Hardware :: Redhat Cannot Connect To Internet / Why Is So?
Apr 19, 2010
I Install the redhat linux and ubuntu on a vm ware. I tried to test their Internet connection but the redhat cannot connect. What would be the possible cause why redhat cannot connect to the Internet?
I have installed redhat linux5.I have wireless internet connection at home. wireless internet connection working fine in window 7 but not in redhat linux . Also wireless LED is not lighting in redhat . I have inbuilt intel wifi 5100 AGN card which is not detecting in redhat.rehat comman output which will help you
i am unable to access internet in linux editions (redhat 5.4 & centos 5.5) recently i have taken a reliance internet connection but the think is i didn't get any ipaddress from reliance, but i accessing internet in window 7 and i have triple boot. pls any one give the solution.
I have installed virtual Redhat in Redhat using Xen virtualization. The ip of the virtual OS is and of main OS is But even then I apply "ping" command then "Destination unreachable" error occur. How to connect virtual and main Redhat!
I have two desktop one have rhel 5 and other window xp i am trying to connect both with cross over cable.IP for windows system is IP for linux system is I am able to ping my linux system from windows but unable to ping windows system from linux.
I am recently installed linux redhat 5.0 using vmware. I am unable to connect pendrive in vmware. I've also one more problem. When i was typing small 'C'language program in vi editor and compiled it and it showed an error like "Bash: cc compiler not found".
I have Red Hat linux server with update 8. Explain me in detail how to connect external hard disk to linux server so that it will detect it. Also let me know how can i come to know whether the linux server has detected it. Also how to copy the linux server harddisk content/data to this USB External hard disk
On this box I have Two seperate Ubuntu installations. Recently in both I seem to be having the same problem. I initially can connect to the internet as per normal and use any internet application. But after a period of time, sometimes just minutes, sometimes hours, even though the icon says connected, I cant update pages or send emails etc because there is no actual connection. My Physical connection is good I know - My Ubuntu laptop and Windows gamming PC connect fine during this period. So
Does this suggest an intermittent hardware fault or is there some thing in Ubuntu I can check to make sure that it is setup correctly and nothing has been corrupted? I am a lay PC person - I dont really want to be command prompting - Plug & Play and Point & Click is my limit.
After upgrading to Ubuntu 10.04, I'm not able to make any connection to the internet with either my netbook through WiFi or my computer on wired LAN. I can, however, ping my Solaris machines and Macbook. How do I fix this?
I tried to install Xubuntu 10.10 Maverick as dual boot on my laptop. However when xubuntu is on, I can't find a way to connect to internet. When I try the 2 arrows on the up-right corner the option for wireless is deemed. I tried offline/online, that did not work either. when I click the firefox It says you are not connected.
I am trying to setup a dhcp server for my internal network. I have two NICs, a modem, and a wireless router. I have my server connected directly to my modem which is providing me with Internet access on eth1 and is working fine. I have dhcp and dns setup on eth0 which is connected to my router. The router shows that it is connected to the Internet but when the router gives a client computer an IP address, the client is unable to connect to the Internet but can connect to the router. I will post my configuration files below with my current configuration.
I can connect to the internet through wifi, but I cannot connect to anything on my network. I have a printer and a NAS, so I would really like for this to work again. I have a dell laptop with a Broadcom card.
I installed Suse 11.2 on clean HD. I cannot connect to the internet. Seems like Suse didn't install drivers for on board ethernet card. It is a Marvell Yukon 88E8056. I'm new to this and don't know how to install the drivers.
I had put my computer on standby and when i restarted it, it powered off within a few seconds. I turned it back on and after that i've lost connectivity to internet on Ubuntu 10.04.
However I have VMware (XP) installed and internet/network works on that. I'm a newbie with Linux.
Here are some outputs:
I have tried to edit the connection using System>Preferences>Network Connections. I entered manual settings for IPV4, but whatever i enter there, it doesnt get reflected when i type ifconfig in the terminal window. I tried setting it to Automatic DHCP as well. Doesnt work.
I've recently set up a local development webserver using Karmic Koala. I downloaded and installed the server version of Kubuntu and have the web server working.
The problem is that for some reason, I'm no longer able to connect to the internet. I can connect to my router, and other machines in my network can VNC into the server.
I'm using an wired connection to the router and have the server set up on an internal IP of I used to be able to connect to the internet, I downloaded and installed a load of packages etc before it stopped working.
The last thing I remember doing before it stopped working was that I installed Samba so I could share files with the other machines on the network (two Macs running Leopard and a WinXP laptop).
I got the share working - I copied a load of files to the server via the share, rebooted, and for some reason now I can't connect to the net (and other machines can't see the Samba share either.) However I can still VNC into the server.
I had Windows XP working. I then put in a new hard disk and installed Redhat 5 on it. rom then i could only boot into Redhat. Further, everyting is very slow. Anothe rproblem is that Redhat does not see my netwrok so I cannot get onto the Internet. I need to have the choice of booting into XP or Redhat.
When i boot my computer and open ubuntu version 10.04.1 the internet wireless connection i have connected automatically. Now, for one reason i don't know, the internet did not connect to the internet. The progam display a message to uncheck the checkmark in the File Menu. After doing this, i refresh the system but it still not connect.
I have a Dell PowerEdge 1650 server with 3 NICs in it. I am trying to use one NIC (eth0) to connect to the internet, the second NIC (eth1) to share the internet connection to a LAN, and the third NIC (eth2) to connect to the LAN.
It is running Ubuntu server 8.10
The problem that I'm having is that NetworkManager (version 0.7.0) keeps setting eth2 as the default connection, and then I don't get any internet at all from the server.
My main goal is to be able to share files from the server to computers on the LAN. The secondary goal is to have a virtual machine hosting a Halo server, connected through eth2, so that it can host LAN games. But that is a secondary goal after I get the connections to work.
I've been looking around and finding other people who have done bits and pieces of this, but not the whole thing. I had been hoping to simply use the NetworkManger, but I don't mind editing config files.
Also I can't seem to find any good instructions on editing the /etc/network/interfaces file. The man file is incomplete, and everything seems to point back to the man file.
I cant mount a directory on red hat 5 from red hat 4 using fstab.I keep getting permission denied.I mount directories on the same red hat 5 sys from other red hat 5 and 2 old HPUX systems using fstab.When I try to telnet to it i get "no route to host."
I'm trying to connect to the internet on ubuntu, but what ever i do fails. I've tried every thing i possibly can, and when all else failed, i had to come and ask. When i try to connect to the internet, it always says "unable to connect". I have no clue why. I'm choosing the default wired setting. To the side of it, it says never, so that might be the problem?
I have debian 5.05 "lenny" and i need connect to internet through vpn [url]. Before i used windows 7, and i could connect to internet with vpn without any problems. But i have no ideas, how to connect to internet with vpn in debian.
I recently installed Debian Squeeze from the netinstall disc. Because I use a 3G modem, I had to manually install 'pppd', 'wvdial', and their dependancies.
The problem is when I dial out. It ties it up the CLI, preventing me from running aptitude/apt-get.
Do I also have to download a desktop, and/or xorg manually too?
I have ADSL Internet and with it updated my F12, 3 days ago. after that I can't connect to internet! when I click on NetworkManager in top panel and choose my connection to connect internet, dispaly a notification that I can't connect to Internet! This is my /var/log/messages Outputs:
I have Fedora 12 Repo installed. The computer has wire and wireless connections but I cant set it up any one of them. I can add a wire connection but it does not connect. I cant add any wireless connection because all the different options dont show up the apply button active. The dual boot does not work also. It only allows you to log on to Fedora Repo. I tried to install the i386 option but it failed to connect. I was using Mepis 8.5 before and I did not have any of these problems when I first installed it.