Fedora :: Selected Text Disappears When Lost Focus?

Aug 12, 2010

I have just installed F13 and encountered a very annoying problem with KWrite/Kate. Every time I select the text in KWrite/Kate, then switch to another windows for pasting, the text in KWrite/Kate disappears. I cannot even undo to recover the lost text. I have to close the document without saving, then reopen it.

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Fedora :: Text String Come Up On Screen When Hibernate Selected

Feb 1, 2011

When I press the power button and select 'Hibernate' I get a text string come up on the screen. The last characters are "fail: -6". There is more to it but it's there and gone so quickly I haven't written the rest of it down yet. What this might be?

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Red Hat :: Copying Selected Text Using Vi?

Nov 20, 2010

how can i copy and paste selected text from one file to other using vi in RHEL5.i googled and found some methods,like just use m to mark the start, with an arbitrary buffer name (so you might type mx). Move your cursor down to where you want to stop copying, and type y'x (or d'x if you're cutting and pasting). Then move the cursor to the point where you want to paste, and type p. when i do this it pastes the entire line of which a part is selected so in essence it is working as yy. when i open a new file using vi and try to paste it says "nothing in register".what i exactly want to do is copy only the selected text as shown above in red and paste it in a new file.

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Fedora :: Changed Resolution, Lost Taskbar, And Text Nearly Unreadable?

Apr 18, 2011

I am running Fedora 14 with the Gnome. The screen size defaulted to 1680 x 1240 mething like that.This was rather small for me so I went to the task bar and clicked on system.ound the app to change the resolution. I chose 1280 x 720. Now, I no longer have the task bar and the text is nearly unreadable.Without the task bar, I cannot find a way to go back to the original size. I also have not had any success finding any way to make the text look better. I tried changing the font and size but that did not have any beneficial affect. Can anyone tell me what will correct the situation?I found another post that mentioned Alt F2 and gnome-display-properties. That let me get back to nearly what I originally had; everything looks good at 1680 x 1050 but the fonts are not quite the same. However, I still have the need to reduce the resolution of the display and maintain readable text and the task bar.

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Ubuntu :: OpenOffice Highlighting-highlights Whole Paragraph Not Selected Text?

May 22, 2011

I have Open Office 3.2 with Ubuntu 10.04.When I select text-- a word, a few words-- and then click on highlight on the toolbar, it highlights the whole paragraph, rather than just the selected text. This is a new problem for me, before it seemed to be working fine.
I searched online but haven't been able to find anything about this problem. I had tried to install the sun version of Open Office a few months ago, but wasn't able to in the end: [URL] I saw that OpenOffice 3.3 is out, but I would rather not upgrade until Ubuntu puts out the upgrade.

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Software :: Change Highlight Colour Of Selected Text Under Xfce?

Jan 31, 2010

Is it possible to change the highlight colour of selected text when OOo Writer 3.1.1 is running under Xfce 4.6.1?

After using "Find and Replace" to search for and select text, the default pale blue used since 3.1 does not stand out clearly against a white background. This is particularly problematic for short search strings and for search targets found in the Table of Contents (blue text on grey background).

According to Robert Tucker in the OOo Forum thread "On Gnome on Fedora the background of selected text can definitely be changed at System>Preferences>Appearance, Theme Tab, Customize button, Selected items button". I cannot find any equivalent in Xfce; can it be done?

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Debian Multimedia :: Focus Is Trapped And Left Mouse Click Doesn't Transfer Focus?

Aug 9, 2011

I'm hit with a very annoying bug: mouse clicks do not give focus anymore, focus stays trapped and sometimes right clicking the element that last had focus allows the next left click to move focus. I'm running wheezy with kde. Searching the web it I found no solution but it seems my problem is close to what is reported there:e issue: after alt+tab the window decoration changes as if the focus had moved to the new window but it stays trapped in the previous window. Rebooting does not fix the issue.I have nvidia graphics set up with dual screen through the nvidia drivers but this setup has been working good for several months, so I don't think it's related.

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Software :: Distro With TTS Support - Keyboard Shortcut Reads Selected Text Aloud

Sep 17, 2010

Which linux distros are set up to allow me to type a keyboard shortcut to read selected text aloud? Or allows TTS to read from the clipboard, as long as it watches the clipboard and starts to read when clipboard is updated.

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General :: Make Ubuntu's Terminal Program Automatically Copy To Clipboard Selected Text / Paste

Jul 6, 2011

i'm used to using putty on a window's machine.With putty whatever you select is automatically on the clipboard without having to right click and select copy.And right click just pastes.

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Ubuntu :: Cut Random Text And When The Cursor Focus Jumps Back To The Location Of The Cursor On The Screen

Jul 1, 2010

Im running netbook remix on a eeepc 1005ha. It is my only OS and Im loving it except for one obnoxious quirk. It randomly cuts text and randomly pastes it. If there is something in the clipboard, it will usually paste that, but just as often it will cut random text and paste that. The pastes occur when the cursor focus jumps back to the location of the cursor on the screen. I dont know a better way to phrase that, but thats what it is doing. Say... I put the cursor over the word "pastes" in the paragraph above... even though Im typing in this paragraph, the focus will "jump" to the cursors physical locale (the word "pastes") and then paste whatever is in the clipboard. If the cursor is outside of the textbox, the page will jump to the bottom.

This behavior occurs across programs and in any place text can be entered. I can find no rhyme or reason for it... it just... happens. Sometimes even when Im away from my computer, so its not like Im hitting some key on accident. I have loved everything about this ubuntu distro, but this issue is just toany obnoxious. Writing psych papers on this thing is going to be near impossible if I dont get this fixed before I go back to school.

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General :: Script To Delete Selected BackupFiles And Restore Selected Backup File?

Jul 18, 2010

i am new to linux and i nid a bash script to Delete selected backup files and also restore selected backup file to a user define directory.

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Networking :: Granting Selected User Access To Selected Network Interface?

Oct 3, 2009

I have a multi-user machine with several network interfaces (Ethernet, if that matters). I wish to grant selected users, or groups, full access to selected network interfaces (including ability to adjust IP address and to bind to low ports, but *only* on those interfaces). It is important to me that an user/group does not such full control over other interfaces. Granting partial, or temporary, root permissions is OK; it's a friendly environment.How do I go about it?System: Linux 2.6.recent; usual Debian setup (can be adjusted if needed).

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Ubuntu :: "Background & Text" Colors For Windows, Input Boxes, Selected Items?

Mar 6, 2010

I was recently using Xubuntu for awhile, and I really enjoyed the default color scheme it had, I was wondering if anyone had the colors in HTML that Xubuntu uses?

I'm looking for the "Background & Text" colors for Windows, Input Boxes, Selected Items, & Tooltips and then I was just going to input them under "Customize Themes"

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Fedora :: Cannot Get Focus To Follow Mouse

Jan 6, 2010

Until a recent update, I had no trouble figuring out how to set my preference that a window would become active when the mouse entered it. Since then, about a month ago, I have been unable to find a means to do that.

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Fedora :: F15 Does Gnome 3 Have Sloppy Focus?

Jun 25, 2011

I love Sloppy focus (focus follows mouse) and "Don't raise windows on click" that Compiz support.So I am wondering, if Gnome 3 also have these options?

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Fedora :: Tilda Not Able To Regain Input Focus

Apr 18, 2010

The recent yum update (at 17/4/2010 based on my /var/log/yum.log) has broken Tilda from regaining the input focus after application switching. Only "F12" (the key binding I used to popup/hide Tilda) still works. But now after the losing the initial application input focus, it does not able to regaining it back.

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Fedora :: Change The Mouse Focus In 15 / GNOME 3?

Jul 10, 2011

1. Activate window without click missing. This is a show stopper for me as long as there are other choices.

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Ubuntu :: Open Office Writer - Lost File To Text Encoding?

Mar 3, 2011

I was working on a text file in open office writer last night, and this morning i tried to open it and a little thing popped up saying "ASCII Filter Options," prompting me for which character set, language and default fonts I wanted to use. (only after it asked if i wanted to recover the document, which i just did since it was asking me...) Now the document, which was very important, is a scrambled bunch of random characters! I cannot find the correct character set. Why is it prompting me for which character encoding I am using in the first place?

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Hardware :: Keyboard Input Lost On Startx, Icon Text Unreadable?

Apr 19, 2011

I have a Slackware install with an NVidia graphics card.It was working ok, but now the graphics screen is unreadable and the keyboard stops working (capslock and numlock lights don't operate) when the graphics display is started.Deleting /etc/X11/xorg.conf allows me to run "startx" and see the icons, but keyboard input is still lost.

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Fedora :: Change Window Focus Mode In Compiz In F14?

Nov 25, 2010

How can I change the window focus mode in compiz in F14? I prefer point focus rather than click focus, but the 'system -> preferences -> windows' cannot run in compiz environment.

Also, can I save the position of the terminal in compiz? I don't want to adjust the terminal positions manually after each logging in.

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OpenSUSE :: Initial Keypresses Lost After A Pause Or When Starting To Type Into A Text Field?

Sep 12, 2010

I have just done a fresh install of OpenSuse 11.3 I am using KDE4.When I move my mouse and click on a text field, I start typing and the first few keypresses are ignored. Or if I stop typing and pause for a bit without moving the mouse or doing anything, then when I press the next key it is ignored again.If I go to System settings -> accessibility, neither slow keys, bounce keys or sticky keys are ticked.The effect of this is that if I momentarily pause for thought in the middle of writing then sometimes half a word can go missing. Unfortunately this makes the desktop extremely difficult to use as I am always having to check that all my key presses have been accepted.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Get Out Of Text Console And Back To GUI - Read Lost Login Name And Password?

Jan 17, 2010

The author (somewhere on these Ubuntu forums directed........ Ctrl + Alt + F1 which I thought was going to be the "Terminal" but nothing similar. I have about a half dozen different names/passwords for Ubuntu but none will work to log in. How to get out of this text console and back to Ubuntu GUI? And, how to read my lost LogIn name and password for this "Text Console"?

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Fedora :: Openoffice.org Ignores Compiz Settings For Mouse Focus?

Jun 4, 2010

Openoffice.org apparently ignores the window manager altogether for questions of focus. This combined with opening lots of little dialogs and menus is making it almost unusable. (Over at openoffice.org, this has been answered with (essentially) "I use click to focus, so raising on focus is normal, so I'm putting at the lowest possible priority because it has nothing to do with usability.") The problem is that I use focus following the mouse, with click to raise. This is very convenient for copying between two windows and saves me a lot of time and energy, as I have to do this quite often. Current behavior, however, causes Openoffice.org to raise any window you happen to pass over, thus hiding the floating toolbar or dialog box that you were trying to click on. Worse, as the window you brushed by has gained focus, in most cases, the toolbar or dialog disappears entirely. The only solution is to move everything around so as to have a path to get to your toolbar/dialog without touching another window, or to minimize all but one openoffice document. Is there anyway to make Openoffice.org usable with this setting?

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General :: Where To Switch Window Focus By Moving Mouse Over (in Fedora / Gnome)?

Oct 18, 2010

I am using Fedora11/Gnome and I frequently use several windows for input. I would like to focus on a window just by moving the mouse over it (but not pop up). However, I can not find anywhere to set up this option.

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Fedora :: 15 Can't Mount Selected Partition

Jun 3, 2011

I installed 15. I have reformatted the 500mb /boot partition, didn't touch the swap partition, formatted the / partition. Trying to boot, I receive a "cannot mount selected partition". This is a fresh install. I rebooted into the Live CD to do some FS Checks, and got kernal crash, black screen, lots of kernal output while in live CD trying to do FS checks. The only line that looks like it holds any info that may be relevant is the last of the lines that says: Kernal Panic - Not Syncing: Fatal exception interupt PID 1161, comm:irq/21-0000:01: tainted: g d (kernal version) Panic+0x91/0x19c

I did an FS check on /boot and it came back fine. I did an FS check on /, and it came back fine. But then I told it to do an FS check on swap and got the warning that swap is currently mounted, and that if I proceed, it could cause serious system damage, and asked me if I wanted to proceed. I chose no, and it crashed.

---------- Post added at 02:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:42 AM ----------

wait, i think i found the problem. It APPARENTLY installed /boot as ext4. Reinstalling now. Will update momentarily...

---------- Post added at 03:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:59 AM ----------

Nope, i explicity made sure i installed ext3 on boot this time, and it still gives the same boot error, AND i KEEP getting that kernel crash.

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Fedora Installation :: Error 17 Cannot Mount Selected Partition

Oct 10, 2009

I am having problems with grub. Originally I was having trouble installing Service Pack 2 for vista and I made the fool's mistake of changing the active partition in disk management from the boot partition to the windows partition. This blew up grub. After restarting I was dumped at the grub terminal i.e.


so I thought okay, I will just reinstall grub. I ran setup (hdx,y) but now when I restart first of all the splash screen is different, rather then the blue background with the big words in white, fedora 11, it's black and I get a error saying unable to read any images. I can see the different OS' I have on the grub screen but attempting to load any of them gives me

error 17 cannot mount selected partition.

I am currently running the Fedora 11 xfce spin live cd. From the terminal here, here is some information. sda3 is my fedora 11 partition I am not sure maybe it is because of ext4 but I can't seem to mount it using mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/xxxxx.

[root@localhost grub]# fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x72edceee
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System


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Fedora :: Selected Important Daemons Unable To Start?

Feb 2, 2011

Haldaemon, pscd not starting... cannot force to start. Do not start when running service pscd start. Just failed. Boot message is below:

Remounting root filesystem in read-write mode: [ OK ]
Mounting local filesystems: [ OK ]
Enabling /etc/fstab swaps: [ OK ]


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Fedora Installation :: Error 21: Selected Disk Does Not Exist

May 25, 2011

I did a fresh install of F15, and I can not get it to boot


Booting Fedora (
root (hda,4)
Error 21: Selected disk does not exist
Press any key ton continue ...

The contents of my fstab


UUID=9fc649bd-ea40-44ab-88f6-29afe4f26576 / ext3 defaults 1 1
UUID=2437a8af-311a-4caf-99b3-1f137df69d43 /home ext3 defaults 1 2
UUID=a6f67606-ecb6-47c4-8913-f101fc6a097e swap swap defaults 0 0


From what I can figure out, grub can not figure out which disk has my root file system. I checked the partition labels and they match the UUID that are in my fstab.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Multi Boot: Selected Disk Does Not Exist?

Nov 17, 2010

Currently I'm running 3 operating systems on my machine; Windows XP, Windows 7 and Fedora 14. I've installed them in the following order: XP -> Win7 -> Fedora14, with the idea that this would work fine regarding operating system selection at boot time.

But unfortunately, I just installed Fedora, and now I'm unable to boot Windows 7/XP. When I select the "Other" option in the Grub menu, I get the following error: Code: Error 21: selected disk does not exist To provide as much info as possible, here is a boot info script log:


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Red Hat / Fedora :: Kickstart Missing Selected Packages On Install?

May 3, 2011

I am trying to use kickstart to create a master boot disk for all of my server installs. Unfortunately it seems to be missing some of the packages specified and I can't figure out why. Here is the packages section of my ks.cfg file

Note: all at symbols have been replaced with # because the forum filter seems to think they are urls.



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