General :: Nautilus Won't Quit In XFCE

Jan 31, 2011

How can I quit Nautilus? Supposedly it's Xubuntu ( with XFCE ); there are no panels, but right-clicking provides an Applications-Help-Reset-Exit-etc menu. After some googling Nautilus taking over the desktop seems to be a common problem, and typing something like killall nautilus or nautilus -q in Terminal is recommended. How can I open Terminal with no right-click menu and no panels, and Alt+F2, which, as far as I've understood, opens the Terminal, doesn't work?

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Ubuntu :: XFCE - 20 Nautilus Windows Upon Every Startup

Jun 6, 2010

Whenever I start XFce, about 20 Nautilus windows also start up, choking the system and generally being a nuisance. I don't even use Nautilus as my file manager under XFce, and whenever I try to delete it or set it not to run on the XFce session manager, it still appears on next startup. I've tried to find where XFce stores its session information - deleting Nautilus shortcuts from ~/.config/session-state did nothing - and had no luck. I'm using Ubuntu (not xubuntu) Lucid.

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General :: How To Still See The 'man' Text After Quit Man

Apr 29, 2010

I typically use tcsh or bash and often want to use 'man' to review a command's options. Currently when I quit man or ctrl-C, the man text disappears and I see the scrollback buffer that was there before I performed the 'man' command. I would like to still see the 'man' text I was viewing as a reference while I'm typing the command at the command prompt without opening a second window, how can I do that?

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General :: Why An Installer Would Quit All Of Sudden

Feb 6, 2010

I was doing a pxe install of slackware 13.0.The computer booted up perfectly, setup partitions, swap, and went into the setup to choose the source.I chose nfs and it successfully found the slackware.iso.It did a full install and it installs fine, then about halfway it just says 'Killed' or sometimes it just goes blank and stops installing those packages. I've tried like 5 times, same result each time(at different packages too). I currently have two sticks of ram inside, so I removed one and tried again, same error.I then shorted the install by only installing the main stuff and it was able to complete Asked me to setup the mbr and I was all set.Any idea on why the installer would just yack like that?

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General :: Keyboard Quit Working In X11?

Jan 6, 2010

I have no idea why but my keyboard suddenly stopped working in X when I started my computer this morning! The keyboard still works fine in the command line mode, though, so I can do stuff as long as it does not involve a GUI. (NetworkManager only works in X).

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General :: Can't Quit Terminal Command - Grep Some_word?

Sep 5, 2010

After typing "grep some_word" on terminal 6, the system doesn't do a thing, just lets me type endlessly. I've tried "Esc", "q" , [CTRL] + x, "exit" and no luck. I bet I'll kick my ass when you tell me but at the moment I can't figure it out. Rebooting would probably solve the problem but there must be a better way.

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General :: How To Quit QEMU Emulator Running ARM System?

Nov 9, 2010

I can't use shutdown -h now because I don't have permission (or root)the university script I have tells me to use ctrl-alt-delete but that doesn't shut it down like it says it should, instead it restarts it... so whats the safe way of doing this?

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General :: Hang Programs - Disconnected: Entity Killed But Can't Quit Program

Jul 6, 2010

I have tried to change settings on Sound Recorder, and when I tested the new settings, a number of windows came up with the last reading: Disconnected: Entity killed but I cannot quit the program no matter what I do. The program just will not close. Is there another way to close a program?

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Ubuntu :: Force Quit Force Quit?

Sep 24, 2010

So I have force quit and the little window is stuck. reads "click on a window to force the application to quit. To cancel press <ESC>" How the heck do I get rid of it? I tried xkill, it does not work.

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Ubuntu :: Applications That Are Made For XFCE Work On ANY Distro That Has XFCE Installed?

Jul 9, 2010

Like for instance, if I have Ubuntu Lucid Lynx installed with XFCE, and it has an applications made for XFCE. will the applications also work on say some other distro like, Wolvix, that is an XFCE-based distro~????

What I am trying to say is: Do applications that are made for XFCE, work on ANY distro that has XFCE installed?

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Fedora :: Nautilus-2.32.0-1.fc14 Reason: Process/usr/bin/nautilus Was Killed By Signal 11 (SIGSEGV)

Apr 28, 2011

I was transferring data from one computer to my laptop and crash error came up on my laptop...

Error 1:

Nautilus-2.32.0-1.fc14 Reason: Process/usr/bin/nautilus was killed by signal 11 (SIGSEGV)

Error 2:

Openoffice.Org-Brand Crash

Reason: Process/usr/lib/openoffice.org3/program/soffice.bin was killed by signal (SIGABRT)

What could be the problem? Is it serious issue? I have been having security issues with Windows and are those issues begun once again? I have been under targeted attack since 2005.

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Ubuntu :: Shortcut To Access Sudo Nautilus (gksudo Nautilus) From The Current Window

Feb 11, 2011

Is it possible to change my current nautilus window to have sudo capabilities,? e.g. to delete locked files. It may be lazy but if it takes a lot of navigation then it would be handy to somehow activate sudo from the open window without the terminal command (gksudo nautilus) which always begins at root.

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Ubuntu :: Nautilus Not Work Correctly After Install Nautilus Elementary From PPA?

Jun 20, 2010

I attempted to install Nautilus Elementary...the results were not what I expected however. First of all, it doesn't seem to even have installed correctly, but thats not the main issue...after installing, Nautilus looks like this...

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Ubuntu :: How To Change A Nautilus Icon (an Nautilus Action)

May 16, 2010

I've added a new Nautilus action and I'd like to use another icon that those provided in the nautilus item con list (see attachment).

But whatever image I try (some PNG or even SVG files) I can't get them to be displayed. It seems there is a very special format, size, type to match the Gnome/GTK+/Nautilus icon requirements...

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Ubuntu :: Move Nautilus Location Bar In Nautilus Up By Toolbar?

Apr 11, 2010

Does anyone know how I can move the location bar in nautilus up by the toolbar, as shown by this pic:

I'd rather not have to download the source of nautilus and edit the code / compile it myself.

By the way, a guy on Ubuntu Forums thought this was a mockup. It's not. It's the regular version of Nautilus, only I removed some toolbar buttons through the /usr/share/nautilus/ui xml files.

I just want the location bar next to the toolbar to conserve screen space, and be a bit more like Finder.

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Ubuntu :: Difference Between Nautilus And Nautilus-Elementary?

Jul 28, 2010

what's the difference between Nautilus and Nautilus-Elementary?

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General :: Switch From KDE To Xfce In OpenSuse?

Jun 1, 2011

I'm growing tired of Gnome and KDE and wish to move towards a more lightweight and customizable interface. I chose Xfce. I downloaded all (I think) the packages related to Xfce but now I'm stumped as to how to actually run it as a default. I might want to try it a couple times first though. Is this possible?

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General :: Change From LXDE To XFCE?

Sep 6, 2010

What is the cleanest process to make the change ? Is it as simple as installing the correct packages ?

I am running LM 9 LXDE on my Asus Netbook and would like to change.

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General :: Finding A Good KDE/Xfce Option?

Apr 6, 2011

I have my laptop that is a full time Linux box. (My desktop system which is for gaming is still a windows box). I have been using Ubuntu for about a year now, and while it is a wonderful system, I am getting restless to try something new. The one thing I dislike about Ubuntu is that I really don't like Gnome (personal preference, I can see why some like it). So I was wondering what would be a good Distribution(s) that I can download and play with so see what KDE has done in the last year and perhaps play with Xfce. I have run SUSE and Ubuntu in the past.

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General :: Cannot Mount Hotpluggable Device In Xfce

Mar 27, 2010

i can't mount my USB flash disk using GUI... trough normal "mount" command it works fine, but i want to make it automatic. here is error output:

Rejected send message, 1 matched rules;
type="method_call", sender=":1.13" (uid=1000 pid=2301 comm="exo-mount)
member="Mount" error name="(unset)" requested_reply=0
destination="org.freedesktop.Hal" (uid=0 pid=1488 comm="/usr/sbin/hald))

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General :: Change The Background On Xorg (xfce)?

Dec 31, 2010

I'd like to change my background on xfce xorg computer. Could you please tell me name of some configuration file or directory where it's specified?

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General :: Force Restart On CTRL+ALT+DEL On XFCE?

Jan 2, 2011

I've hired a dedicated Ubuntu10.10 Server on a remote colocation. I needed a GUI to be able to hook into my KVM guests, so I installed xubuntu-desktop.

My dedicated server provider provides me very useful free service. I can request a CTRL+ALT+DEL to my server through their web based server control panel, and I can boot into a live image from their network. This is vital for me to be able fix back configuration problems.

However after I have installed xubuntu-desktop (XFCE I believe), the CTRL+ALT+DEL no longer reboots the machine.

I've been struggling with this simple issue for quite a few days, I simply can't get it to work.

I've tried setting it through XCFE 4 Settings Manager. It does not work. From my understanding any keyboard shortcuts defined here are specific to user, so I think they'll not work when the server is in login screen (no user logged in).

I've tried to put control-alt-delete.conf files in /etc/init and /etc/event.d/ , neither seems to trigger reboot. Documentary propose /etc/event.d has been deprecated since Ubuntu9.04, i tried it anyways.

Content of the file is

# control-alt-delete - emergency keypress handling
# This task is run whenever the Control-Alt-Delete key combination is
# pressed, and performs a safe reboot of the machine.


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General :: Gtk-window-decorator Does Not Work With XFCE?

Jul 13, 2011

I really a newbie to xfce. I was using gnome 2 orignally then since I'm using Arch Linux (64-bit), it was updated to Gnome 3. After long weeks of daily use, I didn't like gnome 3. Now, I decided to use xfce. I did a fresh install (after formatting my hdd) of Arch, I put installed XFCE + SLIM login manager. Almost all works fine until I decided to install Compiz. After installing Compiz, for some reason gtk-window-decorator --replace (the one that you put under CCSM > Window Decoration > Command) does not work. Only "emerald --replace" and "kde4-window-decorator --replace" works. Unfortunately, I don't like emerald. When I run gtk-window-decorator --replace in the terminal it gives me this error:


gtk-window-decorator: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory I made sure I installed the complete compiz+gtk package from pacman. BTW, I never had a problem with gnome 2 + compiz + gtk-window-decorator. I don't know if I have to do something extra in xfce to make gtk-window-decorator work.

EDIT: FYI, I use fusion-icon as an autostart application for me to automatically start compiz during startup.

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General :: How To Change Icons Used By Xfce's Icon Box?

Aug 13, 2010

recently i made a bold move to slackware (13.1) i have set it out how i like (gdm, themes etc) but my xfce icon box does come up showing the icons i have chosen the rest look how i want but just not icon box, i add (always into usr/share...) i have tried editing the .theme files with the inherit= section but nope still nothing ,

if i move the icons to somewhere the pc wont use them nothing replaces them. any ideas as this an boot times are all have left to do for my "dream install"

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General :: Does XFCE Persist The Status Of Programs

Aug 1, 2011

Does XFCE persist the status of programs? If I close down and leave one program open, does XFCE restart that program the next time round?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox Won't Quit?

Jul 21, 2010

If i close rhythmbox using the close tab on the window it closes to a daemon on the application bar.This is both fine and handy but i have a problem in that even when i left-click the daemon and hit 'quit', Rythmbox closes and then appears again a few seconds later. The same happens if i 'killall Rrhythmbox' in the terminal.I can also see, in conky, that Rhythmbox is running as a process when it re-opens and i can effectively 'show Rythmbox from the daemon - so its not just a daemon problem.Can someone either tell me how to permanently quit a running instance of Rhythmbox or tell me what setting i have enabled that keeps Rhtymbox opening?

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Ubuntu :: Stuck During Installation - Cannot Quit?

Mar 10, 2011

I'm installing Ubuntu and I'm stuck in the installation. I'm at the part where it say Who are you? and you type your username, nickname, password, etc. They all have checks, it says ready when you are, but I can't press forward. I can't do anything except go back which is to keyboard layout and location before that. No way to quit the installer or anything.

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Ubuntu :: Devede Quit Working

May 12, 2011

I am using 10.04.I have used Devede for a year or more and it has worked great untill a couple of weeks ago. When I go on the menu and select it the menu goes away and nothing happens. When I run it fron the terminal I get;


(process:751): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
Using the fallback 'C' locale.
DeVeDe 3.16.9[code].....

I do not know what this means.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Quit Motion In Terminal / Way To Do

Jul 26, 2011

I have installed this but it is command line and i don't know how to quit the thing. Motion is command line. It keeps capturing unless i shutdown the computer. Very frustrating. I also would like help to understand how to configure Motion if someone can fill in the information gaps on this website
I have also tried zoneminder but it does not want to run for some reason. I have gone to the zoneminder forum and asked but i don't seem to get very far. They got me to download a zoneminder/ubuntu live cd. I used that but it wasn't seeing the camera. Whereas on the distro i have right now cheese, kamoso so see it.
I can live stream with Motion within firefox but i need the motion capturing part configured and without something that will quit Motion the app it's a bit useless. Would appreciate some advice as i have been struggling a long time trying to get this security thing happening

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Slackware :: Cfdisk - Cannot Quit Without Losing Changes?

Jul 13, 2011

After I write the partition table CFDISK does not exit. If I chose quit or Q I lose all my changes. I am switching back to slack and I have done this many times before and dont recall ever having this problem. How do I exit and save my changes? I read a post about yes not registering because on the screen all you see is ye, the s is cutoff and that is the same thing I have. Could that be the problem? If it is a graphics issue I would think that the whole word yes would still register even though you cannot see the s.

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