General :: Why An Installer Would Quit All Of Sudden

Feb 6, 2010

I was doing a pxe install of slackware 13.0.The computer booted up perfectly, setup partitions, swap, and went into the setup to choose the source.I chose nfs and it successfully found the slackware.iso.It did a full install and it installs fine, then about halfway it just says 'Killed' or sometimes it just goes blank and stops installing those packages. I've tried like 5 times, same result each time(at different packages too). I currently have two sticks of ram inside, so I removed one and tried again, same error.I then shorted the install by only installing the main stuff and it was able to complete Asked me to setup the mbr and I was all set.Any idea on why the installer would just yack like that?

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General :: How To Still See The 'man' Text After Quit Man

Apr 29, 2010

I typically use tcsh or bash and often want to use 'man' to review a command's options. Currently when I quit man or ctrl-C, the man text disappears and I see the scrollback buffer that was there before I performed the 'man' command. I would like to still see the 'man' text I was viewing as a reference while I'm typing the command at the command prompt without opening a second window, how can I do that?

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General :: Keyboard Quit Working In X11?

Jan 6, 2010

I have no idea why but my keyboard suddenly stopped working in X when I started my computer this morning! The keyboard still works fine in the command line mode, though, so I can do stuff as long as it does not involve a GUI. (NetworkManager only works in X).

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General :: Nautilus Won't Quit In XFCE

Jan 31, 2011

How can I quit Nautilus? Supposedly it's Xubuntu ( with XFCE ); there are no panels, but right-clicking provides an Applications-Help-Reset-Exit-etc menu. After some googling Nautilus taking over the desktop seems to be a common problem, and typing something like killall nautilus or nautilus -q in Terminal is recommended. How can I open Terminal with no right-click menu and no panels, and Alt+F2, which, as far as I've understood, opens the Terminal, doesn't work?

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General :: Can't Quit Terminal Command - Grep Some_word?

Sep 5, 2010

After typing "grep some_word" on terminal 6, the system doesn't do a thing, just lets me type endlessly. I've tried "Esc", "q" , [CTRL] + x, "exit" and no luck. I bet I'll kick my ass when you tell me but at the moment I can't figure it out. Rebooting would probably solve the problem but there must be a better way.

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General :: How To Quit QEMU Emulator Running ARM System?

Nov 9, 2010

I can't use shutdown -h now because I don't have permission (or root)the university script I have tells me to use ctrl-alt-delete but that doesn't shut it down like it says it should, instead it restarts it... so whats the safe way of doing this?

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General :: Dell Mini 910 Ubuntu 8.04 Then All Of Sudden Stuck In Grub At Line Command

Nov 23, 2010

I have tried hours of followed fixes for my situation to no avail.I am stuck in grub line command and cannot get out.I have tried everything under the sun and nothing. every command comes back with disk read error, unrecognized command, etc.I am about ready to throw the mini 9 through the wall.

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General :: Hang Programs - Disconnected: Entity Killed But Can't Quit Program

Jul 6, 2010

I have tried to change settings on Sound Recorder, and when I tested the new settings, a number of windows came up with the last reading: Disconnected: Entity killed but I cannot quit the program no matter what I do. The program just will not close. Is there another way to close a program?

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Ubuntu :: Force Quit Force Quit?

Sep 24, 2010

So I have force quit and the little window is stuck. reads "click on a window to force the application to quit. To cancel press <ESC>" How the heck do I get rid of it? I tried xkill, it does not work.

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OpenSUSE :: KDE 4.2.1 Sudden 100 Percent CPU Usage

Mar 7, 2009

Like the title says. Suddenly, for no apparent reason KDE jumps to 100% cpu usage. I've tried tracking this down and it's frustrating. Sometimes I have to reboot 2 or 3 times to get it back down.

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Ubuntu :: Address Bar Is All Of A Sudden Missing?

Jan 18, 2010

My address bar is all of a sudden missing. Anyone know how I can get it back?

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Ubuntu :: Eclipse Won't Start All Of A Sudden / Fix It?

Mar 4, 2010

My Eclipse just stopped working all of sudden. This happened after I deleted some directories in my workspace, but I doubt that had anything to do with it.

I just get a small empty window when I try to run it. See attached png file.

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Ubuntu :: Sudden CPU Usage Oscillation And Lag?

Jun 29, 2010

My CPU usage suddenly started oscillating between 5% and 80% causing the computer to lag very badly. This problem came on suddenly--I was using the computer the night before and then the next day I was hit with the lag.Computer info:

IBM Lenovo ThinkpadR61 with Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx
Intel Duo Core 2GHz Processor T7300
2.5GB RAM (2GB Kingston DDR2 + 512MB DDR2 not sure what brand)


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Sudden Automatic Log-off?

Aug 4, 2010

On one of our Lucid systems, we encounter frequent automatic log-offs - without recognizing any reason: The only common fact appears to be at least one further user being logged in (with graphic desktop).With no advance warning, the active user's screen first goes black, shortly after that, the KDM log-in screen (with the name of the automatically logged-off user) appears. Where the currently active user is lucky, it is not his own name and he can simply switch back to his desktop...Something in fact appears to crash: Programs that were running for the automatically logged-off user are obviously simply killed. (OOo next time starts with rebuilding lost documents, KMail forgets about currently edited eMails.)

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Not Booting Anymore All Of A Sudden?

Sep 10, 2010

My computer had been running just fine a couple of days in a row. I had a problem and decided to reboot. But all of a sudden Ubuntu does not boot anymore!

The error shown is:

Target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init. No init found Try passing init=bootarg
Under it it shows
Busybox v13.3
(initramfs) [etc])

[then a couple of rows mentioning removable disks which is my card reader. And finally just a blinking _ sign.

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Ubuntu :: Sudden Duplicity GPG Error

Oct 23, 2010

I've been using Duplicity for ages and this morning it suddenly produces the following error:


I can't figure out what happened. Yesterday I did a successful full backup (as I do each week). This command was to add the usual incremental. I've not changed the scripts, source, destination or GPG keys. I turned up verbosity to see what it was doing, but an obvious error didn't leap out.

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Ubuntu :: 8.04 - PDF Files Are All Of Sudden Unreadable

Jul 6, 2011

Greetings. I'm running 8.04 ubuntu. I received a call informing me that all PDF files come up as gobbley gook. I am in my first year, and unfamiliar with ubuntu. Although I accessed the files through the server (Eunice) and they are all labeled as unreadable. When I attempt to open them with document viewer, I get the error message "unable to open. Unknown mime type".

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Server All Of A Sudden Can't Access The Net?

Mar 8, 2011

which i have been using whilst setting it all up at my home, connecting to the internet without any problems until now.. All of a sudden it can't access the net, it can't ping my router.. but i am able to VNC to it accross the network, passing through said router. I have it set up with a static IP, and the router IP put in as DNS and gateway, when i tell it to get an IP vi DHCP, still the same problem.. I have no idea how to get this working, any ideas?? I am new with Linux, so please exlain what i need to do..

The only thing running on this server is basically Freeradius2, Coovachilli, Webmin and a virtual machine, which is an iRedOS Mail server.

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Debian :: Squeeze Sudden Reboot During Booting

Jul 19, 2011

When I start the laptop, booting squeeze, after the screen printed"waiting for /dev to be fully populated... conflict with acpi region smbi..." (and maybe some other msg followed) the laptop will suddenly power off and automatic restart, after several times restart, I may have good luck to log into the squeeze KDE interface. The problem also occur when I choose booting in recovery mode How can I fix this annoying problem, or where can I check the fail booting log before the restart log overwrite it?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Amarok Crashes All Of Sudden

Oct 28, 2010

Suse 11.3 KDE 4.4 Amarok - Standard version that comes with 11.3 I start Amarok, which still worked fine yesterday and this morning. I get the Amarok splash screen and then it disappears and the Crash Handler with the following message appears.


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Ubuntu :: All Of A Sudden Sound Stop Working ?

Jun 5, 2010

I recently did a clean install of ubuntu 10.4 and finally got everything working. All of a sudden my sound stop working and i can seem to tell whats wrong. The strange thing is though when i first turn on the computer i can here the drums at the login screen but after logging in there is no sound anywhere. I checked all the sound preferences and everything looks alright, nothing was muted. I am pretty much stumped..

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Ubuntu :: Steady RAM Increase, Then Sudden Drop?

Aug 7, 2010

I've noticed a strange pattern with my 10.04 ubuntu x64 install with 2 GB RAM. Suppose I'm using about 1 to 1.5 GB RAM (normal). Over a timespan of several minutes RAM usage will gradually & steadily creep upwards, until for no apparent reason the system will shed ~500MB in a couple seconds, & then this process will repeat itself indefinitely.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Sudden Wifi Disconnects In 10.04?

Dec 2, 2010

I have experienced sudden wifi disconnects. My laptop fails to reconnect even after repeated attempts. It is only after a reboot that I am able to connect to the wireless.

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Ubuntu :: Wirelesss On Gnome All Of A Sudden Turned Off?

Dec 9, 2010

I have had ubuntu for several months now and my wireless has worked just fine, but all of a sudden it just turned off. In the drop down menu in the top right corner for wirless it has a check mark beside "enable networking" but the button "enable wireless" is greyed out and I cant click it. I have checked that the wireless is working and it is (confirmed with another laptop).

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Ubuntu :: All Of A Sudden Internet Stopped Working

Dec 12, 2010

My brothers computer uses Ubuntu. All of a sudden the internet stopped working. So I did some research online and found a site that looked like it would work because the comments were good. I did what it said by removing the network manager and then i had to re-install it blah blah blah. Long story short his computer is still without internet. I tried to download the network manager on my computer and install it on his computer. I dont think it worked.If anyone could help me find the correct network manager to download for his computer and then help me get internet back onto his computer.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 : Sudden Shutdown When Battery At 43% Level?

Jan 17, 2011

I run Ubuntu 10.04 on a HP dv2000 laptop with 2GB RAM. I see a strange problem with my system. When running on battery and the level hits about 43% (+- 1%), the system shuts down suddenly. No warning and no information in logs either. Temperature of both cores are below 50 C. I have tried cleaning the dust withing the laptop chasis but no progress.

I have done quite some research on this and other forums but haven't found anybody else with similar problem.

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Ubuntu :: Sudden Theme Change In 11.04 With Unity 3d?

May 16, 2011

After coming back from my coffee brake and disabling the screensaver lock with my password, suddenly the theme of the window widgets and upper bar changed before my eyes to ancient GTK-style.

Open programs (unrelated)


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Ubuntu :: Sudden Loss Of Eth0 Connectivity

Dec 7, 2010

I have some boxes and laptops connected to the same lan. While messing around with xorg.conf and doing a couple of restarts, one of the boxes suddenly lost internet access.The other machines can ping each other and access the internet (the boxes through eth0 and the laptops through wlan0). That one box, however, cannot ping the others, nor the router. Both ends of the internet cable are plugged in, and there are the usual continuous green and orange lights on the box end, telling me that everything is fine with the hardware connection.ifconfig gives me:

lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host


I have no idea what happened, since the lights indicate it is not a hardware problem. It must be a problem with that particular machine, since the others are fine. However, I have not changed any of the network config files.

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Networking :: Wireless Connection Has Gotten Weaker All Of A Sudden(from 89% To 65%)

Oct 24, 2010

For some reason my wireless connection has gotten weaker all of a sudden(from 89% to 65%) and I haven't left the place where I am with the computer. It just got weaker all of a sudden.

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Slackware :: Data Loss After Sudden Reboot On Xfs

Oct 25, 2010

I have a laptop running slackware-current. The disk is /dev/sda and the root 'sda1' is xfs formatted (there is also linux swap at sda2).

recently I was trying to setup openvpn and had to copy a folder with configuration files from /usr/doc/openvpn_<version>/easy-rsa to /etc/openvpn.

I am sure the copying completed cause I got a prompt, but a few seconds later the battery died on me. When I got mains and powered it up, I could see the directory I copied under /etc/openvpn, and the files where all there too. but they all contained nothing. i.e. they had a size of 0.

I read [URL] Fthat an external journal filesystem for root is not supported. I am not sure If it applies to my situation though. As in does it use an internal journal instead?

and the bottom line is: shouldn't the copying have completed successfully? shouldn't I be worried, that this copy failed?

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