Ubuntu :: How To Change Screen Colours

Jun 8, 2011

I would like to ask how to change the colours on the screen. I have upgraded to Ubuntu 10 (04?) I think ... well that is what it said on the download page, so I guess it must be But it is terribly dull! All black, is there any way to make it a litte less boring, please. I am not a Goth and my computer would not be black were it not for the fact that I haven't gotten around to spraying it blue. Or green. Well, that is actually part of the problem. So many to choose from.Anyway - I looked in the system and the administration but there was no manner to do this.

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Ubuntu :: Change The Colours Of The GDM Login Screen?

Oct 19, 2010

How do I change the colours of the GDM login screen? I can change the background image, but I stuck with the theme.

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Ubuntu :: Change The Colours In The Logo?

Mar 28, 2011

the code I need to change the colours in the Linux Ubuntu logo to green white and orange. tell me if I can do this in the terminal or do I neded to log in as admnistrator. I am ok (Just ok) with Linux and am certainly not an expert

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Slackware :: Vim Colours Change Slightly In Xterm When A Key Is Pressed?

May 4, 2011

I'm having a problem with vim and xterm. When I open a file and press any key, the colour scheme changes slightly. This doesn't happen if I run a 256-colour xterm (export TERM='xterm-256color') but if TERM is set to 'xterm' (the default) I see the colour change. Setting TERM='xterm-256color' in my ~/.bashrc is a "solution", but I'd rather not have to do that since it's never been necessary in the past (e.g., on 13.1) and I don't use any 256-color schemes for vim (usually just the default or possibly "delek"). It doesn't happen with rxvt or with Xfce's terminal. I've tried compiling some other versions of xterm but they either exhibit the same behaviour or don't build. I have tried running without any ~/.vimrc file just to be sure it wasn't one of my settings and I've also tried the sample file at /usr/share/vim/vimrc; the effect is the same.

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Fedora :: Cannot Change Icons, Colours, Font Sizes In Nautilus

Dec 1, 2009

Still ironing out the kinks in a new install of Fedora 12.For some reason I am not able to change the icons, colours or font size used in the Nautilus file browser. While I am able to change these settings in System>Preferences>Appearance, changes just don't affect the Nautilus file browser, which continues to use the default Fedora icons in blue and 9 pt. Sans as its font no matter what I do. On the GNOME desktop I am able to adjust fonts and sizes, but when I change the icons, settings do not stick after a reboot.

I have tried deleting the ~/.gconf/apps/nautilus directory, downgrading nautilus, even removing and reinstalling it entirely, but to no avail. Tools like gnome-color-chooser affect the panel and desktop, but just don't have any effect on the Nautilus file browser. Why?This looks to me like a permissions issue possibly? The situation could be affected by the fact that the settings in /home were inherited from a previous installation of another linux distro.

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General :: Set Default Screen Colours In Putty / Ssh?

Dec 6, 2010

I use putty to ssh to linux box. By default I get black screen background with white foreground.
To change colours, I go to change settings -> Window/colours and then I set background colours as white and foreground colours as black. This is more easy on my eyes. But I can't seem to be able to set this colour setting as default and each time I login, I have to set colours.
Could someone please suggest a solution?

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Fedora Hardware :: Intel GMA On Asus K53E / Screen During The Start Up Showing Some Waved Colours?

Aug 15, 2011

I have bought Asus K53E laptop, Where it have intel GMA chipest , but when I install compiz on fedora 14 x64 and trying t enable the desktop effect it's not working.Addition to that the screen during the start up showing some waved colours.

Can any one guide me how to install a driver which solving my issue.

uname -a #1 SMP Sat May 21 17:26:25 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Fedora release 14 (Laughlin)
lspci -v

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Ubuntu :: Change File Permissions To Change Background Screen?

Feb 21, 2010

I'm new to Ubuntu Linux but have many years on windows platform. Please can someone help me with how to change the following items.

No.1 I would like to change the HORRIBLE!! YAK!! brown background color behind the word Ubuntu in the start up screen when the machine loads up (before the login). I have located the image file for this which I have found to be: /usr/share/images/xsplash/bg_2560x1600. jpg but the OS says that root is the owner and that I don't have permission to change this. So how can I change this for a color I do like.

No.2 I would also like to change the login dialogue screen style. I know this is possible but again I'm fumbling to see how I can do this. I have tried with the start up manager but every attempt fails, the settings don't take. Once again I suspect permissions are at the bottom of the problem?

No.3 Would like to have a colorful splash screen image on boot up, I've managed to remove the old one (small white 3 ring ubuntu logo on black background) but havent been able to install or replace with a new one. Its been incredibly frustrating, I'm feel sure I'm missing something simple here. Wondering if its permissions yet again?

Anyone who can offer help on any of the above, guidance or advise me would be much appreciated. Please bear in mind that I'm still very much feeling my way with Linux so keep it simple.

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Ubuntu :: Change Boot Screen And Login Screen Background

Jul 24, 2011

i used to have 9.10 but now upgraded to the latest version. Back then I changed the background to full black for both the preboot screen and login screen.Now after upgrading it changed it to the purple color screen. I am wondering how I can change back the background color?

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Ubuntu :: Colours In FireFox And Epiphany ?

Feb 2, 2010

Normally, I use Opera and never have these problems, but in FireFox and Epiphany, I cannot see most of the text unless I select it.

Here is an example:

I tried plying around with Preferences/Appearances but everything seems to be ok there. Also, if in FireFox I choose 'Use System colours' everything looks ghastly.

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Ubuntu :: Annoying Highlight Colours In 10.04

May 28, 2010

Anyone know how to get rid of the highlights (see pic) that come up in 10.04 since i installed it? They appear in different programs as well as the main menu and the taskbar at random.

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Ubuntu :: Changing Panel Font Colours?

Jan 11, 2010

I use Ubuntu Karmic 9.10, been trying to change the font colour with regards to time/date, and the 'Applications, Places and System' buttons, along with the wireless network, battery life, volume control and the indicator applet. I have it as 100% transparent because I prefer that look and feel about it, but I can't find the controls to change the colour of the text etc on the pannel..

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Ubuntu :: Wrong Title Colours In Unity

Apr 29, 2011

Just upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04. The upgrade took hours and in the end wasn't able to take across my existing applications. Fair enough, I don't mind too much.However, although everything works fine, i'm left with a bit of an odd colour situation on the top panel of Unity. The application title/menu bar, along with the clock on the top panel, is set to a text colour of black - which is pretty illegible on the dark background.

There doesnt seem to be any obvious settings anywhere for this - the normal Appearance settings do not affect this (set to the default "New Wave"), and i cannot find any other relevant settings in the GUI.

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Fedora :: How To ResetTerminal Colours

Dec 10, 2009

In other Fedora machines I've had I get some default colours at the terminal for showing thinks like links/directories/broken links etc.On this machine, FC12 64bit, I don't seem to have anything set. I've seen a number of articles explaining how to customise the terminal but I'm quite happy to accept a default set.Any idea how to reset the terminal so it uses a default theme of some sort?

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Fedora :: How To Switch To 16 Bit Colours

Feb 7, 2011

I have been having problems recently due to the changes to the Display configuration between various Fedora versions. They used to have the "system-config-display" application which only real fault was that it was not terribly good at setting up multiple monitors. Now they have "gnome-display-properties", which is better for dual or triple head, but worse for everything else and has been given me mostly pain since the switch.

At any rate, "system-config-display" had the option of changing the display to only have 16 bit colours, which I need for certain older games or games made with old engines. This option is not available from "gnome-display-properties". Is there a nice desktop environment or distribution agnostic command that one can put into a terminal to change the display between 16-bit and 32 bit colours?

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General :: Way Of Making Vim Not To Use Colours?

Nov 9, 2010

Do you know a way of making vim not to use colours?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Downloading Is Not Playing With The Correct Colours

Jul 10, 2010

I have moved over to Ubuntu 10.04 from vista.Got only one slight problem- the media I am downloading is not playing with the correct colours. As far as I know all the codecs are installed.I have done a screen shot to explain because I don't know what isn't working. [URL]...

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Ubuntu :: Editing Colours In Icons / Nautilus And Panel

Feb 1, 2011

I'm trying to figure out how to edit the colours,I would love to make all of Nautilus some shade of green, and the icons too, and the bit there the panel shades the selected app white.

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Ubuntu :: Colours On Desktop Popup Notifications / Solve This?

Mar 3, 2011

When you hover your cursor over in icon often you get some info about it.

Now I have the problem that this info is unreadable in all the KDE apps I use and in Skype. (see the sceenshot I attached to see what I mean)

I uses Ubuntu 10.10 with Gnome the radiance theme.
When switch to another theme and then immediately switch back to radiance the colours are good but after a reboot I get back the unreadable colours.

What can I do to solve this problem?

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Debian :: Meaning Of Strange 'ls' Colours?

Mar 16, 2010

Anyone know what the 'ls' command means when it outputs the file name in red on black, with the permissions, owner, etc. all missing? The 'man' page was of no help. In the example below, from a DVD ROM, the third file was OK and I could read it. The first two could not be read, even as root.

?--------- ? ? ? ? /media/dvdrom/DVD_RTAV/VR_MANGR.BUP
?--------- ? ?? /media/dvdrom/DVD_RTAV/VR_MOVIE.VRO
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 132624 2007-09-20 02:18 VR_MANGR.IFO

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OpenSUSE :: GTK App's Do Not Accept KDE System Colours?

Oct 12, 2010

openSUSE 11.3 KDE 4.5.2. GTK app's, specifically firefox, do not accept KDE system colours despite "Apply colours to non-KDE4 applications" being set in System Settings. Ideas? TIA.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Wanting 256 Colours

Sep 12, 2011

I trying to load and play an old windows game with wine it's complaining that I need to be in 256 colours mode.I have a nvidia gforce 6100 nforce 405 card and it doesn't give me the option to go to go to that few colours.I"m on LXDE and the latest version of Opensuse.

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Fedora :: Colours In FirefoxThunderbird Are Screwed Up (14)?

Mar 11, 2011

As you can see, in the virtual machine, the colours work fine. In Linux, I think I'm on an acid trip.

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General :: Terminal / Shell Colours To Use?

Aug 24, 2010

Green on black = general shell
red on black = shelling in as root to a server
gold on black = media, irc

what colours do you use?

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General :: PClinux OS Konsole Colours

Feb 27, 2010

i wanted to know how i can change the colours to the prompt...how my prompt looks like i want to change it to red colour...like in bt and knoppix..

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Slackware :: Default Colours And Styles In Tty

Aug 8, 2010

I want to set the default colours for the vttys but can't seem to find where the defaults are kept, I can set up the vtty as I like via setterm in .bashrc etc but as soon as I do an ls or vim on return the colours are reset to white on black, been googling this but can't find an answer, any ideas?

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Debian :: Gedit: Colours Of Embedded Terminal?

Aug 23, 2010

I searched the menu-bar of gedit, i searched the web, i searched the help of gedit.(try a search on "change background to black for gedit" and similar and you know what i have gone through).If i use the embedded terminal in gedit (the only reason i use gedit at all) its background color is set to white.I barely can read it and it is useless.This is not a gnome-installation. Perhaps i miss a package needed ?

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Debian Configuration :: File Colours In Shell

Aug 17, 2010

Does anyone know how to make the file colours appear different for each file type in the shell like happens in ubuntu?

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Debian Configuration :: Default Colours In Console (no X)

Feb 13, 2011

I know that in an xterminal I can redefine the default colour with something like
URxvt.color1: rgb:cc/00/00
URxvt.color9: rgb:ef/29/29
Is it possible to do something similar in the Linux (framebuffer) console?

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OpenSUSE :: Changing Colours For Each Virtual Console?

Apr 5, 2011

How can I change the colour for each virtual console seperately?I.e. blue for console 1, green for console 2, etc. I'm using SuSE 11.4.It worked under SuSE 11.1 like a charm

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