Fedora Networking :: Cisco Vpn Disconnected Frequently On FC13?

Jun 30, 2010

cisco vpn client 4.8.5 I have no problem to connect it, but got disconnected every minute after I opened a terminal and ssh to company's server. Not sure what's causing the problem. There's no problem to connect to windows.

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Fedora Networking :: WiFi Getting Disconnected Very Frequently In F10

Oct 19, 2009

Wifi getting disconnected very frequently in Fedora 10. I am facing issues in my Toshiba satellite laptop, after a fresh install of fedora - 10. After the install, The wi fi connection is dropping off very often, and even on keeping wpa_supplicant and wifiroamd in "active" state, the connectivity needs to be established manually.

[root@dipan dipan]# rpm -qa | grep -e kernel -e kmod | sort
kerneloops-0.12-1.fc10.i386 .....

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Fedora Networking :: Broadcom Wifi Getting Disconnected Frequently

Jun 15, 2011

i am using broadcom wireless (4312) on my laptop with FC15 and configured it using [URL]. initially it ran great without any problem (for a week). but from yesterday, every 15 minutes or so, my wifi started getting disconnected, showing the wireless login screen . I can reconnect only by rebooting or restarting network manager service.

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Networking :: Wired Network Drops Out Frequently In Fedora?

May 28, 2010

I'm having issues with my wired network. After about 5-10 minutes of turning on my machine, the network will drop out. Sometimes rebooting my pc or router will fix the connection, other times it will have no effect. Also, sometimes the connection will completely disconnect, other times it will appear to be connected (i.e. the network icon will indicate that there is a connection), but trying to ping a remote server or the router will fail.

This problem first showed up on Fedora 11 64, however I've just installed Fedora 13 64 and that hasn't helped. I'm using a brand new NIC (I've tried using the onboard NICs). The machine also has Windows 7 installed, which is able to connect just fine. Apart from changing NICs, the only other thing I've tried is switching from dhcp to a static IP address.

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Fedora :: Error: Package Openldap-2.4.21-6.fc13.x86_64 (which Is Newer Than Openldap-2.4.21-4.fc13.i686

Jun 8, 2010

$ su -c 'yum install wine'
this forum won't let me put all the text in Transaction Check Error: package openldap-2.4.21-6.fc13.x86_64 (which is newer than openldap-2.4.21-4.fc13.i686) is already installed package nss-softokn-freebl-3.12.4-19.fc13.x86_64 (which is newer than nss-softokn-freebl-3.12.4-17.fc13.i686) is already installed

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Fedora Networking :: No SAMBA With FC13?

Jun 6, 2010

I just installed FC13.It wiped out everything from the previous (FC11) installation. I cannot connect to the existing windows network that was working before. I don't see SAMBA so I downloaded and installed the RPM. I still don't see it on any of the menus. I am trying to connect to the existing Windows network

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Fedora Networking :: Wireless Gets Disconnected Very Often?

Aug 8, 2009

I've fully updated F11 running on my laptop. I've BCM4312 in my machine. The issue is that the wireless connection gets disconnected so often that it's irritating my like hell.

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Fedora Networking :: Using Cisco AnyConnect, And Want To Move To Openconnect?

Mar 11, 2009

Is using Cisco AnyConnect for ssl remote access, i loged on on my company vpn.abcd.com , using a username and a password, requested a certificate which was added to Firefox certificates, then installed the AnyConnect client. now i can just start the AnyConnect client to connect without the need to access to my company vpn.abcd.comWhat i want to do is to add a vpn connection to the network manager so its always connected once i powered my computer on, and dont need to start the AnyConnect client to get connected each time.

There were three options Password/SecurID, Certificate(TLS), Certificate(TLS) with TPM.I tried the first one, got a message "Unknown certificate from VPN server "vpn.abcd.com". Do you want to accept it?" , accepted entered my password ---> login failedThe other two options need a certificate files which i dont know how to get, is it the firefoxcertificate, or what ?.

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Fedora Networking :: Cisco VPN Connection - How To Force Browser

May 9, 2009

Just wanted to ask a small question... I've set up a VPN connection to my university and i installed and configured everything ok, cause I can connect without any problems...

Now that I'm connected I want my browser to run through the VPN tunnel created by the connection so i can access certain sites that are else inaccessible, but how do i force my browser (I'm using firefox atm) to do that?

When I'm on MAC of Windows OS, as soon as i connect with a VPN, all connection run through them. Fedora seems to ignore the VPN connection and just continues to use my home-network to connect to the internet.

So the basic question is: how do i use the VPN connection.

Iuse FC10, kernel, fully updated system

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Fedora Networking :: Cisco VPN Client - Bug In Kernel FC11

Jun 18, 2009

Probably there is bug in kernel used FC11 [url] This bug freeze computer after ping or other data sending over VPN connection.

Is there any chance to backport this patch to kernel in FC11?

More about this in topic:[url]

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Fedora Networking :: Vpnc Not Connecting To Cisco Server?

Mar 7, 2011

Problem with fedora 13, I am no longer able set up a virtual private network using vpn. The following error message appers:

"/usr/sbin/vpnc: no response from target"

No problem when connecting with ubuntu or windows.

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Fedora Networking :: BT Home Hub - FC13 No Connection

Nov 17, 2010

Just changed ISP, BT home hub 2.0 installed this morning.

From this Windows PC, wifi and wired connections OK.

From FC13, wired, I've set up DHCP and ifconfig shows the IP as in range (

Ping fails when I try to ping the router? No access from FF either.

I'm stuck thinking of what could be blocking it?

Firewall has http https as trusted services.

Not sure about trusted interfaces and masquerading? Should my eth0 be enabled for either of these?

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Fedora Networking :: F13 - SSHD Disconnected (Connection Closed)

Aug 8, 2010

I have installed Fedora 13 and updated it. I simply cant use ssh to connect to this Fedora, not even locally. I have enabled port22 in firewall settings and nothing. Tried to disable firewall completely and nothing. I have disabled SELinux (not sure if it has something to do with this, but... ) and nothing. Entered "ALL: ALL" in /etc/hosts.allow and still nothing. Dont know what to do anymore.

Here is what happens when I try to ssh to this machine, even from it:
[flibio@surf ~]$ ssh localhost
warning: Need basic cursor movement capability, using vt100
flibio's password:
Authentication successful.
Disconnected; connection lost (Connection closed.).
Connection to localhost closed.
[flibio@surf ~]$

Looking into Services > sshd and it says "This service is dead."
So I tried:
[root@surf etc]# service sshd restart
Stopping sshd: [FAILED]
Starting sshd: : OpenSSH_5.4p1 on
: FATAL: Creating listener failed: port 22 probably already in use! .....

And still I get disconnected whenever I try to ssh to this machine from anywhere. Services says that sshd is allways dead, even restarting it but I can only restart it by doing a pkill sshd before.

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Fedora Networking :: WLAN Disconnected - Network Configuration Messed Up

Jul 20, 2009

Recently, I had the courage of installing Fedora 11 on my laptop while risking of trashing my Windows XP. Fortunately, the installation went fine and windows and fedora seems to be working together. But I needed to reinstall Fedora because I didn't do the partitioning right. After that the problem arises. I couldn't connect to the wlan. The first installation it was working fine. Now I can't. I select the network, enter the password and then it just says "Disconnected" or something like that then nothing else happens. So I had to reinstall it again thinking I did something wrong on the installation. But still it wasn't working. But it seems to be working when I boot from the live cd. I must have messed up my network configuration.

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Fedora Networking :: Getting A Gobi Un2420 Internal 3g Modem Working In FC13?

Jun 25, 2010

getting a gobi un2420 internal 3g modem working in FC13?

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Fedora Networking :: Mobile Broadband FC13 Huawei E173 - Cannot Switch Device To Modem Instead Of Storage With Usb_modswitch

Nov 27, 2010

I've been trying to make my FC13 Dell d620 work with a Huawei 3G usb modem mode E173. I can not switch the device to modem instead of storage with usb_modswitch. This is what I get on lsusb:


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Fedora :: Upgrade Of Java-1.6.0-openjdk- And Java-1.6.0-openjdk-plugin- Prevent The Loading Of Ameritrades Command?

Oct 21, 2010

Last nights upgrade of java-1.6.0-openjdk- and java-1.6.0-openjdk-plugin- prevent the loading of Ameritrades Command Center.Downgrading to version fixes the problem. I'll post the bugzilla number as soon as I get the chance to file it.

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Fedora Networking :: Vpnc To Cisco Network / Starting Vpnc From Nm It Performs Exact Same Way And Getting Blackscreen?

Feb 2, 2010

In fc10 & fc11 everything worked well with vpnc.

With fc12 vpnc starts allows me to connect to my work site then everything works fine til I try and start a remote desktop connections to a windows client use tsclient. All I get is a blackscreen and my laptop is hung.

At work without the vpnc it works fine if I start the vpnc from nm it performs the exact same way and I get the blackscreen.

I have disable selinux.I also disabled the firewall

there was another gentlemen on here with the same issue.

The only way out is a hard reboot and there are no messages in the logs that say there were any problems.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Connection Disconnects Frequently?

Apr 13, 2010

I upgraded to Karmic the other day and my Wireless Internet has been disconnecting every hour or so. I had the same problem on Intrepid but I managed to fix it somehow. After disconnecting, it will reconnect after a few seconds.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Rt2800 Wireless Disconnecting Frequently

Apr 23, 2010

My wireless card disconnects frequently and sometimes it won't even connect at all. I've googled the card and the driver and it looks like others are having similar issues as well. [url]-[url]

My lspci | grep -i network is as follows


Under iwconfig, it's identified as wlan0, and I'm running kernel x86_64

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connection Not Working Over Cisco VPN

Jan 12, 2011

I am using ubuntu 10.10 and facing problem with cisco VPN connection. VPN connection is getting successful but not able to connect to destination servers.I also tried to add default gw to the the IP which is assigned to my VPN connection but still access to VPN machines not working.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Use VPNC To Connect To A Cisco VPN?

Feb 28, 2011

I use VPNC to connect to a Cisco VPN. I am able to connect, but some issues exist when I use SSH. For example, I login through SSH to a computer in the VPN and I execute ls => it works. If I execute ls -la => connection stalls. I think it stalls every time it is supposed to return more content (top, ls /etc).

If I do scp from my end to server => works. If I do scp from server to my end => connection stalls.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Installing Cisco VPN Client On 11.04

May 7, 2011

I'm trying to install the Cisco VPN client on Ubuntu 11.04, kernel version 2.6.38-8 generic-pae. I need a step by step process since I am an absolute beginner with Ubuntu and this is my first install on the operating system. I have already tried the network manager but connection always fails. I have also tried the website [URL] but this always fails, seems this was made for earlier versions of Ubuntu and earlier kernel versions.

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Networking :: Connecting To Cisco Devices Via Serial

Mar 31, 2010

I did a forum search and too much came up that was not the answer I was looking for. I have only Linux devices at work and I was wondering how do Linux Administrators connect to Cisco devices via serial console cable. Cisco recommends 'Hyper Terminal' which was a Windows add-on applications licensed to XP. I think Vista and 7 no longer have the license to use Hyper Terminal. Regardless I don't have any versions of Windows and would like to use a serial cable from Com port 1 to the console port on the device. I can't use SSH since some devices don't support SSH and or I have to do a password recovery.

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Fedora :: F12 Frequently Freezes After Suspending

Dec 19, 2009

I'm using x86_64 F12 on my dell inspiron 1440 laptop. My machine frequently freezes especially after suspending. Today, when I disabled the wireless connection, the machined freeze.

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Fedora :: Vpnc Disconnecting Frequently ?

Feb 9, 2010

I installed vpnc package under RHEL 5.1 64 bit and its working fine. but it is showing frequent disconnectivity issue. I did added the script for respawning:


I have just added but no idea if it will work or not.Downloaded from external source.

1. How to check vpnc logs upon disconnectivity?
2. How to make the connectivity stable?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Ipw2200 Driver Disconnects Frequently On 9.10 Karmic Koala

Jan 24, 2010

my ipw2200 w-lan driver's been disconnecting frequently and I've done some research on it, while seeing that it's been a frequent problem, in the past.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Driver For Cisco MPI 350 Wireless (Airo)

Feb 11, 2010

Put all Cisco drivers and firmware for wireless in a new ubuntu 10.04. I love ubuntu and I have a big problem with a mini pci wireless Cisco Airo MPI 350...

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connect To Company's VPN Using The Cisco VPN Client?

Dec 3, 2010

When I try to connect to my company's VPN using the Cisco VPN client, I get a kernel panic. Please don't suggest I should Cisco's client, it only works with Kernels older than 2.6.24 (I have 2.6.35).

So I use vpnc. The error message is:

$ sudo vpnc
[sudo] password for phirt:
Enter password for user@group@fubar.net:
received notice of type (ISAKMP_N_NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN)(14), giving up
vpnc: quick mode response rejected: (ISAKMP_N_INVALID_MESSAGE_ID)(9)
this means the concentrator did not like what we had to offer.
Possible reasons are:


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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Ping Or Ssh When Connected To Cisco VPN Using Vpnc

Jan 21, 2011

When I connect to my company's VPN (it's a Cisco), it connects just fine and displays the broadcast message, but once connected I can't ping anything or ssh anywhere. Not on the private network, not on the Internet [URL], nothing. I can still browse the web without difficulties when connected to the VPN, but no ssh or ping. With ping, it properly resolves the host name, but I get 100% packet loss.

Once I disconnect from the VPN, a ping of [URL] works exactly as expected.

I don't have any firewalls set up on this host that I'm aware of (unless something is installed and configured by default).

I'm using Ubuntu 10.10, amd64 build.

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