Fedora Servers :: Asterisk On F11 With Twinkle & Ekiga - Jitters - Cannot Get Crap Like Gtk-recordmydesktop To Produce Sound
Oct 5, 2009
i just had to switch from 10 to 11 until 12 comes out, and after setting up asterisk, i noticed VERY VERY BAD sound quality, mostly comprised of severe jittering. I noticed that the way Fedora lets you work with your sound devices in 11 is way different (nicer, but obviously not complete) than ever before, and i am using the same asterisk configs as before, so i'm positive that this is NOT an asterisk issue, and does NOT really belong in this forum; however, only asterisk users will be able to replicate or identify with this issue.
Have any of you 11 users had this happen to you, and if so, did you figure out how to solve it? I'm sure that i can *try* adjusting asterisks jitter buffer settings, but like i said, it was NEVER an issue before 11... Another clue would be that i cannot get crap like gtk-recordmydesktop to produce sound (but that may very well be another issue; however i doubt it)...
I had tried searching the forum for related sound help but to no avail. Thus i posted here in hope to get help.
I had been using fedora 12 since it release and been working wonderfully. Untill my last 2 update, my Voip softphone like twinkle, ekiga and linphone somehow have no sound out from speaker.
1. i can play all video and music with sound coming out from my laptop inbuilt speaker.
2. for twinkle, ekiga and linphone, there's no sound out from my laptop inbuilt speaker.That means, when i call a person, that person can hear me talking (my mic working good) but when he talk i am unable to hear him as no sound coming out from the speaker.
Note: i had call multiple different people and the result is the same.
I am on Gnome desktop with PusleAudio install and running since the releae of F12.
I compiled and installed the Asterisk ztdummy package because there is no rpm for it, unfortunately, and i even reinstalled asterisk, but i still get the "No application 'Meetme' for extension..." error when trying to conference. I do a "module show", and it lists other modules that were compiled with the zt source, but not ztdummy.Does anyone know how to fix this? This is more than a passing interest or hobby, because i need to conference about 3 to 5 people to help me test a new Website Content Management System and User Forums Management System i am about to launch as a service.
Installed Fedora 11 successfully, but I cannot get the MP3 files to produce sound.
Have tried the default configuration for sound, the Pulseaudio and the PulseAudioSoundServer.Installed and use KDE interface. Sound works for SKYPE (after selecting HDAIntel) and the Firefox 3.5 Beta 4.
I have fedora 13, and installed asterisk.. Before I had centos and have my asterisk running to test and learn.. but in fedora I see there is a http miniserver for admin asterisk..I edited enable, port and ip in the file http.con but when I try URL...I got 404 page no found Asterisk server.
I am using ekiga 3.2.7 on Natty and I am able to make pc-to-phone calls but I am not getting any sound on my speakers. The person on the other line is able to hear me, but I cannot hear him. Does anyone know what the problem might be?
FEDORA 13 and its getting frozen while my agents are trying to make the call.Description: i have a call call center and my client requirement is FEDORA 13, i installed it. However i am facing problem. The desktop is getting frozen after 10 to 15 mts i am using TWINKEL and Firfox as my applications to make the calls. the funny thing is only desktop get froze however mouse has its movements on the screen... Its urgent can contact me on [email address removed: don't do that]
Why is the default config on Ubuntu 10.4 for LDAP so utterly, inconceivably, and irrecoverably broken? Has anyone managed to successfully enable replication using this messed up slapd.d config? I am pretty sure it is impossible. And the only documentation I could find on it was utterly incorrect.
Kernel, Slackware 12.0 Xfce 4.4 For example I've just issued 'mplayer foo.flac' and I do not want an error made by me while in the GUI to issue a loud sound notifying me the error and putting in risk my speakers.
I've been trying to make screencast, but I also want it to capture the sound coming from the computer; In other words, I do not mean the microphone. I tried changing the sound device from DEFAULT to pulse with no avail
I want to do two different things in gtk-recordmydesktop. 1, record directly from the soundcard (so no distortion from speakers or microphone).
2, record from a usb microphone.I can do (1) just using sound recorder already, but of course no video.
As far as (2) is concerned, I set advanced->sound to pulse, DEFAULT, or hw:0,0 or hw:x,y (x and y are any combinations of 0, 1, or 2). (all the hw combinations cause gtk-recordmydesktop to crash)
I have a choice between the motherboard (STAC92xx) and the CMI8738 PCI card. (only the latter sees the usb microphone for some reason). The CMI8738 shows up as card 0 in /proc/asound.
Any idea of where I can find what numbers to put in gtk-recordmydesktop->advanced->sound? I am feeling rather stupid, but I couldn't make much sense of what I have found on google.Plus. I am using fedora core 10 but with a 2.6.29 kernel and I am only running pulseaudio.Jack looks complicated, but is that the only way to go.
I've just downloaded gtk-recordmydesktop and when I press record a split second later this message comes up: Recording is finished recordmydesktop has exited with status: 768 Description: Could not open/configure sound card. if I need to download anything extra from the repos or something I have to do in system settings.
Either recordmydesktop produces corrupted files or nothing (mencoder, ffmpeg, kdenlive, pitivi) can open it. (How come totem can?) I need to just stick some text and some sound on this clip but nothing works.
I recently bought a new laptop. compaq presario CQ41 109AU. It does not come with a pre-installed OS so i've decided to put an Ubuntu on it[karmic koala 9.10]. I successfully completed the installation procedures. however, it does not produce sound when loggin in and playing music files. I gone to look if the settings where put to mute, but they were not. I tried installing a MS Vista in the other partition and the sound worked.
I'm trying to produce a dial-tone from my modem with Mgetty. I found this online: I recently discovered a feature that's part of the command set of some voice modems that enables it to produce tones. The latter is of interest to us since the US dial-tone and others are a combination of two frequencies (440Hz and 350Hz in the US). Below is an ordered list of AT commands that initialize the modem, produce a dialtone for 2.5 seconds and answers the call. To check if the "AT+VTS" command is supported, or to get the parameter value ranges supported by it, use "AT+VTS=?"
I currently have Zarafa and I am going to install MythWeb for MythTV.To solve the permission problem for installing amportal (FreePBX), I have to change Apache's user and group to Asterisk instead of this, which I've commented out:User ${APACHE_RUN_USER}Group ${APACHE_RUN_GROUP}Once FreePBX is installed completely, I checked to make sure FreePBX is working and it worked. I used the latest version of Asterisk from the SVN trunk, so I used ./install_amp --my-svn-is-correct.However, I want to use Zarafa AND FreePBX, I just don't like having to change the Apache User and Group to asterisk.Here is a couple of examples of instructions when installing FreePBX:Is there a workaround? I really want to change it back to what it was before while FreePBX can still access their own directories.
I did not know if this question has been asked, but I thought I'd ask here. I've added "zarafa" and "mythweb" to the tags list my thread.Update: I changed my apache configuration file back to www-data for User and Group and I do have /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin and /var/www/asterisk (where FreePBX PHP pages are installed in /var/www/asterisk) owned by asterisk:asterisk. But I get this:
Code: Retrieve conf failed to copy file(s) from a module's agi-bin dir: copy(/var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/directory): failed to open stream: Permission denied
I was wondering if there was a program that deletes all the crap you dont need/use anymore off Fedora 14. I was wondering if anyone had any kind of program that is like "CCleaner" specifically for Linux systems.
Recordmydesktop sounds great. I installed it in F14 with both the gtk and the qt gui. Both of them start the recorder, but I can't find any way to stop it.
I really thought something like this would have some reasonable controls, like a time I could set for it to stop, on some way to stop it manually, but the only way I can find to stop it is to kill the process. If this were true then it would be junk, so surely there is some way to control it.
I've been watching some tutorials, which, I am told, were made with recordmydesktop. It looks as if it would be useful, but I don't have a microphone.
I am running Fedora 14 on a Dell Precision workstation. I was able to install recordmydesktop without difficulty. Does anyone have any microphones to recomened?
I am happy to connect it to the mic port in back or to use a USB microphone. What might be the advantages and disadvantages of each. Which would be easiest to setup on my machine?
I use record mydesktop to record what i do in mydesktop. But when i stop record. This box appear. I wait... wait... and wait. But the process encode never complete .
I want to authenticate and authorize for SiP user of my * box, it is my project, but i did not finish it, hic hic! My asterisk box is version 1.6.0, fedora 10.the first, i downed and installed freeradius to my computer, and run "radiusd -X", it's run normally. Then, I installed radiusclient-ng0.5.6, it's rpm file. All is perfect. But the problem is i can't run asterisk box as radiusclient.
I have been asked to provide a document in Microsoft word format. Is there a lightweight MS word editor to produce Microsoft word documents please? I don't want to install the whole Open Office thing just to produce one document.
I have fedora 13, and installed asterisk.. Before I had centos and have my asterisk running to test and learn.. but in fedora I see there is a http miniserver for admin asterisk..
I edited enable, port and ip in the file http.con but when I try [url] I got 404 page no found Asterisk server...
[=keys not producing any input] other keys are working:
I have no expertise with this kind of problem. The keyboard used to work on Ubuntu 9.04. I am not positive, but I think it was working on Fedora Gnome 13. It does not work on F-14 LXDE spin, and F-15 LXDE spin. I don't remember either the last time I have disassembled the notebook (damaged connector?)
I'm so special. For some reason, when i try to minimalize something... ANYTHING! it dissapears. I'm thinking it had something to do with me messing around with Compiz. I have now deleated Compiz, but the problem continues. The effects i turned on in Compiz are also still working. Is there any way to go back the the Compiz default?
I usually change the default bottom panel settings so that I have it on the right hand edge of the screen, 100 pixels wide and auto hide checked. Until now, this has been fine, but with ubuntu 10.4, it has an awful banded look.
So, I tried using a solid colour and a custom background image and although this improves matters, there is still a banded section at the top that should not be there. When you have a few apps running, the taskbar shows the active app normally, but the background apps are banded again. Is there a way to fix this? It also makes the apps difficult to read.
i started messing around with conky. its really neat and i like making new configurations and what not, just for fun. the thing is, the other day i was playing around with the 'cpu' variables (cpu, cpubar, cpuguage) normally if you wanted to see the usage of say cpu0 or cpu1 you could call the variable as ${cpu cpu0} or ${cpu cpu1} respectively. well i input ${cpu5} (obviously i dont have 5 cpu's) well it still gave me output as if it was showing me the usage of that cpu. can any of you guys explain this. it also works for other parameters as well. is conky just showing me a bunch of random graphs and percentages or when i called that imaginary cpu does it default to a certain one. these are the only two answers i can come up with on my own.