General :: Mouse Cursor Keeps Moving Left By Itself?
Apr 3, 2011
I've got a problem with my Arch flashdisk. When I start xorg, my mouse cursor keeps moving left until it reaches the edge of the screen, where it stops. I checked the connector, etc., but it didn't help, so I guess it's software-related.What can be causing the problem?
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Jan 12, 2010
For some reason the mouse curser starts out in the middle of the screen after booting as normal but as soon as i move it, it gets stuck in the top left corner of the screen.It still responds to clicks and i can sometimes see it "wants" to move but itets repositioned into that corner.he problem exists in the live-cd session as well as in the installed session.I looked into the Xorg.0.log file and it said something along the lines of:Code:HID XXXX:XXXX: failed to initialize for relative axesI suspect this to be the culprit, yet i've never had any problems with the mouse in any other operating system (writing from kubuntu 9.10 right now) and i've used most of the popular ones.Is there anything i can do about it? Seems that X is doing things differently in Fedora... There's got to be some switch or something.
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Mar 22, 2015
My mouse cursor is disappearing when it's not moving, or when I scroll a window with the middle wheel... Then when I move the mouse, the cursor is appearing!
This has started after few things...:
- old video card has died (ati hd4850)
- integrated motherboard video card used (ati hd4250) after solving the black screen (xorg, ati drivers... you know :s )
- since many weeks, computer has not been used before I've plugged a hd7970, solved 1 more time the black screen (.....)
And after many updates + this new video card = cursor is kidding :p
I've tried to change my cursor settings in the GUI config, nothing better.
Problem solved by renaming all cursor files...
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Aug 20, 2011
I finally got around to installing Fedora 15 on my HTPC. I noticed that the mouse cursor starts in the upper left corner of the screen as soon as the login screen appears. This means that after login, if I only used the keyboard so far, the Gnome Shell overlay starts immediately.This is at most an interesting quirk until I try to set XMBC to automatically launch. Now I have to press <Esc> or move the mouse to de-activate the overlay before I can use the program.Is this mouse cursor thing intended behaviour, is there some software fix, or is it a hardware quirk? I have a Radeon HD 4650 graphics card (Smolt profile).
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Apr 1, 2010
I have two monitors set up on my Asus N61J laptop, but have a weird problem:When I move the mouse to right-hand edge of the Left (Primary) screen, it disappears. To get it back, I have to either keep moving it to the next screen, or move it over something that will cause it to change shape.It also happens if I move it to the left-hand edge the Right (Secondary) screen. Anyone have any ideas as to how I can fix this? It's a little annoying, as it makes it hard to select the Logout/Shutdown/Status menu
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Mar 27, 2011
I like the buttons on the left. I'm running 10.04 & I know how to move them. The problem is that changing themes will move them back right. OK, if the new theme has them on the right that's OK. But going back to the other theme doesn't change them back. They don't seem to be controlled by the theme, or I'm just not doing it right.
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Apr 3, 2011
Suppose the cursor is in line 20. I want now to scroll one line at a time but I want the cursor to remain at line 20. How is this done?
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Jan 21, 2011
I'm using KDE 4 under Slackware 13.1, and I'd like to move the minimize, maximize, and close buttons to the left side of the windows titlebar. Is there any way to do this on KDE? I've looked under all the windows options, and the 'Buttons' section only contained a list that didn't seem to have what I was looking for.I've only been using KDE for a couple of weeks, so I apologize if the answer is obvious, or if moving the buttons to the left is simply not an option. Any help would be appreciated.
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Jun 15, 2011
I'm not sure if I should post this question in "hardware & laptops", or "Desktop Environments", because this is a hardware problem on a desktop computer.
Description of Problem:There is another thread that discussed this same problem that I'm having: However that thread is so old that the suggestions in it no longer work in Ubuntu 10.04 and for whatever reason I can not make a reply to that thread.As in the above thread, I've tried other input devices and rebooting the computer and using other USB ports, and my mouse still intermittently double left clicks randomly at times when I've only clicked the left mouse button once and at times and places when it should only produce a single click such as when selecting a drop down menu.
Has any one else had this problem, and does any one have any idea how to fix it or to trouble shoot this a bit more? Please let me know if there is any other information I can provide to further clarify or troubleshoot this issue.
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Apr 2, 2010
How can I move the mouse pointer on Linux without actually moving the mouse?
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Jun 22, 2010
Biggest one that make game unplayable is mouse. Mouse isn't moving smooth it jumps around. I cannot shoot anything. So i asked for help, and everybody just say install windows. And where is fun in that. If people when ever run into problem with some software on linux just install windows. Linux would never go forward. I m not some great gamer, but i would like to be able to play this game. Probably somebody run into same problem. I sow that people talk about something like dis on WOW and wine but simptoms doesn't seem same to me.
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Oct 15, 2010
I am running Linux Ubuntu on a Dell Inspiron laptop that I bought at a garage sale for 50 cents. After spending quite a few hours resurrecting it, it works just fine except for the left and right mouse buttons on the touch pad. They do not function.Is there a way to emulate the left and right mouse buttons from the keyboard?(I know that I can just plug in a mouse, but I would rather just use the keyboard if possible.)
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Jun 29, 2010
How do I increase the mouse speed in Ubuntu Linux? Running Gnome 2.30.0. I've already maxed out Pointer Speed Sensitivity in the Mouse Preferences control panel. I am not interested in increasing the Acceleration. Is there a config file I can edit to boost it past what the control panel allows?
I know that this mouse can track faster because it does in Windows.
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Jul 1, 2010
I've recently got a tablet pc and I've got it nicely set up with Jolicloud - an Ubuntu derivative like Mint - but I can't hide the mouse cursor in Gnome. Now, I've read so much about tips and tricks on how to hide the cursor with terminal, X and gconf tricks in my Googling, but NOTHING works!
How do I do this definitely? Edit: Unclutter is not what I want, nor is changing the root X cursor satisfactory, because it is overridden by whatever toolkit you are using.
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Jan 5, 2010
My mouse cursor has acquired some strange background image showing what looks to be paragraphs of chinese glyphs (they are too small to make out clearly). This background image is contained in rougly a 1 inch square with the mouse cursor hot spot in the upper left-hand corner. The mouse cursor is visible, but whatever is under those glyphs is covered.
I've tried the mouse configuration gui -- but it says nothing of background images for the mouse. I've also deleted and recreated my file to see if that somehow got mangled. I've been searching the web for a couple of hours, but cant seem to find anything related to my problem.
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Mar 26, 2011
I have just updated Debian Squeeze and my mouse cursor is invisible. However, it still functions... I can right click and get a menu, clock on things and get the normal functions.
I have filed a bug report and found one other bug report on this but haven't found a fix or any other info.
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May 25, 2010
Redhat Ent Linux ES Release 2 (Taroon 8)
Kernel 2.4.21-4.ELsmp
startx(1): initialize X session - Linux man page
I thought I'd look into methods of recovering from a lost password for future use, how to change the passwd and shadow should I need to. So I started an X session, vi'd my .swp files then logged off. Perhaps I changed one of these files accidentally, but my intent was just to view them which I did. After starting up my computer the next day and logging in I began an X session - "startx". The session appears to have started, but with a black screen and an active mouse cursor.
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Oct 18, 2010
I am using Fedora11/Gnome and I frequently use several windows for input. I would like to focus on a window just by moving the mouse over it (but not pop up). However, I can not find anywhere to set up this option.
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May 29, 2010
I was looking around in Xfce4 Taskmanager to see what's taking up some memory/processor power, and I noticed when I move the cursor around in cirlces, the CPU spikes from about 5%-10% clear up to about 40%. I also have Audacious2, Chromium, and a file manager open as well.
Why is this? My system is an Eee PC with a 1.6GHz Atom processor and 2GB of DDR2 RAM.
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Jan 5, 2010
It is bit unconvenient to see the mouse cursor while watching a movie. Is there some sort of removal of it?
here is my config:
.mplayer$ cat config
# Write your default config options here!
fontconfig = "1"
font = "dejavu sans"
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Jun 3, 2010
Bottom line up front: I'd like to move my window controls from the right corner to the left corner in 10.04.
All of my window controls (minimize, close, etc) are back on the right hand corner of the window, and after my upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04 they were on the left. I briefly tried E16 with gnome, didn't like it, and removed all. This caused metacity to become unconfigured, and now all of the themes have window controls on the right.
Where can I fix it so the window controls are back where the 10.04 ubuntu wanted them?
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Oct 9, 2010
Couple of weeks back I found a thread about moving the windows icons from the left to the right. Now I can't find it anywhere, brain fade.
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Sep 4, 2010
I don't know what have I done, but when I switch a window, the cursor always moves to the middle of the window I've just switched to. How can I disable it?
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Nov 14, 2010
I've used Ubuntu for a year or two on my laptop (Dell Inspiron 1440), but with the release and install of 10.10, whenever I'm not moving the cursor or typing, it freezes up. I can get it to unfreeze by typing/moving cursor usually.I dual boot between Ubuntu and Mint and it also does this on Mint 10. When I would reboot, the hanging would stop for awhile, but would come back 10 - 20 minutes later. It would continue until I rebooted again. Clearly I can't use 10.10, which is a huge bummer for me.
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Mar 4, 2010
i am new at ubuntu but at random times it will go to a blank screen with a cursor in the top left that doesnt blink. Cant do anything after that. I did all the updates and I am on an Acer Aspireone the mini computer.
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Nov 25, 2010
1) What is the window effect called that adjusts all open windows into a viewable position while darkening the backgrounds?2) Is there a source or an already made list of packages ready so I can install it on a different operating system? I'm sticking with F14 as my main Desktop Os, however, would like to use this on a Live USB with Archbang Linux.
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Jul 9, 2010
I have here two old identical compaq pc's with 64mb ram.I want to copy drive/os from one machine to other. So i do a drive to drive clone (witn both hd's deing connected to another machine). And it says its done and okay. But the second (cloned) machine doesnt boot. And have the black screen with the blinking white cursor in top left corner. I have already tried to do fdisk /mbr and also copying partition table from original to destination disk. Because i think it is logical that with a drive to drive clone it sould be copied. But i have a doubt in that somehow. Because why would it not boot if it was copied then
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Dec 19, 2010
This issue was solved On June 9th. Root cause was Kore 2 controller device being misinterpreted as a pointing device. I hope to eventually use the Kore as a straight-up MIDI controller in Ubuntu Studio, but that's a long way off. For now I will unplug it whenever I boot Ubuntu Studio. XINPUT LIST gave me the hint I needed to figure this out. Original post and problem resolution thread follows:
I'm a total Linux newbie, but well versed in Windows. Just installed Ubuntu Studio 10.10. This was a clean install, not an upgrade.. Installation went fine, but when I boot into it, I get the cursor stuck at the upper left corner of the screen. When I move the mouse, the cursor will move, but it immediately jumps back to the upper left corner. I can't select anything except to open the main menu. Then I must use keyboard cursor control to navigate.
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May 28, 2011
After playing one of the kde games in squeeze- breakout - which I had a hard time exiting - and even after I restarted the computer the cursor will not go to the lower left corner of the desktop, where the kde menu button is.
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Nov 30, 2010
Two days ago, the down arrow cursor key quit working on my usb keyboard. I could go up, or left and right, but not down. I figured the key was broke and pulled out a PS/2 keyboard and plugged it in. Problem seemed to be solved.This morning, the down arrow cursor key again was not working. I thought that was a weird coincidence, so I plugged in the old usb keyboard, and the down arrow cursor key was again working!
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