Debian :: Unable To Access Harddrive

Jan 26, 2011

I'm unable to access my harddrive, I added the following line to /etc/fstab

/dev/sdb2 /mnt/harddrive ntfs user,defaults 0 0

in terminal I ran fstab -a

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Debian :: Can't Access Harddrive (lvm + Dm-crypt) After Reinstall

Feb 22, 2011

Debian 6.0 Squeeze (stable) AMD64.

At first the problem was that the old volume group (containing all logical volumes for both physical volumes) had the same name as the new volume group. I did a reinstall where I changed the name and ran vgreduce --removemissing debian which seems to have removed all logical volumes from the old volume group.

When I try to unlock the drive in Gnomes Disk Utility I get "Incorrect Passphrase. Try again." but I *know* it's the right password, and I don't get any error when changing the password so that seems to be possible.

I found the oldest archive in /etc/lvm/archive/ and manually edited it to remove any stuff about the old LVs and PVs. Then I did vgcfgrestore --file groupname. With the help of blkid I edited /etc/fstab and /etc/crypttab to mount the disk at startup.

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OpenSUSE :: Giving Access To Usb Harddrive?

May 29, 2011

I have an USB drive and I made a share with samba and accessed it from windows computer. I've been using openSUSE 11.3 with no problems.

Recently, I've installed openSUSE 11.4. Now I can't write to my USB Disk through samba.

It is formatted as ntfs.

samba log tells a lot of things.... for eg.:

[2011/05/30 11:46:54.148085, 2] smbd/trans2.c:5531(smb_set_file_dosmode)
smb_set_file_dosmode: file_set_dosmode of 1 failed (Permission denied)
[2011/05/30 11:46:54.148163, 3] smbd/error.c:80(error_packet_set)


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Ubuntu :: Access A Slave Harddrive Via Ssh?

Mar 12, 2010

I want a new user to be able to access a slave harddrive via ssh, how do I sent up an account for that person it is on a local lan

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Ubuntu :: Cant Access On 2nd Harddrive After Reinstall Of Xp?

Jan 5, 2011

I have two hard drives one running Ubuntu 10.04 and the other XP (only for itunes and gaming) but earlier today i needed to reinstall xp as its windows and got bored of working properly and i am now unable to access the ubuntu harddrive as grub was written to the windows mbr.Now i would of normally just reinstalled Ubuntu and gone from there but as i was trying to be clever i copied my itunes folder over and i dont really wont to lose this.So two questions;1) How can i add the Ubuntu harddrive back to the boot options ?2) Or how can i get the itunes folder off the Ubuntu install using a live disk or from xp?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To See Harddrive / Enable This?

Jul 8, 2011

I ran Windows on this computer but it decided it wanted to die on me yesterday, so right now I'm using a Ubuntu Live CD. I wanted to save my files before I install Ubuntu on this harddrive, but when I click on 'Computer', I can't see my harddrive. However, if I go to Disk Utility I am able to see the drive: Unknown (500GB) and Unknown (490GB). I cannot access any of the partitions, so I tried to mount them. When I do that, I get the message code...

The same goes with /sda1/ which kind of sucks. I also tried with /sda/ but it didn't work either. I should probably also mention that when I try to run the Ubuntu installer it shows my harddrive, but no partitions.

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Fedora :: Changed Harddrive Priority To Second Harddrive?

Mar 9, 2011

i've worked with Linux for a while now, but never in a double boot kind of way (except using wubi), and i'm still kind of a newby.i have 2 harddrivesfirst one has only 1 partition; Windows XPsecond one has 1 empty partition, simple storageand another partition where i installed fedora core, and GRUB is also located on this harddrive.I changed harddrive priority to my second harddrive, result:GRUB comes up, no problem, but when I try to boot windows, it tells mentldr is missing ctrl alt del to continueso i changed the harddisk priority back to the way it was, where the first drive containing windows is first priority... but then, no GRUB.i've tried editing the grub conf,i've tried fixboot/fixmbrtl;dr:no ntdlr when linux harddrive is main priorityno grub when windows harddrive is main priority

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Server :: Unable To Mount Additional Harddrive From RAID Volume System

Apr 8, 2010

I believe server section is the best when speaking of RAID stuff...

I have the following situation:We have a DELL T3400 with embedded fake raid on it. I dont know exactly how the system was setup (I wasnt here at that time), but the RAID was enabled in bios and while booting, the two harddrives would be seen as members of intel raid volume0 (RAID 1 mirror). I am not sure if the software raid was actually properly configured in Linux (Fedora 9) and if the OS was reconstructing the whole raid or it was just the bios part that was mirroring the /boot or just some parts of it. Frankly I find these hydrid raids very confusing.Some bad disk manipulation from my part caused the server to crash, but I was able to recover and boot just with one hard drive after using fsck.

I decided to get rid of the raid as it's not the right solution for the application we need it for and decided to go for a traditional single harddrive system and to use Ghost for Linux to clone to a spare disk when backups are needed.So I installed the latest Fedora 12 distribution onto another harddrive and disabled RAID in bios (changed from RAID ON to autodetect, which is the only other option).

Here is what I have now:
/dev/sda has the newly installed fedora 12
/dev/sdb is an empty harddrive that I would use as an intermediate
/dev/sdc is the old harddrive member of intel raid volume0

sdb was partitioned into sdb1 sdb2 and sdb3 and I created an ext3 filesystem on sdb2. The hard drive belonging to RAID volume0 (sdc) has a lot of work done on it and I would like to be able to recuperate the files to the new disk (sda). I cannot mount that old harddrive while in fedora 12, as it sees some unknown raid member filesystem on it probably assigned by the intel raid chip.

So I decided to do it from the other side: to boot from raid volume 0, and from there mount a third intermediate harddrive (sdb) onto which I would copy the documents and then mount the same harddrive from the newly installed fedora 12 and copy those documents from that intermediate harddrive.I can mount /dev/sdb2 from fedora 12 fine and copy stuff to and from it, but not when I boot from the RAID volume 0 harddrive (sdc) with fedora 9 on it. It keeps saying that the partition in question (/dev/sdb2) is an invalid block device.I am stuck here, as my knowledge in this sort of things is very limited.If somebody can indicate me how to recuperate files from that old raid harddrive onto the new fedora 12 drive, I would appreciate a lot.

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Debian :: Unable To Access Ntfs Partition?

May 21, 2010

I recently formated my harddrive and instead of theld fat32 partition for windows partition I used ntfs. I am mounting this partition in /media/windows in debian linux. But it shows a cross (x) symbol above the folder and says I don't have the permission to access it. the permission on the folder is (drwx_ _ _ _ _ _ ) and it is owned by root. So I changed it to my user name -- sid by doing the followingsudo chown -R sid:sid /media/windowsHere are my questions1) Now it allows me to access the folders but all the files like pdf or photos have a cross on right top corner and it says access denied. Is this because of ntfs since with fat32 I didn't have this problem.

2) Also I have a /data (ext4) partiton which is a common partition for datafiles between Ubuntu and Debian. It has the permission -- drwxr_xr_x . I am trying to write to this partition and save files but it doesnot allow me to do it. do I have to make chmod 777 to do that?3) How do I make sure that both windows and /data partition are writable right from the beginning at the boot time.

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Debian :: ETCH Usb Harddrive Mount

Jan 28, 2009

I have two ext3 drives recovered from a failed NSLU2 network file server. I need to recover some of the files stored on them, so...I attempted to mount them on my debian ETCH (LV file system), thus:

# mkdir /mnt/usbdrive

# mount -t ext3 /dev/sda1 /mnt/usbdrive

Instead of seeing the drive content I see my harddrive's GRUB & Kernel partition. What am I doing wrong? What do I need to do to see the drive's content?

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Debian Configuration :: Non Root User Unable To Access Network

Mar 28, 2011

I upgraded a Guruplug Display machine running Lenny to Squeeze. It's running Linux on a MicroSD device, running an ARM-cpu.

# uname -a
Linux gplugD 2.6.29 #1 Wed Feb 16 17:59:04 IST 2011 armv5tejl GNU/Linux
yeri@gplugD ~ $ cat /etc/debian_version

However, after rebooting, every non root user was unable to access anything related to the net.This means, DHCP failed to auto start, ntp is giving errors, etc

# ntpq -p
localhost: timed out, nothing received
***Request timed out


Mar 27 06:07:44 localhost ntpd[1478]: ./../lib/isc/unix/ifiter_ioctl.c:348: unexpected error:
Mar 27 06:07:44 localhost ntpd[1478]: making interface scan socket: Permission denied
Mar 27 06:07:44 localhost ntpd[1478]: Too many errors.  Shutting up.

As root:

gplugD ~ # ping -c 1
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=58 time=42.1 ms


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Debian Configuration :: Unable To Access System>Pereferences>Network Connections?

Mar 15, 2011

I just installed Debian and am getting a problem where I can't open the list of network connections. I can use the network manager applet to connect to wireless networks, but I cannot access the network connections list from there either (right click "edit connections)

I'm not incredibly knowledgeable with Linux, but I tried a few simple things I could think of like reinstalling the packages, or restarting the interfaces. (ifdown/up wlan0)

It's strange, because when I click "network connections," I see it show up for a second on the bottom panel, I get some rotating mouse icon while I wait a few seconds and then if goes away. Is there some kind of logfile that could help me identify the problem?

Using Debian 6 on eeePC1000HEB with Ath9k (i think) wireless card. Net Interface: wlan0

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Debian Hardware :: Cannot Access External Hdd, Memory Stick, Mp3 Player - Unable To Mount Location

Jul 22, 2011

usb devices, such as external hdd, memory stick and mp3 player, when I connect them to USB, they show up in Nautilus, but when I click on them, Nautilus is unable to mount them and returns the following error: Unable to mount location Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with:mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdc1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error in some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so

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Debian :: Setup A SunBlade 150 With 512MB RAM, ATI Video, 80GB Harddrive On Lenny

Apr 9, 2010

I am trying to set up a SunBlade 150 with 512MB RAM, ATI Video, 80GB Harddrive on Lenny.

My Goals:
1. Have Web Server
2. Have Mail Server
3. Be able to connect to Lenny from Windows 7 for file sharing
4. Be able to ADMINSTER Lenny from Windows using Exceed in a GUI environment.

Can someone please give me a step-by-step that I might be able to follow. I have already tried to install Lenny with the desktop stuff and the system locks up. I have reinstalled this thing about 6 times and am about to give up and reload Solaris on this stupid machine and try to figure it out.

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Ubuntu :: Using Web Min To Access Server \ Unable To Access Email Account From A Web Page?

Sep 12, 2010

ok so i ran into a problem, im using web min to access my server, and im setting up postfix and, dovecot first problem is i want to be able to access my email account from a web page, with log in, so my question is how can i do that?

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Networking :: Unable To See Shares On Samba Server - No Authentication Access Desired (open Access)

Jun 12, 2009

I've been running a Samba server under RedHat 8 for five years without a hiccup. I want to cut over to a F10 box but cannot get shares accessible. smbclient attempts fail over NT password error. SELinux is disabled. Server is visible on the network. Users require no password access to shared data.

smb.conf follows:

# Samba config file created using SWAT
# from UNKNOWN (>)
# Date: 2009/06/12 14:15:15


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Ubuntu Networking :: The Phone Can Access The Internet Through The Computer Unable To Get Access To Https Sites, Like Webmails

Dec 31, 2010

I managed to configure my W890i phone to get access to internet through an ubuntu-based computer. It's very easy to use the phone to give internet access to the computer, but the opposite is quite more tricky. For that I've done the following

----On the phone---

-Set the USB network option to "through computer", so that the phone uses the computer's internet connection and not the opposite.

-Decide and set "Shared Network" parameters: user, pasword and workgroup.

-In "conectivity-> internet connection" set "allow local network" to "yes"

----On Ubuntu 10.04---

-Install samba, samba-client, smbfs, smbclient, firestarter and dhcp3-server

-Configure Samba (System-> Administration-> Shared folders): same workgroup as in the phone, add new user (the phone), passwd this new user. In my case the user was called "w890i" and the password given was the same.

-Once the phone is connected to the computer through USB (then select "phone mode"), a new connection appears in NetworkManager: usb0.The aim is to create a shared network that gives internet access to this device. Edit the IPv4 parameters of this new connection, set them to Manual and give an IP adress ( and a subnet mask (; the rest of the fields are left empty.Connect this network.

-Set firestarter to use dhcp3: sudo ln -sf /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server /etc/init.d/dhcpd

-Launch firestarter and follow the wizard. Set "allow internet shared connection", choose the device for the primary internet access, and then the device for the shared network (usb0). Then change the settings for firestarter: activate DHCP for local network, set IP to the one we gave before (

-Open dhcp3-server config file sudo gedit /etc/default/dhcp3-server And set INTERFACES="usb0"

-Set the policies of firestarter: in incoming connections, allow connections from the IP adress given to the phone ( Then add rules for the ports that need to be open for this connection. I opened HTTP, HTTPS, SMB, SMTP, POP3, IMAP, IMAPS, DHCP for all the connections in the local network.

-Apply policies and start the firewall.


After all this, the phone can access the internet through the computer. Two problems appeared:

1. I couldn't get access to https sites, like webmails. The phone gave a "communication error". But then I tried with Opera instead of the browser built in the phone's firmware, and I could finally get to https sites.

2. I couldn't retrieve mail, neither POP nor IMAP nor IMAPS. I thought it was a firmware problem again, and I tried out several mobile phone email clients written in java, but none of them worked.

So this is at the moment the problem. If I connect from the phone to the internet directly through 3G, the email clients work for all my accounts. I don't think it's a firewall problem, because the ports are opened for this connection

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Boot Ubuntu / Unable To Access Root Drive From Live CD

Jul 16, 2010

Im having a serious issue with booting ubuntu 10.04, the issue being it wont boot up at all, after working so well for so long (i suspect some recent dodgy system updates are responsible) so I decided to just reinstall ubuntu from scratch again but wanted to retrieve some important files from my root device. So I am running the live desktop and I can see my previous filesystems under places but cannot mount or open my original root device where the files I want to recover are located, I receive this error msg:"Unable to mount 77 GB Filesystem.

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Fedora :: "Unable To Access Certain Websites And Getting "unable To Find Host" Error

Dec 26, 2010

I have a lenovo x200 laptop running Fedora 14, fully up to date with the Fedora repository. Seemingly out of nowhere, some websites will no longer load. First it happened to, next (after a day or so), now the Fedora forum. Other Internet access seems fine, but when I try to go to these pages I just get "unable to find host" errors. Its totally bizarre. It first happened in an airport so I thought it was just a strange network there, but now it happens at home. I can't get on these sites in firefox or elinks browsers (in a terminal) BUT I can ping both sites no problem. Also, the other computers in this house have no problem visiting these sites.

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Red Hat :: SSH Unable To Access

Apr 22, 2011

i am accessing a rhel remotely through vpn. and i was unable to access this server since few days ago. The port is open however the connection seems it dropped.This happens also last time and i did hard reboot and it works. As much as possible i want to fix it remotely so that i don't have to go the data center.

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General :: Unable To Install The USB_ModeSwitch - Unable To Connect Micromax 300G Modem In Debian

Jun 30, 2011

I couldn't connect my Micromax 300G modem in Debian Linux. From internet (in Windows Vista), I came across the information of USB_ModeSwitch and then I downloaded it. While going to install it, I came across the problem that TCL-interpreter is not available in Debian Linux. Then again I restarted my laptop in Windows Vista and connected my Micromax modem and from internet downloaded TCL8.5.10-src.tar.gz. But while going to install it, I came across the problem that " configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH " . Also as presently, I am unable to connect my modem therefore I am unable to issue the code:" apt-get update ".

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Access Cli

Mar 30, 2010

when i go to tty 1 (ctrl alt f1)I am unable to accers the says.ubuntu 9.10 directive 4 tty1 directive 4 login: after i enter my username it asks for a password, i enter my password and after a few seconds
it says, login incorrect and goes back to the start, what am i doing wrong.

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Red Hat :: Unable To Access Localhost On 22

May 25, 2011

I am not able to access my system on 22 port:

$ telnet localhost 22
telnet: connect to address Connection refused

When I try to start sshd service it shows command not found:
# /etc/init.d/sshd start
Starting sshd:/bin/bash: sshd: command not found


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Fedora :: Unable To Access RPM Fusion?

Feb 5, 2010

after adding the rpm fusion repository and issuing "yum update", it responds with:

Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, presto, refresh-packagekit
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
Could not retrieve mirrorlist error


how to get my linux-based machine to retrieve this mirrorlist?!

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Fedora :: 12 - Unable To Access Repositories ?

Feb 12, 2010

I just did a clean install of Fedora 12 on a system running Fedora 11.

I'm behind a proxy, and I followed the steps outlined at [url] to fix the initial repository error.

This is what I get now:


My /etc/hosts.conf looks like this




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Ubuntu :: Unable To Access Menus?

Apr 25, 2010

Although have heard allot about Linux. I made the mistake of setting the top menu bar to show down the bottom and also to auto hide. I also set the bottom bar to auto hide as well. Now When I mouse over I'm unable to get the menus up. Just flashing between both menus. If that makes sense. Anyway to get the preferences up for those bars? The menu and taskbar thing?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Access Partition?

Jun 7, 2010

Is there any point of installing Samba when dual booting between ubuntu and Windows XP? I'm able to access my XP partition from Ubuntu with no problems and share files with no problem. Unfortunately it doesn't work the other way. When I'm in my XP partition I'm not able to access my Ubuntu partition. Is there another problem I have or something else I need to do?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Access The Jar File

Aug 11, 2010

I am trying to run a jar file which is under /home/paddywang/Downloads I have installed java on my machine, so I tried to use command
java -jar theFile.jar But I got "the Unable to access jarfile" .

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Access The Menu's

Sep 2, 2010

I run Ubuntu 10.04 & recently installed the Gnome 3 shell. Everything was fine until I fooled around with some preferred settings regarding startup settings. Now I do not have anything but the desktop showing & icons I had previously placed there. I am unable to access anything else except applications that have shortcuts. I would appreciate any assistance to remedy this including how to unintall Gnome 3 if I have no other choice.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Access The Internet?

Nov 21, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 10.10 today on my laptop (I installed it alongside Windows 7).

My problem is that I'm unable to access the internet; actually, I'm unable to access any wireless connection at all.

I'm using a Linksys Wireless-G Notebook Adapter (2.4 GHz) in my laptop.

From what I've read, normally, many wireless cards are detected by Ubuntu automatically when you install it. However, this did not happen with my card.

...So, I'm not really sure what to do in order to gain access to the internet.

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