Ubuntu :: Mouse Intermittently Double Left Clicks / When Single Left Click
Jun 15, 2011
I'm not sure if I should post this question in "hardware & laptops", or "Desktop Environments", because this is a hardware problem on a desktop computer.
Description of Problem:There is another thread that discussed this same problem that I'm having: However that thread is so old that the suggestions in it no longer work in Ubuntu 10.04 and for whatever reason I can not make a reply to that thread.As in the above thread, I've tried other input devices and rebooting the computer and using other USB ports, and my mouse still intermittently double left clicks randomly at times when I've only clicked the left mouse button once and at times and places when it should only produce a single click such as when selecting a drop down menu.
Has any one else had this problem, and does any one have any idea how to fix it or to trouble shoot this a bit more? Please let me know if there is any other information I can provide to further clarify or troubleshoot this issue.
For some reason now when I left click slackware sees it sometimes (4 out of 5 times) as a double click. This is very frustrating? Here is a list of ps aux
Code: USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND root 1 0.1 0.0 824 276 ? Ss 12:39 0:01 init [4]
An application I use requires that I use left and right mouse clicks in conjunction. But with Ubuntu 10.04 (Gnome Desktop) it activates the middle mouse button stopping the application from recognizing my left and right mouse buttons are both clicked.
I have read articles stating I can disable the middle mouse button, but I also use the middle mouse button for other applications.
How do I disable this "feature"? Is there a GUI I can use to modify how my mouse buttons work within Ubuntu?
I try to configure mouse click interval since a single click is recognized as double click by doing it from KDE mouse configuration in system settings; but my attempt doesn't work even (I set the click interval to 2 sec, but doesn't change anything). What is the best way to do this in slackware?
can i get the ocuurance of left click-right click-double click?i need the time of ocurance and the click(left-right-double) that happend.any software?any clue..i need it in linux environment(kde or gnome)
After I have upgraded from 10.10 to 11.4 I have a very strange problem. My desktop seems to be unresponsitve to mouse right or left clicks. The file browser only starts if I use thunar. Nautilus will not run at all. I am not sure if they are tied together but everytime I reboot i get the error message the file browser is still open. If my iphone is plugged in i get a metacity error. I am booting into classic with no effects. I can work kinda but mostly starting everything from inside a terminal. Also Nautilus only will run if I start it under sudo...
About a week ago I installed some updates. What they were I don't remember. After I did that my mouse started acting up. Now about half the time when I single click it registers as a double click. Also when I click and drag to select text anywhere it'll randomly do another click screwing up that process.
So far I think the problem is when I press the left mouse button it registers the left click and then when I release, it randomly registers another left click.
The mouse itself works fine if I take it to another PC that's using windows.
OS: Ubuntu 9.10 64bit Mouse: Microsoft Intellimouse 3.0
When I click once with my bluetooth mouse (Logitech M550b), about one time in three ubuntu receives two clicks.I'm not sure if this is a problem with the mouse or a bug in the OS, but even if it is a problem with the mouse these two clicks arrive at the same time, way too quickly to be a genuine double click.I have searched everywhere (including all the options in gconf-editor) and cannot find where the debounce delay is set for mice. Debounce should ensure that two clicks occurring in rapid succession are interpreted as a single click and thereby solve my problem.
The mouse settings window and gconf-editor both have a setting for 'maximum double click delay', but nothing for 'minimum double click delay' (AKA debounce delay). Does anyone know how I can change the setting so that two simultaneous clicks from the same mouse will be interpreted as a single click?Alternatively, does anyone know of an ubuntu bug which might be causing a single click to be interpreted as two simultaneous clicks? I suspect that the mouse is not the source of problem but have not had a chance to test it on another machine to confirm.I've searched the forum history and found lots of other people having the same problem of phantom double clicks, but nobody has found a solution in any of the previous threads.
when i click my mouse on something, it sometimes registers as two clicks. it doesn't happen all the time, but frequently enough to be annoying. for example, when i click a videos video to pause it, it often opens into fullscreen (which you normally click twice to do). also, in the url bar of chromium, i can't select the entire url by clicking. i now need to use ctrl+a. that's also because when i try to select the url, the highlight randomly disappears.
if i have multiple windows open, my click on the first "x" of the top-most window also closes the next window. i'm on linux mint 10. it's not really important, but it drives me crazy sometimes when my mouse doesn't work the way i want it to.
Code: linux-uitj:/home/anisha # uname -a && cat /etc/*release Linux linux-uitj #1 SMP PREEMPT 2009-10-26 15:49:03 +0100 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux openSUSE 11.2 (x86_64) VERSION = 11.2
If I normally click the Trash icon either in Kmail or in Evolution more than one mail gets deleted in a sequential order! I have to press the click button extremely light to avoid this problem. I have confirmed this problem is not only with the Email clients but even with most other normal applications too. I have changed my mouse twice but the problem persists. Both were USB mice. Below I have provided log information :
Code: linux-uitj:/home/anisha # dmesg | grep usb [ 0.138267] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs [ 0.138267] usbcore: registered new interface driver hub [ 0.138267] usbcore: registered new device driver usb [ 0.396952] usb usb1: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0002 [ 0.396956] usb usb1: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1 [ 0.396958] usb usb1: Product: EHCI Host Controller [Code]....
When I swap my left alt with my left win key using the gnome keyboard layout options, the swap only works intermittently. I have an aluminum Apple keyboard with no numpad. No matter what layout options I choose, I can't seem to get it working.I also have the same setup on my laptop and work desktop and it works without issue. I've ensured my .Xmodmap doesn't exist.When I say "works intermittently" I mean when I'm trying to use "alt+b, alt+f" navigation in emacs or bash, it doesn't work but if I click around a bit then try again, it works. Also, I use alt+arrows to switch workspaces and that always works
I installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my Windows machine a couple of days ago via wubi (with no partition), and it seems to be working. However, I have a problem: When I press any of the 'special' keys on the keyboard (Vol up, down, mute, and various others), the left-click on my mouse disables. I'm using a Microsoft Digital Media Keyboard 3000, which has a lot of special keys (and the f keys are special by default), so I've been having trouble not disabling my mouse. Anyone know what the problem is, how to resolve it? And on top of that, how do I make the special keys work?
I just installed my hard drive with 10.04 running Gnome into a "new" computer with an Intel dual core CPU. Everything seems to work fine except that my USB mouse won't left-click within applications. It works OK on the desktop to open or close applications, but, besides a visual affect when I click, nothing works within windows.
This occurs even after switching to a PS2 mouse...I've also discovered that right-clicking on the desktop produces nothing at all and right-clicking within an application produces the "maximize/minimize" menu - as though the mouse was hovering over the frame controls.
i would like a combination of left and right mouse clicks to get me the same effect as the middle mouse does. when i first used the middle mouse button this stopped happening
I've successfully installed debian 8.3 KDE to my desktop fill it with different progs and quite smoothly use it for about one month.
Fixing some minor issues with google. But suddenly something get wrong
I do not remember that I done anything special but one day after logging to system I found that system do not fully process left mouse button.
Mouse pointer was moving OK, right mouse botton was able to envoke pop-up menu.
I was able to run programs from desktop icons by left-mouse button click .. but once program window was opened it does not react on left mouse button so for example i was not able to switch between browser tabs or close window clicking on it it top right cross As well KDE "start" button do open menu but that's all no reaction on left click.
First solution was ctrl-alt-del wait for 30 seconds .. re-login and voila ... that restores normal behavior until next reboot after some reading I found more quick workaround ctrl-alt-F1 ..... ctrl-alt-F7 and OK system works again as expected no problem with mouse at all...
I've tried to create another user, tried to reinstall kde-window-manager (kwin) and kde-plasma-desktop (just marking it for reinstall in Synaptic) no effect.
After some time it become react on left mouse button even worse .. so even KDE start menu button stop open at all after click strange but really like it was some live slowly dying organism .
ctrl-alt-F1 ..... ctrl-alt-F7 is my only life saver at the moment but it is only workaround ....
I've installed Fedora 14 in a PC. It runs an application where particular event execute by clicking the left mouse button.Problem is that, left button click doesn't work properly. Sometime event executes with simple double click and sometimes after 5-7 double clicks only, event execute.
I have several desktop environments, the default one of which is Gnome. All of a sudden when I log into Gnome, all left clicks anywhere except the taskbars are seen as drags, so I can't left click anything. Also, the taskbars don't recognize right clicks. Could this have happened because I changed a setting in one of the other environments (KDE, Xfce, LXDE)?
I'm posting this using KDE.
EDIT: Also, I forgot to add that if I load failsafe Gnome, it works normally again. I think the problem might also be due to the sticky notes feature?
I'm hit with a very annoying bug: mouse clicks do not give focus anymore, focus stays trapped and sometimes right clicking the element that last had focus allows the next left click to move focus. I'm running wheezy with kde. Searching the web it I found no solution but it seems my problem is close to what is reported there:e issue: after alt+tab the window decoration changes as if the focus had moved to the new window but it stays trapped in the previous window. Rebooting does not fix the issue.I have nvidia graphics set up with dual screen through the nvidia drivers but this setup has been working good for several months, so I don't think it's related.
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS has no immediately apparent way that I can see for changing the mouse behavior from the default double-click to single-click. There appears to be some type of kludgy, but unsatisfactory fix for this unwanted behavior in the Accessibility-option, under Mouse-Preferences.
I would like to use two monitors with my desktop, so connected them the other day and it worked straight away, which is good but... The monitor configuration app always want the primary monitor to be on the left hand side, thus it always extend my desktop right. Can I do anything to extend my desktop to the left instead of to the right so I can have background application on the screen to the left?
The first is about implementing function calls. The way I currently have it is that functions are called with a C++ std::vector of nodes as the parameters. How would I turn a comma-seperated list of expressions into a C++ vector in the grammar?Second, how do you implement left-associative operators in a parser that does not allow left recursion?
And third, what would be the best internal representation of integers? A C++ int seems simplest, but limited. Using GMP seems more versatile, but I'm afraid it might seriously slow down the interpreter compared to C++ ints.
I finally got 10.04 installed and I am loving it so far! Very quick! But I do have some nuance 'problems'. Here is one for I can not find a solution. In previous versions of Ubuntu, I was able to click on my touchpad with two fingers that replicated a right-left click to open a link in a new tab. Now it raises a popup menu in the browser asking how to open the link.
I have tried this in Chrome, Opera and Firefox and have the same issue in all browsers, which leads me to believe this may be a Gnome setting. How do I change this behaviour? There was nothing in the mouse preferences to change this.
I'am new here because usually it's easy to find soluce to problems on unbuntu with google but this time i don't know how to find I was using gscan2pdf and without any explanation the button i've attached to this message appears, i can move it by clic/move, but I can't supress it left clic nothing right clic nothing, i don't know from which app it comes it is always over other windows. Really dont know. I'am on ubuntu desktop, Gnome.
I am arthritic and I have considerable difficulty with a double click. I also have difficulty when using a mouse of moving the mouse as I select something (click the button) from whatever window I am working with and thereby selecting the wrong thing. To compensate for this difficulty, I use a Logitech trackball and program the center button to perform a double click with one stroke. I am currently struggling with Linux Mint 9 in my search for a Windows alternative. Is there any way to program my center button (scroll wheel) to perform a double click in this or any other Linux version? Alternatively, is there any way to program a keyboard key to perform a double mouse click with a single stroke? I do not want any multiple key combinations for this operation, I want something that works with a single click of one button.
I did an internet upgrade last night and right around then I think I also got a little liquid around the touch-pad of my laptop and now the left click won't work in Ubuntu on either my touch-pad OR mouse so I am not sure if maybe the connection for the left click on the touch-pad is shorted causing it to stay "clicked" which somehow disables the left click on the mouse... On my windows xp partition(which I am using now) I am able to use the left click on the mouse but still not the touchpad... Anyway I am wondering if there is a way to disable to touchpad via console or some other way to get around this so I can back my important docs and files and then "mouse" it till I can get a new laptop.
I had to change batteries on Rocketfish bluetooth mouse. The mouse re-installed fine, but when I use the mouse I have to double-click to make it work. How can I change it to work on one click?