OpenSUSE :: Giving Access To Usb Harddrive?

May 29, 2011

I have an USB drive and I made a share with samba and accessed it from windows computer. I've been using openSUSE 11.3 with no problems.

Recently, I've installed openSUSE 11.4. Now I can't write to my USB Disk through samba.

It is formatted as ntfs.

samba log tells a lot of things.... for eg.:

[2011/05/30 11:46:54.148085, 2] smbd/trans2.c:5531(smb_set_file_dosmode)
smb_set_file_dosmode: file_set_dosmode of 1 failed (Permission denied)
[2011/05/30 11:46:54.148163, 3] smbd/error.c:80(error_packet_set)


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Ubuntu :: Access A Slave Harddrive Via Ssh?

Mar 12, 2010

I want a new user to be able to access a slave harddrive via ssh, how do I sent up an account for that person it is on a local lan

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Ubuntu :: Cant Access On 2nd Harddrive After Reinstall Of Xp?

Jan 5, 2011

I have two hard drives one running Ubuntu 10.04 and the other XP (only for itunes and gaming) but earlier today i needed to reinstall xp as its windows and got bored of working properly and i am now unable to access the ubuntu harddrive as grub was written to the windows mbr.Now i would of normally just reinstalled Ubuntu and gone from there but as i was trying to be clever i copied my itunes folder over and i dont really wont to lose this.So two questions;1) How can i add the Ubuntu harddrive back to the boot options ?2) Or how can i get the itunes folder off the Ubuntu install using a live disk or from xp?

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Debian :: Unable To Access Harddrive

Jan 26, 2011

I'm unable to access my harddrive, I added the following line to /etc/fstab

/dev/sdb2 /mnt/harddrive ntfs user,defaults 0 0

in terminal I ran fstab -a

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Debian :: Can't Access Harddrive (lvm + Dm-crypt) After Reinstall

Feb 22, 2011

Debian 6.0 Squeeze (stable) AMD64.

At first the problem was that the old volume group (containing all logical volumes for both physical volumes) had the same name as the new volume group. I did a reinstall where I changed the name and ran vgreduce --removemissing debian which seems to have removed all logical volumes from the old volume group.

When I try to unlock the drive in Gnomes Disk Utility I get "Incorrect Passphrase. Try again." but I *know* it's the right password, and I don't get any error when changing the password so that seems to be possible.

I found the oldest archive in /etc/lvm/archive/ and manually edited it to remove any stuff about the old LVs and PVs. Then I did vgcfgrestore --file groupname. With the help of blkid I edited /etc/fstab and /etc/crypttab to mount the disk at startup.

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Server :: Giving SSH Access To Machines On LAN From Internet?

Mar 7, 2011

I am having a server in a corporate data centre. There are some virtual machines running on it.The main server is accessible from internet via SSH. There are some people who within the lan access the virtual machines whose IPs on LAN are


from internet only one host is allowed SSH. This machine has public IP and is also connected to LAN on the IP Tunnel is not allowed on our network.So now I am came across a solution as explained on this link. I am not clear with on which machine .ssh/config file I add following

Host ProxyCommand ssh nc %h %p Should above be done on gateway where public IP and ssh is allowed or client on internet who has to login. Do I need to create separate accounts on the gateway also so that the users who can SSH to gateway then are forwarded to inside machines? Or one account on gateway is sufficient for different people logging in via internet to my gateway and then forwarded to internal machine?

Then do I need to create an account user1 on the gateway also?

1) What is the correct syntax for ProxyCommand on gateway's .ssh/config should I use

ProxyCommand ssh user1@inside.machine nc %h %p
or I should use
ProxyCommand ssh in nc %h %p

2) Should I create new user accounts on gateway also which exist on internal machine?

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Debian :: Install .deb Packages Without Giving Root Access?

Aug 4, 2010

Is there any way to install .deb packages without giving root access?That it, I have root access, but I dont to give root access to the .deb package.This is for instance to install the .deb of SipderOak online backup took, or to install the .deb of openofficeWhenver available, I compile from sources, but sometimes only the .deb is available.

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Debian :: Any Way To Install .deb Packages Without Giving Root Access?

Aug 4, 2010

Is there any way to install .deb packages without giving root access?That it, I have root access, but I dont to give root access to the .deb package.This is for instance to install the .deb of SipderOak online backup took, or to install the .deb of openoffice.Whenver available, I compile from sources, but sometimes only the .deb is available.

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General :: Giving User Write Access To Directory And Subdirectories

Aug 10, 2010

I need to give a user write access to /var/www and its subdirectories. The current directory permissions are as follows:rwx r-x r-x root root

I added the user to the root group but that didn't seem to help.I read I could chmod -R to change the access to write for the www directory and subdirectories but I don't want to change things and mess up the website. How can I give the user access to write to the www directory and subdirectories without messing anything up? Would changing the www directory group owner to his group cause an issue anywhere?

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Fedora :: Changed Harddrive Priority To Second Harddrive?

Mar 9, 2011

i've worked with Linux for a while now, but never in a double boot kind of way (except using wubi), and i'm still kind of a newby.i have 2 harddrivesfirst one has only 1 partition; Windows XPsecond one has 1 empty partition, simple storageand another partition where i installed fedora core, and GRUB is also located on this harddrive.I changed harddrive priority to my second harddrive, result:GRUB comes up, no problem, but when I try to boot windows, it tells mentldr is missing ctrl alt del to continueso i changed the harddisk priority back to the way it was, where the first drive containing windows is first priority... but then, no GRUB.i've tried editing the grub conf,i've tried fixboot/fixmbrtl;dr:no ntdlr when linux harddrive is main priorityno grub when windows harddrive is main priority

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Server :: NFS Export Giving A Computer Access To Root-owned Files?

Oct 8, 2009

Yes, I know this is not a good practice, and this is only a short-term solution.I have a server with a web-file-server daemon running internally as root, so the permissions for all files it transfers/creates have a uid/gid of 0:0.This is fine for the daemon, but I would like to manage those files from another workstation - actually a few workstations on a very limited LAN subnet - through NFS. How would it be possible to have users from a certain subnet mount NFS with root read/write abilities?I have seen the anonuid/anongid options (for the /etc/exports file), but I'm not so sure this is the right way to go.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Harddrive Not There But There?

Jul 16, 2010

i noticed that my 2 internal harddrives are mounted within the system (i can see them with DF) but they do not show up with Dolphin (running KDE Suse 11.3).Now i added them manually. Might be that a bug or did i something wrong at installation?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Deleting Files On A USB Harddrive?

Dec 4, 2010

I got an external enclosure to use an old hard drive as a usb external hard drive for backing up files to.mI tried deleting all the files but there are quite a lot that cannot be deleted Nautilus saying "permission denied".

The harddrive had/has ubuntu 10.4 on it.

Do i need to delete all the files & folders from terminal? I'm running OpenSuse 11.3 in gnome. So i've got Gnome Terminal.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Linking Of A Folder To A Harddrive?

May 13, 2010

i would like to link a folder, in my case that is 'Pictures' to a different harddrive with a folder containing pictures. So whenever i save pictures it would save by default onto the harddrive with the linked folder. How can i do that. I tried to do it with ls i think but this makes softlinks which did not let me open automatically open the other folder. omg i hope i don't make it to complicated to understand.

So here a visual plan of it.

the default folder

like to link it to


so this is the harddrive (another internal harddrive) which contains a different folder where i store my photos in general.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Latest Version From DVD Onto Second Harddrive

Jul 30, 2010

I want to install latest version from DVD onto my second harddrive. I tried it myself yesterday but ended up with a bootloader I didn't want, and some alterations on my windows 7 disk. It took me a while to restore the windows bootloader and I don't want to do it again. how to proceed to install a fresh copy on opensuse/kde on my second harddrive without it touching my first (I can select bootdevice from bios function). Both are currently formatted as NTFS and the second (target) drive is empty.

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General :: Administration - Managing SAMBA Shares And Giving User Specific Access For The Shares

Jul 28, 2010

I am working as a Linux administrator in a very small data centre with 5 servers with following routine tasks.

1. Managing SAMBA shares and giving user specific access for the shares.
2. Scheduling backup of some mount points with rsycn to store data in remote hard disk
3. User and group administration, with sudo access.
4. Creating and Managing Xen Virtual machines and giving access to other project teams.
5. Automating some tasks with Shell Scripting.
6. Managing FTP server for user uploads.

I have practiced a lot in my home laptop without RHEL training, Cleared RHCE and LPIC1. I want to do some advanced system admin tasks, but do not have option in my current data centre. With Above skills is it possible to get a job ?

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.2 External Encrypted Harddrive Not Correctly Mounted?

Nov 14, 2009

i have an external harddrive which i encrypted scince opensuse 10.2 with luks. Now i installed opensuse 11.2 its impossible to me to mount this drive correctly.

the harddrive was recocnized in my former opensuse 11.0 correctly as luks encrypted and during installation yast installed the kernel module and encrypted the harddrive so that i regulay could mount it on boot by giving the password for that harddrive. Scince opensuse 11.2 however yast thinks this is an dmcrypted partitoon and tries to unlock the harddrive using dmcrypt which of course fails.

does somebody know how i can encrypt and mount the externeal drive automaticly?

i have made a backup of /etc before i made a new installation of opensuse 11.2. is the possible to use the old fstab entries for that after installing luks?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Boot Error 15, Can`t Mount Harddrive, And Can`t Run Fsck?

Apr 28, 2010

I was running 11.0 and it stalled in the middle of a number of updates. On reboot I now get (if I remember correctly) Error 15: File not found.I managed to get my hands on a 11.0 live cd and started trying to fix grub. However, when I try mounting the harddrive using "mount /dev/sda1" I got

can`t find sda1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab
"mount /dev/sda1 /mnt" gives


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OpenSUSE :: Emacs Giving Me Artifacts In GUI

May 11, 2011

I am using emacs for editing. The problem is that it is giving me a lot of artifacts on the screen. Like the cursor movement leave black marks all over the screen. Cursor is sometimes not visible after movement. If I use highlighting current line then it also leaves artifacts.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.2 Boot But Not Giving Up?

Jan 3, 2010

Cut the windows cord 6 months ago, and was up and running 11.1 almost perfectly. The only problem was the 3D desktop wasn't running, so I decided to upgrade to 11.2 . That appears to have been a mistake for two reasons, 1) the 3D graphics weren't running because I was only using the motherboard for graphics and 2) the upgrade doesn't like the onboard ATI graphics or the new ATI card that I've since bought.

Initially I was only getting a black screen, then after running the install repair it wouldn't boot at all.Bought the new video card, and tried some bad advice before trying to boot and disabled the onboard video to see if it would recognize the new card, then I was flying blind with no video. After removing the boards battery and resetting the bios jumper, I was able to boot with limited sucess, and I ran the repair tool several more times but was still unable to get to a command prompt.

I've now done a clean install with the new video card and now I can get to a command prompt but the boot is still being interupted. With some help I've also been able to run Yasta from the command prompt and install the latest (last weekend) updates.I get to runlevel 5 and it shows maximum number of X display failures reached.I'm using an AMD Athlon 64 X2 on a Biostar TA780G motherboard. I believe the motherboard uses an ATI chip and the new video card is a Sapphire HD 2400 with an ATI chip.

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OpenSUSE Network :: NTLM Proxy Giving Authentication Error

Nov 24, 2008

I have a problem with the NTLM proxy we use in school. YAST proxy configuration won't work, it just says authentication error. We have to login with the user in DOMAINuser style and a password, in Firefox it works.

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OpenSUSE Network :: VPN - PPTP Giving Segfault / Timeout In Logs

Jul 25, 2011

I have a problem with trying to connect to VPN over linux. From OSX and Windows the VPN connection goes through fine. It was working flawlessly, for the last one month I never used the laptop or the VPN, however after booting recently 1 week ago the VPN always show as timedout. Some details about the vpn / pptp connection details:


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OpenSUSE Install :: When Verifying A Disk After Burning Suse On It It Keeps Giving Errors

Nov 20, 2009

I've been trying to burn Suse 11.2 to a DVD now for a couple of days but I keep running into trouble. When verifying a disk after burning Suse on it it keeps giving me errors. I've tried Nero and ImgBurn, different burners, different ISOs, different burning speeds (downloaded via torrent and http) but it keeps giving me the verification error.

The only thing I haven't tried is a different brand of DVDs but until now I've never had any problems with this brand.

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OpenSUSE :: Updated To 11.4 [64 Bit] - Rkhunter Is Giving Warning: User 'rtkit' Has Been Added To The Passwd File

Mar 13, 2011

i have just updated to openSuSE 11.4 [64 bit]; rkhunter is giving these Warnings :

Warning: User 'rtkit' has been added to the passwd file.
Warning: User 'pulse' has been added to the passwd file.
Warning: User 'statd' has been added to the passwd file.
Warning: Changes found in the group file for group 'audio': User 'pulse' has been added to the group
Warning: Group 'rtkit' has been added to the group file.
Warning: Group 'pulse' has been added to the group file.
Warning: Group 'pulse-access' has been added to the group file.
Warning: Suspicious file types found in /dev: /dev/shm/ ASCII text
Warning: Hidden directory found: /dev/.sysconfig
Warning: Hidden directory found: /dev/.mount

Do these look Normal, Are these False-Positives??

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Hybrid Graphics Driver / Giving Aticonfig Command It Says No Adapters Detected?

Apr 30, 2011

I'm running a hybrid graphics card (AMD Radeon HD 6630m) so naturally I'd like to have full functionality between the two.

Here's what I've done so far:
Downloaded the .run file from AMD's website
Built packages for both AMD and Intel side of the card
Unpackaged said packages

I used ATI Catalyst's GUI to install (in hindsight terminal might have been better and more informative) and it is now saying

After installation of the generated package, it is important to save your X Window configuration file, and then run 'aticonfig --initial' (in a console window) to complete the basic configuration, please run aticonfig from a console window or AMD CCC:LE from the Desktop Manager Menu

So how and why do i save my X Window config and when I give the aticonfig command it says no adapters detected

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Wireless Is Giving BSOD (Black Screen Of Doom)

Nov 3, 2010

i'm running 11.3 kde 4.4, with a Broadcom 4318. since installing 11.3 a few days ago, whenever i'm connected via wireless, one of two things always happen: when trying to play video (hulu, ....., etc.) in firefox, within a minute or so i will get the BSOD--that is, my screen will go black, and my cap/num lock lights will flash on and off. also, when regularly browsing the internet...not long after opening firefox, it will stop working like i have no connection, and then i will get a frozen screen and system within a minute or two after seeing a variation of this communication message:

"Message from syslogd@sbkra at Nov 2 21:09:53 kernel: [956.784417] process irq/11-b43 (pid: 1974, ti=debee000 task=dd291170 task.ti=debee000 Message from syslogd@sbkra at Nov 2 21:09:53 kernel: [956.784424] Stack: Message from syslog@sbkra at Nov 2 21:09:53 kernel: [956.784458] Call Trace: "a couple times, i've gotten this message and the following freeze when running video in firefox.

strangely, i have no problems running streaming audio through smplayer. and i have no problems playing saved video files through smplayer. and i have absolutely no problems whatsoever browsing or playing online video while connected via ethernet.

i've also searched through the various forum sections to try to address the issue, but nothing i've tried has worked. nor has anyone had a problem identical or even similar to this. relation to "broadcom", yast tells me that i have "b43-firmware" and "b43-fwcutter" installed. nothing else. i do not have "ndiswrapper" installed, because this gave me problems in 11.2, and this problem mentioned here was happening in 11.3 before i uninstalled "ndiswrapper". and the repos i have are: Packman, OSS, Non-OSS, and Update.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Snd_sbawe ISA Sound Card Not Giving Sound

Feb 9, 2010

I encountered this on a 10.3 system but there might be similar problem with the 11 series. Having gone through the business of obtaining config info on this card via pnpdump and subsequently using Yast to configure and install it, I encountered a situation whereby the card was fully functional as far as the "Test Sound" option of Yast was concerned. However, after a reboot, it was not loaded and no sound was possible. Debugging the "alsasound" script, I discovered that the directory /proc/asound was not in place at that time and, therefore, sound was not started.

The solution was to add the module name (snd_sbawe) to /etc/sysconfig/kernel to the parameter "MODULES_LOADED_ON_BOOT". Seems like Yast did not see a reason to do this itself.

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OpenSUSE Network :: 11.3 Amd64 - Having Internet Access But Cannot Access Repos - IPV6?

Aug 26, 2010

I installed 11.3amd64 as a VM under Vista/VMWare Player - all worked fine. I have now installed it as a physical system. It nstalled cleanly BUT during first boot it could not access the repos. With each repo it gave the message

- download (curl) error for (repo)
- error code connection failed
- error message could not resolve host (repo)

This was followed by a message box containing

- UI syntax error
- no widget with ID 'contents

Firefox could not access the internet (cannot find server) until I disabled IPV6 (I used about:config), now it works fine. I think the repos problem is because of IPV6 - I usually have trouble with IPV6. I tried disabling IPV6 with the following (How To Disable ipv6 on SuSE Linux | Linux Poison)


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OpenSUSE Hardware :: When Try To Access The 500GB Drive Via Ssh It Says Access Denied

Mar 11, 2010

I have two external hard drives. One is a 2.5" 80GB USB HDD and the other is a Seagate 3.5" USB 500GB HDD. Both hard drives are mounted properly and I can access the data on both hard drives. I can access the small 80GB HDD via ssh from another computer and delete files, but when I try to access the 500GB drive via ssh it says access denied. When I try to access it with root, I can access it but I cannot see any files listed.

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Fedora :: How To Mount Harddrive

Nov 3, 2009

how to mount HDDalways all time when i restart system automatic mount when system startup

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