OpenSUSE :: Clamav Not Running After Installation?

Apr 27, 2011

I have installed Clamav using the install/remove software utility but it doesn't show up in the Applications menu. I tired to run it from usr/bin folder but still no go.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Clamav Installion Of PHP ClamAV Lib - Depend Stopped It

May 31, 2011

I am semi new to UBUNTU worked a bit with it in the passed on vps and that. but i am currentaly tring to make a module for *Zpanel* i am making an anti virus module and am going to be using clamav. up to now everything has been going smoothly but i have hit massive problem.

I am tring to do this:


And i get this in return


Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution that some required packages have not yet been created or been moved out of Incoming.

The following information may resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies.

I dont get any install. and the information i have collect from people say that and install should not be stopped becuase of an depend

So as any one who is semi new would do i then tried installing the depend


And i get this in return


E: Package 'phpapi-20060613+lfs' has no installation candidate

So it look like problem after problem

Does any one know why i can not install php5-clamavlib

I have UBUNTU 11.04 desktop (with zpanel installed on it)

*zpanel an open source web hosting panel for windows and NOW LINUX (zpanel has just been release on UBUNTU ONLY ).

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Ubuntu Servers :: ClamAV Is Outdated - WARNING: Your ClamAV Installation Is OUTDATED

Sep 23, 2010

I have two servers complaining about ClamAV being outdated:

WARNING: Your ClamAV installation is OUTDATED!
WARNING: Local version: 0.96.1 Recommended version: 0.96.3

Doing an aptitude update says I don't have to upgrade anything. Why is this? Must ClamAV be updated manually?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: ClamAV - Error "message Output: Script: Clamav-cron V. 0.6 - Copyright 2009, Stefano Stagnaro Scanned: /"

Mar 19, 2010

I have a server im trying to use with clamAV to scan it all and with cron job. it worked fine for few days, sending me emails with reports, i was happy. now i get ERR emails and when running manually i get the follwing message output: Script: clamav-cron v. 0.6 - Copyright 2009, Stefano Stagnaro Scanned: /


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Ubuntu :: ClamAV-clamd - Can't Connect To UNIX Socket /var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl

Apr 16, 2010

This started happening sometime yesterday afternoon on a server that's been trouble free for years.

My Ubuntu update is scheduled to run every month on the 5th, so this was roughly 10 days after that. So it seems to me it's not update related. The only thing I've done on the server lately is update a spamassassin rule which required an amavis restart. That was done earlier in the week.

I've already reviewed issues at [url] and all the conditions are correct for the more recent How to.

I can also confirm that, in fact, /var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl does not exist.

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OpenSUSE :: Cannot Install & Run Clamav On 11.3 / Kde4.5.2

Oct 18, 2010

I find it incredible that installing and running reputable software such as Clamav on my system should be a major problem. I have openSUSE 11.3 with kde 4.5.2 desktop and when I try and install clamav using Yast the files are downloaded into old kde3 directory and nothing works.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade Freshclam To 0.96.3 - WARNING: Your ClamAV Installation Is OUTDATED

Oct 9, 2010

When i run $ sudo freshclam I get this message ClamAV update process started at Sat Oct 9 12:21:22 2010 WARNING: Your ClamAV installation is OUTDATED! WARNING: Local version: 0.96 Recommended version: 0.96.3 DON'T PANIC! Read main.cvd is up to date (version: 52, sigs: 704727, f-level: 44, builder: sven) daily.cvd is up to date (version: 12114, sigs: 138436, f-level: 53, builder: sven) bytecode.cvd is up to date (version: 80, sigs: 10, f-level: 53, builder: edwin) Since I am a beginner i don't know how to upgrade freshclam as $ sudo apt-get upgrade doesn't work. Guessing I may have to download the package and install manually just thought I'd ask before doing that.

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OpenSUSE :: Can't Install ClamAV Newest Version

Apr 21, 2010

I downloaded the latest ClamAV (clamav-0.96-27.1.x86_64.rpm) from the opensuse ftp site and when i double-click on the RPM and choose 'install' it says this:[PK_TMP_DIR|dir:///var/tmp/TmpDir.h1Oz1u] Repository already exists.I looked in the software manager in opensuse to see if it has the latest ClamAV package but it doesn't have the latest package or any package of ClamAV.

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OpenSUSE :: Downloading Main.cvd For Clamav Is Very Slow?

Apr 18, 2011

I though i would try out Clamav. After installation and a reboot, As su I issued freshclam.ClamAV update process started at Mon Apr 18 22:29:22 2011Downloading main.cvd [ 72%] the time at that point is 23:32 for 19 MB The download is so slow that I wonder if Clamav is really meant to be used.

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OpenSUSE :: Clamav SLES 9 New Version 0.97 Exists?

Jul 8, 2011

On SLES 9 have clamav 0.96.5. Does exist new version 0.97 for that system?

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OpenSUSE :: Clamav Virusupdate Using Freshclam Wont Work?

May 30, 2011

downloaded clamav and clam-db using install/remove software in opensuse 11.3 gnome.

tried to update virusdatabase typing freshclam in command-line
gives me this:

alexander@linux-y54v:~> freshclam
ERROR: Can't create temporary directory /var/lib/clamav/clamav-7d1c24383b9425dfebb5c660374d507b
Hint: The database directory must be writable for UID 1000 or GID 100

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Ubuntu Installation :: Repository Contains Different Versions Of Clamav?

Dec 21, 2010

I am looking for explanation:

have two ubuntu 10.10 installations
both have the same update state
both have the same settings in software packet sources[code]....

Still the synaptic has different version of clamav in it, one has 0.96.4 and the other has 0.96.5.Even one other installation of 10.04 has the 0.96.5 in the repository. Why can one installation show different version then the other?

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OpenSUSE :: Using Clamav And Suse Live Disk To Scan Windows For Virus

Jul 29, 2010

when I attempt to scan anything with clamav from a terminal I get the following error:

ERROR: Can't create temporary directory /var/lib/clamav/clamav-da584cb3f4ee38529f0460ad6f7dc632
Hint: The database directory must be writable for UID 999 or GID 100

Which I take to mean that there are no virus definitions installed. I use the "freshclam" command. Which results in the following error:

ERROR: Can't create temporary directory /var/lib/clamav/clamav-da584cb3f4ee38529f0460ad6f7dc632
Hint: The database directory must be writable for UID 999 or GID 100

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 - Clamav From Synaptic Manager Getting Error

Jan 28, 2011

I am trying to install clamav from synaptic manager and returns this error: Quote: E: /var/cache/apt/archives/libclamav6_0.96.5+dfsg-1ubuntu1.10.10.1_i386.deb: el subproceso dpkg-deb -fsys-tarfile devolvi el cdigo de salida de error 2

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Ubuntu Installation :: And Update Clamav - Console Is Saying The Package Is Missing

Apr 15, 2010

how do i install and update the antivirus? i downloaded it using ubuntu geek help but the console is saying the package is missing.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Create A Bootable System Image With ClamAV Or Similar Installed?

Jul 28, 2011

All of my PCs are set up to either run Ubuntu directly, or are dual boot Ubuntu and some variant of Windows. One of the things I like about this is that in the rare instances that I get a virus I can simply boot into Ubuntu and run ClamAV to remove the virus from there.

I have a friend who recently picked up a nasty virus and we are having a hard time getting his machine to boot at all without all sort of strange behaviors. Under that scenario I can't trust Wubi to work correctly. Soo....

Is it possible for me to create a bootable CD, DVD or USB drive from my machine? I'd like to use my machine because I can update the virus definitions before I create the image and then use that to clean his machine.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Get A Bind Server Up And Running On Installation?

Apr 7, 2010

i'm trying to get a bind server up and running on my opensuse installation but I'm having some slight problems, I've been looking for a solution to what is probably a silly problem for quite a while so I decided to come here.


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Fedora :: WARNING: "Your ClamAV Installation Is OUTDATED"

Nov 25, 2010

I am addressing the staff that maintains the clamav anti virus software release and distributes it via the fedora repositories: Would you update to the newest clamav version? This is what I get using the installed version:


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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Get Frontpanel Audio Connectors Running With Actual OpenSuse

Jan 11, 2011

I have 2 pc with Asus AMD boards (M4A87TD Evo and M4A88TD-M Evo) running OpenSuse 11.3.on both the front panel audio headset + mic do not work.on one PC I have an other OS also installed, so I know that on this machine the hardware is there a chance to get the frontpanel audio connectors running with the actual openSuse or do I have to wait for the next version with a newer kernel/alsa version?

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Fedora :: Cannot Update CLAMAV In 11

Aug 30, 2009

I have installed CLAMAV in Fedora 11 and when I try to update it says update failed I have tried to find a reason why but unfortunately I am lost. Sony VAIO VGN TXHP1 laptop Fedora 11 Gnome i1568 Wireless connection seems fine.

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Ubuntu :: Clamav Gui For XFCE

Jun 17, 2011

I've Xubuntu and I'm looking for a Clamav Gui for XFCE.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Trying To Upgrade ClamAV - RPM?

May 26, 2010

I am trying to upgrade my clam AV to latest Last times I just uploaded to the server and used RPM command and it was installing. Now I cant find RPM for this ver. So I guess I need to prepare one.

I used the guide here:
Packaging software with RPM, Part 1: Building and distributing packages
by IBM
Changing all wget -> clamav

But when run this I got:
# rpmbuild -v -bb --clean clamav.spec
Executing(%prep): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.74542
+ umask 022
+ cd /home/myclamav/BUILD
+ cd /home/myclamav/BUILD
+ rm -rf clamav-0.96.1
+ /bin/gzip -dc /home/myclamav/SOURCES/clamav-0.96.1.tar.gz
+ tar -xf -
+ '[' 0 -ne 0 ']'
+ cd clamav-0.96.1
++ /usr/bin/id -u
+ '[' 0 = 0 ']'
+ /bin/chown -Rhf root .
++ /usr/bin/id -u
+ '[' 0 = 0 ']'
+ /bin/chgrp -Rhf root .
+ /bin/chmod -Rf a+rX,u+w,g-w,o-w .
+ $'
: command not found542: line 35:
error: Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.74542 (%prep)
RPM build errors:
Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.74542 (%prep)

Is there a better way to create RPMs? or Where do I get RPM for this version? I couldn't find it through their site.

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Debian :: Clamav 0.96 In Etch

Sep 23, 2010

There is a "Debian" way to get clamav 0.96 in Debian Etch 4.0 ?

I put volatile repository in my sources.list, but after upgrade I've:


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Server :: Clamav Is Not Updated

Apr 1, 2010

I don't know why clamav antivirus is not update even if I try using "freshclam". In Terminal, it say up to date. But in ISPConfig 3 Interface, it is not.

View Screenshot



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Debian Configuration :: How To Update The Clamav

Jul 10, 2011

My probles consists in that i have no idea on how update the clamav. I downloaded it throu center of software. Butt when i try to upgrade it from the gui the upgrading bar reaches only 15% and desapears. I tried do type freshclam from root command line but it just writes that there is not such command. May be i use incorrectly the command line.

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Fedora :: Clamav Update Won T Work?

Mar 25, 2011

i was using mandriva before and fedora is new i have installed clamav antivirus but clamav won update i must change clamd.d and maybe freshlam.conf but how do i that under mandriva clamav-freshclam does the job but here it is different

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 - How Permissions Can Be Sanctioned For KDE (Clamav)

Mar 9, 2010

Using clamav and its finding like 20 virus however, its not quarantining them because of permissions. Help part of kde is missing and I cant find it in synaptic package manager. I would like to find a solution with how permissions can be sanctioned for kde.

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Ubuntu :: No Files Scanned By ClamAV?

Jun 29, 2010

When i try to scan by using cli terminal i get this:

ERROR: Can't open file or directory
----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Known viruses: 0
Engine version: 0.96.1
Scanned directories: 0


It do not scan any directory or file why?

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Ubuntu :: Clamav Scan File With Url?

Dec 15, 2010

I see the documentation of CLAMAV in[URL].. The example for scan mail with pishing url is

Quote: clamscan -i /home/user | mail
and also
clamscan file
for scan a file

But how to SCAN a file have only inside a list of URL for get the url's inside the file have any malware, pishing or virus

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Ubuntu :: Update Clamav From Terminal?

Jun 9, 2011

i get a notice to upgrade from 0.97 to 0.97.1 clamav. can i do this from terminal? what command do i use to update?

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