Hardware :: Slackware Network Configuration

Sep 3, 2010

I just installed slackware 13 with kernel , everything seems to be ok so far, but the system does not load eth0.Ive tried netconfig , ive tried to configure rc.inet1.conf by hand and run rc.inet1 eth0_start but nothing works.After running netconfig the system says everything is ok , but when I run ifcofnig there is no eth0.

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Slackware :: Write A Script To Switch Between Different Network Configuration?

May 8, 2010

I am running Slackware 12.2.
I have checked the file like /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf, and the command 'ip' or 'ifconfig', but still can not figure out how to write a script to switch between two network configurations easily.

Suppose that one configuration uses DHCP server to dynamically give the ip address, and uses a Default Gateway, a net mask, a DNS server;
and in another configuration the Ip address is fixed, and use a Default Gateway, a net mask, a DNS server;
Anyone would like to give me a hint on how to write one (or two separate) script(s) to switch between these two settings?

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Fedora Networking :: Cannot Find Network Card While Setup Network Configuration?

May 25, 2010

Cannot activate network device eth0!"device eth0 does not seem to be present, delaying initialization".i cannot find my network card while i set up network configuration Now I use dual boot window 7 and fedora 9,I cannot find my network card in select network adapter while network configuration ,i have a network card Atheros AR8132 PCI-E fast Ethernet controller NDIS(620)and for wired in Accer laptop .

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Debian Configuration :: Getting Network Error - Every Time Rebooting My Server Lost My Network Config

Mar 3, 2011

I was playing with my debian server when something went totally wrong while i was editing something on my network interface,i removed those crap that i wrote and left the network interface configuration as it was

Like for example after re-editing my network interface,it was like :

As i did a network restart, i get this error saying :

There is already a pid file /var/run/dhclient.eth0.pid with pid 2802 killed old client process, removed PID file.

What is this error and how can i fix it,because every time im re booting my server i lost my network config.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Network Print Configuration - Can't Connect With 11.2 Computer

Mar 27, 2010

I have a Canon MX860 network printer but I cannot get it to connect with my openSUSE 11.2 computer

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OpenSUSE Network :: Suse 10.2 Network Card ( DG41RQ ) Configuration?

Jun 19, 2010

i am using intel hardware on this working on suse linux 10.2 . i am not able to configure the network card IP address I have tryed using dhcp and static both way. Currently intel DG41RQ network card is assembled in my system. by using command ifconfig i can see only lo but eth0 is not displayed their.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Skipped Network Configuration During The Installation Of System?

Dec 12, 2010

I've just installed OpenSuse 11.3 on my new laptop but I've skiped the network configuration during the installation of system, but after that when I use the command : dhclient eth0 I'll be connected without any problem except when I reboot the system, I should retype the command to connect

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Debian Configuration :: Network Not Work When Use 2 Network Cards

Oct 24, 2010

I'm planning to use Debian as the OS for a firewall machine, which will sit between my internet connection and the rest of my computers. Now my network is all wired, no wireless whatsoever. I'm using the onboard the motherboards cat5 socket which seems to be using the VIA rhine driver and I'm also using a 3com 100MBps card.

I can list the machine spec if you want but it's nothing special, an old Athlon 64 rig with 1gb ram and an OEM motherboard, it all seems to work ok apart from the internet doesn't' seem to work. Lenny seems to detect both cards ok and I even used the net install CD and it managed to download everything using the 3com card.

The strange thing is when I'm in Lenny, I can't seem to connect. I can ping google, but when I try and view a webpage, the browser just sits there with a while screen... Could it be that using 2 network cards is confusing Debian? Right now I've only got the modem hooked up the the 3com card, and nothing connected to the onboard network card.

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Red Hat :: Static Network Configuration On RHEL - Network Is Unreachable

Apr 27, 2010

setup my static network connection Here are my details :

IP :
Subnet :
Gateway :
Primary DNS :


but after this setup when i restart my network #service network restart while bringing up the eth0 the following message is displayed before [OK] - RTNETLINK answers : Invalid Argument now it seems either this setup is wrong or not sufficient to set up the connection, whenever i try to ping it showing connect : Network is Unreachable

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Slackware :: Can't Get My Wireless Network Work In Slackware 13.0 / Why Is So?

Jun 5, 2010

I do have trouble in configuring my wireless network,though i configured it as what Alien BOB say(http://alien.slackbook.org/dokuwiki/...ckware:network) and google some similar Threads.My latop is Asus F83vf, wireless card is Atheros AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter.
The code when I run lspci command is code...

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Slackware :: Getting The 13 Display Configuration?

Apr 24, 2010

I have installed SW13 and I cannot seem to be able to configure my display resolution. Under windows I have it configure as 1440by900 pixels, colors = 32bit, chip = intel 965 express. Under SW the resolution = 800by600. I have try to change the resolution size but have not been able to do it. I try to run the xorgconfig command but is not installed on the computer.

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Slackware :: Dependency Management And Configuration

Feb 23, 2010

I am a Linux noob (running Ubuntu 9.10) and not even an advanced Win. user. However, my switch to Linux was for simplicity, stability, fewer crashes,and the open-source software philosophy. However, Ubuntu hasn't been what I am hoping for. While Scientific Linux and Vector seem like good second choices, they don't seem to have the community/enthusiasm that Slackware has. However everything I read is all about "dependency management" w/r/t Slackware. Is this really a big problem? As a newbie, how will I deal with it? I am willing to learn but realize that I am starting from scratch.

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Slackware :: Konsole Configuration Not Persistent ?

Mar 1, 2010

This issue has been a thorn in my side since -13.0 was released. I cannot get the konsole configuration to "stick". If I start konsole, then click Settings->Edit Current Profile, then change the font & font size, click "Apply", then "OK", the changes work during that session, but when I close the program, then open it back up, I am back to the default settings. If I make a root profile, the foreground & background colors will persist, but not the font settings or the initial command. This bugged me so much that I moved to mrxvt, which is working nicely, but I would like to get konsole to behave as well. NOTE: I have recently installed -current on this laptop & put on Alien Bob's KDE 4.4 packages. I cannot get konsole to work right here, either.

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General :: Which Slackware And Ubuntu Would Recommend For The Configuration?

Jun 12, 2010

I went to Ubuntu website and saw there are two types, 32-bit and 64-bit. I was going to get 64-bit, but the website recommended me 32-bit. Intel i5, 2.26Ghz, 64-bit, 3 GB of RAM

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Slackware :: Building NAS - LVM / RAID Configuration For Partition

Jan 6, 2010

I'm building a NAS, based on the Intel SS4200. There are 4 drive bays in the machine for use with SATA disks, two of which I plan on filling now, the other two which I plan on filling later. The box also includes an IDE connector to which I will connect an 8GB Disk on Module onto which I will install Slackware. I wish to have all drives in the box show up as one contiguous volume. What partitioning/LVM/RAID configuration can I use which will allow me to:

1. Add a disk and transparently grow the available space of the volume?
2. Replace a disk with a larger disk and transparently grow the available space of the volume?
3. Lose a disk to hardware failure and replace it with a new one with no data loss?

If I use RAID 5, I'm pretty certain I can get numbers 1 and 3 above, but I'm not sure about number 2. The downside is that I'd have to start with 3 disks in the machine, and I'm unsure if adding a 4th disk whose size is larger than each of the 3 starting disks would lead to wasted space. For instance, if I start with three 1TB drives in RAID 5, and then add a 2TB 4th drive, would my available size go from 2TB to 3TB? Or from 2TB to 3.xTB?

Is it important in a RAID 5 setup to have all disks the same size? With LVM, I can certainly get number 1 above, but what about 2 and 3? I know you can use LVM to present many disks or partitions as one contiguous volume, but if I have two 1TB drives in one volume, and only have 300GB of data, then would the second drive remain empty until I broke the 1TB barrier? In this case, it's wasted space from the get go. I suppose another option would be to start with RAID 1 until I can afford a third disk.

When adding the new disk, could I switch to RAID 5 without data loss? I'm planning on maintaining a full mirror of the NAS on some USB disks as a backup, so if configuration changes to the NAS require wiping the disks and restoring from backup, it's not a total loss. However, it certainly makes me nervous to be in a state where only one copy of the data exists, so I'd rather find a solution where I can add and upgrade disks in the NAS without relying on the backup copies.

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Slackware :: What Missing In My Kernel Configuration - Panic

Oct 4, 2009

I have gone through all the kernel config options repeatedly, but everytime I get the same error after running my configured kernel.

To begin with, after unpacking the kernel I get Undefined video mode numer: 305 and then a selection of video modes appears.

Why are the standard settings in my lilo 1024x768x256 (vga 773) not accepted?

VFS: Cannot open root device "808" or unknown block(8,8) Please append a correct "root"=" boot option; here are the available partitions: Kernel panic- not syncing :VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown block(8,8)

My partitions are ext2, and this format (as well as other formats) are compiled in the kernel.

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Slackware :: ATI Radeon X700 DRI / ATI Card Configuration/driver?

May 11, 2010

I am setting up a system that I was recently given and am having some problems with the ATI card configuration/driver (I think).


System is P4 3.0Ghz, 1GB RAM, 200GB SATA with new full install of Slackware 13, Fluxbox WM/DE.

lspci lines:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV410 [Radeon X700 Pro (PCIE)]
01:00.1 Display controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV410 [Radeon X700 Pro (PCIE)] (Secondary)
I have read a lot of things that seem confusing to me, but I have set it up mostly with info from slackwiki.org, and after reading various threads here at LQ.

I am using an xorg.conf created with Xorg -configure, with the radeon driver and have added the DRI section and enabled options per the above URL.


First, X starts and I can run glxgears and get a frame rate of 3100+.

But glxinfo seems incorrect:

glxinfo |grep -i render
GL_RENDERER: Mesa DRI R300 20060815 x86/MMX/SSE2 TCL
I see no "direct rendering: yes" as seems to be required (am I missing something?).

Most things seem to work such as video playback from DVD and Flash.

At boot the vesa modes do not work and I have to use vga=normal, which is no big problem, although a better framebuffer mode would be nice if possible.

But the first big problem I hit is running Blender. When it starts my screen goes blank with just the mouse cursor visible and moving. To get out of this I can kill X or ctl-alt-Fx to get a new login and kill the blender process. Oddly, I found I can also alt-F2 (Open a Run dialog in Fluxbox) which opens with a running Blender behind it - but any attempt to interact with the blender window reverts to the blank screen with mouse cursor.

I believe this to be due to the lack of DRI mostly because of a similar problem once encountered on another system - but am open to other suggestions.

But I think I need to better understand and configure the drivers for this video card before troubleshooting any applications.

So, I guess my questions would be:

1. Is the radeon driver the best choice for this card?
2. Are there advantages/disadvantages to using the ATI driver instead? (Is there a slackbuild for the proprietary driver?)
3. Can someone point me to any better sources of info for ATI cards/drivers used under Slackware?

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Slackware :: Configuration Usb Mouse Wheel Scoll Lines(not In KDE Itself)?

Oct 24, 2010

In Kwrite,Kate or KDE itself ,my USB 5 Button Mouse works fine, But in Dolphin, Chrome or Konqueror ,the "Mouse wheel scolls by..." in "system settings" didn't work, Dolphin scolls by itself, not 1 line or two lines...I'm eagering to know why these happend and if there are some way to force the mouse scoll lines

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Slackware :: Installing ATI Drivers Broke ALSA Configuration / Fix This?

Jan 22, 2011

I install the ATI drivers yesterday and today I've realised that it broke my sound. I have a HDA nVidia sound card built in (with a Realtek chip), but when I run alsaconf, it doesn't find it. It tries to use either the ATI HDMI audio port or a legacy generic driver. Any hints as to how I can fix this?

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Slackware :: Add Any Special Options To Mkinitrd For AHCI Configuration?

Apr 29, 2011

Do I need to add any special options to mkinitrd for AHCI configuration?

mkinitrd -c -k -m ext4

Does it know I'm not in legacy PATA mode or do I have to add something to load AHCI module with it?

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Slackware :: Finding A Sample Wireless Configuration File?

Jul 7, 2010

After several attempts in setting up the rc.inet1.conf using alienbob's site as a guide, I'd like to see a sample of a working setup. My setup is very simple: home router and a desktop wireless, with wpa security. Using wicd is snap, but I'm tired of dropping connections; everthing worked with slack 13.0, but this 13.1 dropping wireless connection is driving me nuts, both on the desktop and the laptop.

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Slackware :: Run Level 4 Configuration Fails After Slackpkg Upgrade-all

Apr 22, 2010

slackpkg upgrade-all I chose to use all old configuration files and keep the new ones. But after reboot, I got bunch of hardware configuration error and I cannot even login saying:

Code: INIT: cannot execute "/etc/rc.d/rc.4" Welcome to Linux (tty1) (none) login: root Unable to determine your tty name I remember that I made runlevel 4 the default in /etc/inittab so that it can bring up login manager directly after reboot but the upgrade doesn't recognized the configuration file correctly hence the tty problem.

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Slackware :: WLAN Roaming Configuration - Connect To Hot Spots

Sep 2, 2010

I'd like to go one step further now, with my laptop. As I'll be travelling more often in the foreseeable future, I'd like to be able to connect to WLAN hot spots in hotels, railway stations and air ports with a minimum of hassle. What's the best way to go about it?

Of course, Wicd is quite useful, but I'd prefer a KDE application, and I'd like to be able to define "profiles" for various scenarios. Certainly I am not the first Slackware user with this requiremnent, and probably there are tons or docs regarding this topic. However, searching LQ and the internet I haven't found what I am looking for.

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General :: Slackware - Running X - (EE) Screen(s) Found, But None Have A Usable Configuration?

Oct 24, 2010

I'm totally new to linux and a more experienced friend advised me to install slackware if I want to get the best possible understanding of how linux works. I've installed slackware but having logged in as root, when I type the command "startx" to load the GUI I get this error message:

(==) Log file: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log", Time: Sun Oct 24 14:40:24 2010
(==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"
(EE) intel(0): Given depth (4) is not supported by I830 driver
(EE) intel(1): [drm] failed to set drm interface version.
(EE) intel(1): Failed to become DRM master.


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Slackware :: Entry Sequences Affecting Lilo Configuration Tables?

Mar 21, 2011

I am building a minimal 6.2.2 linux kernel with slackware on an AMD athlon +1700 single core box.

In the lilo.conf file, there was originally only one entry, which was created by the slackware cd install.

Now, my questions are:
1.Does a person edit the lilo.conf files before or after they rerun lilo?

2. If that person edits the lilo.conf files before they rerun lilo, does the sequence of the entries in the lilo.conf files affect the manner in which lilo treats the new and old kernels? (e.g. If I put the new minimal kernel build as the first entry, will I get an error message saying that the kernel sizes do not match or that the iso image is too large, or some other strange error message?)

3. Are there any other lilo related problems, options, or tweaks that you think are pretty cool and that I might like to hear about?

4. Would I be better off using GRUB?(I don't like GRUB, but I'm throwing this one in here just for completeness.)

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Slackware :: Kernel Build Configuration - Maximum Numba Nodes

Jan 26, 2010

I'm building an i7 based machine and I've been looking at kernel optimizations for it. One kernel option that I'm sketchy on and haven't been able to find a good resource for is for MAXIMUM NUMA NODES. The default is 6, but I'm not sure if this is best for my particular hardware or not and I'm not exactly sure what this is all about.

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Slackware :: Error 1146 - Basic MySQL Configuration / Initialization

Oct 22, 2010

Do I have to do a basic configuration / initialization of mysql, like described in the following link, before I can use it? [URL] The background is, that I want to use mythtv and therefore I need a working mysql. When I tried to create the needed database, as described in the file README.SLACKWARE (included in mythtv.Slackbuild package from slackbuilds.org) with the following command, I got an error:
# mysql -u root -p < /usr/share/mythtv/database/mc.sql

The error message was:
ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 3: Table 'mysql.servers' doesn't exist
-- integrale

I don't remember that I ever did a basic configuration but mysql was already used by joomla, and it worked right out of the box.

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Slackware :: Warning Message During Kernel Boot - All Configuration Files Need

Mar 12, 2010

I recently did a fresh install of current and once I had it up and running I compiled a fresh 2.6.33 kernel using my old config file, but now I get this warning durning boot, specifically during module loading WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/sound, it will be ignored in a future release. This doesn't seem to be causing any problems but I am curious to know what the message meams? I checked /etc/modprobe but everything looks normal.

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Slackware :: Xorg Server Crashes Because It Looses Old Configuration File?

Oct 29, 2010

After I updated several software including Xorg server using "slackpkg update", I Ignorantly deleted configuration files without backing them up making Xorg server crashes.I try to build Xorg.conf using xorgsetup command but it crashes and spews:

Fatal server error:
Caught signal 11. Server aborting
/usr/bin/xorgsetup: line 170: 3315 Aborted /usr/X11R6/bin/X -configure

I have a Radeon 4850 Graphic Card with ATI Catalyst as its driver, so I try to reinstall the driver hoping that it will fix the problem, which is a bad logic I admit it, and It fails to uninstall (for some reason the uninstall script is gone) and reinstall (problem with file extraction).

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General :: BMC Network Configuration

Jan 28, 2011

I am trying to configure the BMC on my server so I can remotely power/boot/check on the system via IPMI.The server is on a switch with an IP address to the outside on eth0.It is my understanding that the BMC gets assigned a non-routeable IP (192.168.x.x, etc), but it runs off the same NIC, eth0. Is that correct?How is the switch port configured to have two IPs on the same NIC/cable? Or do I need to have a second NIC configured for the non-routeable IP?

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