OpenSUSE Install :: Reboot Freezes PC At BIOS Screen?

Sep 1, 2011

I have a problem where my PC will stop at the BIOS logo screen after a reboot. The keyboard and mouse don't get power ie no lights. I can power off / on and it will boot normally. The problem started after a fresh install and after installing the updates. ie before updates I could reboot and it was ok. I moved from Slackware and have Win7 and they don't have this problem. Also Ubuntu and Arch rebooted normally when I tried them. I have Opensuse 11.4 x64 on it's own HDD (Samsung F3) The system board is an Asus P8P67 Deluxe (Sandy Bridge) and the HDD is on a SATA3 port. Could it have something to do with the EFI BIOS? Would it be worth trying a newer kernel? it may better support my hardware. I'm hesitant as I don't want to break Lirc as it took awhile to get it working properly on the stock kernel.

Also where can I add '/etc/init.d/lirc restart' so I don't have to run it manually every time time I launch XBMC. I couldn't find 'rc.local'

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3 64bit Install Freezes After Reboot During Autoconfiguration - GeForce 9300 Chipset (MCP7A)

Sep 15, 2010

I just wanted to install openSUSE 11.3 64bit. Installation works fine until reboot request. It switches to console, saying that it tries to load without reboot, screen becomes black, i got a cursor with animated wait-symbol and then it freezes. Can't move the mouse, no reaction on keyboard inputs, HDD-led not blinking. If I reset my PC and boot the new installation, it says that an error occurred and asks me to complete the unfinished installation. It starts auto-configuration and freezes again at about 3%. I tried again and some time it did not start the graphical yast but in textmode. The freeze came at the same position, but it posted many lines on console with error messages. I could not scroll, so I saw only parts of it, saying kernel panic and many addresses.

I guessed that it has to do with my chipset and graphics card, it is a nVidia GeForce 9300 chipset (MCP7A) with onboard graphics. It works fine with openSUSE 11.2 64bit by the way, but it was not supported in earlier versions than 11.2. So I tried to install it with proprietary drivers. I started the installation again and added the nVidia repository and a Packman repo and selected the driver which works fine on 11.2. Error was same as above. Next I tried an openSUSE 11.3 32bit Live CD that came with some PC magazine and lay around and it is booting and works fine!

This was confusing to me, so I wanted to try the 64bit version of the live CD. Which was again not booting. It freezes at some part, maybe when it tries to start X. But it also freezes booting with 'nomodeset' (found it somewhere here), in VESA mode and even in textmode! So i guess it's not X what causes the freeze. But it is sometime at the end of booting up, as far as I can say. I would like to use the 64bit version but I don't know where to search for the problem. I checked every checksum before burning, so a broken media should not be the reason

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OpenSUSE Install :: LiveKDE Not Booting - Hanging On BIOS Screen

Jun 8, 2010

I have some trouble booting the current KDE Live Cd (11.2) on my Laptop. I tried USB and CD both. The laptop hangs on the bios bootscreen and I cant select any further option like a boot device. No problem I have with an Ubuntu CD.

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OpenSUSE Install :: " Booting GRLDR / Turning On Gate A 20 / Bios Screen And Computer Does Nothing After Restart?

Sep 20, 2010

i started the installation programme and it went through a couple of options then says it has to restart the laptop when i restarted i got this message before the bios screen and then the computer does nothing

" Booting GRLDR.....
Turning on gate a 20 .... Success
Srating cmain() .... _"

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OpenSUSE Install :: Fresh Install 11.4 Blocks At Splash Screen On Reboot

Jun 30, 2011

I ordered a SuSE 11.4 installation DVD from an online Linux Distro distributer that I've used before with no problems. I did this rather than burn my own DVD from the website. I thought that I might perform a fresh install of SuSE 11.4 on this Dell 1420 Laptop that is currently running Ubuntu 11.04.

Note, this is a completely fresh install, not a side-by-side installation with Ubuntu; I followed the installation sequence that completely repartitions the entire disk for SuSE, and accepted all of the suggested options regarding logon, etc.

Everything goes well ... sort of. The first install didn't reboot correctly, i.e., the set-up that is supposed to run after the initial install never happened and I had to manually power-down the machine and restart from the "safe mode." Needless to say, that didn't work as expected. So, I re-install, from scratch, trying different options: for instance, instead of LVM, I decide to have an un-encrypted partition scheme and accept the "obvious" options ... thinking that the LVM options interacted badly with the install. Eventually I get the installation to proceed correctly, or so it appears: it goes though the entire sequence, including the re-boot, building the default image, etc.

I test this image by removing the DVD, power-cycling the machine, and all looks good, so I begin the process of installing software updates, etc. Being paranoid, I re-boot the machine, and all restarts correctly, etc.

Now here's the annoying thing. The next day, I power the machine on, and it locks at the splash screen. By the way, these are the exact symptoms that I experienced with the bogus/incomplete installations. The boot sequence proceeds up to the splash screen and waits forever.

So, in sum: I spent inordinate amounts of time attempting to install this software, carefully following the instructions provided by the installer. In every instance, after leaving the machine off for a day or so and rebooting, I am met with a splash screen that sits forever. Needless to say, I am extremely reluctant to repeat another day of software installation to only have to re-start with no assurances of success. Either I go back to ugly Ubuntu (which has always worked out of the box, by the way), or I look at other options. I was hoping to use SuSE, but I really don't care which distro is on that machine as long as it works and it provides TeX, R, Emacs, Scheme, and a few other software packages that I'm sure are of no interest to your customer base.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.2 - Screen Resolution Way Off On Reboot

Jan 12, 2010

I am installing 11.2 on an older machine, Athlon 2800+, GeForce 6800, 1 GB RAM. Install goes fine until try to reboot to the OS and just get massive garbage on the screen. Can't see anything just lines crossing the screen, it seems almost like the resolution is way off but don't know how to change that since I can't see anything. I tried two different install disks to make sure not the problem and got the same thing with both. I tried installing both KDE and GNOME on separate occasions and still same problem. I have used the same install disk to put this on an even older machine and that went fine. I do have windows 7 installed on another partition. I'm fairly new to linux but I'm learning.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Login Screen Freezes Immediately

Jul 1, 2010

I installed openSUSE 11.2 on my Compaq 2170US laptop. When I select it from the grub menu, everything acts normally until the login screen, which freezes immediately (i.e. before I can select my user account or type in my password).I installed from the full openSUSE DVD and chose the GNOME desktop. Before installing, I took openSUSE for a test drive with the GNOME LiveCD and everything seemed to work fine.

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OpenSUSE Install :: System Frequently Freezes The Screen

Jul 15, 2011

The system frequently freezes the screen. The mouse is still moveable but there is no reaction on any click. Keyboard does not work either (pushing Num-Lock does not toggle the Num-Lock light on the keyboard). However, Alt-Print-b works for a reboot. The only other way out is to turn of the computer.I had this effect some time ago where I thought it was a problem due to the NVIDIA graphics driver. Since then, I changed back to the standard VESA driver and thought the problem would be gone. Just a thought

I toggled through the log files in /var/log which had the file date/time of the crash but I could not find any hint.Which log files could I look as well to dig for the problem? Or any idea for such an effect?

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3 - Screen Turns Off After Auto Reboot

Feb 6, 2011

I have a fresh install of openSuse 11.3 installed. But after the install the auto reboot nothing happens screen turns off, I restart comp grub came up.
OpenSuse (Default)
Failsafe openSuse
Windows 7

I select default the little gecko loading screen comes up then after 15sec screen goes black screen actually goes into idle mode, button pressing mouse moving nothing effects it. I reboot again select failsafe, text screen comes up going through list everything green, then screen turns black doesn't go into standby just black screen. I reboot try default with nomodeset loading runs same as failsafe except when comes to x-server screen goes black.

I have 2 displays a 18" Dell digital lcd Monitor, and my 26" TFT TV, They are both connected to a Gigabyte Nvidia GeForce 8400 GS, TV with HDMI and Monitor with DVI-I. I have a second 18" Dell LCD Monitor, which I had connected with D-Sub but I couldn't get all 3 working so disconnected second monitor, as i wanted tv over monitor. I had ubuntu 10.10 running before the opensuse 11.3 install it worked fine but i wanted to try suse.

I thought it might have been that I was picking KDE desktop then adding Gnome later in installation, so tried reinstalling default install same problem, tried gnome alone same issue, tried gnome and KDE and same issue. so i put original idea back on KDE and gnome later in install. and im sticking with this until I fix as its the one I want. But if I really have to I will switch back to ubuntu. I have no Linux experience.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3 - Screen Freezes Completely (but Mouse Is Moving)?

Aug 26, 2010

Sometimes, (the most when I'm making changes in something, like the pager, appearance, theme, etc), the screen freezes completely (but mouse is moving) and I have to restart the system.

If I try it again, it crashes at the same point.

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OpenSUSE Install :: ATI Driver Installation - After Reboot Got A Blank Screen

Apr 14, 2011

I Just installed OpenSuse 11.4-32 bit with KDE 4.6 on my PC. At first boot everything was working, then I added the community ATI/AMD repository to get the drivers for my ATI 5570, but after reboot i got a blank screen. So I ran the "failsafe mode" in the boot menu, it worked (3D accel. as well), but just for the root user. To make it work for the non-root user had to set the setuid bit for /usr/bin/Xorg. (is it ok to run xorg with superuser privileges?) Then I tryed to understand wich is the kernel option actually needed for X to start, and after a few attempts I realized the only option really needed is the "nomodeset". what is the nomodeset option for? and why I need it to run in the graphic mode?

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OpenSUSE Install :: System Freezes After GRUB (Normal Or Failsafe) Boot Splash Screen

Apr 17, 2011

I noticed that after making my build in suse studio my system freezes immediately after GRUB ( Normal or Failsafe) boot splash screen. I also noticed that this happens only with the specified kernel below. I'm not sure when using Kernel 2.6.37, one had the same problem. I never used it. The original kernel 2.6.34 had no problems such as the one I have described. My systems has no further problems only that it takes several restarts to go past the "Freeze". Below is a list of my system specs:

openSUSE 11.3
Kernel-pae from Kernel Stable.
GRUB 0.97-174.1 from openSUSE 11.4
Upstart 0.6.5-33.1
xorg-x11-server 7.6_1.9.3-142.1 from X11:xorg 11.3 repo.

The GRUB from openSUSE 11.4 has been very stable and non-problematic. I will be buying an Intel core i5-2500K in a few months that's why I need the latest kernel and XOrg-X11-server. What could be causing the freezing?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Shutdown / Reboot - Get Screen With Green / Bold Status Messages On The Side

Dec 5, 2009

everytime I try to shutdown/reboot, it gets to the screen where it has the green/bold status messages on the side, but then it simply stops. The cursor doesn't blink, nothing could wait 10 minutes, and it would still be at that same screen. I don't know if I've described this well enough for anyone to understand, but I hope so! I don't have a camera, but if I did...I'd post a picture of where I mean...

But like I said, after getting to a certain, without actually shutting down, it simply stops and does absolutely nothing. This is rather inconvenient, and I'd like to find a solution to this if possible. EDIT: I'm sorry I didn't provide any hardware info, but I'm using Gnome...This didn't happen 100% of the time KDE like it does now though. (But it DID happen in KDE as well) I'm using OpenSUSE 11.2... I'll be back in a moment with hardware info, assuming it may aid in a solution.


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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Boot After This Point The Reboot Operation Has Failed And Gave A Blank Screen?

Jun 19, 2010

i am trying to install opensuse 11.2 to my vaio laptop i have win7 pro 64 bit already installed so i'm trying dual booting i have followed the below steps1- on windows, shrink the c partition and create a new unused volume for suse2- install the suse 11.2 on the new unused volume with hdd config like sda4 swap 4 gb sda5 20 gb / ext4 sda6 120 gb ext43- selected custom packages and started the installaton4- installation started smoothly and after installing packages it tried to reboot the machine at the end. But after this point the reboot operation has failed and gave a blank screen.

At the end the installation failed.I started the machine vaio boot logo comes and stops. i can't even enterbios setup or change boot options.I have unplaged the hd reset the partions, pluged it again and recovered win7So i think the installation damaged the file system.i have tried the above steps 2 times and came up with the same result.I have installed fedora 13 before with no problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Desktop On Top Of Server - Reboot It Freezes During Startup ?

Feb 15, 2011

For some reason my disc I burned for ubuntu desktop 10.10 freezes when I get to the ubuntu logo with the 5 dots. I am able to install ubuntu server just fine.

I tried to install desktop on top of server using sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop and then whenever I reboot it freezes during startup.

I think it might be my swap partition. I recall seeing a blip of an error talking about "press C to skip or M to start maintenence" or something like that. It never stayed on the screen long enough for me to read it.

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Ubuntu :: Over Heat Message From BIOS On Reboot?

Mar 12, 2010

Everytime i reboot ubuntu karmic, or shut down then turn on later, it greets me with a screen that says "your bios has detected your computer was sent into hibernation mode due to overheating" of course this is not the case, and the message is very annoying, help? =x

I'm on an HP pavilion dv7

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OpenSUSE Install :: BIOS With A Boot Manager - Update Or Install?

Jan 7, 2010

I had my motherboard fail and had to do a replacement. The motherboard I got has a feature (I don't think I can shut off) that lets you select what drive you want to boot off of. I have XP installed on the first drive and openSUSE 11.1 on the second drive. I am running openSUSE 11.2 with KDE 3.5 and I simply dropped my drives onto this new motherboard. I can boot up (Linux) just fine but am having other issues with my mouse. I am thinking of Updating to openSUSE 11.2 and the current KDE version.

Should I just update to 11.2 or do a new install. I have LOTS of data in my home directory I really don't want to lose and have a partition for data as well that is pretty full. I don't want to lose this stuff. What should I do about Grub with this BIOS that lets you pick which drive to boot off of? Put Grub in the MBR of the drive with openSUSE on it and nuke the MBR of the XP drive?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Bios Bootup From Cd?

Dec 27, 2009

i am trying to let my BIOS boot up from a CD afther installing openSUSE. so i went to my bios and configured it to boot to cd first then hdd, but it went to my hdd first. no cd..

i am trying to install another OS from cd..

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OpenSUSE Install :: AMI BIOS Bug Losing RAM

Aug 20, 2010

I have installed openSUSE-11.3and notice the following line in boot.msg:

WARNING: BIOS bug: CPU MTRRs don't cover all of memory, losing 512MB of RAM.

AMI BIOS shows 6043MB usable RAM

--- excerpt boot.msg ---
<6>[ 0.000000] x86 PAT enabled: cpu 0, old 0x7040600070406, new 0x7010600070106
<7>[ 0.000000] e820 update range: 00000000ddc00000 - 0000000100000000 (usable) ==> (reserved)


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OpenSUSE :: Screen Resolution Resets After Reboot?

Nov 20, 2010

Every time I reboot, my screen resolution goes back to 800x600. Is there a way to permanently set it to what I want?

I'm running OpenSuSE 11.2 using KDE.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Install Freezes On Welcome Screen

Jan 20, 2010

I tried to install ubuntu 9.10 with the live cd, but my computer freezes on the welcome screen, where you select the language (for the second time).After that the ubuntu logo starts pulsing and after a while the welcome screen appears. At this point, my mouse and keyboard are frozen (though the laser is still working) and the only way is to turn my computer off. I can't even eject the cd rom.

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Hardware :: Hwclock (BIOS): Time Set Wrong During Shutdown And Also Reboot?

Nov 15, 2010

System time was drifting ahead increasingly for several days time in the end. This is what I did with the clock about 6 hours "in the future":


sntp -P no -r
hwclock --systohc

i.e. I got the (more or less) exact time from the time server and set the hardware / BIOS timer with this value.I renamed "/etc/adjtime" to beginn with a clean slate. During reboot (shut down phase) I noticed a message saying something like: "hwclock set to system time". I checked in the BIOS and there was a new time about one hour early(!). The boot phase then reset the time again, this time several hours forward (usually two to six hours). This is an iterating process, with a net gain of several hours per boot. It is not always whole hours -- like in a time zone error but it involves also minutes. System is set to UTC as affirmed by the "date" command. What could be the cause of this behaviour of the clock / timer?

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OpenSUSE :: Screen & Keyboard Freezes Often - SuseLinux 11.3 - KDE4

Mar 25, 2011

i installed suselinux 11.3 on my lenovo t410 and i am using kde4. since then, i have the following problem: the screen freezes suddenly and the keyboard doesn't work anymore. i can move the mouse cursor, but clicking doesn't work. funny enough, the sound still works. the only way to restart the laptop is by pushing the power button for 10 seconds.

so far, there was no real pattern about the 'when does that happen?'. it happens sometimes when i am surfing on 'innocent' webpages like wikipedia or, not very often while watching videos. once it happened when i was only using kile for latex. it happened while i was experimenting with kdenlive. another time when i opened 2 vcl player in order to watch 2 videos simultanously.

sometimes there are days without trouble, sometimes i have to restart the laptop 5 times (like today...). is there a way to find out what is actually wrong? and how to get rid of the problem? (how do i create a proper bug report of these incidents?)

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OpenSUSE Install :: No USB Boot Option In BIOS?

Aug 29, 2010

Under Windows XP in the C Drive, I've downloaded PLoP boot manager to force the USB boot. I've tried about a thousand things and I get a different error message at different times from each attempt. I've got all of those documented, and I imagine I'll need to post them. I'm just not doing it quite yet as sometimes I give too much information and I really feel that I'm being an idiot here, missing something simple.

I'd like to install openSUSE onto the D Drive, using the USB and PLoP to boot it. I've downloaded openSUSE's torrents for all iso's (Net, DVD and LiveKDE). In order to get those files onto the USB, I first format to FAT32. I've tried UNetBootIn, LiLi, and mounting the iso on Daemon Tools and then copy-paste into the hard drive. None of these work and they all give different errors.Is this even possible, am I wasting my time? This is getting incredibly frustrating as I've been at it for nearly a week.

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Ubuntu :: Purple Screen And Freezes On Bootup After Install

Nov 25, 2010

I installed lubuntu 10.10 on my old computer (pentium II, 192 mb ram) but when i try to boot it passes the purple screen and feezes just after showing:

* Starting AppArmor profiles [OK]
* Starting NTP server ntpd [OK]

It was installed on From liveusb with the harddrive plugged into another computer cus the old ones bios doesnt support usb boot.

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Ubuntu :: Repetitive Freezes - Stuck On Try / Install Screen

Jun 11, 2011

I burned a disk with Ubuntu on it, put it in and used the "try" function. I spent a couple hours on it and liked it. I decided to hit the install button on the desktop, it all went smoothly. It froze during the "logging off" process, so I cold booted it. Upon restart, I was prompted again to try/install Ubuntu. (Again, I've already installed it, or so I think...) Well, what the heck. I install it again, it freezes and I let it be. I come back to find it, once again, on the try/install screen. I'm currently on the "try" function again. How do I cure my lack of an installed copy of Ubuntu?

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Debian Installation :: KDE Install BLACK Screen On Reboot

Mar 8, 2010

I've just put a fresh install of 64 bit Lenny on my new HP server. All went well so I thought to install KDE. On reboot, the screen just goes black.Could I have some helpful suggestions on how to start working out what the problem could be?

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Red Hat :: After Fresh Install And Reboot - Get A Black Screen - CENTOS 5.5

Jan 26, 2011

I am running a dell poweredge 2600 in which i just now did a fresh install of Centos 5.5 KDE. The install went perfectly with no hiccups or errors. I reboot the server and centos dose its normal checking everything and giving a Green"OK" or Red"Error" and everything seems to be fine. I then get to a black screen with a X mouse cursor, i can move the cursor freely and i can turn the Num Lock key on and off and i can do a Ctrl+Alt+F5 and then reboot with a Ctrl+Alt+Del smoothly, but i just cant get the centos to boot up all the way into the GUI.

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Install Coreboot (GPL BIOS)

Aug 27, 2010

How to install Coreboot (GPL BIOS) from openSUSE.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Upgrade BIOS For A Pure Machine?

Dec 9, 2010

I'm attempting to upgrade the BIOS in an ASUS 1005HA netbook. The netbook runs SuSE 11.3, and no other OS. All the BIOS utilities on from ASUS are Windows or DOS based. ASUS has a utility titled afudos that apparently flashes the programmable ROM. Running afudos using the dosemu utility suggests that one needs to create a DOS boot drive, execute afudos during a reboot with the new ROM image located on the drive.

How does one accomplish said task on a netbook without a floppy disc drive? Do I create a bootable DOS USB flash drive that contains just afudos and the new bios flash rom upgrade? And if so, how does one do this? As a side issue, it looks like all the major motherboard vendors do not support Linux. That is, all the motherboard drivers require Windows or DOS.

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