General :: Hang Programs - Disconnected: Entity Killed But Can't Quit Program

Jul 6, 2010

I have tried to change settings on Sound Recorder, and when I tested the new settings, a number of windows came up with the last reading: Disconnected: Entity killed but I cannot quit the program no matter what I do. The program just will not close. Is there another way to close a program?

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General :: Killed Programs Re-open Upon Login?

Apr 9, 2011

I have openSuSE 11.3 and work on KDE desktop.Before a previous logout I killed two running programs (more specifically,openoffice and firefox). Now, every time I log on my account those twoprograms open automatically

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Ubuntu :: What The Shortcut Keys Are To Force Quit A Program

May 15, 2010

what the shortcut keys are to force quit a program that has frozen up in Ubuntu 10.04? I use to know it, but can't remember

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Programming :: Reasons For Program To Be Killed?

Feb 15, 2011

when i try to run a program in linux it runs and prints some messages successfully but in the middle it shows the message 'Killed' and stops running. what may be the reasons for this..?

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Ubuntu :: The Program "Force Quit" Is Frozen

Mar 11, 2011

I have added to my Panel the "Force Quit" program to click and use so I don't have to type it in on the rare occasions that I need it. I accidentally clicked it today not needing it. Not knowing this would be an issue, I clicked on it thinking it would force itself to quit and just close itself. I know I should have just hit esc to close it.

The problem I have now is that it is now frozen on my screen and for the life of me I cant figure out how to get rid of it. Yes I tried esc. I tried opening System Monitor and looking for it to end the prog and couldn't find it. I know I could fix this by just restarting the x server, but at the moment I happen to have several things open that I either cannot save right now or are actively running.

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Programming :: Program Hang Stuck There Signal Handling On POSIX Message Queue UNIX C Pr

Jun 14, 2011

In a single main() function,so need signal handling. Use Posix Message Queue IPC mechanism , can ignore the priority and other linked list message,to implement the scenario:

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CentOS 5 :: Can't Initialize Entity In LVM?

Jan 5, 2010

I installed a second hard drive to my CentOS box. In the LVM GUI tool i see the hard drive but the "Initialize Entity" button is grayed out. I am not very familiar with using the LVM tool so i am not sure what to do from here.

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Ubuntu :: Run Program To Check Programs Dependencies

May 18, 2011

I'm not talking about like:

apt-get check

I mean it's like, and I thought it was this:

valgrind <application>


Does anyone know what I'm talking about? A lot of programs I'm getting segmentation faults like Rhythmbox, a few games, etc. so I dunno.

EDIT: gdb kind of works, but doesn't show me what another program would..

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Fedora :: Entity-Relationship Diagram Tool

Mar 11, 2010

I need a ERD tool (ERD -> Entity Relationship Diagram). Where and how i can get it?. If it is platform independiente, open source (or free), it will help me greatly.

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Ubuntu :: XML Parsing Error: Undefined Entity?

May 25, 2010

Using Mozilla's Daily PPA and getting this when I try and launch any Prism program:

XML Parsing Error: undefined entity
Location: chrome://webrunner/content/webrunner.xul


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General :: How To Still See The 'man' Text After Quit Man

Apr 29, 2010

I typically use tcsh or bash and often want to use 'man' to review a command's options. Currently when I quit man or ctrl-C, the man text disappears and I see the scrollback buffer that was there before I performed the 'man' command. I would like to still see the 'man' text I was viewing as a reference while I'm typing the command at the command prompt without opening a second window, how can I do that?

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Fedora :: Firefox 3.5 And XML Parsing Error - Undefined Entity

Dec 28, 2009

I get this error when I try to start up firefox:
XML Parsing Error: undefined entity
Location: (null)
Line Number 30, Column 7: <menuitem id="context-copy"
It's a GTK window with black text with yellow background. I've tried removing the .mozilla folder uninstalling firefox completely and deleting /usr/lib64/mozilla and /usr/lib/mozilla folders. Same error. So I tried running firefox under root, and it displays the same error plus:

Failed to contact configuration server; some possible causes are that you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks due to a system crash. See [URL] for information. (Details - 1: Failed to get connection to session: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.)
So after long hours of frustration I created a new "test" user and firefox ran fine. It still doesn't work on my old user account and root. My system is "Linux localhost.localdomain #1 SMP Fri Dec 4 00:18:53 EST 2009 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux"

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General :: Why An Installer Would Quit All Of Sudden

Feb 6, 2010

I was doing a pxe install of slackware 13.0.The computer booted up perfectly, setup partitions, swap, and went into the setup to choose the source.I chose nfs and it successfully found the slackware.iso.It did a full install and it installs fine, then about halfway it just says 'Killed' or sometimes it just goes blank and stops installing those packages. I've tried like 5 times, same result each time(at different packages too). I currently have two sticks of ram inside, so I removed one and tried again, same error.I then shorted the install by only installing the main stuff and it was able to complete Asked me to setup the mbr and I was all set.Any idea on why the installer would just yack like that?

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General :: Keyboard Quit Working In X11?

Jan 6, 2010

I have no idea why but my keyboard suddenly stopped working in X when I started my computer this morning! The keyboard still works fine in the command line mode, though, so I can do stuff as long as it does not involve a GUI. (NetworkManager only works in X).

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General :: Nautilus Won't Quit In XFCE

Jan 31, 2011

How can I quit Nautilus? Supposedly it's Xubuntu ( with XFCE ); there are no panels, but right-clicking provides an Applications-Help-Reset-Exit-etc menu. After some googling Nautilus taking over the desktop seems to be a common problem, and typing something like killall nautilus or nautilus -q in Terminal is recommended. How can I open Terminal with no right-click menu and no panels, and Alt+F2, which, as far as I've understood, opens the Terminal, doesn't work?

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Fedora :: Installing Programs And Finding A Program That Plays FLV Files?

Mar 28, 2010

how to install programs, that i downloaded onto my windows XP computer,and they are for linux, i downloading it off a site.i just need to learn how to install it,and i need to find a media player that plays FLV files, as well as MP3 files, with the codec preinstalled,or how to install sorry im really new to linux, i was considering switching to Mint, is that any better for media?

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Ubuntu Security :: Is The Root Password In 11.04 For A Single Program Or For All Programs

Sep 1, 2011

I have ubuntu 11.04 installed along side windows. And I often share files with windows computers. If I am installing a new package from ubuntu software center, and consquently I have to log in as root to do so, which means I have given the system 'privileges' as the program is being installed, I decide to go open mozilla, and surf suspicious sites on the net. Is it possible in that case for me to get a virus?

When we enter the password for the root user in order to run one program such as ubuntu software center, does that mean that all programs have root privileges for the time being (as the software center is installing the program)?

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Fedora Installation :: HD Partition In Limbo - Uninitialized Disk Entity

Feb 14, 2010

I have a clean install of Fedora 12 and trying to mount a second hard disk with data created under Fedora 8. Nautilus lists the hard disk and can see all the folders and files under Places > Computer. However, Nautilus only lists hte hard disk (/dev/sdc) but no partitions (e.g. sdc1, sdc2) under Filesystem. LVM shows Partition1, Partition2 and UnPartitioned space under /dev/sdc. LVM shows Partition2 as 'uninitialized Disk Entity /dev/sdc2'. If I try to 'Block Initialize' Partition2 (which is the largest listed partition), LVM warns all data in the partition will be erased. A partition with all the data is on the hard disk because Nautilus can see it but the partition is not listed under /dev/sdc so I can mount it.

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Server :: PHP - Soap Failed To Load External Entity / Resolve This?

Mar 17, 2011

I have an apache web server with php 5.3 and I need to connect to a webservice I set up in sqlserver 2008
Both servers are in the intranet.
If from my browser I write I am prompted for a user and a password, which are those of a windows user with permissions to connect to the ws. After writing them I can see the XML file in my browser.

the php file is code...

I've tried variations in the url, the user, with and without password, with no luck
I've googled a lot, with no luck

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General :: Can't Quit Terminal Command - Grep Some_word?

Sep 5, 2010

After typing "grep some_word" on terminal 6, the system doesn't do a thing, just lets me type endlessly. I've tried "Esc", "q" , [CTRL] + x, "exit" and no luck. I bet I'll kick my ass when you tell me but at the moment I can't figure it out. Rebooting would probably solve the problem but there must be a better way.

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General :: How To Quit QEMU Emulator Running ARM System?

Nov 9, 2010

I can't use shutdown -h now because I don't have permission (or root)the university script I have tells me to use ctrl-alt-delete but that doesn't shut it down like it says it should, instead it restarts it... so whats the safe way of doing this?

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General :: How To Resume Disconnected SSH X1

Feb 23, 2011

I am happily using SSH's X11-forwarding to run some applications and then the connection was disconnected. Running ps ax from a new SSH connection shows that the applications are still running. How do I "resume" or recover the GUI for the applications to prevent data lost?

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General :: Process Killed During SSH Session

Jul 31, 2009

I've always wondered whether my process kills when I am in the process of doing something during my ssh session. For instance, I ssh from my local box to dev-formbox and did an scp transfer to another remote host. All of the sudden, I lost ssh connectivity on my local box due to network issue. Will the scp process (or any of my process that I am currently doing) kill also once I loose the ssh session?

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General :: Network-Manager Says That Its Disconnected / Why Is So?

Jul 11, 2010

Look Buddies,an interesting issue.
Once i just remove X11 libraries , gdm , gnome libraries and network-manager applet. from the ubuntu 9.10.
after these uninstallations, i used my internet successfully through text interface browsers which is links

but i understood graphical interface are important for my work.
Once again i installed
1. xfce4
2. network-manager applet

Everything Graphics,X11 sessions and accessing internet is working fine.
i can even browse through Mozilla firefox.
But my Network-Manager applet is always show as disconnected in taskbar. I understood some kind of understanding between network -configuration files and network-manager applet are broken
Why is the Network-Manager Applet is not responding?

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General :: PPTP Disconnected After Few Seconds

May 4, 2011

I have a problem in my VPN. I am using pptp. I installed on CENTOS 5.5. Here is my config of LAN:

eth0: Local IP Address

When I try to connect using my Mac OSX to ISP Address of my VPN. I can able to connect but after few seconds I am disconnected.

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General :: Process Getting Killed - No Log (Plenty Of Free RAM)

Jan 25, 2011

I am reasonable linux skilled. I am running a VPS account with Debian Linux Lenny, Virtualmin/Webmin. This has only recently started but I don't know at what point, as haven't done much on it recently but applied some updates. There's always at least 50% free ram when it happens (of 512mb) and basically no CPU activity. I've even tried killing off all process's apart from what I believed to be needed to test, (init, sshd, loggers). I can find mention of the action anywhere in any logs, even though I have klogd and syslog running. It seems to happen at varying intervals fairly regularly with certain processes. I've had it happen with a big 'rm -r' but more regularly with make's , make install's, apt-get (while its awaiting your reply to proceed), and rtorrent.

All I get is "Killed" and back to prompt,
If I type "echo $?" I get '137'

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Ubuntu :: Force Quit Force Quit?

Sep 24, 2010

So I have force quit and the little window is stuck. reads "click on a window to force the application to quit. To cancel press <ESC>" How the heck do I get rid of it? I tried xkill, it does not work.

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General :: Fedora 14 Openvpn Disconnected From Network

Jan 20, 2011

i have Fedora 14 OS, i installed an openvpn, & i got a problem with it, which i get disconnected automatically after successfully logined, one of the members here (ZeroSignal ) told me to comment any lines in /etc/openvpn/anyname.conf file, which contain the word update-resolf.conf, & my problem get solved, but now after i logined to the openvpn network & after half an hour (or less sometimes) i got disconnected from the network.

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General :: /bin Directory Is Deleted After Killed Yum Update Command

Jan 7, 2010

I have a serious problem on my VPS. I ran "yum update" and then hit the Ctrl+C to cancel when I realized that I need to specify a package to update, not all of them, but when the console returned suddenly I lost the connection, when I try to reconnect to the machine, it says /bin/bash not found !! even when I try to issue commands from the VPS control panel, it reports that the commands are not there

I can issue a ticket for the ISP to resolve this, but I need to know the risks before I do this, I have no backup on MySQL and 2 live web applications, although they are still running, I am afraid if I restarted the VPS everything will be gone.

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General :: Set Ssh/putty Session Running In Disconnected Mode?

Jul 7, 2011

How can we put ssh/putty session running even after in standby or disconnected mode.The idea is to have run a long running job from my notebook, which may take 6-8 hours, and if i come next day, there should be interrupt with it.

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