Hardware :: Very Slow BIOS Loading On 2002 Computer With Puppy Linux And GRUB
Apr 25, 2010
I installed Puppy Linux on a partition on an older 2000-era computer. The other partition had Windows ME, which crashed and burned recently. Lately, the computer has started to open GRUB very slowly. It is also slow to boot Puppy Linux from there. I reinstalled GRUB, to no avail. I decided that the problem was probably a slow BIOS, but I'm not sure. Does anyone know of another possible problem, or of a good boot-disk BIOS diagnostic tool? I tried using a couple of the tools on the Ultimate Boot Disk, but they all got hung up, displaying: - InitDisk as the last line in the sequence.
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May 19, 2011
I have an Acer T135 desktop with 2gig ram and a Sempron 3300+ single processor. Whenever I boot up, the bios screen seems to hang around for 20-30 seconds before it disappears and boots up. From the time the bios screen disappears it takes about 20 secs for Ubuntu to finish loading (which is fine).So, is it possible to speed up the bios time? If so, how?
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Jun 7, 2011
i am working with an old system that uses a BIOS meant for embedded systems. According to my coworkers this thing boot some version of debian about two years ago. currently I have used there old image and a new one I made of the latest Debian stable build. both images fail to get passed grub.
to be clear the BIOS simply replies "loading grub" takes ten minutes and then crashes.
has anyone ever had trouble with grub crashing systems? this problem seems odd since is did boot with this two years ago and i still have that image.
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Aug 4, 2010
I'm trying to install Debian Lenny on my new Dell XPS 8100 Desktop with 2 x 1To SATA HD. (No Windows or any other OS install is present on the system) The Bios allows me to change the SATA mode to either "ATA" or "RAID"
- When SATA mode is set to RAID, the installation goes without issues, but when it comes to load into the system, I've got that Stage 1.5 Grub Loading... Error 2 problem. I assume this is due to the Bios "RAID" configuration. I then switched the SATA mode to "ATA" in the Bios and now I can see the menu that allows me to boot my debian install but that part actually fails too saying "ALERT /dev/sda1 does not exist"
- When SATA mode was set to ATA, I tried to re-install the system but this time my drive was not recognized by the installer: "No common CD ROM drive"
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Jan 1, 2011
I have disks of Lucid Puppy 5.11 and MacPup 5.11. Both disks run very well on my laptop, an old 2001 model Sony Vaio which is already booting Ubuntu 10.04 UNE.
But neither finishes loading on my HP Pavilion a1020n desktop, which is running Windoze XP Home. They both bog down on looking for optical drives... interesting as I am loading them from CD and it reads the optical drives fine up to that point.
It's sad that a quick-loading portable Linux won't load at all on my newer, faster machine.
Maybe it's because the laptop has GRUB already? My HP chokes every time I try to modify the boot sector, lots of "wonderful" security features to keep Windoze from "getting corrupted".
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Jan 5, 2011
During booting of lupu 5.20 ,It starts searching for puppy files in computer disk drives,says boot partitions not found, dropping out to initial ram disk console then /bin/sh: can't access tty: job control turned off # it remains at this position for ever. I have been using lucid puppy 5.11 with pen drive through multibooting software of pendrivelinux. I have P2 with 256MB ram, hdd 10GB,usb pendrive 1 GB.
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Apr 9, 2010
I recently install Ubuntu-studio Desktop and some other packages. And, I upgraded my System. But since then, the Grub has started to display (I have only 9.10 installed, using the entire Disk). Also, unless I select the entry, Grub does not automatically start. The startup takes nearly 1.5 minutes. And, the Login screen, after the installation of Ubuntu Studio GDM, is much slower. I removed the Ubuntu-studio GDM package, still it takes about 20 seconds to allow me to enter Username and password. Any idea?
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Jan 5, 2011
During booting of lupu 5.20 ,It starts searching for puppy files in computer disk drives,says boot partitions not found, dropping out to initial ram disk console then /bin/sh: can't access tty: job control turned off # it remains at this position for ever. I have been using lucid puppy 5.1.1 with pen drive through multibooting software of pendrivelinux. I have P2 with 256MB ram, hdd 10GB,usb pendrive 1 GB.
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Apr 7, 2010
I know this is an issue that has been brought up before and the solution I found is to recover Grub through the live CD [URL] However, this problem has occurred multiple times for me now. First time I thought it was just a freak error but it's happened multiple times within a short period of time (couple times this week) so I just wanted to get input on what's causing this and how I can fix it permanently. I've recently installed Ubuntu and I'm dual booting Ubuntu 9.10/Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit.
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May 23, 2010
When I try and boot my Debian computer I get the messages: Grub Loading stage1.5. Grub loading, please wait... Error 15 Is there any way of recovering from this - or is it simply a fresh install? I was attempting an upgrade from Lenny to Squeeze and despite a few hurdles it looked like it was all happening. Got the new kernel loading, and the new grub. It looked as though grub2 was working so I ran the grub-remove-legacy-support command (something like that) and now my computer won't boot grub or Linux.
I'm assuming the MBR on my harddrive is lost, however I don't know what state the partition is in. I'm guessing that maybe this has been lost as well. I tried a few tools from the Ultimate Boot CD but nothing here was able to re-install my grub or boot from any partition or even mount my file-system. I'm fearing the worst but would like it confirmed before I blow it all away with a new install.
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May 24, 2009
Since puppy installs in ram, unstead of on harddrive, does that mean you could not use that computer as a dual boot one? I mean won't puppy always be wanting to run on boot up, since it's not on a seperate partitian ?
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Nov 9, 2010
Is there something I can do to get a Linux Distro to install right the first time. I have the same types of problems with Mandriva Ubuntu and Fedora over and over again but not with a OS you pay for. Is it time for BSD?
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Jun 18, 2010
I have made a bootable pen drive (2gb) and have a 30gb partition on my hard drive for unbuntu. I am trying to try the OS by USB at the start into The BIOS If ya gets what I mean. It successfully loads The Options menu where you pick a choice like run from usb. So I run from usb and and it Loads Ubuntu just the purple background and the beans underneath it loading forever.
In the Logs this comes up
/init:line7:cant open /dev/sr0 :No medium
End Request :i/O error, Dev/Fdo :Logical Block 0
I am using Windows 7 Build 7100* with a computer I built a year ago. Intel e8400,6gb Ram, Asus P5Q SE Pro,and 100gb left on hard drive (30 Excluding cause I partitioned it.
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Oct 27, 2010
Ubuntu 10.04 not loading. Sticks at GRUB Loading message.
Read the other threads re OS not loading and GRUB. The talk about code goes over my head.
Local techie says the hardware is good. Tried reloading Ubuntu from CD. Tried loading the unmentionable OS.
Tried using Spotmau Powersuite.
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Sep 13, 2010
I need to install a bios update to fix my PC after I upgraded the CPU. BIOS update should fix it.
But...This seems to be way harder than it should be. I'd be great if motherboard manufacturers could provide bootable iso images with all the tools to do the job without us having the build these ourselves...
Anyway, how do I go about creating a freedos bootable CDR under Kubuntu that is BIGGER than 1.44 MB!
My image file is 1MB already. The flashing program 32KB. I tried the methods from the various forums and just couldn't get them to work. Either ran out of space, or all the links to fdos were broken.
By the way, [url] doesn't seem to be right anymore and thats where everyone is pointing. I would probably have had this sorted if I could have the 2.88 MB image, but all I can find is a 1.44MB image and I have now idea how you can grow that to a bigger one. Why be stuck with 1.44MB? are we still in the 1990's ?
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Jan 22, 2010
I just want to know how to easily speed up my computer because it runs desperately slow. I am running windows Xp which is about two years old.
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Jun 21, 2009
I am new to Linux and I am trying to install puppy on an old IBM thinkpad 600X (10gb hd, 196mb ram) When installing puppy from a cd, it loads up and does the kernel stuff before "Searching for Puppy files in computer disk drives" - this takes about 10 minutes before saying "pup_421.sfs not found. Dropping out to initial ramdisk console" then it goes to "/bin/sh can't access tty; jon control turned off". then it stays like that and doesn't continue.
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May 22, 2011
I am new to Linux and have a lot to learn.Since loading Linux I have no sound on my computer.
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Mar 10, 2010
I'm not sure if this is a GRUB issue or a Ubuntu issue, so posting it here and hoping it's the right place.
I recently (ie, within the last few days) installed Ubuntu 9.10 64-bit on my system. When I rebooted, I got:
Grub loading...
error: out of disk
Searching on the error message, I found some different workarounds - commenting out "if [ -n ${have_grubenv} ]; then save_env recordfail; fi" in /etc/grub.d/10_linux, and uncommenting "GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_UUID=true" in /etc/default/grub - but neither worked. Not on their own and not together.
Following the instructions here, I get the 'error: out of disk', when I try to load the linux.mod (insmod /boot/grub/linux.mod).
I downloaded the super grub disk, and that worked. I can load up my system using that, but simply copying the boot commands from that can't be the ideal solution, can it?
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Apr 5, 2016
I want to be able to access an old pc at home from any computer but I don't want to leave the computer on all the time (I won't use it regularly and I don't believe in wasting energy just cause I can). I've heard that some bioses have wake-on-LAN but I have no other machine on the LAN that will be left on (apparently it's impossible to wake a computer from off the LAN???) so my solution is to buy a raspberry pi (perhaps there is something cheaper/better??) and leave that on that I can ssh to from anywhere and then wake my pc from there. Unfortunately my bios doesn't have a wake-on-lan function and so I'm hoping that I can update my bios to a version that has a wake-on-lan option (perhaps there is a better way?).
oli@deb-serv:~$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:Debian
Description:Debian GNU/Linux 8.2 (jessie)
[Code] ....
So I've started to try and find a new bios to update. I think I need one of these: [URL]
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Jun 17, 2010
my computer shows no video not even the bios. my conpound from the heat skin ran? i can send the mother board back look at the pic and if this has any thing to do whith why i have no video.
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May 3, 2010
My Server runs "fine", then I type init 6 for rebooting or some cron job initiates Init 6 and my system stops in grub at: GRUB loading stage1.5. Error 18 After another Ctrl+Alt+Del the system boots as if anything happened. this is why I doubt that it's an issue of too big HDD or BIOS.
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Jun 4, 2011
So I have 2 ide hdds but whenever they are both connected, grub gets stuck at GRUB loading stage 1.5. how can I resolve this problem?
both are Maxtors with ext4 fs. primary is 20 gb and secondary 80 gb.
Jumpers are set to cable select.
Boot order in bios is correct. (primary first, secondary isn't in the list at all)
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Feb 9, 2010
I know nothing about this at all. I have never programmed a computer.. I loaned my tower to a friend who put this on ...now i have it back and cant get to my windows 98. all i get each time i boot is ...
GRUB loading ... error:no such disk grub recover>
I have tried ubuntu sec 8.4 recover mode and all i get is unreconized command.. i do not know how to set anything.. i have no disks for this not even the orginal windows recover disk.. is their anything i can do to get win to run as it use to??
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Jan 31, 2010
Yesterday I partitioned my hard drive with kubuntu netbook remix and windows 7. after a few hours and reboots i turned on my computer and it said Grub loading. unknown filesystem rescue grub> It looks like allot of people have been having similar errors recently with windows 7.
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Sep 4, 2010
When I start my computer sometimes I get an error that my floppy drive isn't working and the boot process is halted. So I disabled the floppy disk seek. But Once in a while (sometimes almost every time I start) the BIOS settings are reset and I have to disable floppy disk seek and reorder boot device list again. I have checked the battery and it's fine. What else can be the problem?
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Feb 17, 2010
I'm using Fedora Core 12 quad-core Linux box. However, when I run VMWare Workstation (running a single virtual XP box, running nothing) it slows to a crawl. The load average jumps from 0.11 to 4 or even 7 when I am using the virtual box. The mouse stops responding within the virtual box, and even on Fedora itself when the load average gets high enough. I can't get any work done and I can't get into "the zone".
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Mar 14, 2010
I've noticed over the past few months that my internet connection speed (D/Ls, browsing) are getting incredibly slow, but only on my linux box (my laptop, for instance, is fine - in fact, I'm dual-booting with WinXP and it isn't happening there, so I think I've managed to narrow it down to the OS alone):
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Sep 29, 2010
Why is it that the latest versions of Firefox being utilized with Ubuntu/Jaunty are so slow in completing the loading process ?
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Jun 4, 2011
I multiboot my Lucid with Win7 and any other Linux Distro (I frequently keep changing these, presently using or trying Fedora Lovelock).I have noticed that the time between Grub Menu display and Ubuntu Splash screen has increased by a good number of seconds. I have set my Grub to select my default OS (Lucid lynx) after 3 seconds and which it does. But after that a black screen with blinking _ is displayed for sometime before Ubuntu loads with its splash screen.
I wonder what caused this? It was not the case before when ubuntu splash appeared almost immediately after Grub menu.
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