Slackware :: Konsole Configuration Not Persistent ?
Mar 1, 2010
This issue has been a thorn in my side since -13.0 was released. I cannot get the konsole configuration to "stick". If I start konsole, then click Settings->Edit Current Profile, then change the font & font size, click "Apply", then "OK", the changes work during that session, but when I close the program, then open it back up, I am back to the default settings. If I make a root profile, the foreground & background colors will persist, but not the font settings or the initial command. This bugged me so much that I moved to mrxvt, which is working nicely, but I would like to get konsole to behave as well. NOTE: I have recently installed -current on this laptop & put on Alien Bob's KDE 4.4 packages. I cannot get konsole to work right here, either.
Slackware 13.1 XFCE. I've come across a strange problem which i've never had before on Slackware. I decided to set a desktop up for my sister. Being girls as they are she wanted to change the wallpaper. I showed her how, however when the machine is restarted the wallpaper turns back to default. In all my slack machines around here, i just simply right click on the desktop and change it. That makes it persistent throughout boots. I'm obviously missing something.
[SOLVED] in current Tue Apr 5 06:35:07 UTC 2011kde/kdebase-4.5.5-i486-3.txz: Rebuilt.Patched kconsole to fix closing tabs.[/SOLVED] In current:close-tab in Konsole is greyed-outnew tab = okno probs in SW13.1
Nobody else seems to be reporting this, so I guess it's down to my setup in some way, but when I run vim from a konsole window under KDE 4.3.3, I find that the konsole screen messes up during the session (feels as if it is writing with background colour on the background or something) and even when you leave vim by typing the right exit commands, display remains upset (most often confined to leftmost 20-30 columns). Konsole "clear and reset" does not help, I have to close the session and start a new instance.
Maybe connected to the konsole settings I use which are "black on light yellow"?
Should I have something in by .vimrc or konsole configuration to fix this ?
At yesterday night i run a slackpkg update and then slackpkg upgrade-all. i deselect all kernel related entries,and all others ( dont remeber precisely, but approx 15 - 20 packages, i e kde related) i get to update.
After that i shut system down and going to sleep. today i start my eeepc 900 with slackware 13.0 after that update and see i cannot run "Terminal" link on desktop. ok, go to "start", "system", "konsole terminal". from first look in konsole window i see whatever not ok - window background is grey, not black as usual. when i run mc in this window, look like a monitor contrast is set to minimum, and brightness to maximum - very hard to see files, etc. all is very much light and small contrast.
I check kde windows - all its ok, brightness and contrast in konkueror windows and overall is ok -as same as previously times. i switch to ctrl-alt-f6 to native console - again, all is ok - background is black, all is ok.
i e problem is only with Konsole-Terminal under KDE. looks for configfiles / etc - nothing faund. no man entry for terminal nur console.
I am running KDE and currently using Konsole as my terminal emulator. I am finding that if I start a konsole from the menu list I can type alias and see a list of default aliases plus the ones I have define in my .bash_login file.
The problem seems to occur on restarting KDE. I generally leave everything open and when KDE restarts everything comes back. Saves me having to do it myself.
Unfortunately when the konsoles pop up they no longer have the aliases. There will be none of the predefined ones, nor the ones that I have defined.
Would I be better off using a more standard alternative like xterm in this case or is this something that has a simple explanation?
I suspect it has something to do with not being a login shell. If I look at the Profile in the menu for the konsole it specifically says "/bin/bash -l" for the command on the new one that I opened up, but "/bin/bash" for the one that was automatically brought back.
Is there some reason KDE would do this? Running Slackware 13.1 64 bit. KDE 4.4.3
(This assumes you didn't already have a ~/ffbug directory, and you have firefox 3.5.6 installed -- the prior firefox id not have this problem) What you will probably see is firefox trying to display a listing of the ~/ffbug directory, but instead showing an error message: XML Parsing Error: not well-formed. I posted this in the mozillazine forum, where it got read 20 times, but no response.
I know this is strictly a KDE problem, but I don't want to create another account anywhere and get the KDE spam, etc.
But if anybody who reads this list has the ear of (or is) a KDE person, a minor bitch with KDE in 13.0 and 13.1 is that if you were using Konsole terminals at the time of shutting down KDE, when next you start KDE, it replaces them with Terminal Emulators.
How to enable persistent logging with systemd? I find it really weird that all this machinery that is systemd doesn't store persistent logs, what if I'm trying to retrieve some information regarding previous boots?
For instance: I have random suspend issues, after rebooting the computer there's no trace left in the logs of what happened, and furthermore (at least in Jessie) I can no longer see a pm-suspend log.
So, at first it sounds like all you have to do is edit journald.conf setting #Storage=auto to "persistent" and create the /var/log/journal directory, but then reading here /usr/share/doc/systemd/README.Debian
Code: Select allEnabling persistent logging in journald =======================================
To enable persistent logging, create /var/log/journal and set up proper permissions:
There are two main reasons why I decided to not enable persistent logging just yet ....
We did get corrupt journal files in the past where the journal then no longer worked at all [1]. With volatile you can just reboot and have a clean state again. Admittedly, the journal has seen a lot of improvements in the mean time and hopefully is more robust, so this point is no longer true.
We still install rsyslog by default. That means we get store them twice. This is something we don't want to do atm.
I have a problem defining persistent device naming on a Debian Lenny server.I have:RAID1 controller on the server machine with two SCSI disks.external storage with RAID5. I have / mount on the first partition on the server SCSI disk and /storage mount on the external storage.
I'm experiencing a problem: The system recognizes the system disk (RAID 1), as sda or sdb - randomly.I want: To control the recognition, and tell the system that sda (sda1) will always be the system disk.The motivation: GRUB is configured to work with sda, and when the system disk doesn't, boot process fails, and I end up in the initramfs shell-like interface.
Booting the kernel . . . mount:mounting /dev on /root/dev failed: No such file or directory mount:mounting /sys on /root/sys failed: No such file or directory
I installed few days ago Debian Jessie (Linux server-1 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt11-1+deb8u3 (2015-08-04) x86_64 GNU/Linux) for some tests.I tried to install iptables-persistent with the command "apt-get install iptables-persistent".During the install process, I got the following message :
Some talks about cups, acpid, ipv6 or systemd but nothing has solved the issue in my case.I used iptables-persistent many times with older debian versions.
I want to customise an amnesic Debian environment (like Kali Live CD) with everything (Users, background, icons, etc.) set up to work the way I need. This OS should be inside a memory stick, and, most important, it has to have an encrypted partition I can mount and unmount whenever I want to save persistent data.
IN 3.5.10 I am able to display the full $PROMPT_COMMAND environment variable in the Konsole title bar. Kind of handy and I did not need to display that information in the $PROMPT variable.
In 4.5.5 I am having trouble figuring out how to make that work correctly. The title bar displays only the directory name rather than the full path and user name.
history -a;echo -ne "33]0;${USER}@`uname -n`: ${PWD}07"
All I see in the title bar is:
dirname: bash
I should see:
username@hostname: full path to present working directory
And it was under Slackware64 13.0 and 13.1.Due to other issues with the 13.1 to 13.37 upgrade, I ended up performing a clean install so I don't think that this is due to leftover cruft.
I have installed SW13 and I cannot seem to be able to configure my display resolution. Under windows I have it configure as 1440by900 pixels, colors = 32bit, chip = intel 965 express. Under SW the resolution = 800by600. I have try to change the resolution size but have not been able to do it. I try to run the xorgconfig command but is not installed on the computer.
I just installed slackware 13 with kernel , everything seems to be ok so far, but the system does not load eth0.Ive tried netconfig , ive tried to configure rc.inet1.conf by hand and run rc.inet1 eth0_start but nothing works.After running netconfig the system says everything is ok , but when I run ifcofnig there is no eth0.
I am a Linux noob (running Ubuntu 9.10) and not even an advanced Win. user. However, my switch to Linux was for simplicity, stability, fewer crashes,and the open-source software philosophy. However, Ubuntu hasn't been what I am hoping for. While Scientific Linux and Vector seem like good second choices, they don't seem to have the community/enthusiasm that Slackware has. However everything I read is all about "dependency management" w/r/t Slackware. Is this really a big problem? As a newbie, how will I deal with it? I am willing to learn but realize that I am starting from scratch.
How do I go about adding Konsole (or any other terminal) to startup? I do not have the Startup Applications in a menu list - as I am only using a distro <i>based</i> on Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex.
I just started having some problem after switching my desktop manager from GNome to KDE. One of such situation is the konsole on KDE not running popular commands like ifconfig that I run when I was using GNome. Although, I have fallen in love with KDE, I am feeling a little bereaved of some feature. where I could use KDE to mastery? (Because I want to believe that I am not doing somethings I should and not that KDE is so limited)
I went to Ubuntu website and saw there are two types, 32-bit and 64-bit. I was going to get 64-bit, but the website recommended me 32-bit. Intel i5, 2.26Ghz, 64-bit, 3 GB of RAM
I'm building a NAS, based on the Intel SS4200. There are 4 drive bays in the machine for use with SATA disks, two of which I plan on filling now, the other two which I plan on filling later. The box also includes an IDE connector to which I will connect an 8GB Disk on Module onto which I will install Slackware. I wish to have all drives in the box show up as one contiguous volume. What partitioning/LVM/RAID configuration can I use which will allow me to:
1. Add a disk and transparently grow the available space of the volume? 2. Replace a disk with a larger disk and transparently grow the available space of the volume? 3. Lose a disk to hardware failure and replace it with a new one with no data loss?
If I use RAID 5, I'm pretty certain I can get numbers 1 and 3 above, but I'm not sure about number 2. The downside is that I'd have to start with 3 disks in the machine, and I'm unsure if adding a 4th disk whose size is larger than each of the 3 starting disks would lead to wasted space. For instance, if I start with three 1TB drives in RAID 5, and then add a 2TB 4th drive, would my available size go from 2TB to 3TB? Or from 2TB to 3.xTB?
Is it important in a RAID 5 setup to have all disks the same size? With LVM, I can certainly get number 1 above, but what about 2 and 3? I know you can use LVM to present many disks or partitions as one contiguous volume, but if I have two 1TB drives in one volume, and only have 300GB of data, then would the second drive remain empty until I broke the 1TB barrier? In this case, it's wasted space from the get go. I suppose another option would be to start with RAID 1 until I can afford a third disk.
When adding the new disk, could I switch to RAID 5 without data loss? I'm planning on maintaining a full mirror of the NAS on some USB disks as a backup, so if configuration changes to the NAS require wiping the disks and restoring from backup, it's not a total loss. However, it certainly makes me nervous to be in a state where only one copy of the data exists, so I'd rather find a solution where I can add and upgrade disks in the NAS without relying on the backup copies.
I have gone through all the kernel config options repeatedly, but everytime I get the same error after running my configured kernel.
To begin with, after unpacking the kernel I get Undefined video mode numer: 305 and then a selection of video modes appears.
Why are the standard settings in my lilo 1024x768x256 (vga 773) not accepted?
VFS: Cannot open root device "808" or unknown block(8,8) Please append a correct "root"=" boot option; here are the available partitions: Kernel panic- not syncing :VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown block(8,8)
My partitions are ext2, and this format (as well as other formats) are compiled in the kernel.
How do I run application as root, without using Konsole?Sometimes I wish to start task manager on system level, but I dont want to use console. I wish to know how, from KDE4 logged as user, run app as root.