General :: Can't Quit Terminal Command - Grep Some_word?

Sep 5, 2010

After typing "grep some_word" on terminal 6, the system doesn't do a thing, just lets me type endlessly. I've tried "Esc", "q" , [CTRL] + x, "exit" and no luck. I bet I'll kick my ass when you tell me but at the moment I can't figure it out. Rebooting would probably solve the problem but there must be a better way.

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General :: Terminal - Using Regular Expressions With Grep

Aug 3, 2011

I can't get this simple regular expression to work for matching emails: 'w*(?:.w*)*@w*(?:.w*)*w{2,5}'

It should be working as I have tested it with regex pal and it works just fine. I think there's a problem with optional character class but I'm not sure.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Quit Motion In Terminal / Way To Do

Jul 26, 2011

I have installed this but it is command line and i don't know how to quit the thing. Motion is command line. It keeps capturing unless i shutdown the computer. Very frustrating. I also would like help to understand how to configure Motion if someone can fill in the information gaps on this website
I have also tried zoneminder but it does not want to run for some reason. I have gone to the zoneminder forum and asked but i don't seem to get very far. They got me to download a zoneminder/ubuntu live cd. I used that but it wasn't seeing the camera. Whereas on the distro i have right now cheese, kamoso so see it.
I can live stream with Motion within firefox but i need the motion capturing part configured and without something that will quit Motion the app it's a bit useless. Would appreciate some advice as i have been struggling a long time trying to get this security thing happening

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General :: Break Down A Grep Command?

Apr 8, 2011

What does this command mean? grep 'GET / HTTP.*Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; ru; rv: Gecko/20061204 Firefox/' last10m |cut -d ' ' -f1 |sort -n |uniq -c|sort -n|tail

Whats the best way to figure out these commands in general? I have a lot of learning to do!

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General :: Exec Command With Grep Output?

Feb 15, 2011

I have a requirement to find the files having its name as ack_reply. However, there are many other files in the same directory as these resides. Now I have to remove these files from the folder and retain others after 7 days. So I tried to write the below script with grep command.

find $directory -type f -mtime +7 | grep ack_reply

how can I pass this output to -exec command.

If I am not using grep command my script would be as

find $directory -type f -mtime +7 -exec {}\;;

How can I use -exec with grep and find.

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General :: Specify More Than One String To Ignore (grep Command)?

Jul 28, 2010

I am using grep to filter out directories I am not interested in like this:svn stat | grep -v data/charts | grep -v lib/model | grep -v web/picsIt seems a bit "hacky". Is there a better way to specify more than one string to ignore, so that I dont have to chain multiple grep commands?

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General :: Command To Grep Complete Line

May 11, 2011

cat filename| awk '{print $3}' | cut -c -3 | cut -c 2- | grep 66

this returns the lines containing "66" at 2nd 2 characters of 3rd column of a line, now i need complete lines for this, how can i do it?

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General :: Difference Between Grep And Find Command?

Dec 24, 2010

For searching a file or directory i normally use grep command. kindly can you guide me the difference between grep and find command. I have used both but that are the difference between them ? are the same or grep is new as comapird to find command.

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General :: How To Use Grep To Display All Users Running Particular Command?

Mar 19, 2010

Can someone please tell me how I can use grep to display all users running a particular command.

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General :: Grep Command - Show The Files But Not The Line Count

Oct 31, 2010

This has to also show the line count. I can get it to show the files but not the line count. What is the single command used to identify only the matching count of all lines within files under the /etc directory that contain the word „HOST? List only the files with matches and suppress any error messages.

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General :: Find / Grep Command Without Searching Mounted Shares?

Jan 5, 2011

When I used the find command, I almost always need to search the local drives. But, I almost always have super large network shares mounted and these are included in the search. Is there an easy way to exclude those in the find command, grep and other similar commands? Example:

find / -name .vimrc

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General :: Use Grep Command To Filter The Log Files Created Between 3:00 PM To 4:30 PM In Buch?

Dec 13, 2010

I would like to know how to use grep command to filter the log files created between 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM in buch of log for whole day in different headings. This files resembles like sar file in linux.

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Ubuntu :: Automatically Run A Process In A Screen Session And Then Detach And Quit Terminal

Jul 24, 2010

There are often times when the best way to launch an application is from the terminal, but it is a graphical application and after it is launched the terminal is useless.

Examples of places where a terminal is convenient are when a process starts lots of child processes and is also unstable; you can be sure to kill all of its children simply by using Ctrl-C at the terminal. Also it allows me to read program output and to set up the terminal environment to be optimal for the application (for example "unset LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT")

With GNU screen, I can get around the hassle of having a terminal window open by using something like the following in a terminal window:

Ctrl-A d

and then I can close the terminal and the program will keep running. Then I just type "screen -r <Tab>" (the tab will get me my screen session if there is only one such session) in any terminal window, even a tty, and I can get the screen session back and use Ctrl-c or something.

So my question is, is there a way to do this automatically so that a launcher or script will start a screen session, inside that screen session start a process, and then detach from that screen session without me having to manually open and close a terminal and type the commands?

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General :: Make Linux Terminal Transparent With Terminal Command?

May 10, 2010

Is it possible to make terminal (xfce4-terminal) transparent from bash script?

Maybe by enabling compostion?

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General :: Append Command Output To File By Giving Command In Terminal?

Jul 3, 2009

I am using openSUSE 10.3.When I install software from tarball then to record time required I send output of date to beg.txt(when installation begins) and end.txt (when installation finishes).How can I append output of date to a file so I don't need two files?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Grep VU-meter From Terminal

Jan 28, 2010

Is there any way to get information about whether something is currently played via the speakers? Is there an app that "scans" the VU-meter (e.g. pavumeter) in a terminal and prints out any information about the current "sound-volume" that goes out?I'd like to create a script that prevents my Ubuntu to suspend while something (e.g. music) is played... I know that e.g. Rhythmbox has a plugin for that, but I'd like to use SongBird...

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General :: Find/grep/wc Command To Find Matching Files - Print Filename And Word Count?

Sep 11, 2009

I am trying to do a find/grep/wc command to find matching files, print the filename and then the word count of a specific pattern per file. Here is my best (non-working) attempt so far:

wc `find . ( -name "*.as" -o -name "*.mxml" ) -exec grep -H HeightResizableList {}` ;

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General :: How To Find File With Name="php.ini" Using Grep Command

Jun 14, 2011

How to find file with name="php.ini" on linux using grep command?

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Programming :: Grep, Cut, Cat In A Single Command?

Apr 26, 2010

Would like to know how to cat the below output.

grep userlist_file /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf | cut -c15-
Below which is the output for above command.


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Programming :: Grep A Particular Data From A File Without Using The Command

May 3, 2010

I want to know that is there any method to grep a particular data from a file without using the "cat --- | grep ' ' " command....I need to use a system call for this functionality.

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Ubuntu :: Use The Grep Command In Conjunction With An Editor?

Feb 16, 2011

Is there a way to use the grep command in conjunction with an editor such as nano or vi so that I can remove the commented out lines from a conf file and then proceed to edit it ? I can use grep -v "^#^" squid.conf (example ) which gives me a nicely tidy conf file but I can't edit it.Can this command be used with nano or ?

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Ubuntu :: Output Of Command In Less And The Words Highlighted By Grep?

Sep 1, 2010

So theres this command

man -k mail
Which lists commands that contain the keyword "mail" in their description.I want the output of this command in less and the words highlighted by grep. Something like

man -k mail | grep mail | less
The command doesn't work, how do I fix it?

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Ubuntu :: Search Files Containing A String / Grep Command?

Sep 1, 2011

how to search for those files which contain word "AM_COLLECTION=22". I need to know all the files with this string. ( I know the grep command can do it but either

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Programming :: Place Another Command Like Grep Or Cut In Address Field?

Jan 28, 2010

The thing is that the command for sed resembles the following


Now if I want to place another command like grep or cut in the address field how do I do it. Actually I don't know the line number. The user has to give it as an input. How shall I do that?

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General :: Apache Command And Terminal / Command With Apache Through Web Browser And It Is Not Working?

Aug 18, 2009

I want to run a linux command with apache through web browser and that's is not working. and it's working properly when I execute this command through terminal, where is the problem?

NOTE: apache have the privileges to execute the command

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General :: Set What Should Happen In Terminal On A Certain Command?

May 20, 2011

If I execute

cal 2013

in terminal, it echoes the calendar for the year 2013. For the matter of fun, I'd like the terminal to echo

This year won't come.

How should I do this? I tried adding it as an alias to .bashrc, but I cannot create aliases with spaces.


The final solution:

echo "cal() { if [[ $@ > "2012" ]]; then command echo "This year won't come."; else command cal "$@"; fi; }" >> ~/.profile && source ~/.profile

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General :: Terminal Command In C Program?

May 21, 2010

I want to design c program can run terminal command and put the output of command into file... How can i do this ? for example :

string s = " iwlist scan "

and when i run the programm this command applied and put the output into specific file

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General :: Command From The Terminal Window?

Apr 11, 2011

I think this command is for a symbolic link "ln -sf to folder from folder" is this correct?
Also what does the -sf stand for?

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Ubuntu :: Piping Command Output Into Grep As Search Term?

Nov 11, 2010

I want to pipe the output of a command into grep as the search TERM, rather than the text to be searched, like this for example


cat /var/log/auth.log | grep date "&b &d"

so that I only see the lines in auth.log for the current day...but obviously that line doesn't work.... is there a way to do this with grep, or even another command?

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Programming : Find Out Files That Are Changed Less Than 10 Hours With Grep Command?

Mar 20, 2010

Getting the list of files in the root directory that have changed less than 10 hours earlier, using grep, but without the directories.

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