Fedora :: System Works Fine *except* Cannot Install *any* Packages From An RPM?

Aug 16, 2009

I have migrated over to Fedora 11and system works fine *except* I cannot install *any* packages from an RPMhere is the exact error :The name org.freedesktop.PackageKit was not provided by any .service files

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Fedora :: Sound Distorted In F12 - Works Fine In F11

Nov 19, 2009

New build to F12. Sound was fine in F11. Now, massive distortion. I have tried every possible permutation of settings. With the main volume control in the top taskbar, there are two positions of level setting where the audio drops to a normal level and sounds OK but any application changing the level or starting to use the Pulseaudio changes the level and its loud and massively distorted again.

In the Pulseaudio manager->sink->alsaoutput.pci-0000-00-11.5.analog-stereo -> properties-> show volume meter, the audio is always maxed out in level. I have tried everything, its unworkable right now. Its possible to start alsamixer from terminal and adjust settings for good audio but any future change reverts to distortion. All changes in Pulseaudio Dev mgr or vol control etc change the audio as they should but do not affect the problem.

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General :: Packages Seemingly Install Fine With Zypper But Can't Be Run And Aren't In Menus

Oct 3, 2010

I'm not sure how to describe this because no-one else on the internet seems to have had anything even vaguely resembling this problem. I'm trying to install wxPython for openSUSE 11.3 (which seems to be called python-wxGTK which is fine). I don't think it's a problem with that particular package because I seem to remember something going wrong ages ago, the last time I installed something, but it didn't affect that particular install so I paid no notice. I'm sorry, that was a really vague statement and won't help anyone in the slightest. Anyway, the reason I think that event was relevant is that ever since then my Gnome menus have been out of sync - the new package I installed didn't appear on the menu.

Anyway, onto actual useful stuff. Just as a test case (to see that nothing was wrong with wxPython) I installed another small application with zypper (just the standard sudo zypper install moneyplex). zypper didn't complain at all and as far as I know it went perfectly.


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Ubuntu Networking :: LinuxWiMAX - Firmware Installation - Modem Works Fine But Failing To Install Drivers

May 17, 2011

I switched from windows to Ubuntu 10.10. But I'm not getting along with it as well as I expected I would Specially cause I'm not getting the best out of it due to limited web connectivity. I used to use a usb WiMax modem back in windows (which is also supposed to be supported by linux as my service provider said) for internet. But I'm having a hard time configuring it on my Ubuntu. The modem works fine but I'm failing to install the drivers [url]. I used my cell as a temporary modem to get help from the web.

I downloaded:-
i2400m firmware 1.5.0
WiMAX Tools 1.4.5
WiMAX Network Service 1.5.2

According to the documentation, I'm supposed to install the linux kernel 2.6.35 which Maverick comes with anyway.

Then comes the part to install the firmware. The command I used was


But unfortunately and annoyingly the result is


I didn't get it. Am I missing any package or something?

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Fedora Networking :: Wireless Adapter Not Working At Startup - Works Fine After Opening Settings

Oct 1, 2009

This is my startup routine:

I log on and Network Manager shows no wireless adapter.

I go to System > Administration > Network:

There are two entries in the Devices tab: Wireless and Ethernet

As soon as I double click the Wireless device and the configuration pops up, the device starts working (no changes to the settings are made)

I have the following set to ON:
- Controlled by Network Manager
- Activate device when computer starts
- Allow all users to enable and disable this device

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Have Finished Reconfiguring My 1st PC Centos 5.5 With Squid And Dansguarian Works Fine The Configuration Is Basic?

Feb 8, 2011

I have finished reconfiguring my 1st PC Centos 5.5 with Squid and Dansguarian. Works fine the configuration is basic.lets name it to 1st PCeth0 - modem ip (public)eth1 - (LAN)Then I've decided to change and add another Centos 5.5 for Firewall Service that is directly connected to the modem and then shares internet connection and some ports to 1st PC.

lets name it to 2nd PC, it also has two NICSeth0 - modem ip (public)eth1 - (ip to connect to the 1st pc with squid services)so I changed the ip of the 1st PC with theseeth0 - - (LAN)and connects the eth0 ( of the 1st PC to the eth2 ( of the 2nd PCthen I've tried browsing on the network but it does not work...is there a simple iptables command for the 1st PC and 2nd PC?ere are the iptables script and lists of my 1st and 2nd PC 2nd PC (firewall to be)

#vi /home/user1/fw.sh


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Fedora :: Cannot Update System Or Install Packages

Jan 16, 2010

I just switched over from Ubuntu to Fedora 12 (KDE) and am having a problem with installing packages and updating my system.

When I use KPackageKit to update my system, I get this error:

Error Type:
Error Value: Error getting repository data for installed, repository not found
File : /usr/share/PackageKit/helpers/yum/yumBackend.py, line 3125, in


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Ubuntu :: Everything Works Fine Until After Reboot?

Mar 30, 2011

Basically i set up a webserver using this tutorial but installed ubuntu 10.10 [URL]

im using charter cable and it has that ubee router. when i tried to set up the static ip the closest thing i saw was an option called static ip lease in which input my servers local address and mac address and checked enable. then i applied dmz to my servers local ip. after that i typed in my public ip and to my excitement it worked. so i began creating the website. i dont know if all that is relevant but just in case i didnt want to leave anything out. this is my first time with linux and servers and ive only been at it for about 5 days. anyways i made the website and everything was going good then i needed to reboot the server so i did. after reboot i logged into the server then went back to the other room where i worked on the server using putty from a pc and flashfxp and tried to navigate to the website in firefox. it didnt work. if i try to go to the website address from a computer on my network i get a problem loading page error from firefox and if im on a different network it shows my router page to login and configure. i dont understand how it was working then after reboot it all of a sudden doesnt.

o also i installed gnump3 today before reboot if that is important

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OpenSUSE Install :: Error Loading Operating System (Live CD Was Totally Fine)?

May 17, 2011

This is a IBM T23 (10 years old)pentium3 1.1ghz640mb ram28gb hdd (contianing several bad sectors)intel graphicseverything works out of box (graphics, wireless, etc) on a live cdhowever after installation, upon boot, it displays "Error loading operating system" right after BIOS and before even goes into GRUB and is stuck there.Enter live cd, and choosing boot from harddrive does not solve the problem.Already did the CD check, which shows no problemdid a bit googlingturned out this could be an issue with a dying harddriveand sadly, it is the case, the harddrive on this 10 year old laptop is indeed dying D:However, installing windows xp posed no problem... (altho tons of driver issue, but anyways...)I have a few solutions in mind1). just use a usb stick as the replacement for harddrive2). get a new harddrive (not even sure what to get for this laptop D: )3). find a magical way to fix it :SWould definitely be glad to know a way to load this system on this existing harddrive for nowI was told earlier that there are ways to tell the system to avoid mapping the bad sectors.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Everything Works Fine Except No Sound?

Jan 30, 2010

I just installed 11.2 kde desktop everything works fine except no sound when I play ..... and watch movie online worked with my audio and video files in my computer only

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Ubuntu Networking :: GRE 47 Not Received While It Works Fine On Xp?

Oct 5, 2010

This has been bugging me for quite a long time. I need to have a pptp connection to my university. I have tried to locate the error, but this has been a real trouble.

A little bit of history: My girlfriend had a laptop with M$ vista on it with a working PPTP connection. I had a laptop with Ubuntu, with which I couldn't get the PPTP working.

When my laptop crashed, I bought a new one on which I run a dual boot XP SP3 and Ubuntu. I also own a desktop (Dual M$ Win 7 / Ubuntu standard Karmic) and my girfriend also upgraded to Win 7.

Currently, the XP version is the only one on which I can get a connection. Both Ubuntu and the Win 7's give me a GRE proc 47 not received error. I know our router (a DAVOLINK DV2020) is notorious for not sending through GRE proc 47, but this either shouldn't be the case or it shouldn't matter, since I can make a perfect connection through the XP OS.

This is quite a handicap, since we both study at the university for which we require working VPN PPTP connections.

Gateway: vpn-eur-pptp.eur.nl
Username: 123456ab@eur.nl
Password: password
Authentication: MSCHAP / MSCHAPv2


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Debian Configuration :: SFTP Works Fine But FTP Will Not Connect

May 5, 2010

I am using debian squeeze. I haven't changed much and I am a newb at this sorry. I can use the SFTP, but I can't use the FTP under any account. I can't find a conf file or anything for this.

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Network Works Fine On XP / Ubuntu / 11.1 But Not For 11.2

Mar 30, 2010

On my Acer netbook (AOA-150-1635) the wireless works fine with WinXP, Ubuntu, and used to work with Suse 11.1. I replaced the Suse 11.1 with a clean network install of Suse 11.2. I couldn't get the wireless to work and did another network install using the wireless. When the install was completed I could not get the wireless to work with Suse 11.2. When I run the "collectNWData.sh" it shows--

!!! CND0120E: Network card wlan0 has no IP address
wlan0 Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down


I looked up error CD0120E and changed the network devices setup to "traditional". The wireless "scan" picked up the routers and I added the encryption keys. Still no joy. I ran "collectNWData.sh" again and it said it is better to use the Network Manager.

!!! CND0180I: The system can't ping external IP address
!!! CND0150E: There might be a problem with the default gateway definition on interface eth0


Going back to Yast, Network Devices, I set Network Manager. The result is that it is back to the beginning with "collectNWData.sh" giving the original error.

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Can't Connect To WEP Network, WPA Works Fine?

Sep 2, 2011

I am unable to connect to a WEP-protected network. the Network manager log shows either a DHCP timeout, or a failure to associate. (attached below).Changing to WPA is not an option, as the network is not controlled by me. This is with the rt61pci driver for a Ralink 2500 series chipset.(Rosewill RNX-G300EX card)Manually forcing an IP does not result in a connection either. This is with the latest OpenSuSE 11.4, all patches applied. Router is a D-Link DIR-613, and I know the passphrase I'm using is correct because it connects both on my Android (what else?) phone, and my lappy when I boot XP.

Sep 2 11:12:02 Core2Duo-2400 NetworkManager[2160]: <info> (wlan0): supplicant connection state: associating -> associated
Sep 2 11:12:02 Core2Duo-2400 NetworkManager[2160]: <info> (wlan0): supplicant connection


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Ubuntu :: Compiz Works Fine In 9.04 / Doesn't Work In 9.10

Mar 18, 2010

I've got 9.04 and 9.10 both installed on the same machine. The /home directory is on a separate partition, so both OSes use the same /home.I can't get Compiz to work at all in 9.10, even though it's been perfectly fine in 9.04. Is there a backport of some sort that i should install?The fixes I've found all point to editing the xorg.conf file, but of course, Karmic doesn't have an xorg.conf file.I've tried reinstalling the Compiz files, reinstalled the open-source video drivers, installed/uninstalled fglrx drivers a few times, rebooted dozens of times.

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Ubuntu :: Use HDMI To Connect To Lcd TV It Works Fine In Windows7?

Nov 14, 2010

Though I had solved this but I was premature. Here are the details. When I use HDMI to connect to my lcd TV it works fine in Windows7. (I have dual partitions W7/Ubuntu),but when I boot into Ubuntu and use HDMI, nothing happens.

lori@lori-laptop:~$ aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: SB [HDA ATI SB], device 0: STAC92xx Analog [STAC92xx Analog]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0


also when I open the Gnome Alsa Mixer, under the HDMI tab, there is just a blank screen. I believe I have the latest Alsa releases.

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Ubuntu Security :: 10.04 With LDAP Cannot Login Through GDM But Works Fine With Su?

Nov 16, 2010

I have a working LDAP-server (I belive!!) I want my laptops to authenticate against the server, when they logon. That works fine as long as the network is present. But I also want the users to be able to log on, when the network is down. When I go to a terminal (without network) I can su to another LDAP-user.I can login via graphical login-screen with the network attached, but not when it is disconnected.

In a terminal id john gives me information about the user john.

My conf. files looks like this:
ldap_version 3
bind_policy soft


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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Ping Windows By Name But IP Works Fine

Dec 3, 2010

My Windows machine can ping Ubuntu by name, but Ubuntu can only ping the Windows machine by using it's IP address. This was working fine in both directions until I purged Samba. After purging Samba, I couldn't ping in either direction unless I used the IP address. I did some reading and found that Samba provides NetBIOS functionality that allows the machines to resolve host names without a DNS. Since I'm not running a local DNS, I decided to reinstall Samba. Unfortunately, I've not been able to restore it to full working condition. I don't want to use hosts files as all the IP addresses are assigned automatically by DHCP. I want to be able to access the Windows machine by name.

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Ubuntu :: Rebooting Works Fine But Machine Won't Shutdown?

Dec 15, 2010

I have Ubuntu 10.10 installed for some time now and I don't boot my Win7 machine in weeks!I love how solid, robust it is... and also how good it looks.Love the features like Ubuntu One (use it a lot!) and the Software Center. I'm 95% converted and I would be 100% if it weren't for 2 issues:

1 - The machine won't shutdown. Rebooting works fine but shutdown it just hangs... Kinda sucks having to press the Power Off button every time...

2 - I'm on a laptop but it doesn't recognize my battery. All I get is a "electric ray" on the panel. Even if I remove AC power it still does the same... No charging information, nothing... I tried

sudo modprobe pmu_battery
on the terminal but is says that the module could not be found.

Everything else works terrific (better than Windows!) with this two exceptions...

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Ubuntu :: CellWriter Works Fine On 11.04 In Gnome But Not In Unity?

Jun 28, 2011

I have to report that I am unhappy with the idea of taking away Gnome. I use a tablet, thus I use CellWriter. CellWriter works fine on 11.04 in Gnome but not in Unity. Additionally, CellWriter uses a system tray icon, which doesn't exist in Unity. I don't like my destop experience in Unity. It doesn't agree with the way I interact with my computer.We have Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and Xubuntu. I would like to request that we fork a Unity distro and keep a Gnome desktop for users to choose.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Second Screen Fails In 11.4 (but Works Just Fine In Ubuntu)

Apr 11, 2011

System:Tri-head, dual-card: GeForce 9500 GT, GeForce 8400 GS
Dual-boot: openSUSE 11.4, Ubuntu Natty
Driver: nvidia proprietary (260.19.44 in openSUSE, 270.30 in Ubuntu due to kernel version)
xorg.conf: same for both
Results: All three heads work just fine in Natty; secondary screen fails in openSUSE:

[25.164] (EE) NVIDIA(1): Failed to initialize the NVIDIA GPU at PCI:2:0:0. Please
[25.164] (EE) NVIDIA(1): check your system's kernel log for additional error
[25.164] (EE) NVIDIA(1): messages and refer to Chapter 8: Common Problems in the
[25.164] (EE) NVIDIA(1): README for additional information.
[25.164] (EE) NVIDIA(1): Failed to initialize the NVIDIA graphics device!
[25.164] (II) UnloadModule: "nvidia"
[25.164] (II) UnloadModule: "wfb"
[25.164] (II) UnloadModule: "fb"

But nothing is jumping out at me in the output of dmesg. I also don't see any additional system or kernel logs in /var/log. I'll google some more on that front. One other fun fact: nvidia-settings fails to run in openSUSE. Unless I launch it under gdb. Then it starts up and runs as expected. (And the second screen ain't there, as expected.) Here's (what I think are) the relevant items:
Xorg.0.log - Pastebin.com
dmesg - Pastebin.com
xorg.conf - Pastebin.com
Additional output available upon request.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Tv Tuner Card Works Fine In Windows7 But Not In It

May 18, 2010

Gateway desktop running Ubuntu LL 10.04(64 bit) with Asus/ViXS Combo-210E NTSC/ATSC TV Tuner card: link to card... [URL] Ubuntu lists the card when I do lshw in a terminal but it shows as 'unclaimed'. Is that important? Also what software is neccessary to watch tv? The card works fine in Windows7

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Ubuntu :: Stop Downloading From Transimission Connection Just Works Fine?

Oct 20, 2010

am using transimission to download torrents but when it start downloading i just can't browse anymore since my connection slows down, but when i stop downloading from transimission my connection just works fine.

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Ubuntu :: Web Page - The Java Works Fine - Sound Does Not Work

Oct 27, 2010

This web page....the Java works fine...the sound does not work. I am using Ubuntu !0.10...it worked in 10.04 but not now. [url]

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Flash Works Fine In All Browsers Except SwitfoX?

Dec 7, 2010

i'm running 10.04 x64, with the latest versions of google chrome, chromium, opera, epiphany, firefox, and swiftfox.

strangely, flashplayer works fine in all of them except swiftfox, where it presents a garbled, unclickable video window (tested in videos).

all my other ff addons and plugins seem to work ok in swiftfox, so i assumed that swiftfox is just reading and using everything in ~/.mozilla, including flash. but perhaps not. anyone have any idea why ff's flashplayer doesn't work in swiftfox?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Blank Screen During Boot - DOS Works Fine?

Feb 14, 2011

I have an Acer Aspire One AOA110 (SSD version that came w/ Linpus Lite) that my brother gave to me several months back when it stopped working. I've been trying various ways to revive it or make it useable, but haven't had any luck so I figure it's time to look to the community for ideas. I have already updated the BIOS to the latest (v3310) version, so I don't think it's the common issue these netbooks have where they don't even post. I'm kind of thinking the GPU died halfway or something. If I could just get it to work in a command line only mode, I'd be happy.

The netbook will post fine, but when I try to boot into Linux, the screen will go blank part way through the boot process. I don't ever remember hearing sound afterwards so I don't know if just the screen is blank or if the computer is locked up as well. I have tried several distros, but all of them seem to run into the same issue. Some with text based installers (Debian) get all the way through the install, but won't get all the way through the boot process. I'm only trying to get to a command line, not into X or anything graphical. Arch Linux also uses a text based installer, but I couldn't even get into the installer before the screen goes blank. I've tried changing some of the kernel options such as nomodeset, vesa and framebuffers options, but didn't have much luck with them either. I've also tried some older versions of Ubuntu (I think back to either 8.04 or 8.10) and tried the text installs, but I can't remember if I couldn't get into the installer or if I just couldn't boot, I want to say I couldn't even install. Mind you it's not random, it's always at the same point for a particular distro.

So the other small twist to this all is that FreeDOS works fine, besides not being able to get the sound card or network card working. I can play games, set different resolutions in ZSNES, etc. This seems a little odd to me, but I'm hoping it makes perfect sense to someone reading this.

I want to be able to run Linux with a command line interface, but I can't find the right distro/settings/whatever that it stays in the video mode (vesa?/framebuffer only?/I'm not even sure what to search for) where I keep the display and get to a command line. Any thoughts on what's happening when the screen goes blank or what I can do to get Linux working on here again?

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General :: Wireless Works Fine In LXDE But Not Icewm Or Openbox?

Jan 15, 2011

I have an older laptop (P4 Compaq Presario 2110; 512mb RAM) on which I installed Lubuntu 10.10. I am using a Buffalo wireless G PCMCIA card (Broadcom 43xx chip set) on the LXDE side which works perfectly. Out of curiosity I installed 'icewm' and 'openbox.' My wireless card shows when I check lspci as "UP." Using wicd, I can see networks, but my router will not resolve an IP address. NetworkManager does nothing.

I have tried using both ifconfig and iwconfig commands with no love.

Is this something inherent with lighter WMs and desktops? Is there a means to allow my router assign an IP and why would it be different for a different WM? Should the IP address be assigned to the computer?

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CentOS 5 :: Mkfs.ext3 Works Fine On SAS But Always Hangs On SATA

Nov 10, 2010

I have more than a dozen servers running CentOS (mostly supermicro servers) everytime i do mkfs.ext3 or mkfs.ext4, it always hangs the server (nothing is responding, not even the terminal) can't even do Ctrl+C to kill it. but the funny thing is, if i leave it on for hours, it'll finish eventually.

this puzzles me, i've tried so many different SATA drives and different servers, different kernels, different CentOS. for example purposes, my CentOS 5.3 runs 2.6.18-92.1.13.el5 kernel. i also have 5.4 and 5.5. mkfs.ext3 works fine on SAS, but always hangs on SATA. here's where it usually hangs Writing inode tables: 2126/7453

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Cannot Mount The Device Works Fine On Windows And Mac Computers?

Oct 13, 2010

Just had to replace the hard drive on my wife's iPod Classic 6th Generation. Now I cannot mount the device. It works fine on Windows and Mac computers. I have tried formating it on both Windows and Mac, I've done restores through Itunes on both. Here is what I get in my /var/log/messages

kernel: [84412.470389] scsi10 : usb-storage 1-5.3:1.0
kernel: [84413.477317] scsi 10:0:0:0: Direct-Access Apple iPod 1.62 PQ: 0 ANSI: 0
kernel: [84413.477445] sd 10:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg7 type 0
kernel: [84413.500917] sd 10:0:0:0: [sdf] Spinning up disk....ready


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OpenSUSE Network :: WiFi Internet Works Fine But Limited Connectivity Elsewhere?

Feb 22, 2010

I'm using 11.2 with KDE.

I can connect to the Internet on my WLAN just fine (using Opera) and can dload torrent files (using the same).

However, I have had trouble accessing some community repositories in the past, cannot synchronise with an NTP server (annoying since my battery is low and time and date are reset most reboots) and cannot use the lyrics function or Wikipedia function in Amarok. Nor can I connect to the net using Firefox (though conqueror works just fine...) I cannot download torrents on KTorrent either.

It seems that there is some sort of 'permission'/connectivity issue.

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