OpenSUSE Network :: High Capacity Scalable Server - How To Overcome Limitation

Dec 31, 2009

I am writing some server programs. I notice that I can only connect to the server with a total of 28232 connections (clients) before I get the errno [99] "Cannot assign requested address" from the client program. I am using the same machine to do both operations. It seems like I am reaching some networking limitation outside of both programs.The server process has a maximum of 6 theads running(well below the thead limit). The client has two threads. When I add another client machine to the testing I can surpass 28232 connections). What limitation am I reaching on the server machine and how can I overcome this limitation. Again when I add a client machine to the testing, I can achieve more than 28232.

System Setup:
SUSE 11.1 64 bits
ulimit nofile=150000

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Server :: Du -sh Command Does Not Reflex A Real Used Capacity

Jul 18, 2011

bash-3.00$ df -h Filesystem size used avail capacity Mounted on /dev/md/dsk/d5 44G 40G 3.1G 93% /u01 but bash-3.00$ du -sh /u01 9.7G /u01 My question is: Why the fist command tell me 40G used but the second command tell me different result? My system info: SunOS INSP-DB1 5.10 Generic_142909-17 sun4u sparc SUNW,SPARC-Enterprise

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General :: Xp Starts And Nothing Happens - Overcome?

Apr 6, 2010

I downloaded "debian-504-i386-netinst.iso" and burnt it to a dvd. When I boot the machine with the CD in the drive, Win Xp still starts and nothing happens. How can overcome this.

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Server :: Root File System At 100 Percent Capacity - Why

Jun 6, 2011

When I try to install anything recently, I was getting errors about "No Space". I noticed that the root drive (/dev/sda1) has 100% usage which I'm not sure how that suddenly happened.

tom@HouseMedia:/$ df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 9.0G 9.0G 0 100% /
none 1.5G 552K 1.5G 1% /dev
none 1.5G 0 1.5G 0% /dev/shm
none 1.5G 300K 1.5G 1% /var/run
none 1.5G 0 1.5G 0% /var/lock
none 1.5G 0 1.5G 0% /lib/init/rw
/dev/sdb1 294G 182G 97G 66% /mediastorage

There was a powerloss recently and I wondered if some serious corruption had occurred. Since I'm checking the root drive, I had fsck run after a restart:

sudo shutdown -F -r now

FSCK went to work, briefly, and the logs (/var/logs/checkfs and /var/logs/checkroot) remain empty. Speaking of log files, I had a look at all of them and they take up a mere 32MB, so that's not the issue...

tom@HouseMedia:/var/log$ ls -h -l
total 32M
drwxr-x--- 2 root adm 4.0K 2011-06-05 06:39 apache2
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K 2011-01-20 10:43 apparmor
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K 2011-06-01 06:37 apt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2011-03-01 06:43 aptitude
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 851 2011-02-08 10:08 aptitude.1.gz
-rw-r----- 1 syslog adm................

Using Code:
du -h
I know that:
/var uses 1.2 GB
/root uses 100 K
/usr uses 1.4 GB
/tmp is empty
/home has 35 MB

Have already ran apt-get clean. How can I figure out what is taking up so much room? How can I go about figuring out what is huge and is safe to remove?

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OpenSUSE :: K3b Decided To Give DVD Capacity Immediately?

Nov 13, 2010

First of all, this isn't really a problem for me, but I'm just curious. In the past when I started a data CD project, I remember that k3b used to start me with a "blank CD" of 700MB and then expand to a "blank DVD" of 4.4GB when the amount of data exceeded the capacity of a CD. Normally I just make an ISO image for the CD and burn on another machine (for a reason not relevant here).

Today, it started me off with a "blank DVD" right away. It's not a problem because the ISO format isn't different and the data is under 700MB anyway. How come? Ah wait, I think I know what it is, there's a DVD+RW in the drive at the moment so k3b got too smart and assumed that I wanted to write to it, even though I selected Create image only.

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General :: Increasing Capacity To File Server Through Storage Manager

May 10, 2011

My requirement. We have a linux File server which was connected to SAN (IBM DS4700)now I need to increase my capacity by 50GB I've added the 50GB through the IBM storage manager to the File server, but it doesn't showing on my linux file server

bellow the detail of my drives
/dev/mapper/mpath0p6 1.6G 287M 1.2G 20% /
/dev/mapper/mpath0p7 837M 240M 554M 31% /var
/dev/mapper/mpath0p3 4.1G 2.5G 1.4G 65% /usr
/dev/mapper/mpath0p2 5.1G 1.7G 3.2G 36% /home
/dev/mapper/mpath0p1 200M 24M 166M 13% /boot
tmpfs 2.1G 0 2.1G 0% /dev/shm
/dev/mapper/mpath0p8 356G 303G 36G 90% /filesrv

I need to add the 50GB on to the "mpath0p8".

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Fedora :: Overcome Desktop Effects Problem?

Feb 15, 2011

How to overcome Desktop Effects Problem?

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Ubuntu Servers :: 9.10 Server/Raid 10 Setup - HDD - Not Recognizing The Full Capacity Of The Drives

Mar 12, 2010

I have a total of 4 hdd's, 500gb 7.2rpm that I would like mirrored using raid 10. As you can see from the image, ubuntu 9.10 server isn't recognizing the full 2tb's. In fact, I'm not even sure about the configuration as I was thinking the HDD's would come up as four 500gb hdds. Instead I have the configuration above set and ready for Ubuntu to be installed on.

1. Is this typical of a server pre-configured from Dell(perc6 raid controller.

2.Why is ubuntu not recognizing the full capacity of the drives especially when it's a server install?

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General :: Scalable Test Platform And Patch Lifecycle Manager

Nov 7, 2010

Any guideline with this setup?

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General :: Scalable Test Platform And Patch Lifecycle Manager Deployment

Oct 21, 2010

I am regularly keeping watch on kernel releases like 2.6.36-rcX and compiling the upcoming kernel releases on Fedora 13.I came across STP [URL] and PLM testing and seems like it is relevant tool for compiling, testing the kernel components in very precise way. I am unable to find the documents which can help in how to implement or run the tool. I have just downloaded the Test-suit tar and dont see any README or steps to test or run the tool.

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Ubuntu :: Boost The Four Language Limitation?

Oct 27, 2010

In the menue of Kubuntu 10.10 (live-CD) for selecting the keyboard layouts
appears a message saying that there is a limit of selecting maximum four keyboard layouts, if I try to select a fifth one. That is very little four people involved/dealing with languages or for computers shared by several people from different countries. Does anybody knows anything about this limit and how to increase this number? In windows you can select more than a dozen languages. Where is the problem? Is it a problem of the KDE or of the linux kernel or what kind of problem is it? An other user told that this problem exists also in other versions e.g. in Ubuntu.

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Red Hat :: High Network Usage With Remote X Session

Aug 5, 2009

I am trying to figure out why the remote X performance of our RedHat 5.3 system is so bad. We have tried using X (Gnome session) from several different X Servers (Windows Xceed, Windows XWinPro, Linux Xnest - both Fedora 11 and Centos 5.3 and Mac OS Xnest) and the system is barely usable. I have monitored the network traffic on the RHEL system and it goes up to 6MB/s at some points, which seems a bit too high for X net traffic?I have disabled ipv6 and any ip_tables modules and that has helped a bit, but it's still not very good.I suspected the network hardware and driver, but I cannot see how that would cause network traffic problems.I wonder if there are any X Server network settings I might check, or whether trying XFCE would be a better option over Gnome. If so, do I have get the xfce group from a CentOS Repo, or is there something better suited to RHEL?

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General :: Bandwidth Limitation For Multiple Users Through LAN?

Aug 4, 2010

filter bandwidth for some users (about 150, from trough on LAN. All LAN users connect to the internet through RedHat linux server and all I could do so far is to ban some of them using iptables and commands


I would like to set a download/upload limit for some of them, is that possible?

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Server :: Build A Redundant, High-availability File Server System?

Mar 23, 2010

I am kinda stuck while providing solution for the above problem. I have achieved the fail over using keepalived but not sure how can we replicate the data from one server to other seamlessly and have them in sync with each other. My prime requirement for this project is end user should not notice the fail over and replicated copy of data should be available on the secondary as well.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Network Login Starter - Set Up A Server - Centralized Username And Password

Jan 21, 2010

I'm new to networks and servers, been using Linux on the desktop for a while now but always relied on the company's IT guy for setting up everyting LAN-based.

Now I want to build up my home LAN, and want to do it with Linux. I've managed to set up LAMP and file share servers.

What I am looking for is information on what I need, and how to set up a server for the following tasks:Centralized Username and Password, that when the user logs into any one of the desktops in the LAN, it uses this for authentication

Something that allows this authentication to be utilized in other servers (file access, web access, router logging, etc.). Something to make it easier for continuing permissions from one service to another. e.g. I have IPCop filtering content, and it has provisions for tracking who is making which request if there is authentication going on. (optionally) to run a script for mounting Samba shares or mapped network drives so from one system to the next. For example, in whatever box somebody logs in, it mounts a server share ("smb://Myserver/users/<username>") to a local folder ("my_user_share").

So;user "fred" ="smb://Myserver/users/fred" and user "wilma" = "smb://Myserver/users/wilma" but both would find their respective one mounted under "~/my_user_share". This would be irrespective of which box they are loggin in with. If the server share location changes (new server/servername), I change it on the server so the next time they log in it points to the right place.

I guess it is similar to Window's Active Directory, though I'm not sure what it's called, how to configure it and what it is and is not capable of doing.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Create A Gateway Server That Allows Virtual Private Network Connections?

Feb 26, 2010

I have openSUSE 11.2 installed and i need to create a gateway server that allows virtual private network connections. I want to play with my friends some lan games, but we are in different networks, so i want to create this gateway server so we can connect with VPN clients to this server and play freely.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Setup As A Network Boot Server To Install Solaris 10 On A Sun Ultra 10 Client?

May 12, 2011

I have an opensuse 11.3 install which I want to set up as a network boot server to install Solaris 10 on a Sun Ultra 10 client. According to what I've read, this requires rarpd and tftpd which I've set up on opensuse, but also bootparamd which I can't find for 11.3. It seems it was last included with opensuse 9.2. Does anyone know if it's available, if I could use the suse 9.2 version, or any alternative?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Set The Client Bandwidth Limitation Using Squid?

Mar 6, 2010

I'm having problems with squid, and i don't know how to solve them because I'm new to linux. a. Why squid in my computer often does not work? The process has already started (using the command sudo squid start), but the Internet on client computers can not connect. This can be be resolved if the proxy server computer is restarted. Anybody know why is this happen?

b. How do I set the client bandwidth limitation using squid? I want the client computers can only use maximum 60-70 KB / s. Do I need another additional software package?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Partition Limitation For Multi-boot?

Apr 6, 2010

I have a 500G disk and want to setup it as a test machine with many partitions.

The first partition is for Windows XP. It works. I use USB disk to boot Ubuntu, so I can use Ubuntu's command dd to backup my XP partition.

Than I set more than 10 partitions. Then Ubuntu booted from USB does not always work. It always boots, but when I open a terminal, I get funny characters.. It seems the problem is something to do with number or size of partitions.

Is there a limit for number of partitions or size of partitions?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Any Limitation On Number Of File Descriptors That Can Be Opened

Dec 23, 2008

Is there any limitation on the number of file descriptors that can be opened. If yes how to find the maximum number of file descriptors that can be opened at a time.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Network Slowdown On High Torrent Uploads ?

Jun 24, 2011

I have a home server based on Ubuntu Linux 10.04.2.

Motherboard - Asus AT4NM10-I (Intel NM10, PCI)
CPU - Integrated Intel Atom D410
RAM - 2 Gb
Lan - D-Link DGE-528T Gigabit Adapter

Provider gives 8/2 Mbit ADSL connection.

So tried Deluge and Transmission, and integrated or external network card and no luck.

When torrent file is being seeded on top speed network starts freezing, server almost unreachable, video freezing when watching it by LAN from server... etc...

When I pause upload - everything starts working ok!

Network based on gigabit switch and cooper UTP cables...

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OpenSUSE Network :: Adding Network Drive From Server?

Aug 5, 2010

I am trying to network a drive which is a USB drive. The directory is /media/My Book and I am at a loss on how to network it properly. From my laptop that has linux mint, I click on network and I see SFTP File Transfer on linux-8m03 but it can never seem to mount.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Create A Network Policy Server?

Jun 1, 2011

how to create network policy and system policy in opensuse11.4 and domain policies also???

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Ubuntu Networking :: Slow Network Speed / High Packet Loss

Apr 22, 2010

I have problems with my network speed when i ping my proxy server I end up getting a high packet loss generally more than 30%.I have tried to use various network monitoring softwares like etherape, wireshark, tcpdump but I am not able to get to the bottom of the problem.basically I am trying to find out where the lost packets are going.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Server Description On The Network?

Jun 8, 2010

When I installed OpenSUSE 11.1 on my server, at some point, I gave the server a description. Whenever I connect to any of the shares on the server, this description appears. For example, on one Windows workstation, there is a share which appears in Windows Explorer as "Midwest on 'Cincinnati Corporate ISS Server (ISS0042)' (T:)".

For the life of me, I cannot find where this description, "Cincinnati Corporate ISS Server", is stored. I've search through /etc, and poked around ad nauseum in YAST, but I am missing it. Where is this description stored? What is the YAST function to change it?

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Server :: Ntp Offset Value Too High

May 19, 2011

i have a problem here whereby some 20 over servers in my network is having regular Offset values. The configured threshold is 55, but whenever it exceeds 55, i have alerts coming in. My questions are;

1)how do i find out what is causing the Offset value to be high?

2)i have workaround in mind, that is to create a cronjob to restart the ntp daily, or hourly - is this workaround an acceptable practice?

My main concern is to find out what is causing the frequent offset spike/increase. real example from my servers:


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OpenSUSE Network :: Mulit Server Setup \ Server Machine Has No Internet?

Mar 27, 2010

I want to set up the following server in open suse:dhcpopenldapnfs (to allow users to mount their home directories from the serverI started off with the openldap server. I configured it with dc=localdomain,dc=local as its domain. As the server machine has no internet. Though when I go to add a .ldif file with the following command

ldapadd -x -D 'cn=Administrator,dc=localdomain,dc=local' -f /home/base.ldif -W
It returns this


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OpenSUSE Network :: Lamp Server To Send Automated Emails Using Cable Providers SMTP Server?

Jun 19, 2010

Somewhere out there there has to be someone that can help me set up my lamp server to send automated emails using my cable providers SMTP server

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Server :: Apache Load VERY High - How To Fix It

Apr 2, 2011

on an old server of mine, as soon as apache is started, the load average that I get to see with 'top', that normally is under 1, now just steadily climbs up and up to easily 150, in fact disabling the webserver from serving any webpage. I've checked netstat, and I'll try to upload the output. The ip's that are in there I've blocked with iptables. But that doesn't help or so it seems. I see nothing weird in the error logs. As soon as I stop apache, the load goes back to normal. As soon as I (re)start it, up it goes again. What can cause this and how do I get rid of it?

p.s. It's an old server, fedora3 or so, and I've got a new one to which I'll transfer the domains, but until that's completely done, I'd like this one to run as it has for years...

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Server :: Load Average Is High

Dec 14, 2009

The load average is almost 1.06, but cpu is not 100% utilized... I am just wondering why load average is 1.06 in that case still ? (well i monitored cpu for long time, it never exceeded above 40%)can anyone explain the reason behind it ? Also is the system over utilized in this case ?

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