Terminal And Other Apps - After Automatic Update And Reboot?

Sep 24, 2010

I did an automatic update and rebooted this morning and I now have a bit of a nightmare situation where I can't open the majority of applications, including the terminal. When I rebooted, my desktop loaded as normal, but then when I try to open the terminal (from Applications -> Accessories or from my quick launch panel), nothing happens other than the quick launch panel disappears for a second then reappears. This is the case for most other apps, but not for Chrome (obviously).

Used Alt+F2 to open the terminal, ran safe upgrade and then rebooted, but still having the same issue. As Ubuntu was booting, there was a "Broken pipe" message, which didn't stop the boot process but is still a bit worrying. I've run a file system check but this hasn't resolved the problem either.

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Ubuntu :: Conky Apps Key Binding So That Minimize The Windows Open To See Desktop?

Mar 27, 2011

I would like to ask if someone try or is there any key binding about the conky apps..I would like to know if it possible to key bind the conky running in desktop so that everytime i want to see the running conkyrc on the desktop there is no need for me to minimize the open windows inorder just to see my running information in the desktop

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Software :: Looking For A Windows Movie Maker Like Software?

Oct 29, 2010

I am looking for a windows movie maker like software...(in simplicity i mean)
Tried cinelerra...too complicated for me...
Tried Kdenlive..too buggy (& just something wrong cant explain)

I just need something simple...for example..I want to cut some funny scenes from a tv show & then murge them into one video...
something really simple.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Cannot Open ConsoleKit Session: Unable To Open Session

Apr 11, 2010

The following message comes up when I boot up: Logging in user Warning: Cannot open ConsoleKit session: Unable to open session: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 0. When I press OK, the system completes the start up and everything looks normal. But when I try to connect to internet, I get the following message:

KNetworkManager cannot start because the installation is misconfigured. System DBUS policy does not allow it to provide user settings; contact your system administrator or distribution. KNetworkManager will not start automatically in future. If I reboot the system, I logg in successfully. So far the problem has appeared approximately upon every second time I boot up. Rebooting the system seems to take care of it.

Don't know what info is of interest. I'm using

Opensuse 11.2
KDE 4.4.2 (Factory)
After upgrade from 4.4.1 to 4.4.2 it worked fine for a week or so.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04: "Movie Player" Won't Open A Video CD I Made?

Feb 2, 2011

I used Brasero to make a video CD (VCD) for my friend who wanted a disk of some vids I'd shot of his recently-deceased dog. When I select the CD, Ubuntu asks if I want to start "Movie Player". I click yes, totem starts... then I get the message:

An error occurred. Could not open location; you might not have permission to open the file I've looked at my permissions, under System > Administration > Users and Groups and I can't see where I'm missing a relevant permission. What am I doing wrong?

EDIT: What is up with me today???? It's meant to be 10.04, 10.04, not 8.04.

RE-EDIT: Please disregard the above EDIT - some kind mod/admin edited the thread title for me. (I guess it's pretty daft of me to ask you all to disregard an EDIT that you've already read. But I've done it anyway. So disregard, disregard, disregard... you are feeling sleepy..

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OpenSUSE Install :: Open Suse 11.3 Along With Win 2008 R2 OS - Error "Win2008 R2 Is Not Supported In Open Suse Installer"

Mar 6, 2011

I am trying to Install Open Suse 11.3 (burned as an ISO DVD) along with existing Win 2008 R2 OS. When I try to boot from the DVD it just logs in to Win2008 though boot from CD/DVD is enabled in the boot sequence. So i tried to mount the ISO and run from Windows ! BUT I get an error before installation starts telling that Win2008 R2 is not supported in open suse installer! Is there anything I can do to overcome this and install/retain both OS? In fact I am even trying to c hange my win2008 from R2 to Enterprise to see if I can overcome the problem!

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