General :: Mailx Cmd - How To Ignore The Machine Name Getting Appended To The Receiver Mailaddr

Mar 12, 2011

I am facing some problem with the mailx commmand. When i run the mailx command from the command line it sends it to the correct mail address which i mention.

#cat mailbody | mailx -s "Test"

But when i run the same command from a perl script, it appends the machine name ( to the mail address, and the mail address ( - which i entered) becomes invalid [URL] - found in the maillog), failing to reach the receiver. I am running it from the csh shell. how to avoid this addition.

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Server :: Using Receiver As A Server - Remotely Access Receiver From Another Computer To Do The Work

Jul 7, 2010

My friend has a Linux base receiver and he using that receiver as a server he was asking me if he can remotely access that receiver from another computer and do the work he needs to do and be able to restart the receiver remotely. If you can do it how is it done using win xp.

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General :: Multiple Grep Outputs Appended To Single Row Of CSV File?

Sep 12, 2010

how to update a series of values from multiple grep commands outputs to be appended to a single row of a csv file? Work on a linux envir. The values from grep output will be numeric values.

Output sold look like:


Each of these values will be odtained from multiple grep commands piped with wc -l Is it possible to update a single row of a csv file if so pleas ehelp me with the command to be used to redirect the output into the csv file

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General :: Mailx Doesn't Send Mail

Mar 1, 2010

I'm having issues sending mail on a Debian (Lenny) box using mailx.

root@deity:/# mail root
Subject: Hai
Hi, root!


Does anyone have an idea what might be causing this?

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General :: Control Sendmail Or Mailx From A File?

Oct 14, 2010

I need to control sendmail or mailx from a file. The file will have the receprent as the first line, Subject: has the second line, etc. From what I can find with Google the only why to define the target and subject is on the command line? Does any one know of a way to make a mailer use the data in a file? The file would look like this:



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General :: Mailx Script Using Unspecified Recipients

Mar 1, 2010

Red Hat.
bash script.

I know there are several posts to do with mail and mailx, but nothing obvious in terms of my problem. Below is a small excerpt from the script that runs, but seems to have developed a problem.

###### Email Parameters ######
SUBJECT="${HOSTNAME} Subject Line"


The email is sent, but with numerous recipients, rather than the one specified in the RECIPIENTS variable, and because most of these aren't valid, getting a dead.letter. I've put in some debugging to check values of recipient and subject, and they show as expected.

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General :: Sending Mail With Mailx Version 12.1

Jul 2, 2010

GNU/linux kernel 2.6, Slackware 12.0.

I ran mail (aka mailx) and opened an account foo. If I remain inside the program, the command 'account foo' prints the account data. Good. But if I exit the program, and rerun it, then the command 'account' has no output which is to say I have no account.

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General :: Shell Script Has Stopped Working - Why Is "" Appended To Filename And Does It Matter

Jun 8, 2011

I am new to Linux, but was put in charge of our company's Amazon presence. My problem is that all of the sudden, a shell script we have been using has stopped working, and returned an odd error that I simply can't decipher. The shell script is pretty simple, and is run on our crontab (however manually running it causes the same error as well). The script name is "" and to run it in Linux is simply typing "sh". Here it is:


Yes, obviously those files are in the directory, I can see them through the "ls" command (or through WinSCP as well). When run one by one, each command works fine, it's just when using this "" shell script then it fails. Does anyone know why "" is appended to the filenames when I try to run it, or what the heck "ambiguous redirect" means?

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General :: Ignore 'no-cache' Header?

Apr 25, 2011

I use Ubuntu, and Google Chrome mostly. How can I kill these HTTP headers, so that my browser caches this data? I believe it is XHR. Here are the relevant HTTP response headers:Cache-Control:no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate Pragma:no-cache.I also have Firefox, is there a plugin or something I can use to not respect "no-cache"?

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General :: How To Ignore Hidden Characters

Nov 3, 2010

I'm trying to look at a file and find 6 or more consecutive consonants (everything except a vowel). However I have a hidden $ character at the end of each line in the file. For some reason I can't reference to it in any of the pattern searching commands.

For example: grep '[^aeiouAEIOU$]{6,}' file| more

This command returns words that contain 5 consonants at the end (because it interprets the hidden $ as not a vowel). How can I make it ignore the hidden character? Or more specifically how do I refer to the hidden character in my pattern searches?

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General :: Specify More Than One String To Ignore (grep Command)?

Jul 28, 2010

I am using grep to filter out directories I am not interested in like this:svn stat | grep -v data/charts | grep -v lib/model | grep -v web/picsIt seems a bit "hacky". Is there a better way to specify more than one string to ignore, so that I dont have to chain multiple grep commands?

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General :: RSYNC - Ignore A Directory On Destination Box?

Jul 28, 2011

I am performing a dry run using Rsync on 2 different boxes.While i'm doing that, Under destination directory, I want a specific directory x to be ignored for sync.Please let me know the exact pattern to ignore the directory.The current command I'm using is:rsync -avnc --delete $LOCAL_DIR $USERNAME@$DESTINATION_IP:$REMOTE_DIRunder DESTINATION_IP, I would want to ignore a particular directory under REMOTE_DIR.

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General :: Tell Aptitude To Ignore Broken Package?

Jan 13, 2010

I installed a Amsynth from Lucid in Karmic using:

dpkg --force-depends-version -i amsynth_1.2.2-1_i386.deb

The reason for installing the Lucid version is because Karmic version is 3 years old and crashes on my machine. The Lucid Amsynth package depends on newer versions of libatk1 and libjack0 than Karmic has, but I thought I would take a risk, and turns out Amsynth runs fine. However aptitude tries to uninstall Amsynth every time I do an upgrade. I think I've managed to put it on hold but now aptitude aborts. How can I tell aptitude to ignore the broken package and carry on.

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General :: What Is Rsync Flag To Ignore Permissions

Apr 8, 2010

I am using Rsync to backup files to a another machine, the users on my fileserver do not exist on the backup server so Rsync throws errors about the permissions. It copies the files fine but I want to get rid of the errors and have Rsync ignore the permissions when backing up.
/backup is a mounted ftp directory

Below is the current command and output:
root@Fileserver:~# rsync -av --delete /shared/fileshare/ /backup/backup
building file list ... done
created directory /backup/backup
manager/ .....
rsync: chown "/backup/backup/manager/.chironfs.txt.c6MbJ7" failed: Operation not permitted (1)
rsync: chown "/backup/backup/manager/.cronman.txt.hdBG4P" failed: Operation not permitted (1) .....
sent 211115 bytes received 274 bytes 7686.87 bytes/sec
total size is 210263 speedup is 0.99
rsync error: some files could not be transferred (code 23) at main.c(977) [sender=2.6.9]

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Red Hat / Fedora :: When Log In, This File /etc/host, Under The Etc Directory Get Appended The Username?

Feb 19, 2010

I am having a problem with two linux boxes I have. They are running Centos 5.3 and Centos 5.4. The problem is that when I log in, this file /etc/host, under the etc directory get appended the username I am logging in as, the IP address I am logging in from, and worse, the password in clear text.This is the format it uses:username@IP (password in clear text) [Tue Jan 12 2010 13:00:26 -0500]Is it possible for someone to tell me what is this about, and how to stop it?

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Software :: Have Scripted Ssh Commands Appended To The Remote History?

Jan 17, 2011

If I interactively ssh to a remote host and enter commands, I can up-arrow through the command history.If a script ssh's to a remote host and calls a command, it does not get appended to the history.How can I configure ssh or sshd so that this happens? I'd like to be able to have those scripted commands available in the history file when I log back in interactively.

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General :: Make Rsync Ignore Directory Structure?

Apr 19, 2011

Is there a way to force rsync to not make directories in its destination directory; ie, to simply dump all of the files from the source directory directly into the destination without copying any of the folders that the files were originally in? I tried --no-dirs, but that seems to only be for empty directories.

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General :: Ignore Lines With Partial Similarity And Retain Only One

Mar 13, 2010

I need only one of the lines having the same ending. It does'nt matter which lines to discard as long long as one with the same ending is retained. Of course I have to retain any unique lines too.


aaaa bb 12345
ccc aaa 1234
abc de zzzzz
b cc dd


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General :: How To Ignore Rows With Specific Character In Csv File?

Mar 11, 2010

I have a csv file that has around 3 million rows. I want to process this file so that it creates a new file that contains only the rows that have 2 characters or less in the first column column.At the moment i am using SQL Loader but its taking too long so im wondering whether this would be easier if done in Unix?

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General :: Ignore Case Only For Part Of Regular Expression

Feb 15, 2010

What I want to achieve is, if I have following in my file:
x y
X z
I should be able to find the pair, x Y and replace it with x a. So, basically I want to search for case sensitive 'x' but search and replace case insensitive 'y'. How should I do it? Can this be achieved with 'sed' command?

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General :: Rsync Still Copies With Ignore Existing Option

Jul 1, 2010

I'm trying to set up rsync to only copy new songs from my computer to another. I'm using the "--ignore-existing" argument, but it appears to copy all files anyway. The client (source) is Windows 7 64-bit running DeltaCopy Client and the server (destination) is Synology DS410 (running rsyncd).

Here is the syntax:

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OpenSUSE Network :: Stopping .site From Being Appended To Hostname Every Bootup?

Apr 21, 2011

.site gets appended to the end of the hostname every system bootup for me (e.g., even though I've changed the hostname in both the Network Settings and Hostnames sections of YaST. How can I stop this?

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Programming :: Getting A Script To Continuously Monitor Appended Data To A Log File?

Oct 13, 2010


if ! [ -f ${PATH}/myfile.txt ];then
echo $(date +%Y%m%d"_"%H%M%S)": Nu am gasit fisierul ${PATH}/myfile.txt"
ps -fxu pin | grep "/usr/local/coreutils/bin/tail -f ${LOG_PATH}/x.log$" | awk '{system("kill "$2)}'
cat ${LOG_PATH}/x.log | sed -n -e '/LONG/{x;1!p;g;;}' -e h > ${PATH}/myfile.txt


I have a continuously growing log file (x.log) in which i have to look for certain lines that contain "Long". The line above each line containing the word "Long" it contains a time stamp. I want to extract each line containing the time stamp into myfile.txt and check the difference between time stamps. Whenever there is a difference i need to run another script (${CAL_PATH}/${APP_NAME}), then sleep 1, then continue searching. Lines with "Long" do not appear continuously, but in blasts. The script runs fine until the first pause encountered. Starting with the first pause, tail -f doesn't write in myfile.txt anymore. Can someone help me understand why "tail -f" it stops writing into myfile.txt? Or does someone know an alternative to "tail -f" of achieving the initial scope of the script?

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General :: How To Tell The Kill Command To Ignore Processes If That Process Is Not Alive

Jun 18, 2010

How to tell the kill command to ignore processes if that process is not alive?

For example: 3453 is an alive process but 44534 is not.

kill -9 3453 44534

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General :: Windows - Make Emacs Ignore Changes To File On Disk?

Jul 2, 2010

I'm using andLinux and for whatever reason, emacs seems to think that the file I'm editing has been changed every time I try to edit/save and keeps reprompting me. Very annoying. Is there a way to make emacs stop checking the file on the disk?

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General :: Command Syntax Ignore Remaining Portion After Space?

Jul 14, 2010

I'm currently studying for my Linux+ test and I'm getting conflicting information regarding the rm -rf command. Yes, I know this a dangerous command, but my question is in regard to how the command functions. In one book I'm studying it says that rm -rf / home/myfolder (there's a space in there) will delete the entire root directory because there is a space between the root and home directory. It says that if there is a spacing such as this, it will ignore anything after the space, so in this case, it would delete the root directory and stop, not that there would be anything left anyway. Then in another book I have, it says that if you did a rm -rf folderName / (with the intention of adding the trailing slash to indicate it is a directory and not a folder) it will delete everything in folderName (assuming it's a child directory of your pwd) and then CONTINUE on and delete the root directory. Now, those two statements contradict each other. When you remove a directory, does the command line ignore anything after a space or not?

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Ubuntu :: External Hard Disk Drive Gets Renamed With An Appended Underscore?

Jul 30, 2010

Almost every time I use my external Hdd the drive gets named with an appended underscore. this is the list from my /media folder.

/media$ ls
1CF44533F4451106 F Drive G Drive_ G Drive___ G Drive_____
E Drive G Drive G Drive__ G Drive____ G Drive______

i have tried to remove the directories in terminal by using sudo rmdir but this is the error i get:

sudo rmdir /media/g drive
rmdir: failed to remove `/media/g drive': No such file or directory

now each file in the /media folder has a white x on them and i don't not know what that means. but i attached a screen grab of the folder.

how to know how to delete all the underscored folders.

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General :: File Management - Create Mirror Of Directory But Ignore Deletions?

Feb 7, 2011

I would like to create a directory public_html/archive that is a mirror of public_html/images, except that deletions in the images directory don't cause corresponding deletions in archive.

I was going to manage all of this in code, but then I figured, maybe the system can handle it for me in a robust way.

Note that the website will reference archive in real time, so it has to be an instant mirror and not something done nightly, etc.

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Fedora :: Mailx Command Isn't Working?

Jan 28, 2010

I am trying to email some log files from my RHEL 5.3 server to my Outlook corporate account and nothing happens. Here is the command I use:[root@server1]# mailx -s "server info" my_id@my_corporate_domain < server_infoThe file server_info does exist and is a small log file. I checked for sendmail and seems to be running OK as follows:

[root@server1]# ps -ef | grep -i mail
root 13954 1 0 2009 ? 00:00:00 sendmail: accepting connections
smmsp 13962 1 0 2009 ? 00:00:00 sendmail: Queue runner@01:00:00 for /var/spool/clientmqueue

I'm not at all familiar with mail clients or mail system in Linux. Is there anything missing? I don't have to use mailx, I could use an alternative. Just please let me know how to sent a simple mail from this server to my corporate account using any tools possible (and maybe how to set it up)

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Slackware :: Setup For Mail - Mailx ?

May 18, 2010

I was wondering how to setup slackware such that I can send and receive local mail using the commandline "mail" command.

I tried sending a sample mail this way:

And it looks like the message was sent, but when I then go check:

it says there is no mail.

Do I need to have sendmail running for just local mail calls?

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