Fedora Installation :: Failed To See Windows 7?

Jan 14, 2011

I have managed to get the OS installed onto a second hard drive, but I have to use my BIOS to set up the boot to choose the OS I want to use. How do I get the computer to see both OS's?

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Fedora Installation :: FED13 Kickstart - Client Failed - Loader Failed To Mount

Jun 27, 2010

I have configured the remote installation of Fedora 13 with kickstart with nfs installation method. All work ok until I boot the Fedora 13 client system.

Fed13 client system receives the IP address from dhcp, receives the loader, loads vmlinuz and initrd.img from tftp, load anaconda, configures the network and dev eth0, mounts nfs server to load kickstart file, loads kickstart file (language...) but when it tries to mount nfs server to install from Fedora 13 installation tree it fails.

First, I thought that I had an error on my NFS configuration but I was wrong. I opened tty with ALT+F4 on the Fedora 13 client and I sew this error:


Is this a bug or can I modify anything to correct this error? How?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error Message: "Windows Boot Manager / Windows Failed To Start...."

Mar 30, 2011

I have a single harddisk partitioned with Ubuntu Maverick and Windows 7 installations. I installed Windows first and then Ubuntu, after resizing partitions and adding a new one for Ubuntu. Win7 did not appear in the Grub2 boot menu. I added it (sda3), but on rebooting, I get the message "BOOTMGR is missing/Press Ctrl+Alt_Del to restart".

I understand that Win7 might have put its boot manager in another partition, and sda1 had FAT. I added sda1 as another grub2 entry, but when I try that, I get the error message "Windows Boot Manager/ Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause... Status 0xc0000225/ Info: The boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessible." Attached are fdisk and parted outputs; and the grub2 files I created. How do I get Windows 7 to boot up?

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Debian Installation :: Squeeze Failed To Start X Windows

Feb 11, 2011

I just upgraded to Debian 6.0 squeeze 32 bit XFCE from Ubuntu on my old Dell PC. Installation went well, however, i can't get into X windows after reboot, the screen just displays garbage
Dell dimension 600Mhz/384M RAM/10G HDD
ATI RAGE pro 128
Any pointers on what should I do?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows Won't Start And Instalation Failed?

Sep 15, 2010

I have a double problem here. I had a problem with ubuntu which I more or less took care of but at the loss of much information but that is neither here nor there. The problem has to do with the here and now. I purchased a ubuntu 10.04 LTS CD. I installed it and partitioned it with my win xp. All seemed to go good but the problems seem to arrive when I booted to the other partition side.

I am able to select the windows xp side and hit enter and and boot to xp. However when I wanted to go to the ubuntu side of things this is where the problems happens. I click enter the ubuntu selection and this error shows up."Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt. <windows root> system32hal.dllPlease re-install a copy of the above file."

The only way I can of getting to the ubuntu side is by inserting the ubuntu cd into the cd/dvd drive. However when I do I get this message."Installation Failed.The installer encountered an unrecoverable error. A desktop session will now run so you may investigate the problem or try installing again."I am hoping that someone here will be able to assist me in finding an solution to my dilemma.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Restoring Grub Failed After Installing Windows XP?

May 21, 2010

I am pretty new to ubuntu, and not sure if this question has been solved by anyone, I tried search this forum, but didn't find enough information. The closest thread I found here was this one:[URL].. Here is my situation, I have installed Ubuntu 9.04 a few days ago with an old Live CD, after running it pretty well, I upgraded it to 9.10 with the online update tool. (I guess this makes sure I was using Grub 1, the legacy Grub). After updated to 9.10, I installed a Windows XP on my hard drive, obviously, it wiped off my Grub from the MBR. So I tried to restore the Grub back to the MBR, but failed, please see below:I first run the fdisk

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo fdisk -l
omitting empty partition (5)
Disk /dev/sda: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes


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Ubuntu Installation :: Failed From Windows XP - Files In ISO Image Be Corrupted?

Nov 22, 2010

I downloaded latest Ubuntu version 10. I bruned it to CD disc. I run WUBI.exe. Some files copied to the hard drive, but the error message interrupted in the middle of the installation process. It said unable to install -- permission denied. I don't see what is wrong. My Windows XP is full administration control. All the files should be able to write to drive c without any problem. What is the cause? Could files in ISO image be corrupted?

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General :: Failed At Dual Booting Fedora And Windows XP

Jan 31, 2010

I have just installed Fedora 12 on a 10GB partition separate from the pre-existing Windows XP partition. My problem is that when I turn on my aspire one ao751h it doesn't give me the option to boot Windows XP even though when I mount the partition with XP on it the files are all still there. I think it has something to do with GRUB which I have never dealt with before or the way I set up the partitions when installing Fedora 12. How would I change the start-up screen to allow me to boot from my XP partition as well?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Cannot Start Windows Vista After Failed Suse Installation

Feb 7, 2010

I wanted to try openSuse alongside with Windows Vista and Ubuntu. During the installation Suse wanted to delete my Windows partition. Of course I denied and stopped this installation, but now when starting my computer, the boot menu gives Vista, Ubuntu and Suse as a choice, but if I choose Vista, the Suse installation process is starting instead of Windows, there is no way to get Windows started (fortunately Ubuntu is working so that I can write this message).How can I get Windows starting?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Failed - No Windows Boot Option - Add Back To Bootloader?

Jul 27, 2010

Whenever I load Ubuntu on a machine with other OS(s) loaded it always recognizes and adds an entry in the bootloader menu. Not this time. Well kind of. After the install my windows boot option was in the menu, but after an update it is no more. I see the different Linux images... but no Windows boot option. Can someone tell me how to add my windows XP boot option back to the bootloader? I have XP on the the on the 5th partition and Ubuntu on the 6th...

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Fedora :: Virtualbox Error 'Failed To Open Session For Virtual Machine Windows 7'

Jun 6, 2011

When i try to create a virtual machine using the Windows 7 Enterprise Evaluation iso file, everything goes as planned untill i click on the start button. when i click on it i get two error messages. the first: Failed to open a session for the virtual machine Windows 7. The virtual machine 'Windows 7' has terminated unexpectedly during startup with exit code 1. Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908). The VirtualBox Linux kernel driver (vboxdrv) is either not loaded or there is a permission problem with /dev/vboxdrv. reinstall the kernel module by executing

'/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup'

as root. Users of Ubuntu, Fedora or Mandriva should install the DKMS package first. This package keeps track of Linux kernel changes and recompiles the vboxdrv kernel module if necessary. i have installed the DKMS package, but when i try to run the command stated in the error message, i get another error message in the terminal:


i have to install the driver that is specified (vboxdrv) but i do not know where to find it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Xp And - Netbook Dual Boot - Error - Windows Boot Failed

Jul 8, 2010

I have a netbook running Windows XP as standard. There is also a recovery partition which came from the factory.

In the past I installed Ubuntu (I think 9.something) from USB key and all worked fine. However my XP became corrupted and I needed to do a repair on it. After this, Ubuntu became removed from the boot select menu.

Since then, Ubuntu has become updated to 10.04, which I now cannot install.

The Live CD tells me there is a "file IO error" and simply stops installation at around 70%.

I did manage to get into Ubuntu from a Live USB using Wubi. However when I chose to install Ubuntu to a Harddrive, the option to "install side by side" was missing.

After reading on the forums, I did a chkdsk /f on Windows and tried again. Now my liveUSB does not show a boot menu!

When I select to boot from USB stick, the screen goes blank with a flashing cursor. Ctrl+alt+dlt reboots.

I'm really lost here! It seems when I fix one problem, another problem arises!

Also when trying to instal Ubuntu within Windows, the process goes through to 100% and asks me to reboot. When I do so, the option for Ubuntu does show in the boot menu. However when I select it, I get an error "Windows boot failed: file wubildr.mbr and status: 0xc00000f - something is corrupt".

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Fedora Installation :: Redhat Failed After 10

Mar 4, 2009

i was using redhat then i installed fedora10 using the free space on disk now fedora is working fine but redhat fails to boot error is something it takes filesystem as readonly and dont starts because of no write permissions... probably it an issue redhat is detecting two partition with '/' as label ...

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Fedora Installation :: NFS Boot Using PXE Failed

Feb 13, 2010

I am having problems creating an diskless fedora 12 workstation. I have my boot server set-up, dhcp works, tftp works, pxelinux.0 gets sent. I have installed fedora12 locally [to hdd from dvd] on the affected workstation and then copied the whole / [root] to my boot server. Then I have installed the dracut-network package and a new kernel. I have copied the /boot/vmlinuz-xxxx and /boot/initramfs-xxxx.img to my bootserver's /var/lib/tftpboot/images/F12-x86_64/vmlinuz and ..../initramfs.img Boot options are listed below (the whole pxe config file):



the "deskless" client's ip is set statically to Is there anything I am missing?

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Fedora Installation :: Failed To Upgrade F13 T64 Bit O F14?

Jul 16, 2011

Today I ran preupgrade and chose Fedora 14 instead of Fedora 15 to be safe to upgrade from 13 . After lengthy upgrade, I wan able to login but after that whenever I try to open terminal and enter su to login as root, it suddenly hangs or sometimes it hangs by itself or even hangs after reboot. So I have totally corrupted upgrade.

I read somewhere and found I can go to GRUB menu at reboot and I can choose fedora 13 from there and was glad at least I can go back to old Fedora 13 but I do have to go to GRUB menu to choose Fedora 13 every i have to reboot. Is this OK? Now in Fedora 13 I have entered command as root: preupgrade and this time I chose Fedora 15. Is this OK? I am hoping the upgrade from 13 to 15 would work.

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General :: Moved File Partitions - File System Check Failed On Fedora, Windows Will Not Boot

Dec 16, 2009

my partitioning layout was as follows

Vista Recovery
Windows 7
-->Fedora 12 (ext4)

so, I shrunk my recovery in Windows 7 successfully, and booted into my Fedora 12 live cd to run Gparted, and move the partitions so that the free space could go towards fedora, I did such, and then I couldn't expand the partition to my dismay. Next, I woke up this morning, tried to boot to fedora to run SSH, grub loaded, but when I tried to boot fedora, I got the "File system check failed" error, and when I tried 7, it just went to a blank screen with a single "_" in the top left-hand corner.

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Fedora Installation :: Ata Softreset Failed, Can't Install?

Jun 10, 2009

I'm trying to install Fedora 11 but I can't get the live cd to start.After I pick "Default" or the "Live cd" option, I get an:Quote:

ata2 softreset failed ...
ata3 softreset failed ...

I used to have that error on Ubuntu, after adding a second HDD, but that still booted without problems after the error.I also installed OpenSuse on this pc, and didn't get that error.Windows 7 is also on this pc, again without any problem.--Are there any workarounds for this error, so I can get Fedora 11 installed?Note: I'm trying to install from a USB disk, created by Unetbootin.

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Fedora Installation :: Downgrade F11 To F10 After Failed Upgrade?

Nov 12, 2009

I recently installed Fedora 10, having chosen that version in order to be able to use the packages created by the Planet CCRMA group for doing audio recording (they don't have F11 packages ready yet, AFAIK). Last weekend I got a prompt to upgrade my system, and I naively accepted it, not even realizing that it was an upgrade to F11.

The upgrade didn't work, for reasons that I still don't know (probably a video driver issue), but since I know the F10 installation worked, and Planet CCRMA is not up to F11 yet, I'd just like to downgrade myself back to F10.

Can I just re-install Fedora 10 from the DVD I used before, or will the F11 installation cause problems? I haven't really done any work that I mind losing, so I'm not too concerned about overwriting my previous installation.

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Fedora Installation :: Clean Up Failed Preupgrade?

Dec 16, 2009

I got the /boot is to small error when I tried the preupgrade from FC 11 to 12. I would like to clean out all the installation files and try again with the recommended fixes. Preupgrade just reboots the box no and restarts FC11 up so I need to start over fresh.

Where are all the files that I need to clean up for the preupgrade?

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Fedora :: Strigi Failed To Initialize Due To Installation

Jan 13, 2010

I receive following error when trying to enable strigi. "strigi service failed to initialize, most likely due to installation problem" I have searched internet, obviously not good enough, and i have found nothing. Nothing that would work. i have tried installing openjdk-devel as suggested, soprano. And still nothing. I have same problems on both boxes running Fedora 12.

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Fedora Installation :: F13 To F14 Preupgrade Failed / Get It To Work?

Jan 9, 2011

Yesterday upgrading from F13 to F14, preupgrade failed on VirtualBox repository (it was about 80%).
I had to reset the machine, booting the old kernel, removing the repository and launching preupgrade again.
It was successful, but I have A LOT (almost every package) of duplicates.

After different yum remove / package-cleanup --orphans / package-cleanup --cleandupes, it seems that everything is working fine. code...

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Software :: Fedora 12 Live Cd Installation Failed

Mar 23, 2010

Yesterday I installed Fedora 12 using a Fedora live image CD, which I downloaded from the Fedora site. The machine is Dell Precision 670, 4GB of RAM, 70GB HD. I went through all the steps outlined on the Fedora site, and rebooted the machine. After reboot, the fedora icon comes up, and after about 10 minutes I see the following message on black screen:

mount: you must specify the filesystem type
dracut: FATAL: Failed to mount block device of live image
dracut: Refusing to continue
No Root device found

Boot has failed, sleeping forever.

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Fedora Networking :: Internet Lag And Windows Network "failed To Retrieve Share List From Server"?

Apr 29, 2011

I'm running Fedora 14 and when I'm surfing the web, it seems to lag in between pages. I don't think its my net connection, I just wiped windows 7 off my system for Fedora and it did not suffer from the same lag issues.I've tried adding in google's alternate dns server but it didn't seem to fix the issue. I ran into this issue a couple years back on Ubuntu 8.1 or something like that, and I never could find out what I needed to configure.My second problem is that when I try to connect to other Windows systems on my wlan or wired connection, it gives the error "failed to retrieve share list from server". I'm not experienced in networking, can someone explain this to me?

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Fedora Installation :: Nvidia Dependency Resolution Failed

May 17, 2009

Trying to get the updates for my Nvidia card, there are 3 updates in the update manager, but it gives me this error if I try to update them: -


nvidia-newest-kmod-common >= 177.82 is needed by package akmod-nvidia-newest-177.82-1.fc9.2.x86_64
nvidia-newest-kmod-common >= 177.82 is needed by package kmod-nvidia-newest-
nvidia-newest-kmod-common >= 177.82 is needed by package kmod-nvidia-newest-
nvidia-newest-kmod-common >= 177.82 is needed by package kmod-nvidia-newest- : Success - empty transaction

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Fedora Installation :: F11 With Ext3 Instead Of Ext4 - Crashed Or Failed

Jun 14, 2009

It has crashed or failed to install on a known good system for the 5th time now. I have never had that problem with fedora before. I am now installing with ext3 instead of ext4. I am hoping for better success with it and will update. I was able to try MinGW with WINE before the first crash and I liked what I saw there. Only hoping to be able to get a good install this time.

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Fedora Installation :: Upgrade To F11 Failed System Is Crushed?

Jun 23, 2009

I had F10. Today the system suggested to upgrade to F11. In the middle of upgrade (during the installation of files) my computer had frozen for a 10-15 min. I rebooted it. Nothing is working now. I can not boot F10 and upgrade F11 does not want to continue.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Oracle 11 Release 1 On 12 Installation Failed

Nov 20, 2009

Has someone managed to install Oracle 11.1 on Fedora 12 ?

The following packages failed to install :

I couldn't find any of these packages in the x64_86 or i386 DVD. i686 version of the above packages are already installed, but I still get the error while installation.

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Fedora Installation :: Gnome Failed To Start - Some Features Not Available

Aug 20, 2011

I am having some problems installing Fedora 15 64-bit. I use the install DVD. I have an AMD Phenom and a NVidia 8600GTS. When I install using the normal method, my screen freezes somewhere in the settings screen for choosing the computer name. If I use the basic video driver for installing I have no problem. However after everything is installed, and Fedora starts, Gnome says that it failed to start and some features are not available.

I found some information at [URL] that I tried. However after installing kmod-nvidia and rebooting I no longer see any graphical display. A lot of text is on the screen without any error, but no x-windows appears. What can I do to install Fedora correctly and have a good working system? Is the 32-bit version easier to get it working? How can you recover from a system that does not start? What I could do to recover from it.

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Fedora Security :: Job Failed. See System Logs And 'systemctl Status' For Details [FAILED}?

Jun 8, 2011

went through the tutorial on FedoraSolved for securing ssh. I installed denyhosts with yum and then tried to run it with the command line command"sudo /etc/init.d/denyhosts start" but I got the message"Job Failed. See system logs and 'systemctl status' for details [FAILED]"and in the application "services" in the applications menu,t shows an exclamation warning and says that "This unit has failed"

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Fedora Installation :: Dependancy Resolution Failed - Software Update?

Sep 25, 2009

im a long time Ubuntu user that is giving Fedora a spin using Virtualbox on my Win7 machine. I have managed to get it up and running and guest additions working but have run into a problem with a few of the updates available in the Software Updates section.

It originally had around 75+ updates to install and seemed to do this fine. Unfortunately after a reboot and new check it comes up with 11 new updates. When I run install updates it gives me an error (see this post title) along with this bit of gibberish:

PackageKit = 0.4.6-8.fc11 is needed by package PackageKit-glib-0.4.6-8.fc11.i586
sane-backends = 1.0.19-15.fc11 is needed by package sane-backends-libs-1.0.19-15.fc11.i586
perl = 4:5.10.0-68.fc11 is needed by package 1:perl-Pod-Escapes-1.04-68.fc11.i586
gnome-media = 2.26.0-6.fc11 is needed by package gnome-media-libs-2.26.0-6.fc11.i586 : Success - empty transaction I have searched around on google and came across similar issues for folks but in most cases they were trying to do a system update that caused the issue. I am not (this is a fresh install tonight of 11). Most other cases also didnt seem to have quite so many items listed.

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