Hardware :: DVB USB TV Receiver Stick Compatibility?

Mar 31, 2011

I recently purchased an AVerMedia A835 digital TV receiver USB stick, only to be advised by AVerMedia that it's a Windows-only model. Does anyone know which USB DVB sticks work well with Linux. I'm in Brisbane, Australia, currently using PCLinuxOS, but have several other distros on different partitions.

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Server :: Using Receiver As A Server - Remotely Access Receiver From Another Computer To Do The Work

Jul 7, 2010

My friend has a Linux base receiver and he using that receiver as a server he was asking me if he can remotely access that receiver from another computer and do the work he needs to do and be able to restart the receiver remotely. If you can do it how is it done using win xp.

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Ubuntu :: Corrupt Usb-stick - Close Gtk Button And Pulled The Stick Out Of Pc

Oct 1, 2010

i was writing a .img file to my usb stick with ImageWriter, but it didn't seem to do anything so i clicked the close gtk button and pulled the stick out of my pc. now my pc gives my an when i try to open the stick. is there any way to fix this. I can use win xp pro, win xp media center, win 7 starter, ubuntu 9.10 and ubuntu 10.04

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Server :: Mail Sent Repeatedly To The Receiver?

Jul 2, 2010

A user from our domain sent an email with big attachments to a recepient of other domain, and the same email was sent several times to the receiver.

I checked the df and qf file on our sendmail server, in /var/spool/mqueue and found following:

qfo5SHgJqX006403:Mreply: read error from remote-host.somedomain.com.
qfo5SHgJqX006403:MDeferred: Connection timed out with remote-host.somedomain.com.

I deleted all qf and df files for this particular mail. So deleting the df and qf file has stopped sending mails repeatedly to the receiver.

Is this problem at our end or the receipient end? Why is the same mail sent several times to the receiver?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Installing Server From USB Stick To Another USB Stick?

Sep 1, 2011

I'm about to ditch Freenas as my NAS software and make it an Ubuntu server box. The mainboard is an Asus AT3ION-T dual core Atom board. Freenas runs happily from USB stick. I have no optical device to install Ubuntu from and would like to install Ubuntu Server to a USB stick.

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Fedora Hardware :: 15: Can't Make IR Receiver Working

Aug 11, 2011

I am playing with TerraTec T3 DVB-T receiver. TV works fine just right out of the box, but I can't make IR working no matter what I do.I tried to follow the instructions from linuxtv.org to configure LIRC and also followed recommendations from various forums in the internet, but nothing helped. Then I have tried gnome-lirc-properties, the device was detected, but no reaction on button clicks either.The device itself is Ok, I have checked it on Windows.I cannot say that I understand well enough how linux works with input devices, but I have a suspicious that no signal comes to the corresponding /dev/input/.... How could I check it on the low level?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Running The Igor USB Receiver Under 9.10?

Feb 5, 2010

has anyone running the Igor USB Receiver under Ubuntu 9.10? I�ve made an minimal Ubuntu 9.10 installation and after install and configuring LIRC with the Igor Cesko�s USB Receiver the system holds by loading the modules. By trying a reconfiguration, the system says, that LIRC is defect.If I try the load the needed modules by hand, there is no problem to load lirc_dev, but I get the same system hold by loading lirc_igorplugusb. Are there any known problems with lirc_igorplugusb and Ubuntu 9.10?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Terratec T5 DVB-T Receiver Supported?

Feb 22, 2010

I have tried some older Terratec dual tuner receiver which worked well in ubuntu. It would be nice to know,if this current model works in ubuntu, if you consider buying..

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Sound From Stereo Receiver / Get That?

Mar 18, 2011

Bought a new yamaha receiver and have it hooked up to my pc via a y connector on headphone out.

problem: computer speakers work fine when connected to the same audio output described above. when connecting the audio out to my stereo receiver, there is no sound.

the receiver indicates that it is not receiving a signal.

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Hardware :: Fedora - Unable To Use My Bluetooth Receiver

Feb 24, 2011

I have a Dell XPS 1640, and I am unable to use my Bluetooth receiver.

The fedora bluetooth software installs, but there is no adapter present.








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Slackware :: Use The BU-353 GPS Receiver With Kismet In A 13 64bit Install?

Dec 21, 2010

I want to use the BU-353 GPS Receiver with Kismet in a Slackware 13 64bit install. I'm holding off on buying it because, even though they have linux drivers, the only distro listed in the linux drivers section is Redhat.Will the Redhat drivers work with Slack?[URL]..

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Sound Card - Speakers - Amp Or Receiver ?

May 20, 2010

In our factory, we used to use a bell system to signal breaks. Well they died. I figured it would be easy to replace those bells with speakers which ran into an Ubuntu box. I would just schedule some cron jobs to play a sound file to signal breaks.

However, I'm not talking about desktop speakers, and here's where the problem is. I only need two speakers. Do I need to run them both into a receiver/amplifier of some kind? Then run that into the back of the PC sound card? The actual speaker setup is where I'm new at. What would be the best way to get 2 (maybe more in future) LOUD speakers, separated by a few hundred feet, to the back of a computer that would control the ringing?

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Ubuntu :: When Usb IR Receiver Is Connected / Than Suspend Mode Isn't Working

Aug 10, 2010

I have ubuntu 10.04 installed. I have a problem when my usb IR receiver is connected, than suspend mode isn't working. System will jump into black screen and that's all. Only hard reset works. I tested this problem also on ubuntu 9.04 and situation is the same.Is there any way how to force suspend mode without "looking" on this device? Do you need any log file to trace reason of this problem ?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: USB Ir Receiver Not Loading With Pc Turn-on/restart?

Jan 30, 2011

I have recently obtained a HTPC which has Mythbuntu pre-installed and already working with a remote it came with. I have another remote that I have changed over to (including the ir receiver) as it had easier button layout. Setup seems to have gone fine, but when the pc is restarted (turned of and on) then the ir receiver is not reloaded in the usb port. This was not a problem with the old remote. If once the pc is on I unplug and re-plug the ir receiver then it loads and works fine.

Running a lsusb in terminal shows that it is definitely not loaded on restart but is when re-plugged in.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Installing An Asus N13 USB Wireless Receiver?

May 24, 2011

I trouble someone to provide some assistance on how to properly install this thing and get it to work? I have been all over the web trying all sorts of different "tutorials", but most of them start off okay, and then I get errors in the terminal, or the commands in the tutorials become specific to one person's particular system, and I can go no further. I really want to use Ubuntu 11 on a system that currently is running the reprehensible Windows Vista, and if I could just get this Wireless receiver to work, I would be able to format Vista into oblivion.

So, can someone start at the very beginning, and help me through this? Please keep in mind that I am as green as a leprechaun when it comes to Ubuntu, so please make instructions verbose and geared to a layperson, if it wouldn't be too much trouble. So, the unit is plugged in, and ready to go. What's first?

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Debian Hardware :: Middle Button Not Working (Logitech USB Receiver)

Apr 24, 2014

I'm using Debian Jessie (64-bit) with XFCE

Code: Select all$ uname -srvmo
Linux 3.12-1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.12.6-2 (2013-12-29) x86_64 GNU/Linux

And my middle button doesn't work anymore. The problem doesn't seem to be configuration-related as xev, xinput test and cat /dev/input/mice show nothing after clicking the middle button.

Here's the output from xinput:

Code: Select all$ xinput
⎡ Virtual core pointer                       id=2   [master pointer  (3)]
⎜   ↳ Virtual core XTEST pointer                 id=4   [slave  pointer  (2)]
⎜   ↳ Logitech USB Receiver                      id=10   [slave  pointer  (2)]
⎣ Virtual core keyboard                      id=3   [master keyboard (2)]
    ↳ Virtual core XTEST keyboard                id=5   [slave  keyboard (3)]
    ↳ Power Button                               id=6   [slave  keyboard (3)]

[Code] ....

Could it be a kernel issue?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Setting Up Receiver To Computer Sound System?

May 14, 2010

im about 3 weeks into linux, started out with fedora actually, but switched to ubuntu. First days of linux was intense but slowly got the hang of it and i enjoy it way better than my previous op vista.

Sound System Setup-
Sony Receiver 3 speakers and 1 subwoofer

From receiver Y connector -(red plug and white plug R/L) to audio plug that goes into laptop output. Laptop- AsusTek g51x with

PHP Code:

**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC663 Analog [ALC663 Analog]  Subdevices: 0/1  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 1: ALC663 Digital [ALC663 Digital]  Subdevices: 1/1  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 

PHP Code:

alsactl version 1.0.22 

Sound card has Headphone,output,and input holes.

OS- Ubuntu 10.04

The setup worked fine on vista, but on ubuntu whenever i plug in headphones (headphone output) the laptops internal speakers shut off and there is no sound on the headphones, and when i plug in the sony receiver audio plug to my sound card output hole, the laptops speakers are still playing but no sound in the sony receiver. Also when i open the Ubuntu sound manager (I think its either pulseaudio or ASLA, stock gnome one) , it says on the Output tab, "Choose a device for sound output", but there is only one option and it says

"Internal audio analog stereo".

Im literally extremely lost at this point, i have read the forums for help, ASLA wiki (only shows USB sound device support) messed with the Sound Preferences, and spend around 9 hours in the last 2 days trying to make this work.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Controller Receiver Stop Working Randomly

Nov 11, 2010

I installed Ubuntu as well but was still using the windows loader. I eventually installed Ubuntu Studio when I got another HDD (which is where I installed it). Don't ask me how I did it. As of now no loader automatically pops up. It acts as if there is nothing to boot from. However I can hit f12 and chose which HDD to boot to. On one it comes up with the Windows loader w/ Vista and Ubuntu. I can chose Vista and it works just fine. However if I chose Ubuntu it starts going a lil nuts and restarts. If I chose the other HDD it boots up Grub w/ options of Ubuntu and Ubuntu Studio. Studio works (which I'm currently on) and pretty much the same thing happens as before when I chose Ubuntu. So if the 2 OS's that I need work (Only really use windows for games) then what is the problem? I know its a little bit annoying trying to remember to hit f12 and having to chose your OS again after that (and of course the extremely annoying vista startup times). Some other things in both Studio and Vista don't want to work like they should. This is about the only thing left that I could think of that may have something to do with it. My wireless card+an old wireless card I found won't work w/ either.

Yet they both work on other computers running Vista and/or Ubuntu (not studio). I seem to always keep having display problems on both as well (dual monitors and graphics both). Even on studio I have to restart it sometimes to even get it to let me go fix it. My wireless controller receiver (for games) will stop working randomly and need to be unplugged and plugged back in. I also have problems with Studio recognizing SD cards and DVD/CD's. I am not sure much of anything can be done aside from wipe and fresh install on both. Bad thing is I don't have my other computer with me and can't afford to buy a 1TB HDD right now.

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Hardware :: Xbox 360 Wireless Gaming Receiver - Crossfire - For Windows

Sep 14, 2010

My 5 year old daughter is having a great time singing to the karaoke game I've put onto my Ubuntu HTPC system. However the USB microphone is having a hard time!

I was wondering if it would be possible to use an "Xbox 360 Wireless Gaming Receiver (Crossfire) For Windows" in Ubuntu with the cordless mic I already have for my Xbox 360? I guess it'll be a driver issue as always. However, I also note that MS don't mention the receiver works specifically with the microphone, they only mention the control pad and steering wheel, so I could be going down a blind alley anyway.

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General :: Mailx Cmd - How To Ignore The Machine Name Getting Appended To The Receiver Mailaddr

Mar 12, 2011

I am facing some problem with the mailx commmand. When i run the mailx command from the command line it sends it to the correct mail address which i mention.

#cat mailbody | mailx -s "Test" sampleaddr@abc.com

But when i run the same command from a perl script, it appends the machine name (hostname.abc.com) to the mail address, and the mail address (sampleaddr@abc.com - which i entered) becomes invalid [URL] - found in the maillog), failing to reach the receiver. I am running it from the csh shell. how to avoid this addition.

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Software :: XenApp Citrix Client Receiver 11 Cannot Be Started On Slackware64 13.1

Mar 30, 2011

I have Slackware64 13.1 with multilib enabled. I downloaded the Citrix Client Receiver 11 from [URL] (it is available for 32 bit architectures only). I followed the installation instructions and all went fine. I even installed openmotif from slackbuilds.org repository as a dependency. When i tried to do:

bash-4.1$ ldd /usr/lib/ICAClient/wfcmgr
linux-gate.so.1 => (0xffffe000)
libXm.so.4 => not found
libXp.so.6 => /usr/lib/libXp.so.6 (0xf76e5000)
libXpm.so.4 => /usr/lib/libXpm.so.4 (0xf76d5000)


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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Configure Suse To Send Audio To A Receiver In Some Cases?

Sep 10, 2010

I'm been struggling to find a way to configure suse to send audio to a receiver in some cases. Details: - Did a fresh install - Using an old SoundBlaster card (which worked in my previous version of openSuse) - I do have digital out, but only for Amarok (start menu -> configure desktop -> multimedia -> prefer "SB Live! Platinum [CT4760P], Multichannel Capture/PT Playback (IEC958 (S/PDIF) Digital Audio Output") and Kaffeine (.kde4/share/apps/kaffeine/xine-config -> set "audio.output.speaker_arrangement:Pass Through").
- I have analog sound on firefox and "test volume" on Administrator Settings -> Sound, but just can't find a way to configure those to digital passthrough (tried to copy "audio.output.speaker_arrangement:Pass Through" to .config/kde.org/Phonon-Xine.xine.conf but didn't work)


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Ubuntu :: Lirc With Jetway ION2 Chipset - IR Receiver Didn't Work

Jan 27, 2011

I just installed 10.10 on a Jetway HBJC600C99-52W machine. It has the NVIDIA ION2 chipset. Through a lot of struggles, I have managed to get most of the computer working well with Linux. The part that I'm still struggling with is the remote control. With Ubuntu out of the box, perhaps about 1/3 of the buttons are recognized. From additional research, it looks like lirc is supposed to address this issue. I tried installing lirc however, after installation the only thing that shows up is /dev/lircd. I was expecting something like /dev/lirc0. I've tried is via

sudo apt-get install lirc
and then I picked the Windows Media Center receiver

I also tried what was in this thread [URL] however, that seems to be on a different jetway model, an NVIDIA ION chipset instead of an ION2 and the driver install for the IR receiver didn't work for me. I was wondering if anyone had success installing lirc and getting all the keys on their remote working.

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OpenSUSE :: Open Files From Memory Stick The Memory Stick Is Not Available?

Mar 21, 2011

When I start bluej and try to open files from my memory stick the memory stick is not available. Is there any way that I can open files directly in bluej from my memory stick.

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Ubuntu :: Citrix Receiver 11 And That Error 61 "not Trusted Certs."?

Mar 22, 2011

Have extensively Googled and searched on here, but with no success. We have a MYPC service at our company, but our support staff have been well trained in the phrase..."we do not offer support for Linux", but the MYPC service that we have did work recently under Ubuntu 9.04 that I had at home, however since upgrading both my laptop and desktop to 10.10 and 10.4 respectively, neither now work when I use the Citrix 11 Receiver client.

I get; "You have not chosen to trust "GeoTrust Global CA", the issuer of the server's security certificate (SSL error 61." So I got, what I thought were the relevant certificates from [URL].. tes/index.html (see image for a list of certificates) but still no joy. whilst I don't want to call my support department, I wonder if they have taken a conscious decision to block access to the MYPC system from anything other than Windows OSs?

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Ubuntu :: Distrobution Known For Its Compatibility?

Apr 28, 2010

I have an e-machines flat pannel monitor and I often find it's not supported. That, or I have to use 800x600 resolution. I'm on XP right now on a compaq and I have to settle with 1024x768. Which is stretched out. I also use a linksys USB adapter for internet and it must work with-out effort on my part. It works with the latest versions of ubuntu, puppy, Damn Small Linux and a few others. Are there any distros that might work for me? And by the way, I get the correct resolution (I can't remember what it is) with my e-machines W3052.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: 11.04 Compatibility With MBP 6,2?

Apr 28, 2011

I just got an update notification to install 11.04. Before updating, I just want to verify and see if anyone has run into any problems before I give it a go.

I have a MacBook Pro 6,2, currently with 4 Gigs of Ram, but I'm planning on upgrading that to 8 Gigs. I have read of trouble with some MacBooks not booting Ubuntu with more than 6 Gigs.

I was wondering if 11.04 fixes anything from the previous versions... The trackpad,being the main thing.

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Programming :: GCC New Versions Compatibility With Old Ones

Apr 8, 2010

As a newbie for linux, I am really confused about gcc version. Aren't the new ones compatible the old ones? But online there is always someone says ,he should install a old suitalbe one for his IDE. I am really confused. If it needs a long words to express the reason clearly, a link or some books you recommend is a good answer.

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CentOS 5 :: Upgrading To 64 Bit Or Compatibility Lib?

Aug 15, 2011

I have installed Centos 5.6 (32 bit) in a virtual machine and would like to know if it is possible to update it to a 64 bit installation (probably I will also need to move to another version of the vm player too) or if there is any kind of compatibility lib(s)

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Fedora :: F12 And Win7 Boot Compatibility?

Jan 3, 2010

I have installed Windows7 on a new machine. Before installing F12, I wonder if everyting is ok regarding boot process between Win7 and F12. Could someone confirm that I won't lose my Win7 install because of F12 installation?

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