Ubuntu :: Grub Started To Display And Computer Booting Slow

Apr 9, 2010

I recently install Ubuntu-studio Desktop and some other packages. And, I upgraded my System. But since then, the Grub has started to display (I have only 9.10 installed, using the entire Disk). Also, unless I select the entry, Grub does not automatically start. The startup takes nearly 1.5 minutes. And, the Login screen, after the installation of Ubuntu Studio GDM, is much slower. I removed the Ubuntu-studio GDM package, still it takes about 20 seconds to allow me to enter Username and password. Any idea?

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Fedora :: XP Not Booting Anymore - Grub Started

Oct 3, 2010

I recently installed Fedora as dual boot with XP on my netbook, but then decided to uninstall it again. I probably did it in the wrong way because everything is messed up. I installed Fedora in a separate partition, so I just deleted that partition. Now when I rebooted my netbook, it starts GRUB.

I get some sort of command prompt like cmd.
grub> {here I can type commands}

I tried several stuff to get everything normal again. First I made a bootable USB which starts the XP Recovery console. Then I used these commands :


I reboot, and there it is again ... the GRUB. How can I get Windows XP working again? I didn't touch the C: boot partition, so the XP installation should still be intact.

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General :: Grub All Over Display While Booting With USB

Jan 7, 2010

I am trying to boot linux kernel from a USB stick. I performed following steps:

1. wrote Grub stag1 to MBR of USB with this command on my linux host.
dd if=/boot/grub/stage1 of=/dev/sdb1 bs=512 count=1

2. Mounted the USB and I copied the following files in my USB.

3. Plugged in the USB in the the target machine. Rebooted and changed the booting sequence to boot from USB

My problem is that instead of getting a boot prompt, iIam getting GRUB GRUB GRUB all over the display. I googled out for it and found that if we change the auto-detection oh HDD in bios to manual that may solve the issue, but that did not help. If you happen to know that I am following the correct steps and in right order please point me how can I resolve this issue of GRUB.

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Ubuntu :: Grub 17 Error N Booting Up Computer

Sep 19, 2010

when i changed the partion size on my new hdd when i booted up the computer it said grub 17 error and wouldn't load ubuntu

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Debian Configuration :: Computer Booting To Wrong Grub

Jun 25, 2015

I recently installed another Linux distro, Kali Linux, alongside my Debian 8 and discovered to my chagrin that my computer boots to Kali's grub rather than to the Debian grub. I had spent some time customizing Debian's grub and would hate to see that effort go to waste. Is there a way I can get my computer to boot to Debian's grub instead? I tried deleting Kali's boot partition with gparted but that did not seem to do anything.

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General :: Identify Which Grub Setting Is Used When Booting My Computer?

Apr 21, 2011

I have a computer with several Linux variants installed, each of them using a GRUB or GRUB2 setting.

How can I identify which GRUB setting is used when booting my computer?

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Ubuntu :: Computer Booting To System Memory Test In Grub Menu?

Feb 20, 2010

I'm very new to Linux but when I first installed it, I downloaded the Start-Up Manager so I could change the boot order. I have a dual boot Windows-Linux, I set the default as Windows. Recently my computer started booting to the system memory test in the grub menu instead of Windows. When I try to open the Start-Up Manager now it asks me for the password as usual and then does not start. How I would change it back to windows for the default? I'm running Ubuntu 9.10.

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Hardware :: Very Slow BIOS Loading On 2002 Computer With Puppy Linux And GRUB

Apr 25, 2010

I installed Puppy Linux on a partition on an older 2000-era computer. The other partition had Windows ME, which crashed and burned recently. Lately, the computer has started to open GRUB very slowly. It is also slow to boot Puppy Linux from there. I reinstalled GRUB, to no avail. I decided that the problem was probably a slow BIOS, but I'm not sure. Does anyone know of another possible problem, or of a good boot-disk BIOS diagnostic tool? I tried using a couple of the tools on the Ultimate Boot Disk, but they all got hung up, displaying: - InitDisk as the last line in the sequence.

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Ubuntu :: Machine Started To Run Slow?

Jul 28, 2010

Linux cj454lt 2.6.32-24-generic #38-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jul 5 09:22:14 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/LinuxI noticed in top java was at the top of the queue.The machine runs very slow and takes forever to load mozilla pages etc. NOTHINGse is actively running on the box. No application this is happening at login time. Just start Mozilla. So I killed the java process and it seems to get better. Nothing looks out of the ordinary on the box

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Ubuntu :: How To Deal With My Slow Computer - Runs Desperately Slow ?

Jan 22, 2010

I just want to know how to easily speed up my computer because it runs desperately slow. I am running windows Xp which is about two years old.

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Ubuntu :: Slow Booting Of BIOS When Booting?

Jan 18, 2010

I've been searching the forums for any posts that cover my problem, but most of the booting problems I've found are different from mine.Anywho, the situation:ell laptop, 2 partitions, first is Windows XP, second is Ubuntu Karmic.Whenever I turn on my computer the first loading screen that shows up (is this the BIOS? Excuse my little knowledge of this stuff), before GRUB loads, is really slow. It takes about a minute to load.However, whenever I restart from my XP partition, it suddenly loads fast! And this does not happen when restarting from my Ubuntu partition or anything

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Ubuntu :: Turn Off Computer If X-server Hasn't Started

Mar 21, 2010

For some reasons I need to configure ubuntu in such way that it would turn off the computer if X-server or GDM hasn't started (but user is able to log in). By the way, what are the reasons for such situation besides errors with video drivers?

I was told that I should write a script, but I have no idea how to write scripts and where I should place it (I suppose in init.d with some parameters).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Computer Has Just Started Crashing (Logs Inside)?

Jun 21, 2010

Computer has Just Started Crashing (Logs inside)?

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Fedora :: Unable To Get Computer To Boot Under CUI And The Command 'start X' Started The GUI

Feb 17, 2010

I remember a friend of mine was able to get my computer to boot under CUI, and the command 'start x' started the GUI. with booting up my computer through CUI.

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Debian Configuration :: Can't Get Started From Grub Anymore

May 2, 2011

Installed Debian 6 last night after using Ubuntu for close to 3 years. Couldn't believe how wonderful everything was put together and working, with some minor beginning glitches (like nvidea 3D drivers not working) which were to be expected.

But now I'm sitting back in Ubuntu because I can't get Debian started from Grub anymore. The Grub menu is still there and the selections work fine too. I honestly have no idea what caused this. Last thing I was doing in Debian took place in the Software Center where I was installing some GTK+ themes and looking for some general utilities. I did find a Boot Logo/Login changer, at least that's what I think it was, and when I clicked on install ... I received a message that that application was already installed (must have been by default or through synaptic perhaps).

Anyway, as soon as that message cleared out, perhaps 2 or 3 seconds later the screen crashed and everything went black ... I'm assuming that the xerver crashed. Did a CTRL, ALT, DEL which successfully restarted the system. Got back to the grub menu, selected Debian, and got the black screen again with a login for a user, followed by the password request. Knowing next to nothing about Debian I was obviously stuck at that point. Then I tried the recovery console, and exactly the same thing happened.

Rebooted again, got back into the recovery console, and this time, after adding my user name and password, used CTRL + D which caused a ton of text to appear on the black screen. Near the end of it came a FAILURE message ...

Startpar: service(s) returned failure: gdomap failed:

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General :: Debian 6.0.1a Installation Failed / Grub Tried To Read The CD But Than Started Ubuntu OS?

Mar 27, 2011

I'am using Ubuntu 10.10, and wish to install a Debian OS.I downloaded the file "debian-6.0.1a-amd64-netinst.iso.(My motherboard is a 945CG-F7 with INTEL PENTIUM DUAL CPU E2160)I recorded the file on CD as "iso" (following instructions from Internet).Grub tried to read the CD but than started Ubuntu OS.

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Ubuntu :: Booting From NForce FakeRAID - Hand Correct Grub.cfg After Update-grub?

Mar 5, 2011

I was unaware of the difficulties of installing and booting Ubuntu from the "onboard raid" that the NVIDIA nForce chipsets provide. However, I've managed to get it working reliably with one single caveat:

When update-grub builds the grub.cfg, it refers to all of my partitions as follows:

menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.35-27-generic' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
insmod part_msdos
insmod ext2
set root='(/dev/mapper/nvidia_caifaefg,msdos5)'


So I'm guessing that the whole nvidia_blah,msdos5 is because of that. However, it doesn't seem to explain why Grub would THINK that would work and it in fact does not work. That's the biggest source of confusion on my part.

My questions are as follows: First off, because as an IT person I want to know: Why does this sort of change work? What does changing that device name change in GRUB's behavior? Is there a setting in /etc/default/grub that would change the way it's naming these RAID devices? Is there a value for this setting that would give me the device names that work, as explained above?

If there is no setting change I can make in /etc/default/grub, could I add a sed command on to the end of update-grub or can I make a modification to one of the scripts in /etc/grub.d? What sort of change would be recommended? How would I preserve this change through later package upgrades that would possibly rewrite these files?

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Ubuntu :: No Sound In KDE When Started By Startx While Working Fine When Started By Kdm/gdm

Dec 14, 2010

I recently installed KDE in my ubuntu 10.10. To access KDE, I want to use
startx /usr/bin/startkdeBut using it disables sound in KDE (Sound is working fine in GNOME). It doesn't sound for anything like login sound, totem, mplayer or any other playerBut when I press Alt+Ctrl+F1 to change to virtual console, the playback resumes from where it was in time and when coming back Alt+Ctrl+F7 and the time in totem (or any other player) doesn't move. While log out also it doesn't play logout sound and doesn't logout, so I have to press Ctrl+Alt+F1 so that logout sound play then it exits.When starting KDE by kdm or gdm, the sound works normally. But I don't want to login again using kdm or gdm and not to use root user to start kdm or gdm.I don't know what is the difference between when KDE is started by startx or by kdm/gdm where the same user login in kdm/gdm as that for startx

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Fedora :: Can't Dual Booting With Grub (legacy) - Black Screen Grub Error 27

Jul 31, 2011

is it ever possible to do dual booting with grub(legacy) ever at all!. it is possible provided i take some pain, here is the link of that post [URL] i was coward and weak i didn't try that out then. but i did try it out. now so if u haven't seen the post .... I've installed Fedora 15 desktop(Gnome) with physical Logical volume called vg_fedora lv_root(ext4) ,lv_swap and lv_home(ext4), with 500MB /boot partition and had about 200GB free hard disk space ... so i wanted to install Scientific Linux 6.1 (because our school uses RHEL 6.1)

so, while running the installer I made (added) a logical volume lv_Scientific with ext4 FS and made its mount point (/) and used the MBR /boot which overwrote the Fedora /boot (completely OK and was as expected) i restarted after installation i got SL log in and as per the directions of the thread i copied the boot stanza from grub.conf of fedora 15 (which i already had copied and pasted into a text file and copied it from there)and pasted it into grub.conf of SL you may ask why did i choose same physical LVM too save swap space ... if i had made another physical LVM i had to make another swap ( i like LVM ... its cool)

completely unexpected happened Fedora now boots but not SL when grub starts i get this error 27 unrecognised commad and when i press <enter> i get grub menu with SL and fedora when i press on Fedora it works well i get my fedora login and i did login .. everything works fine but when i press SL it goes to the previous black screen grub error 27


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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Extremely Slow While Booting Up?

May 1, 2010

Not much else to say. I'd say it takes at least a minute before I get to the login screen. After that it runs fine and most of the previous problems I've had since upgrading have resolved themselves. why it's taking so long to boot up?

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Ubuntu :: Slow Booting After Install ?

Jun 16, 2011

Im trying to install ubuntu studio 11.04on my new dell. it finishes and boot,just incredibly slow. maybe 10 min to load after login. im able to update, i thought maybe it would fix it with driver updates. still nothing. the only thing i did so far was "pci=noacpi". and that did nothing.

Here is my system.
dell inspiron m5010 (64bit sys)
amd phenom(tm)IIn850 tripple-core 2.20ghz
ati mobility radeon hd 4250

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General :: Booting Windows7 For GRUB/ Removing Grub?

Jul 20, 2011

I just formatted the partition that contains fedora 15 using windows.. Now when I attempt to boot my PC the grub bootloader comes up and I cannot boot anything.... The error that I get|| i feel i need a boot command to boot boot win7 from grub... grub propmts me " minimal bash-like line editing is supported. for the first word tab possible list a possible commands completion anywhere else tab list

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Ubuntu :: 10.4 Netbook Edition Booting Slow ?

May 28, 2010

I recently installed Unbuntu Netbook edition on well my Netbook and it works all fine but I notice when I turn on my Netbook it will hang on a black screen where I cant manipulate anything except hit return a few times. It finally loads after a minute or two and Ubuntu works fine afterwords.

Is this normal? I am pretty new to Ubuntu and Linux in general.

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Ubuntu :: Display A Pop-up Message After Booting?

Dec 21, 2010

booting up the PC (Before or After user login) display an "Acceptable Usage agreement" with a OK button. The User must press OK to proceed. The Acceptable Usage agreement shows our companies System network policy. It can be easily done in a windows PC (Look Here). But I don't know how it is configure in ubuntu .

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.2 64 Bit Very Slow After Booting?

Jun 16, 2010

We have 2 machines (quad core intel i5) running suse 11.2. They were clean installs and both suffer from this problem on around 50% of boot-ups. Other times, the system boots quickly and is fine.

Basically, one of the CPU's gets hammered to 100% (according to KDE system monitor) for around 10 minutes after boot up. Although the other three CPU's seem mostly idle, the system is very slow, to the point of being unusable until suddenly the system recovers and runs normally.

I've looked at 'top' and the KDE system monitor and both show no process taking more than a few % of the CPU. So it is a mystery as to what is taking up so much CPU and why it does it some days and not others !

One other thing, if you try to run virtualbox during this time, it (eventually) says that the kernel drives are not loaded - so possibly the kernel is stuck loading drivers. Infact, from dmesg, I can see that the system is still booting but other than the extended time stamps, the only obvious difference between a good boot and a bad one seems to be the line :

[ 141.794727] hda-intel: IRQ timing workaround is activated for card #0. Suggest a bigger bdl_pos_adj. which is there after a slow boot. The sound works ok (as does everything else).

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Ubuntu :: Booting From USB On Old Computer?

Aug 8, 2011

I just found couple of tutorials to help me boot Ubuntu using a USB on an old computer. This is exciting! Basically it works like this: Download a program and burn it as an ISO, and it allows you to insert your USB stick, and boot ubuntu (or other OS).

Anyone ever tried this? Because I am about to try it and I have some questions.

Once I download ubuntu, do I have to use use a tool such as UNetbootin to make it bootable, Or I just extract the contents of the ISO? btw here are the tutorials 1 and 2

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Ubuntu :: Computer Not Booting From 9.10 CD?

Nov 15, 2009

I'm trying to install Ubuntu 9.10 on an old computer. Basic stats are a 350 MHz Pentium II, 768 MB RAM, and an ATI Rage IIc--not sure how much video memory at the moment. I managed to install XP on it at one point, but decided not to let it stay a Windows box.The computer won't boot from the Ubuntu 9.10 CD, nor the alternate install CD. It gets as far as displaying:ISOLINUX 3.63 Debian-2008-07-15 Copyright (c) 1994-2008 H. Peter Anvinbut the never does anything else. Anybody have some ideas about what is happening or what I can try or do differently?

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Display Booting After Upgrading?

Jun 26, 2010

I downloaded Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop and have tried booting the ISO from a USB stick and also installing it to my HD with Wubi.Unfortunately my experience hasn't been any better than when I tried Ubuntu 8.10When booting the Live iso from my USB stick, my display goes into sleep mode (IE is receiving no signal) from the momentUbuntu begins booting until eventually the desktop appears several minutes later. If I was the average punter I would probably have assumed nothing was happening and rebooted.

As I have some experience with Linux (barely), I thought to try Ctrl-Alt-F1, which brought the monitor back to life and showed the terminal. As soon as I switched back to the main window (Ctrl-Alt-F8 I think) the display went back into sleep mode.Once it had booted, I did "sudo apt-get update", which worked and then "sudo apt-get upgrade", which did a lot of updates and then sent my monitor back into sleep mode, requiring me to reboot!When I tried to boot the Wubi install, again the display went into sleep mode as soon as Ubuntu started booting but this time the desktop never appeared and after about 5 minutes I rebooted.My motherboard is a Gigabyte MA780G-UD3H and I'm using the onboard HD3200 IGP and a Phenom II X3 720 and 4GB DDR2 1066Mhz RAM.

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Ubuntu :: OpenOffice Base Navigation And Display Very Slow

Mar 31, 2011

I have set up an OpenOffice (3.2) Base database - tables, mainly, and a few queries. The main table contains about 9000 rows and around 50 fields and there is a second table of 1900 rows and 20 fields and a few other tables with either fewer rows or many fewer fields. The primary key on the main table is a single text field. The .odb file is 4.4Mb. There are no Forms or Reports; the idea at the moment is that I enter data using OO's Table data view. I see that I have an embedded HSQL database and I cannot change dit>Database>Properties because it is greyed out.

Opening the database is reasonably quick (about 5 sec) but then when I want to look at any but the smallest of tables (in data Table view) it is very slow (15 sec on the main table) to display the first group of rows. When I want to move to show a different record it takes just as long to display the new set of rows. It makes no difference whether the new set of records is adjacent (in terms of record order) or a long way off. I need to speed this up x3 or more or I will have to abandon Base as impractical to use.

On the OO Forum some posts talk of separating the database from the engine and others of increasing the cache size. I can't do the latter as access is via the greyed out option and I can't find any instructions for the former. I'm not convinced these would have much effect anyway.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Booting Slow - Unable To Enumerate USB Device To Port 1

Jul 16, 2010

Recently my Ubuntu 10.04 was booting slow and to figure out what was going wrong, I booted Ubuntu in text mode. There I found it was hanging on for 5-6 sec showing "unable to enumerate usb device to Port 1". I know it has something to do with Port1 / usb device, but could not understand and solve it.

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