Fedora :: Plasma Taskbar Thumbnails Not Working?

Nov 12, 2010

Since I upgraded from F13 to F14, I no longer get thumbnails of windows when hovering the mouse above the taskbar entry. I have all the appropriate optionsjust no thumbnails.Anyone else experience this? I can't find any similar issues in this forum or Google.

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OpenSUSE :: Download - Install The 'Daisy Plasma' For My Taskbar ?

Jun 17, 2011

I am trying to download/install the 'Daisy plasma' for my taskbar. Searched all the faqs I could but still having trouble with the basics (Found I learn better by just doing it rather than reading guides that aren't specific to what I am doing) so, I downloaded everything for the plasma, but when I try t install I get:

I've tried to find the headers, but again I am so new that even this seems to be a task for me! I am running OpenSuse 11.4 with Kde 4.6.0.

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Slackware :: Deleted The Little Plasma Taskbar Widget That Shows The Multiple Desktop?

Dec 27, 2010

the little four squares in a grid beside the KDE launcher. Looked through all the Plasma widgets and didn't see this one. How do I get it back? Tried everything I could think of

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OpenSUSE :: 11.4 KDE Autohide Taskbar Not Working?

Mar 11, 2011

far good experience with 11.4 on an AMD desktop, but noticed that the taskbar will not autohide. For now I've changed to "windows can cover" setting so I can at least see the bottom of full-height windows.

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General :: Make Taskbar Show Preview Like Windows 7 Taskbar?

Jul 29, 2010

In Windows 7 when you hover over an open application in the taskbar, it shows a small image of that application. Is there a way this can be done in Linux?

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Fedora :: Share Thumbnails Between Users?

Sep 8, 2010

I have a large collection of pictures, I use gthumb for managing it and I would like to know if there is a way for sharing thumbnails between different users on the same local computer (for saving space and also time, because if I already loaded a folder with 10000 pictures the other user will load it faster without re-thumbnailing the folder

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Fedora :: Missing Thumbnails From Video Files?

Dec 8, 2010

I'm not sure what ive done but now i lost thumbnails from video files in Nautilus.all video files except ogv has no thumbnails.

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Fedora :: Using Plasma Workspace In GNOME?

May 13, 2010

I want to use Plasma workspace that comes in KDE on my F12 running GNOME. I don't intend to shift to KDE but would love to use Plasma workspace in gnome.I found some links but they were Ubuntu specific and didn't work in F12 for me.

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Fedora :: Turning Off The Plasma Workspace?

Jan 11, 2011

I am looking to turn off Plasma Workspace and keep it off! Today I was informed by a family member that their desktop had drastically changed. After investigating this, I had noticed that they were now running what was called Plasma Workspace. I am truly baffled right now as to how this was activated/turned on for only 1 out of 5 users on my computer. None of them are computer savvy, so it would also help me out considerably if I knew how this was turned on without the use of the terminal.

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Fedora :: Plasma Hangs For A Long Time?

Aug 21, 2009

The desktop stops working, the panel stops working.. but compositing, desktop cube etc all work fine.I can still launch a program with Alt-F2.When I try and kill it (to restart) using 'killall plasma' / 'kill -9 <pid> / 'kill -15 pid' from a terminal, nothing happens, the process keeps running. If I leave it for about 30 mins it suddenly dies, allowing me to run 'plasma' from a terminal - then everything is back to normal.

If I log out and try to log back in again, I get a black screen. Only way to fix it is either to kill it and wait for 30 mins or so, or totally reboot the computer.Tail of the xsessions error file:

[/usr/bin/nepomukservicestub] Removing connection
[/usr/bin/nepomukservicestub] Removing connection
[/usr/bin/nepomukservicestub] CLuceneIndex::close in thread 3086616432[code]....

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Fedora :: KDE Desktop Plasma - No Comic Strips?

Nov 4, 2009

I had Fedora 10 running for since its release, was planning to skip Fedora 11. Well, I shorted my first RAID drive. Was unrepairable. Therefore I installed Fedora 11. I can not find the comic strips options in the KDE Desktop Plasma thingy, upper right of your screen. Used to read UserFriendly, Snoopy and Garfield daily.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: F11 - Plasma-desktop Eating RAM ?

Nov 25, 2009

I have Fedora 11 64bit installed and using KDE with all the updates . I noticed that after a few days of work the plasma-desktop process is eating abnormal quantities of memory - resident size can grow up to 1 GB, by then KDE gets so unresponsive that you have to restart the session anyway.

I don't use desktop effects and no plasmoids either (even got rid of the folder view of desktop), the graphics are Intel 82Q35 Express Integrated Graphics Controller with the default (intel) driver. I have dual monitor setup (1600x1200 and 1024x786), to get them work correctly I had to come up with a custom xorg.conf and xrandr (if someone thinks xorg.conf contents can be relevant, I can post them, too).

I've seen reports of memory leaks in versions 4.2, but none so severe as is my case.

Below is the top command (sorted by RSS) after just 5 days of usage, showing plasma-desktop consuming growing towards 500MB:

How to stop it consuming so much RAM? This is a real annoyance, since it slows down the whole machine because of induced swapping.

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Fedora :: Make Plasma KDE Activated In FC15?

Jun 7, 2011

How to make plasma KDE activated in FC15 i have ZOTAC NVIDIA GE force 8400 GS graphics card. i have installed it as given in one of thread in this forum. But now how to make KDE windows transparent in FC 15.

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Fedora :: Plasma Freezes Desktop After Upgrade To Constantine

Dec 20, 2009

after the upgrade to Constantine I have a strange behaviour with plasma. The whole desktop freezes when a plasma widget pops up - like opening the menu or plugging in a disk and the mount options are shown. The X server still runs fine (Mouse and Keyboard are still working). Afterwards everything works fine again, I can even use the widget. I also tried a fresh install, and with the noveau driver the problem wasn't there, only after I installed the nvidia driver the problem reappeared again. Desktop effects are diabled. When I try killing plasma-desktop and restarting it from the command line, the desktop also freezes for a short time again, and I get teh following output:


I couldn't find anything helpful in Xorg.0.log or dmesg/syslog. I used nvidia-settings to configure xorg. I have a nvidia 6600 GT. If you need more infos just ask.

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Fedora :: Plasma's Applauncher Launches Apps Two Times?

Jul 8, 2011

I tried to edit the title of another thread to avoid some confusion, but I think I just made things more confusing:


The problem is the application launcher from mouse actions on the desktop launches apps twice.

Found the bug report relating to this issue. See the following, starting down at comment #8:


So, there's a patch, "get rid of duplicate connect." Is this something that will get fixed soon in Fedora, via updates?

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Fedora :: Plasma Has Gone Crazy And Avahi Daemon Doesn't Work On F12?

Mar 28, 2010

As mentioned in the title something is terribly wrong with my system. After some updates in the last 2 days Plasma keeps on crashing like a jackhammer. Kwin reports bugs and siece to work. That said I have no borders of any window I have opened and no Kickstart menu. (I am using KDE 4.4.1.) On top of it all when I rebooted the system it just hangs when it is supposed to start X and KDM. When I switch to verbose boot I see that Avahi Daemon has a "Failed" sign. I have tried with older kernels, but that did not solve anything. To be honest I am clueless on how to fix Avahi. The easiest way is to reinstall Fedora, but I would have stuck with Windows for that and where is the learning opportunity in that?

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Fedora :: Plasma Dock Doesn't Catch Clicks With Compiz?

Nov 9, 2010

I just decided to go with Compiz rather than Kwin for my window manager. I have everything working beautifully aside from one little problem... The plasma dock won't pick up clicks any more. The mouse focuses on whatever is underneath the dock, rather than the dock itself. I'm sure there is a setting I can alter to override this behavior, I just can't figure it out to save my life.

Upon further investigation I found that it only behaves this way if I set the dock to auto-hide.

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Fedora :: KDE And Taskbar On F14

Nov 10, 2010

Has anyone experienced something funny with the taskbar after a preupgrade from F13 to F14? The applications in the taskbar are not clickable but rather you have to alt-tab through to select an application?

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Fedora :: Missing Taskbar In 12 XFCE?

May 19, 2010

On my old Acer Aspire One Im running Fedora 12 XFCE. Somehow I have disabled/removed the taskbar. I can still right click the desktop and get the Open in + Applications menu.

How do I re-enable the taskbar?

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Fedora :: Moving Toolbar Taskbar?

Feb 3, 2011

I'm a recent convert from Ubuntu (my company uses Juniper VPN and FedoraRHEL is the only certified OS for the client) and I'm having an issue that I can't seem to find the answer to.I installed Fedora 14 and have dual monitors running on a GeForce 8500 GT with one DVI and one VGA connection. VGA is the left monitor, DVI is on the right. After install, Fedora was defaulting to the DVI (right) monitor as the primary, so I used the Monitors utility to rearrange them so they went left to right. I even selected the left (VGA) monitor as the primary. I was hoping that the top and bottom bars would follow.My issue is that both the launch bar on the top, and the task bar on the bottom are still on the right-hand screen, and I can't for the life of me figure out how in the heck to get them both over to the left-hand screen. Am I missing something horribly obvious?

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Fedora :: Get Half Taskbar In VMWare 7 / Fix It?

Feb 5, 2011

I just installed Fedora 14(KDE) into VM7.
VMware tools may be completely installed.I can drag & drop files from my Win7 host.
But when I press ctrl+alt+enter to make it fullscreen in VM,I get a half size taskbar.How to fix it?

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Fedora :: Missing Chromium Icon In Taskbar

Mar 3, 2011

Weeks ago, the Chromium icon in taskbar stopped to be shown. Instead, a boring icon is displayed. I have attached a screenshot.

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Fedora :: Does FC11's KDE 4.2 Replace The FC10 KDE Taskbar

Jun 15, 2009

Once of the biggest issues I had with FC10's KDE desktop was its taskbar widget and how it worked. It did not group tasks, didn't stack vertically, etc. etc. I understand this was due to KDE 4.1 which was a or is considered a "broken" KDE release? I've read that many ppl say KDE 4.2 is much better in FC11. Many FC11 reviewers state they like its KDE version better than 4.1 shipped with FC10.

However, has the KDE taskbar widget specifically been replaced or upgraded? Anyway, I'm considering an upgrade, and I'm willing to do it JUST to get another taskbar in KDE... if the 4.2 one is an improvement. Fondest wish is for it to be exactly like the KDE 3.5 taskbar widget from FC6!

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Fedora :: KDE Taskbar Displays All Open Applications / Not Just Current Desktop

Jun 14, 2010

I have been searching and searching for the way to make the taskbar just display the applications that are currently open on the current desktop. It's maddening to click thinking you'll pull up the terminal that's hiding beneath the browser and be whisked away to a different desktop.I'm running KDE 4.4.3 and FC13. I know there's got to be a simple option to have the taskbar only show what's there...I've changed it before in other distros and just can't seem to find a clear, obvious option for that this time around.

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Fedora :: Changed Resolution, Lost Taskbar, And Text Nearly Unreadable?

Apr 18, 2011

I am running Fedora 14 with the Gnome. The screen size defaulted to 1680 x 1240 mething like that.This was rather small for me so I went to the task bar and clicked on system.ound the app to change the resolution. I chose 1280 x 720. Now, I no longer have the task bar and the text is nearly unreadable.Without the task bar, I cannot find a way to go back to the original size. I also have not had any success finding any way to make the text look better. I tried changing the font and size but that did not have any beneficial affect. Can anyone tell me what will correct the situation?I found another post that mentioned Alt F2 and gnome-display-properties. That let me get back to nearly what I originally had; everything looks good at 1680 x 1050 but the fonts are not quite the same. However, I still have the need to reduce the resolution of the display and maintain readable text and the task bar.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Playing Audio Via Sound Applet On Gnome Taskbar?

Jul 23, 2009

I am trying to play sounds via : sound applet on gnome taskbar, right click: sound prefs, sound vol is set via applet at say 45%, yet I can't hear the alert sounds I am pressing such as, glass & sonar, is this common with pulse atm or a combo of that and my onboard realtek ac-97 sound chip?

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Fedora :: Getting A Red Symbol On Taskbar With The Message "crash Detected In Abrt-gui?

Feb 2, 2011

frequently getting a red symbol on my taskbar with the message "crash detected in abrt-gui ...".What program is producing this? There is no indication of what action I'm supposed to take, so the message is not useful. It also seems to violate a basic principle that any program producing an error message should announce its own name.

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Fedora :: Gnome3 Fallback Mode Fc15 Removed Taskbar And Clock?

Jun 18, 2011

accidentally removed my clock and system tray i guess i deleted some applets Im running Fedora 15 Gnome 3 in Fallback modeIs there any way to restore them?

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Fedora :: Non-root User Cannot Launch 'shortcuts' From The File Manager / Plasma Desktop Manager

Aug 3, 2011

Non-root user cannot launch "shortcuts" (sorry I grew up on windows, don't know the right term) from the file manager or plasma desktop manager.They have full permissions to the shortcuts, even ones they create do not work.If I log in with root permissions they work fine

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Ubuntu :: Get Rid Of Preview Thumbnails?

Jul 30, 2010

Hi. I work with large image files. On my ubuntu laptop, the 20 MB files take forever to form the little preview thumbnail icons on the desktop, and everything freezes up until they generate.

I'm poking around my preferences and options, but I can't seem to find a way to tell Ubuntu that I don't want it to form preview icons. Is there some way to turn them off?

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