General :: Internet Not Working In Redhat 5?

Mar 13, 2011

i install redhat 5 in my system . in which mozilla not working means any site isnot open and no one site in ping.wat should i do now.

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Networking :: Internet Not Working In Redhat?

Jul 3, 2010

I have installed redhat linux5.I have wireless internet connection at home. wireless internet connection working fine in window 7 but not in redhat linux . Also wireless LED is not lighting in redhat . I have inbuilt intel wifi 5100 AGN card which is not detecting in redhat.rehat comman output which will help you

*****************************lspci -v *********************
[root@localhost ~]# lspci -v
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile Memory Controller Hub (rev 07)
Subsystem: Dell Unknown device 02bb


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General :: Access Internet In Redhat 5.4 And Centos 5.5

Apr 3, 2011

i am unable to access internet in linux editions (redhat 5.4 & centos 5.5) recently i have taken a reliance internet connection but the think is i didn't get any ipaddress from reliance, but i accessing internet in window 7 and i have triple boot. pls any one give the solution.

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General :: Redhat How To Get My Wireless Working

Jul 6, 2010

I just installed RHEL 5.1.x and need to get my wireless working (if possible). How best to do this?

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General :: Tape Command Redhat Es 3 $ Tar Tvf /dev/st0 Is Not Working ?

Mar 15, 2010

I am geting this problem since lat one year. please send me quikly the solution or the remedy of it.

Tape command:

Giving error like below archback is a shell script for the above same command for backup.

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General :: System-config-kickstart Is Not Working In Redhat?

May 27, 2011

system-config-kickstart is not working in redhat linux5

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General :: Cant Mount Redhat 5.0 From Redhat 4.0 Via Fstab?

May 5, 2011

I cant mount a directory on red hat 5 from red hat 4 using fstab.I keep getting permission denied.I mount directories on the same red hat 5 sys from other red hat 5 and 2 old HPUX systems using fstab.When I try to telnet to it i get "no route to host."

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Hardware :: Redhat Cannot Connect To Internet / Why Is So?

Apr 19, 2010

I Install the redhat linux and ubuntu on a vm ware. I tried to test their Internet connection but the redhat cannot connect. What would be the possible cause why redhat cannot connect to the Internet?

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Networking :: Set Up Internet Connection In Redhat 5?

Feb 22, 2011

i ve installed RH-5,xp in my desktop(dual boot), my xp internet works well, recently i installed RH & want to setup internet conn in RH.

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General :: Internet Not Working On Fedora 10?

Mar 4, 2010

i have just installed fedora 10 but i think my ethernet card is not recognized. i have Atheros network card. i have tried different things but still it is not working.

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General :: What Order To Get PC Working On Internet?

Apr 1, 2011

I have installed Suse Linux Enterprise Server 11 onto the box that I am using as a server. Connected to the "server" is a Windows Vista PC.Beyond installing the O/S with all the options I need - I am stuck. The Windows PC will not connect to the internet whereas the Linux server will.What do I need to setup and in what order to get the pc working on the internet?

The path that I think I need to take is to disable dhcp on the broadband router and setup the server as dhcp (how and what); setup the rules in the firewall (how and what rules?) and setup dns and dhcp (how and what?)

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General :: Internet Stop Working After A While?

May 21, 2010

I'm running puppy linux and my wireless works for about 10 minutes before crapping out. Then I tried going thru the internet wizard again and it won't detect my wireless connection. All my other machines are using this connection at the same time with no problem. The situation is temporarily resolved when i reboot.

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General :: Get Internet Connection Working In Ububtu 9.04?

May 4, 2010

I have just installed Ubuntu 9.04 on my daughters pc which also has xp installed as a dual boot.I am unable to access the internet via ethernet or wireless in Ubuntu however when booted into xp I am able to connect to the internet and my home network.Can anyone please help me work out how to get a ethernet and/or wireless connection working while booted in Ubuntu.

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General :: Internet Not Working In RHEL 5 Even After Configuring?

Apr 5, 2011

I installed RHEL 5 today and set my network. Did it as follows:Eth0 connectionPrimary DNS I click on Activate, it says:8139too device eth0 does not seem to be present, delaying initialization.This message shows no matter how many times I log out or restart.I don't know what the heck is the problem. I've done the essentials but still it's not working. I looked up on the net but people were saying things like ifconfig and lspci, and at the end still weren't able to solve it. I don't know all this since I'm new to Linux. Another important thing...after facing this same problem some time ago, I installed Centos which asked for internet settings right at the time of installation. And after logging in for the first time, I was able to use internet without any problem. How come internet works on Centos (which is a copy of RHEL) without any problems, but not working on RHEL itself?

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General :: Internet Not Working W/ Ubuntu On Laptop

May 10, 2011

I am a total computer newbie. I am trying to connect to the internet. I have my internet connection button on my laptop on. But it want let me connect. The Linux software is new to me.I have looked on the forum but everything doesn't seem to be in complete English for me to understand.

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General :: Wireless Internet Not Working Ubuntu 10.10

Nov 26, 2010

I just installed ubuntu 10.10 on my computer and can get the wireless internet working im using a wusb600n. Any pointers I have been looking all over for over a week.

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Software :: RedHat Kickstart Post Fglrx Rpm Install Not Working

Feb 23, 2010

As the title says, I'm building a kickstart for a RedHat installation.I'm trying to incorporate the firegl driver rpm installation and its halfway working, not completly. What I've tried so far is to place the rpm in the --nochroot and in the normal chroot enviornment and neither one works. In the --nochroot, install it with rpm --root /mnt/sysimage/ and in the normal post i just do an rpm -ivh. In either case the fglrx folder is built within /lib/modules, however everything thats supposed to be installed never makes it to the newly installed root. I'm thinking that its actually getting installed to the installation / as opposed to the new /.

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General :: Wireless Internet Connection Not Working On Fedora 8?

Sep 13, 2009

When i checked to see whether the driver is installed or not it gives the output:

[root@localhost /]# ndiswrapper -l
bcmwl6 : driver installed
device (14E4:4315) present


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Ubuntu Networking :: Enabling Non-internet LAN Makes Internet Over Wireless Stop Working

Sep 1, 2010

I am trying to connect my desktop to my laptop over a non-internet connected LAN, but when i enable the LAN connection on my desktop (the one with the wireless) its internet stops working.

it is a very similar problem to this except that i am using ubuntu for the machine with the two connections.

right now i have my wireless on the 192.168.1.* address space, while the LAN is to be on 192.168.5.*

note: my goal is not to share internet with my laptop, just be able to connect to it and the internet at the same time.

desktop: ubuntu 9.10 , wireless and LAN
laptop: windows xp, LAN only

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General :: Internet Is Not Working In RHEL5-My Service Provider Is Qwest?

Mar 17, 2011

I have RHEL 5.5 ,Suse linex and windows7 is also running in my system. I am not able to connect to internet from Linux, but internet is working in windows 7 and suse. The service provider is qwest and they say that they do not support linux.

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Ubuntu :: Touchpad, Usb, Wireless Internet And Cable Internet Not Working?

Jul 13, 2011

I recently installed ubuntu on my mom's computer but I can't get the mouse to move trough the touch pad and I suspect the USB is not working either, because I can't get anything to work trough the USB, and the Internet is not working trough the cable, and I think wireless as well. Her computer is an old acer aspire 3000

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General :: Wireless Internet Fine On Windows / Not Working With Neither Fedora Nor Ubuntu

May 18, 2011

I have a DSL connection attached to a wireless router at home which at the moment working fine on my windows laptop. However I have problems connecting to the internet via my desktop which has fedora on it and TP-Link PCI Wireless card. The connection with the wireless network keeps restarting, disconnecting and reconnecting and when it is connected either no internet or very slow sluggish internet barely loading the webpage title.
I installed Ubuntu and the same problem is happening.Yesterday However everything was working fine even on the desktop.

When I first installed Fedora about 4 days ago I had the same problem but when i restarted the computer everything worked fine. Restarting the machine does not seem to solve the problem now.Please help me diagnose the problem here as it's really hard for me to extend a cable from my desktop to my router. And I need to internet on my Desktop.

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Red Hat :: Redhat 5 Windows XP Dual Boot Boots Only Into Redhat?

Jan 11, 2011

I had Windows XP working. I then put in a new hard disk and installed Redhat 5 on it. rom then i could only boot into Redhat. Further, everyting is very slow. Anothe rproblem is that Redhat does not see my netwrok so I cannot get onto the Internet. I need to have the choice of booting into XP or Redhat.

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Fedora Networking :: Ping Working But Internet Not Working From Dhcp Clients

Jul 17, 2009

I have a strange problem for internet. My clients (winxp - S2) can't get internet.Let me explain my scenerios. Fedora 10 with lan (eth0) having direct internet from dsl model, client (XP service pack 2) can use samba shares using dhcp (wlan0) installed in Fedora 10 box. client can ping my linux box.Now problem is: client (dosbox) can ping the google ip address (i.e ping but can't use 'ping'. That means ping with ip works for internet from my client. My linux box can. I can use internet from FC10 but can't use iexplorer from my client to have internet. I have enable ipmasquarding in Firewall and dhcpd is running on wlan0 for dynamic ip address of my clients.Can someone suggest me what kind of problem having I? What should i do to success iexplorer for internet? what possibly am i missing?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Internet Not Working Since Update / Wless Not Working

Jun 21, 2010

I have been looking around the forums searching for similar problems, it seems not only me had this problem. About a month ago I did a regular update via Upd Manager. The next day - no wired connection.Still managable, since the local library has wireless. Now that won't work either.Just after I upgraded from Jaunty, I accidentally removed NetwMngr from the top right corner of the screen, but that should not have anything to do with how the program works, right? I now cannot reach NM, if I run it from the terminal, nothing happens visibly.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.10 Internet Working But Evolution Mail And GTalk Not Working?

Nov 17, 2010

I have a Dell Latitude D530 Laptop (500 GB HDD). Installed Windows XP and then Ubuntu 10.10 to do dual boot. everything works fine in Windows XP.In Ubuntu 10.10 I had issues connecting to Internet(Through Wirelss), I was able to rectify this issue by dsiable ipv6 from firefox about:config and setting true to network.dns.disableIPv6. After this I was able to connect to internet and browse websites from Firefox.But I am having Issues with Evolution Mail(Connection Timed Out) and Google Talk Client(Connection Timed Out).Empathy Internet Messaging gets connected fine.I was wondering if I will have to disable IPv6 System wide and hence I added the following lines to /etc/sysctl.conf

#disable ipv6
net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1
net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1


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OpenSUSE Network :: Internet Working - Package Management Not Working

Dec 17, 2010

I use an internet connection with a proxy. I have set the proxy in Firefox and systemsettings so now I can browse the web and I can ping Google from Console. But when I start Software Management, it says "Cannot access installation media". Whats wrong?

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General :: Enable Ftp On Redhat 5?

Feb 23, 2011

i need to ftp from a windows xp pc to my redhat 5 system. Cant login.

I also need to ftp files to hpux and other ftp servers and this doesnt work either.

I'm not a subscriber to the redhat network.

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General :: Ics Configration In Redhat 5.0?

Aug 11, 2010

I m kapil sharma i want to configure ICS in redhat linux 5.0?i have an IP address which provided by ISP.i want to configure linux server which forward packet in my internal network.i want to access internet in my internal network with configuring linux web server.

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General :: How To Install Vim On Redhat 5

Jun 22, 2011

How to install vim on Redhat 5.

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