Debian :: Flash Bios Of Old Computer

Apr 5, 2016

I want to be able to access an old pc at home from any computer but I don't want to leave the computer on all the time (I won't use it regularly and I don't believe in wasting energy just cause I can). I've heard that some bioses have wake-on-LAN but I have no other machine on the LAN that will be left on (apparently it's impossible to wake a computer from off the LAN???) so my solution is to buy a raspberry pi (perhaps there is something cheaper/better??) and leave that on that I can ssh to from anywhere and then wake my pc from there. Unfortunately my bios doesn't have a wake-on-lan function and so I'm hoping that I can update my bios to a version that has a wake-on-lan option (perhaps there is a better way?).

oli@deb-serv:~$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:Debian
Description:Debian GNU/Linux 8.2 (jessie)

[Code] ....

So I've started to try and find a new bios to update. I think I need one of these: [URL]

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Networking :: BIOS (>2.88MB) Flash Over PXE

Dec 1, 2010

I have a problem with flashing a BIOS. I have to use PXE to boot the computer, which actually works fine through syslinux. I also managed to find a FreeDOS floppy image (1.44 MB) that will be booted using syslinux.

The problem is moving the BIOS rom on to the computer to flash. For roms that fit on to the FreeDOS img it works fine if I just add the rom and the exe for flashing to the floppy image. But one of the roms I shall work with is to big to fit even on a 2.88 MB floppy.

I found a "Howto: BIOS-Update per bootable CD (Method II)" for creating a bootable iso holding the DOS image and the additional files for flashing. Using a syslinux configuration like Code: default boot prompt 0 label boot linux memdisk initrd 20101201_091658.iso append iso the iso will be transfered to the client and I get an "A:>" DOS prompt.

According to the HowTo I should be able to switch to drive of the "cd" and access the rom file there. I've tried all drive letters, but all I get is "Invalid drive <letter>:.". I tried booting the DOS with more drivers (FDCD0001 as CD-ROM driver) but it says "No CD-ROM drive to use; XCDROM not loaded!". Additionally it promts: "SHCDX33A installed. o drives assigned. 2 drive(s) available." Here is the question:

How am I able to reach the files from the iso that are not included to the DOS image?
Or maybe there is another way to flash a large BIOS rom over PXE?

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Ubuntu :: Make A Bootable Cd For Bios Flash?

Mar 23, 2010

I have a laptop that I need to update the BIOS but I cant get into Windows. Here is what I want to do.I know I need a DOS boot able disk. I figured I would download the FreeDOS disk and just add a file to the iso and burn the ISO. So far I cannot do that and I don't know how or even if there is a way to do this. So the long of the short of it is I need a bootable cd that is dos based and has my BIOS update file on it.

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General :: Bios Flash Boot Floppy

Apr 4, 2011

I am trying to flash my bios but they only supply an exe or a floppy image. obviosly I am not running windows to run the exe and I dont have a floppy drive. So I have been trying to copy the floppy image to a cd with little success.Size of boot image is 2884 sectors -> genisoimage: Error - boot image 'F1B.IMG' has not an allowable size.The way I understand it thats 4 sectors over the 1.44Mb floppy size? Is there a way I continue anyway? Seeing that I will be putting it on a cd I cant see that the size is going to matter

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Slackware :: Network Unreachable After Bios Flash / Get That?

Aug 17, 2010

Flashed bios lastnight on 13.0 desktop.
all winblow$ are fine.
lspci shows ehthernet card
did 'netconfig' and
'route -n' shows default settings as if /etc/rc.d/rc.inetd1.conf were never set.
oh yes, i manually edited this too. mv'd and netconfig'd.

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Ubuntu :: Computer Shows No Video Not Even The Bios?

Jun 17, 2010

my computer shows no video not even the bios. my conpound from the heat skin ran? i can send the mother board back look at the pic and if this has any thing to do whith why i have no video.

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Hardware :: BIOS Getting Reset Every Time Start Computer?

Sep 4, 2010

When I start my computer sometimes I get an error that my floppy drive isn't working and the boot process is halted. So I disabled the floppy disk seek. But Once in a while (sometimes almost every time I start) the BIOS settings are reset and I have to disable floppy disk seek and reorder boot device list again. I have checked the battery and it's fine. What else can be the problem?

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General :: Old Sony BIOS Use USB Flash Drive - Stick - For Booting

Feb 18, 2011

I probably have not done any serious programming for 20 years, not counting a little HTML.

I stumbled onto an old FREESPIRE disk my bro sent me several years back -- and tried installing it on a Sony Vaio PCG FRV 28 I had crashed a few years back. The Sony bios is still aboard, but old enough to not have USB "booting" as part of the boot menu. I don't even know if one can easily hack into the BIOS on an old sony Vaio but changing the BIOS would solve lot of problems.

Does anyone have any ideas or certain knowledge on rewriting or modifying the Master Boot Code or an idea on making my USB [with Ubuntu or any other Linux implementation visible] and bootable to the bios on powerup?

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Software :: Putting Drdflash.img Flash Utility And Bios File Onto A Bootable Floppy?

Mar 24, 2009

I'm looking for a way to make a bootable floppy that has drdflash.img, my flash utility and my bios file on it for a bios recovery disk. This is on a board that has a failed bios, so everything is pretty much dead (except for the humble floppy drive). I don't have a screen to work with so this floppy needs to be able to run the utility and automatically flash the chip for me. I've heard this is possible, but am unable to find clear instructions on how to do any of this. I know the basics of it is to copy the bios file and flash utility to a floppy along with a bootdisk that will run these things (sometimes the .bat file needs to be modified in order to do this automatically). So I've downloaded drdflash but it came as a .img and I don't think it can be 'just' copied to disk. I came across the 'dd' command but have also heard its nicknamed 'data destroyer' or words to that effect.

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Hardware :: Very Slow BIOS Loading On 2002 Computer With Puppy Linux And GRUB

Apr 25, 2010

I installed Puppy Linux on a partition on an older 2000-era computer. The other partition had Windows ME, which crashed and burned recently. Lately, the computer has started to open GRUB very slowly. It is also slow to boot Puppy Linux from there. I reinstalled GRUB, to no avail. I decided that the problem was probably a slow BIOS, but I'm not sure. Does anyone know of another possible problem, or of a good boot-disk BIOS diagnostic tool? I tried using a couple of the tools on the Ultimate Boot Disk, but they all got hung up, displaying: - InitDisk as the last line in the sequence.

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OpenSUSE Install :: " Booting GRLDR / Turning On Gate A 20 / Bios Screen And Computer Does Nothing After Restart?

Sep 20, 2010

i started the installation programme and it went through a couple of options then says it has to restart the laptop when i restarted i got this message before the bios screen and then the computer does nothing

" Booting GRLDR.....
Turning on gate a 20 .... Success
Srating cmain() .... _"

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Ubuntu :: Install Flash On Computer?

Feb 23, 2011

im trying to install flash on my computer...why might i get this message

Could not open "flash-plugin-"

Archive type not supported.

i cant install anything..i cant instal chrome....or up grade firefox....i read so many n00b forums..nothing works..

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Ubuntu :: Get A Computer To Boot From USB Flash Drive?

Jan 11, 2010

How do I get a computer to boot from a USB flash drive with a bootable image when the computers bios does not have a USB device as a boot choice ?

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Ubuntu :: Play Flash Games On Computer

Feb 10, 2010

Im trying to play some flash games here on my computer such as and it doesnt seem to be working.

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Hardware :: Lock Computer With Flash Drive

Feb 13, 2010

I recently got a new Lenovo netbook and I want to make sure that what happened to my last laptop doesn't happen to this thing. I got the idea from some Windows software called Predator, that uses a flash drive to lock a computer. I also know that most Linux distros already have the required components to facilitate this (i.e, they know when you plug in a flash drive). My question is, how do I get my netbook to run scripts or programs when a flash drive is unplugged? This is how I want it to work: The flash drive would be tethered to my wrist with a short strap (or a piece of fishing line, maybe a chain). When someone yanks the netbook away from me (i.e, a thief), they would rip the drive out of the USB port in the process. The netbook, immediately sensing that the drive is no longer plugged in, runs miscellaneous programs or scripts in an attempt to thwart the thief, like activating the screensaver, adding a password to grub, sounding an alarm, and whatever else I want it to do.

I would eventually like to expand this to bluetooth headsets, and other devices that Linux can keep track of. It also has to fit in with my current setup. I installed Xubuntu 9.10 on the netbook and set it up to use an ext3 formatted flash drive as /home. I then installed truecrypt and created two file containers, one for the flash drive (small files, like assignments for college and app config), and one in a hidden directory on the hard drive in the netbook (large files, like my VirtualBox images).This way, the system won't work right without the flash drive, and I can even switch flash drives in the future, when the one I'm currently using dies. Ideally, the system locking program/script would only check for a USB connected device with a special file on it. If I can get this set up, it would be one of the coolest Linux tricks ever pulled with a netbook, and possibly the basis for an awesome new security tool for mobile users.

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Debian :: How To Get BIOS To Run Memtest

Apr 29, 2011

I am having problems installing linux on an old PC with the hard drive shredded, old CD drive, old 1 GB RAM card. I want to make sure the problem is not that the memory is partially bad.I recall that there should be some way to get the BIOS to test the memory overnight, but couldn't find this mentioned in the books I checked or in my notes. I believe that the motherboard is made by ASUS, if that helps. When I power on and hit the delete key, I do get some BIOS options, but memtest is not mentioned.

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Ubuntu Security :: Can Flash Player Bug Take Control Of Computer

Jun 6, 2010

Reading from this article New Flash Bug Exploited By Hackers : How to avoid it? In particular the article said


A new attack on a Flash bug has surfaced that would give attackers control of a victim�s computer after crashing it, reports PC World. Adobe put out a Security Advisory about this on June 4. It is categorized as a critical issue and all operating systems with Flash are vulnerable including Windows, Linux, and Apple and it is also found in the recent versions of Reader and Acrobat.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Flash Eating RAM And Crashing Computer?

Mar 10, 2011

buntu Version: 10.04
System RAM: 2.5Gb
Proc Speed: 1.6Ghz AMD Turon dual core

when I watch Flash based video, more and more of my memory is eaten up until nothing is left and the system crashes. I don't see anything in the logs so I don't know where to start.

This ONLY happens with Flash.

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Hardware :: Media Flash Player Is Not Working On Computer

Jan 23, 2010

my media flash player is not working on my computer a bunch of files was deleted by mistake & it won't let me listen to music play videos or any games online its telling me to manually install the sudo command I did what you said & it's saying command not found how do I restore my system back to how it was.

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Debian :: Changes BIOS-time 'as Systemtime'

Sep 1, 2011

I just installed Debian6-squeezie and upgraded to wheeny, that went fine for itself But now i discover that Debian INSIST in changing my BIOSCLOCKI realy dont like that. Its MY computer and I dicide MY SELF if i 'follow' winter versus summer time commercial brain-f#ck.

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Ubuntu :: Mount -o Loop - Flash BIOS Error "Intel UCode Loading Error" - Make Iso Images Bootsble From The Harddisk

Feb 19, 2010

I need to flash my BIOS to get rid of an error: "Intel uCode loading error". On [URL] I have found a tutorial, that looks to be fine. I can even see in the comments, that somebody have done this with success from Ubuntu 9.04, the very same system, that I use. Nevertheless I cannot make this bootCD with my Ubuntu 9.04, as it doesn't know the loop option to mount the image.

In the tutorial it says: "Requirements for this step is that you have support for the vfat and loop file systems in the kernel. Or you can have those features compiled as modules. In the latter case you can load the modules before the next step, like this:

modprobe vfat
modprobe loop"

loop doesn't seem to be present in my system, and the command modprobe loop returns an error that the module is not available. I tried to follow the tutorial anyway, but with no success. How can I get the module lopp? I also want to use it to make iso images bootsble from the harddisk.

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Ubuntu :: Whenever Watch A Movie On Megavideo That Uses Flash - Computer Running Hot?

Aug 31, 2010

The problem does occur with both Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.04. Whenever I watch a movie on Megavideo that uses flash, my computer runs so hot I can barely hold it and the video gets really choppy. It makes movies unbearable to watch. Either the fan isn't running at a high enough speed or maybe it needs to be replaced? please give me something...

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General :: Automatically Run Program On USB Flash Drive Upon Plugging It On Computer?

Feb 11, 2010

Is it possible to automatically run a program on a USB Flash drive upon plugging it on a computer?the program should create a text file inside the USB flash drive as i plug it on the computer? Is this possible? how can i do this? autorun.inf doesn't work. Are there any solutions? by the way, i am using kernel 1.0 on my computer...

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Software :: Can't Install And Use Shockwave Flash On Computer Which Is Running Ubuntu 10.10?

Mar 17, 2011

My son would like to know why he can't install and use Shockwave flash on this computer which is running Ubuntu 10.10? I didn't have an explanation why it won't work in Linux yet.....Can someone shed light on this for me please? I think he just wants to play a few simple games on the miniclip website that require shockwave He now says he wants windows back and I want to avert thoughts of going back to those dreadful days.. Is there a way to install it using wine? I don't have a need for wine but I'm sure I could figure it out if its been done before..

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Debian Hardware :: Boot GPT Partition From BIOS (non-EFI)

Jul 7, 2014

I have been running Jessie on an EFI motherboard for a while, booting just fine from a GPT formatted partition on my 3TB hard drive.

I had to re-purpose that PC, and put the hard drive into a different system that uses a BIOS instead of EFI.

Now when trying to boot, I get a text at the top of the screen that says:Code: Select allGRUB it finds GRUB, but nothing ever happens. <CTRL>+<ALT>+<DEL> resets the system.

parted 2.3 says:Code: Select all 1      1049kB  3001GB  3001GB  ext4               boot
 2      3001GB  3001GB  32.5MB                     bios_grub, legacy_boot(I set the legacy_boot flag trying to fix this problem, but that flags the partition, not the MBR)

Is my problem that the "bios_grub" partition is at the end of the disk instead of the beginning?

I have read that newer versions of parted allow you to toggle the "pmbr_boot" flag directly in the MBR by using the command "disk_toggle pmbr_boot" or "disk_set pmbr_boot", but parted 2.3 apparently doesn't support this.

The pmbr_boot flag in the MBR seems more likely to be the problem than the partition at the end of the disk.

Do I need to find a newer version of parted that supports the pmbr_boot flag for MBR (if so, which version please), or do I need to move the partiton to the beginning of the disk?

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Fedora Installation :: Flash Drive Connected - Unable To Start Up Computer

Jul 11, 2011

I am relatively new to Fedora 15, but used 13 for a while with no issues. Yesterday a windows user put a flash drive into my computer for me to copy something on to. (This may be conincidental.) I then put the computer into suspend or hibernate or whatever and now it won't start up. At all. And I'm stuck as 'everything' I need is on that computer.

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Ubuntu :: Computer Spec To Play 1080p Flash Files Via Browser

Nov 11, 2010

What is the minimum computer spec for playing 1080p flash files via a web browser smoothly at least 25fps? We all know that flash is not very good on Linux. On my old computer, I can play 720p flash files in the browser at arount 25fps on Windows, but on Ubuntu on the same computer via dual OS installation, it struggles to play 420p flash files in the browser. So basically, I want to build a new computer and have Ubuntu as the only OS, but this computer needs to be able to play 1080p flash files via the browser (not by downloading and converting them), but straight from the browser smoothly. Is this possible and what would the minimum computer spec need to be to achieve this?

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Debian :: No Option In BIOS To Disable Hotplugging For Array

Feb 20, 2016

I was using Arch Linux and encountered an issue with dmraid because it thought my array was removable, which it wasn't. Without any answers or being able to revert to an older kernel, I gave up and switched to Debian, which read my array fine. However, today I updated Debian (sid) and got the 4.4.0 kernel, and the same problem came up... Right now, I'm still running 4.3.

According to this link:URL....the problem is clearly because of the kernel, though technically, the kernel isn't wrong. But unlike the people in that link, I don't have an option in my BIOS to disable hotplugging for my array.

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Debian Hardware :: PC Doesn't Boot No More / No BIOS Screen?

Jun 10, 2010

I got a new monitor (a used one), so i hooked up my very old PC. I went to the living-room and checked something. I went back and got a black screen. i did a "cold reboot" (?) and: nothing. Not even the BIOS-messages.

Now i am missing the terms: I replaced the "thing" where the monitor gets plugged (i would say its a PCI-slot, but as the graphics are build-in it doesn't seem to be a graphics-card. I simply don't know. I searched for PCI-slot +monitor and that picture should show it: picture). I rebooted with a live CD and voila: i get a screen. I rebooted into the installed OS and i get a screen. Then it freezes. "Cold reboot" (if it is called that way): again nothing.


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Debian Configuration :: Ext 4 Error At Install And BIOS Compatibility Mode

Jan 13, 2016

So I just recently got an HP pro 1005 all in one PC and tried to install Debian 8.2 on it through a bootable Uefi USB, however, when trying to install, there's always an error like this: "The attempt to mount a file system with type ext4 in LVM VG debian-vg, LV root at /failed."

Also, no matter how many times I completely wipe every partition, there's always this message at the start of the installation saying Windows is already installed as BIOS compatibility mode, and asks me if i still want to install as Uefi, I was wondering if that had anything to do with my error.

I checked the drives health and there wasn't any kind of problems, passed all the tests.

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