OpenSUSE Install :: Bios Bootup From Cd?

Dec 27, 2009

i am trying to let my BIOS boot up from a CD afther installing openSUSE. so i went to my bios and configured it to boot to cd first then hdd, but it went to my hdd first. no cd..

i am trying to install another OS from cd..

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Ubuntu Installation :: Access Bios So Activate Num Lock During Bootup

Mar 13, 2010

I have installed Ubuntu 9.10 and love it but I have one question. I tried to access the bios so that I can activate the Num-Lock during bootup but it's asking for a password. I tried my user password but that didn't work. How do I get that password? It's the only OS on the computer.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Desktop Without Icons On Bootup

Dec 18, 2009

I installed Linux about a week ago, so I'm really new to it. I have been having some problems with it, when I start my laptop sometimes it shows my desktop background but never seems to load all the icons and everything it sits there with the mouse pointer and a the desktop background screen without icons. The second problem is that when I suspend it I can never get the screen to work again not even by moving the mouse or typing anything in.

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Make Polipo Start At Bootup

Nov 25, 2009

I installed polipo and polipo working perfectly, but it won't startup when I bootup the system. To start polipo correctly, root privilige is needed. I remember that in Ubuntu polipo starts with the system after installation. What should I do to make polipo start during the bootup process?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Blank Screen & Mouse After Bootup

Jul 18, 2010

I just installed 11.3 on a Toshiba Satellite A305 laptop. After going through the install process it restarted (without a full reboot I believe) and spent a very long time going through a bunch of message. E.g. it spends about 10-15 minutes building java fonts, and warning me that Japanese/Chinese/Korean might not work in Java.About 20+ minutes after bootup it finishes with all the status messages (including a message that said it couldn't execute /usr/bin/cmp !?) and goes to a blank screen with a mouse sprite -- first a spinning circle, then a regular arrow sprite. So it's not a totally black screen, but all I have is the mouse sprite.

I let it sit there for over an hour.I think it was hitting the disk but nothing happened. I tried rebooting and it did the same thing.I tried setting the "nomodeset" boot parameter, which had helped someone with a similar problem no change.I tried it in failsafe mode no change.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Skipped Services In Runlevel 5 Stops Bootup?

Dec 3, 2009

After the GRUB prompt, my boot process does not advance to the login GUI. It kicks me out to the console view of the boot process and ends with a text prompt for logging in.

I get the following message just before the "Welcome to OpenSUSE 11.1" line:

Skipped services in runlevel 5: nfs

what's happening and how can I retrieve the login GUI?

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.2 / Gnome Flakey Auto Bootup & Shutdown

Mar 29, 2010

I didn't notice any relevant complaints regarding 11.2 in the archives. The bootup & shutdow may be different problems. Randomly my recent install boots up fine or hangs with a blank black screen. A Ctl Alt F2 gets me to a prompt. Startx returns a lockfile comment that X is already running.

From here I can shut 11.2 down and restart it OK. There must be a bootlog kept in /var somewhere. I haven't tried the non-automatic bootup. The shutdown randomly drops back to the logout screen. Usually a shutdown command from there will shut it down. Sometimes shutdown doesn't work, but restart will finish the shutdown.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Bootup Superblock Issue Related To /dev/disk/?

Jul 23, 2010

I decided I needed to expand my openSUSE partition because I was running out of room. There was some unallocated space following my /home and swap partitions that I wanted to assign to my / partition.

So after taking note that bad things could happen (as I've read everywhere), I got myself a copy of GParted (since Yast! partitioner doesn't move partitions, does it?) to start getting the thing to work. Well, actually, I got PartedMagic which has GParted (I realize it could be a problem NOW if they didn't have the latest version).

So the first step was to move the swap partition. I decided to do it one step at a time and only moved the swap partition to the end. That turned out problems whatsoever.

The next step is where the problem came in. It was moving the /home partition. It took a while to move but once it got to the end, it showed a message that was similar in nature to "error detected" without giving a long list of error messages. If it did, I probably would have copied it down. There wasn't anything in the "logs" either in GParted besides what it showed. Looking back, I probably should've went into /vars/logs to get additional log information but I guess I wasn't smart enough to do so (provided that GParted does leave log messages there which I think it does).

After that, it refreshed the drive and it ended up showing no partitions with an error and saying the only thing it can do is create a new partition table. After that, openSUSE wouldn't boot. After loading, (both normal and failsafe modes) it gives me the message in the link at the bottom. I can still access those partitions fine. Nothing's corrupted. Windows also boots up fine (it's on a different drive though) and reads the affected drive fine. Linux-based LiveCDs (including openSUSE 11.3) reads the partitions fine too.

I've tried using e2fsck on my ext4 partitions with commands I found during a search and they seemed to "fix" those partitions but it still won't boot and gives me the same message. Looking at it carefully, it seems the reason it can't find a superblock is because it can't find part8 of whatever that thing under /dev/disk/by-id/ is.

I would very much prefer a failsafe (or at least mostly failsafe) solution that won't (or is unlikely) to result in requiring the restoration of a backup but I do understand that there is always the chance of something going wrong that will kill everything. Considering that I can still access the data on that drive, I don't believe the data is corrupted. Maybe the drive itself (as in whatever signatures it may leave) but not the filesystems.

This is what I end up with trying to boot into openSUSE (sorry, I don't know how to get the log when it doesn't put it in logs directory:

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OpenSUSE Install :: BIOS With A Boot Manager - Update Or Install?

Jan 7, 2010

I had my motherboard fail and had to do a replacement. The motherboard I got has a feature (I don't think I can shut off) that lets you select what drive you want to boot off of. I have XP installed on the first drive and openSUSE 11.1 on the second drive. I am running openSUSE 11.2 with KDE 3.5 and I simply dropped my drives onto this new motherboard. I can boot up (Linux) just fine but am having other issues with my mouse. I am thinking of Updating to openSUSE 11.2 and the current KDE version.

Should I just update to 11.2 or do a new install. I have LOTS of data in my home directory I really don't want to lose and have a partition for data as well that is pretty full. I don't want to lose this stuff. What should I do about Grub with this BIOS that lets you pick which drive to boot off of? Put Grub in the MBR of the drive with openSUSE on it and nuke the MBR of the XP drive?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Higher Framebuffer Resolutions Not Available During Bootup/console - Nvidia Properietary Driver?

Jun 26, 2011

I'm using the 270.41.19 nvidia properietary driver for my Geforce GTX460 graphics card. I have a Sony TV connected to my HDMI and I know it supports the 1920x1080 resolution. Yes it works after gnome or other DE loads up.

But during the GRUB screen and the bootup console - It defaulted to a 640x480 resolution (as it always does with the nvidia prop driver). I usually used to check the output of hwinfo --framebuffer and choose the resolution by appending the right vga=0xabc parameter.

But now I have a problem since hwinfo says the best widescreen 16:10 framebuffer resolution that my card supports is 1280x800. Here is the output from hwinfo --vbe which should give the info about both my gfx card and my TV.

The initial nouveau driver was able to output native 1920x1080 during the bootup on the console without issues, so I guess even the properietary driver should be able to output (If my understanding is right the nvidia module loads later during the bootup and only is required for the X but not for the console itself).


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OpenSUSE Install :: AMI BIOS Bug Losing RAM

Aug 20, 2010

I have installed openSUSE-11.3and notice the following line in boot.msg:

WARNING: BIOS bug: CPU MTRRs don't cover all of memory, losing 512MB of RAM.

AMI BIOS shows 6043MB usable RAM

--- excerpt boot.msg ---
<6>[ 0.000000] x86 PAT enabled: cpu 0, old 0x7040600070406, new 0x7010600070106
<7>[ 0.000000] e820 update range: 00000000ddc00000 - 0000000100000000 (usable) ==> (reserved)


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OpenSUSE Install :: No USB Boot Option In BIOS?

Aug 29, 2010

Under Windows XP in the C Drive, I've downloaded PLoP boot manager to force the USB boot. I've tried about a thousand things and I get a different error message at different times from each attempt. I've got all of those documented, and I imagine I'll need to post them. I'm just not doing it quite yet as sometimes I give too much information and I really feel that I'm being an idiot here, missing something simple.

I'd like to install openSUSE onto the D Drive, using the USB and PLoP to boot it. I've downloaded openSUSE's torrents for all iso's (Net, DVD and LiveKDE). In order to get those files onto the USB, I first format to FAT32. I've tried UNetBootIn, LiLi, and mounting the iso on Daemon Tools and then copy-paste into the hard drive. None of these work and they all give different errors.Is this even possible, am I wasting my time? This is getting incredibly frustrating as I've been at it for nearly a week.

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Install Coreboot (GPL BIOS)

Aug 27, 2010

How to install Coreboot (GPL BIOS) from openSUSE.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Upgrade BIOS For A Pure Machine?

Dec 9, 2010

I'm attempting to upgrade the BIOS in an ASUS 1005HA netbook. The netbook runs SuSE 11.3, and no other OS. All the BIOS utilities on from ASUS are Windows or DOS based. ASUS has a utility titled afudos that apparently flashes the programmable ROM. Running afudos using the dosemu utility suggests that one needs to create a DOS boot drive, execute afudos during a reboot with the new ROM image located on the drive.

How does one accomplish said task on a netbook without a floppy disc drive? Do I create a bootable DOS USB flash drive that contains just afudos and the new bios flash rom upgrade? And if so, how does one do this? As a side issue, it looks like all the major motherboard vendors do not support Linux. That is, all the motherboard drivers require Windows or DOS.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Boot From Usb When BIOS Doesn't Support It?

Mar 12, 2011

i just downloaded openSUSE 11.4,i used to burn the .iso file to a cd and then boot using the CD. recently my cd/dvd writer crashed and i was wondering could i boot from my pen drive in such cases,i also prepared a bootable pen drive but in my BIOS settings there is no option visble for such booting.

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OpenSUSE Install :: BIOS Message - Fails To Launch From CD

May 16, 2011

Recently, for whatever reason (I am led to suspect a bad hard drive), Windows 7 failed to boot even in safe mode so I decided to just use a clear hard drive and install a far less troublesome OS, so I decided to try to use openSUSE. I used a backup laptop to download and burn the 4.7 GB release. Problem is, I haven't a clue how to get it to work. I thought just placing the burned DVD in when booting would be enough, but the BIOS keeps telling me it fails to launch from CD. Luckily, I had enough foresight to download a live CD just in case. I was able to install from the live CD, and when I checked the DVD, I was able to access all the content.

But I haven't a clue how to use it to upgrade/install all the extra software. Also, I should add I am completely new to this whole thing. While I have used Linux before, for the most part others dealt with all the administrative aspects of ensuring the system actually ran/had the needed software on it. Finally, I have one major restriction placed on this whole issue. I live out in the middle of no-where and the only internet I can get is limited to 200MB a day (I downloaded the CD/DVD elsewhere, but normally don't have a chance to do that). As such, being able to install from the DVD and not needing to download much software would be nice.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Reboot Freezes PC At BIOS Screen?

Sep 1, 2011

I have a problem where my PC will stop at the BIOS logo screen after a reboot. The keyboard and mouse don't get power ie no lights. I can power off / on and it will boot normally. The problem started after a fresh install and after installing the updates. ie before updates I could reboot and it was ok. I moved from Slackware and have Win7 and they don't have this problem. Also Ubuntu and Arch rebooted normally when I tried them. I have Opensuse 11.4 x64 on it's own HDD (Samsung F3) The system board is an Asus P8P67 Deluxe (Sandy Bridge) and the HDD is on a SATA3 port. Could it have something to do with the EFI BIOS? Would it be worth trying a newer kernel? it may better support my hardware. I'm hesitant as I don't want to break Lirc as it took awhile to get it working properly on the stock kernel.

Also where can I add '/etc/init.d/lirc restart' so I don't have to run it manually every time time I launch XBMC. I couldn't find 'rc.local'

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OpenSUSE Install :: Sudden Failure Of BIOS To Detect New Harddisk?

Feb 5, 2010

I have problems with my acer aspire M1201. I have added a 2GB RAM beside the 1GB stock RAM. Currently I have reformatted my stock Hitachi HDD 160GB and I have added another HDD in which it is a Samsung 500GB HDD SATA drive. I have successfully installed GNU/Linux Opensuse 11.2 OS in the new harddrive (Samsung). Besides all that, the other specifications are all stock. After 2 days of successful runs in the new OS and no problems at all, the OS hangs and fails to boot and displays this, Error 18 : Selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by BIOS. I should mention also that while setting screensaver, when I chose OpenGL, the OS hangs and i have to hard-reset my pc. I suspect that the current BIOS version which is R03-B1 and product name ACRA8000-S03-990610-R03-B1 needed update due to new hardware. But currently there is no new downloads in Acer's website regarding my BIOS version. What should I do to run my Linux successfully? I should also mention that I haven't logged to the internet due to unsuccessful dialer which i have consulted my internet service provider and yet to rectify.

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OpenSUSE Install :: LiveKDE Not Booting - Hanging On BIOS Screen

Jun 8, 2010

I have some trouble booting the current KDE Live Cd (11.2) on my Laptop. I tried USB and CD both. The laptop hangs on the bios bootscreen and I cant select any further option like a boot device. No problem I have with an Ubuntu CD.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Booting SUSE After Changing Disk Order In BIOS

Feb 24, 2011

I had to change disk order in bios and now I am unable to boot SUSE. My sda is now sdc(disk ID is still the same in fstab). Should I reinstall GRUB to MBR of hd0 or I will need to do something more.

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OpenSUSE Install :: PLOP Boot Manager - BIOS Doesn't Support It

Mar 14, 2011

i'm currently using windows vista and want to boot opensuse11.4 from my usb drive but my BIOS doesn't support it. please explain steps to install it on vista hard-disk,i'm getting confused following steps posted on theris website

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OpenSUSE Install :: Unknown (unsupported) BIOS Version Acer/Aspire 6920/V1.14

Feb 2, 2010

I'm absolotly not sure, if I'm right here. During start I see the message "unknown (unsupported) BIOS version Acer/Aspire 6920/V1.14 , please report, aborting!"but I did not found any Mail or URI, where I can report this one. So I paste the partof the boot.msg here. Hopefully it will be on the right place. If not :

Acer-6920:/var/log # cat boot.msg |grep 8.82
<4>[ 0.038082] [<c0208056>] show_trace+0x26/0x40
<4>[ 0.185822] [<c048ef1c>] acpi_tb_load_namespace+0x6e/0x136
<4>[ 0.185827] [<c048effa>] acpi_load_tables+0x16/0x4b


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OpenSUSE Install :: " Booting GRLDR / Turning On Gate A 20 / Bios Screen And Computer Does Nothing After Restart?

Sep 20, 2010

i started the installation programme and it went through a couple of options then says it has to restart the laptop when i restarted i got this message before the bios screen and then the computer does nothing

" Booting GRLDR.....
Turning on gate a 20 .... Success
Srating cmain() .... _"

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OpenSUSE Install :: Intermittent Error "18 Selected Cylinder Exceeds Maximum Supported By BIOS" Grub1.5

Aug 5, 2010

Immediately after the grub menu disappears I get the following error msg: Error 18 Selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by BIOS. Sometimes the grub options come up again (in Text mode) ...all works fine Sometimes just start via "Failsafe", reboot...all works fine. What is happening here and what would be the right procedure to avoid this happening again.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: RHEL Install Initial Bootup ?

Apr 16, 2009

We are brand new to the Linux platform and just learning. So this is what we have done so far, Installed RHEL 5 on a test machine. Says it was succesfully installed. But when it boots it boots to a blank screen with no prompt or gui or anything just a black screen. Does not accept any input or anything.

We are able to get into the GNU Grub and this is what we see

I can enter b for boot

We would like for this to boot to a GUI interface.

We want to set this up as a simple file server.

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General :: Install On Old Desktop - Cannot Get It To Work From A Bootup Off Of CD Or USB

Jan 20, 2011

So my friend dropped off an old Dell (from when the Pentium 4 was the best). The user password has been forgotten, and the User Accounts page will not display anything, so simply removing the password has been blocked. It has Windows XP installed. Unsure of what build and SP. Due to lack of interest to buy an OS, I decided to go with Linux. However, being new, I am unsure what Linux distro is best.

I tried Puppy already, but cannot get it to work from a bootup off of CD or USB. I was hoping for an ISO with a setup.exe type file in it, so I can simply log on in safe mode, and install. But with how many different versions and distros of Linux there are, you can see my reluctance to download and extract every ISO...

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Ubuntu :: Purple Screen And Freezes On Bootup After Install

Nov 25, 2010

I installed lubuntu 10.10 on my old computer (pentium II, 192 mb ram) but when i try to boot it passes the purple screen and feezes just after showing:

* Starting AppArmor profiles [OK]
* Starting NTP server ntpd [OK]

It was installed on From liveusb with the harddrive plugged into another computer cus the old ones bios doesnt support usb boot.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Install - No Grub Shown On Bootup

May 4, 2011

Have just installed Ubuntu 11.04, the system is to dual boot with XP.Ubuntu is installed, have been into it and it seems to be working fine. However, when I bootup the computer I get no "Grub!" [Grub is now going to take over the boot process textual alert]. And, once the system gets past that screen, there is no list of Operating Systems to boot choices. Just boots straight into Ubuntu - always.

Solved that by installing 'Startup Manager' (which I knew about from slight previous exposure to Linux) and set the default operating system to Windows XP - this means that now I can't get into Ubuntu.How do I get Grub to show that 'Grub alert'? And how do I get Grub to offer choices of OS to boot in to?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Bootup After Fresh Install: No Screens Detected

Jun 10, 2011

I tried to install Ubuntu 11.04 but after I enabled my second monitor through nVidia settings I couldn't boot. At that point I didn't know the problem had to do with that. I tried to reinstall Ubuntu but the install hanged so I downloaded and tried Mint thinking that the CD was defect. Now after enabling the second monitor via nVidia Settings I can't boot still. Bootup stalls at "Checkingg battery". I can press CTRL+ALT+F1 to open a shell. If I type "startx" then I get this:


I tryied "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg". My graphic card is G92 Geforce 8800GT. Driver used is 173.14.30.

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OpenSUSE :: Installed GNOME Desktop Environment But Can't Select It At Bootup?

May 6, 2010

I'm sure there is something I have done wrong. I have installed GNOME, but on start up it doesnt give me the option to select it. How can I use GNOME?

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