Fedora :: Cannot Change Icons, Colours, Font Sizes In Nautilus

Dec 1, 2009

Still ironing out the kinks in a new install of Fedora 12.For some reason I am not able to change the icons, colours or font size used in the Nautilus file browser. While I am able to change these settings in System>Preferences>Appearance, changes just don't affect the Nautilus file browser, which continues to use the default Fedora icons in blue and 9 pt. Sans as its font no matter what I do. On the GNOME desktop I am able to adjust fonts and sizes, but when I change the icons, settings do not stick after a reboot.

I have tried deleting the ~/.gconf/apps/nautilus directory, downgrading nautilus, even removing and reinstalling it entirely, but to no avail. Tools like gnome-color-chooser affect the panel and desktop, but just don't have any effect on the Nautilus file browser. Why?This looks to me like a permissions issue possibly? The situation could be affected by the fact that the settings in /home were inherited from a previous installation of another linux distro.

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Ubuntu :: Editing Colours In Icons / Nautilus And Panel

Feb 1, 2011

I'm trying to figure out how to edit the colours,I would love to make all of Nautilus some shade of green, and the icons too, and the bit there the panel shades the selected app white.

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Fedora :: Got Font Sizes Right With 14 + KDE + Proprietary Nvidia Drivers?

Dec 22, 2010

If anyone else out there is being driven crazy by the fact that their fonts are too big in KDE (with the proprietary nvidia driver), here's all the places you need to change it to make it work:

In /etc/X11/xorg.conf, under Identifier "Screen0", add:
Option "UseEdidDpi" "FALSE"
Option "DPI" "90x90"


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Ubuntu :: Change The Font In All Applications Except For Nautilus?

Jun 17, 2011

I have recently decided on leaving the default Ubuntu font behind for something different.

Going to Main Menu > System > Preferences > Appearance and clicking on the Fonts tab I am able to change the Application font, Desktop font, and Windows title font from Ubuntu to my new choice of fonts.

It looks great everywhere but Nautilus. It is pretty on the menu, taskbar, desktop, and everything else, but not in Nautilus. Too hard to read and type of the filenames and folders.

As such, I'm looking for a way to change it everywhere else, using the methods above, but not in Nautilus. Anybody know how?

Similar, I was able to find this posting, and using the method described below, it merely allows you to change the desktop icons, not the rest of Nautilus, which you could do using the method I mentioned above anyway.: [URL]


run gconf Applications->System Tools->Configuration Editor

go to apps->nautilus->preferences and look for the desktop_font entry change this to something else and see if that is what you want

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Ubuntu :: Changing Panel Font Colours?

Jan 11, 2010

I use Ubuntu Karmic 9.10, been trying to change the font colour with regards to time/date, and the 'Applications, Places and System' buttons, along with the wireless network, battery life, volume control and the indicator applet. I have it as 100% transparent because I prefer that look and feel about it, but I can't find the controls to change the colour of the text etc on the pannel..

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General :: How Are The Font Sizes Calculated

Feb 12, 2010

We talk about 12pt, 14pt font sizes. Do those numbers represent physical size in some unit or number of pixels? I guess it is the former, because same font size looks different for different DPI values, but in what unit? Also a relevant question: does browsers like firefox and chromium use different system of font sizes, because to get the same physical size, I alwasy need to set larger values in firefox than in other applications. Setting dpi and resolution values using about:config has no effect.

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General :: Font Sizes At Sourceforge.net Too Small?

Dec 10, 2010

kernel, GNU (slackware 12.0)I have entered sourceforge.net. The fonts in their pages I find I cannot change their size. Neither ^+ (cntl++) has any effect. And the resolution I have it (/etc/X11/xorg.conf) at 640x480 (in this way I have a really big screen; so, big characters). I can't almost read that tiny characters.

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Ubuntu :: Calibri And Cambria Fonts Looks Poor At Smaller Font Sizes?

Jan 12, 2011

Recently I installed some of the MS Office 2007 fonts onto my Ubuntu 10.10 machine in order to use them. Unfortunately, a few of them look really blocky at font sizes smaller than 16 pt. The two i'm having issues with are Calibri and Cambria. I don't seem to have this issue with any other set of fonts. Here is a screenshot of the issue in question. I remember having this same issue on 10.04, before I upgraded, if it means anything.

By the way, I took the fonts from a windows machine, on which the fonts were working properly.

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Ubuntu :: Change To Single Mouse Click / Make Icons Tinier Than Default / Change Icons

Mar 12, 2009

In Ubuntu 810.. how do you set the mouse for one click to open an item..?What is that software that sets Trash's empty feature at the bottom of the right click on trash..? I had it, but I can't find it for this new install.Is there a way to default the cursor to half its minimum size, and customize its color to blues..?Is there a way to force the desktop toolbar icons to half of their minimum default size..Is thee a way to change the "Ubuntu Icon + Applications/Place/System" to just three different colored tiny spheres, without the Ubuntu icon..?

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Fedora :: Inserting Any CD Crashes Nautilus And All Desktop Icons Disappears / Resolve It?

Dec 28, 2009

Inserting any CD crashes Nautilus and all desktop Icons disappears. Eject the CD. Icons comes back and everything is fine.

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Ubuntu :: How To Change Screen Colours

Jun 8, 2011

I would like to ask how to change the colours on the screen. I have upgraded to Ubuntu 10 (04?) I think ... well that is what it said on the download page, so I guess it must be But it is terribly dull! All black, is there any way to make it a litte less boring, please. I am not a Goth and my computer would not be black were it not for the fact that I haven't gotten around to spraying it blue. Or green. Well, that is actually part of the problem. So many to choose from.Anyway - I looked in the system and the administration but there was no manner to do this.

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Ubuntu :: Change The Colours In The Logo?

Mar 28, 2011

the code I need to change the colours in the Linux Ubuntu logo to green white and orange. tell me if I can do this in the terminal or do I neded to log in as admnistrator. I am ok (Just ok) with Linux and am certainly not an expert

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Font Sizes Vary From Page To Page?

Jul 11, 2010

10.04; 64 bit In Firefox, the size of the fonts varies greatly from site to site. Some are too small to read, others huge. Some headings and menus overlap.Screen size: 1152 x 864

My settings are:
Proportional: serif 14
Serif: Times New Roman
Sans serif: Arial
Monospace: Courier New 14

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OpenSUSE :: Can't Change Font - Font Size FIrefox 3.6.8

Aug 16, 2010

I can't change fonts in Firefox preferences (Content).

My OS is openSUSE 11.3, KDE 4.4.4. release 8.

Any type and size of font I use, nothing happens. It's still same font which I choose for the first time I've started Firefox afer installing openSUSE 11.3.

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Ubuntu :: Change The Colours Of The GDM Login Screen?

Oct 19, 2010

How do I change the colours of the GDM login screen? I can change the background image, but I stuck with the theme.

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Slackware :: Vim Colours Change Slightly In Xterm When A Key Is Pressed?

May 4, 2011

I'm having a problem with vim and xterm. When I open a file and press any key, the colour scheme changes slightly. This doesn't happen if I run a 256-colour xterm (export TERM='xterm-256color') but if TERM is set to 'xterm' (the default) I see the colour change. Setting TERM='xterm-256color' in my ~/.bashrc is a "solution", but I'd rather not have to do that since it's never been necessary in the past (e.g., on 13.1) and I don't use any 256-color schemes for vim (usually just the default or possibly "delek"). It doesn't happen with rxvt or with Xfce's terminal. I've tried compiling some other versions of xterm but they either exhibit the same behaviour or don't build. I have tried running without any ~/.vimrc file just to be sure it wasn't one of my settings and I've also tried the sample file at /usr/share/vim/vimrc; the effect is the same.

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Fedora :: How To Change The Font Size

Nov 5, 2009

I'm a student in a linux class and we just installed fedora. so far it's nice except that the work we do is in the CLI which I can barely see because it's so small on the screen! I've been squinting at the screen for a little while now but it's just proving to give me more of a headache and hurt my eyes than anything. Anyone know how to change the font size so that I can actually see the work I'm doing?

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Fedora :: Change Default Font Used By Lpr?

Jan 27, 2010

Whenever I use lpr on the command-line to print a text file, it uses DejaVu Sans Mono as the font. Is there a way to change this? I'd like to use Terminus as the font instead. I found that CUPS uses Courier as the default font for text files, so somewhere Courier is being aliased to DejaVu Sans Mono, and I have no idea where.

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Fedora :: How To Change Font On F15 Desktop

Jun 7, 2011

How can I change the font type and size of the texts below the icons on the F15 desktop?

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Fedora :: OpenOffice From Repo: Can't Change Font

Dec 1, 2009

I upgraded to F12 recently and due to SELinux I installed OpenOffice from repo. Now, I open an .ods file I made with orig. OpenOffice 3.1.1 on F11, and find that the font has become bold italic all through the 13 sheets and I can't change it. How can I change it to back non-bold, non-italic? I've looked through Options, but can't find anything useful for this.

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Fedora :: Change The Font Size In Xterm?

Feb 2, 2010

When I run xterm from the command line, there seems to be some errors:

$ xterm &
$ Warning: Cannot convert string "nil2" to type FontStruct
xterm: cannot load font -misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--13-120-75-75-c-60-iso10646-1
Then I press both the Ctrl and right mouse key, options are popup with font sizes of 'Default',


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Fedora :: Gedit Can't Change Font Size As Root?

Aug 27, 2010

I want to change gedit font size and color scheme as root but the font is locked out and when selecting a color scheme I get the following error: ** (gedit:2562): CRITICAL **: gedit_prefs_manager_set_string: assertion `gconf_client_key_is_writable ( gedit_prefs_manager->gconf_client, key, NULL)' failed How can I get around this?

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Debian Installation :: Change Partition Sizes From Defaults?

Aug 19, 2010

I'm running the installer, and "Guided Partitioning" selected partition sizes I'm not completely happy with. I selected separate partitions for /home, /var, /usr, /tmp etc, and by default it gave me only 5GB for the /usr partition. I'd like to take some space away from /home and give it to the /usr partition, but I can't figure out how to do that using the menu options available.

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General :: Change The Limits Of E-mail Sizes On The Server?

Apr 28, 2010

How i change the limits of e-mail sizes on the server. I have an e-mail server installed with CentOS3.

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Ubuntu :: Change The Icon Sizes In Gnome's Application Browser?

Feb 28, 2011

Anyone know how to change the icon sizes in Gnome's Application Browser or Control Center?

It seems mine used to be larger but now they are quite small. I looked in gconf editor but I didn't find anyhing.

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Fedora :: Change The Font Color Of The Fast User Switcher Applet?

Dec 27, 2010

how do I change the font color of the fast user switcher applet?

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Ubuntu :: How To Change A Nautilus Icon (an Nautilus Action)

May 16, 2010

I've added a new Nautilus action and I'd like to use another icon that those provided in the nautilus item con list (see attachment).

But whatever image I try (some PNG or even SVG files) I can't get them to be displayed. It seems there is a very special format, size, type to match the Gnome/GTK+/Nautilus icon requirements...

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Fedora :: Change The Applications Icons To A List?

Jun 12, 2011

Fedora 15 - 32 bit

Is there a way to change the applications icons to a list?

If not, how about reducing the size of the icons for the applications window and for the panel on the left?

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Ubuntu :: Nautilus Font Size Gets Huge In Listview

Jun 6, 2010

When zooming to 100% in listview the font gets huge, but only in the listview panel (see image). Where to reconfigure this to normal behaviour (I'd like the 100% fontsize to be the same as in the treeview in the left panel). I had this behaviour already with the previous relase of Ubuntu, and upgrading to 10.04 did not solve the problem.

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Debian Multimedia :: Wrong Font And Icons With QtCurve On GTK2?

Nov 20, 2015

I'm using Debian Testing (Stretch, right now), and for a little while, a couple of months or so, QtCurve wasn't working properly (and lately, not at all) on GTK2.

After quite a lot of frustrated attempts, I think i fixed it in a way that's probably not recommended at all. I copied the file libqtcurve.so from Wheezy's version of gtk2-engines-qtcurve, and used it instead. It "just worked".

So, experiencing problems with QtCurve on GTK (most noticeably, being unable to set fonts and icon themes for GTK2 apps), or was it just an oddity of my install? My installs are often not all that standard, so I'm never sure. I'm asking because I have to figure out lots of things if I'm to make a bug report, and the bug may not even really exist . I think I'll even check before if the Testing package from another server works, maybe that's the problem.

I just found that this fix/version makes inkscape crash, would probably do the same to some other stuff -- newer versions (even with proper full package install) also have the same effect, except for that latest one, that doesn't seem to work in GTK2.

It's reported as a bug in Ubuntu. The "correct"/better fix seems to be commenting the font-related lines in /usr/share/themes/QtCurve/gtk-2.0/kdeglobals (Not to be confused with KDE's own file of the same name) on the newer package. That doesn't seem to make inkscape crash.

The same file also set the icon theme on GTK2 as Oxygen, commenting the icon line on the same file doesn't fix it, the correct theme apparently has to be spelled out, it seems it has to be for all users using any QtCurve theme, and GUI tools to change the icon theme won't work (but I haven't really tested the "native GTK" ones).

[URL] .....

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