Software :: Fedora 12 Live Cd Installation Failed

Mar 23, 2010

Yesterday I installed Fedora 12 using a Fedora live image CD, which I downloaded from the Fedora site. The machine is Dell Precision 670, 4GB of RAM, 70GB HD. I went through all the steps outlined on the Fedora site, and rebooted the machine. After reboot, the fedora icon comes up, and after about 10 minutes I see the following message on black screen:

mount: you must specify the filesystem type
dracut: FATAL: Failed to mount block device of live image
dracut: Refusing to continue
No Root device found

Boot has failed, sleeping forever.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Failed - Unrecoverable Error When Booting From The 10.04 Live CD - 10.04

Jun 28, 2010

I'm getting the following error when booting from the 10.04 live CD: Installation Failed. The installer encountered an unrecoverable error. A desktop session will now be run so that you may investigate the problem or try installing again.

I checked the CD for defects, and even tried re-downloading/burning to a new disc, but got the same problem. I tried booting in to the LIVE session then installing from the desktop but I still got the same error. I have had 9.10 running on here fine, and after running a Kubuntu 9.10 disc I had to hand to check it would work, that installed fine (hence the auto-partitions you will see in my info dump below). Here is some information about my system, let me know if I've missed anything. I've also included a copy of the syslog below.


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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Live CD 'Installation Failed'?

May 2, 2010

I decided to do a clean install of 10.04, the machine was previously running 10.04 from being upgraded day by day from a beta install.I used checked good 10.04 live CD as live and gparted to delete a partition on sdb. My intention was to install into the largest free space on the drive, (which I ultimately did). There are two HDs on the machine, Windows on a partiton and a couple of installs of ubuntu on the first drive, the second drive had unpartitioned space and ext4 data partition and a swap.

I then restarted and after a space bar press, used the menu second option to install Ubuntu.I subsequently saw an error window:Installation failedThe installer encountered an unrecoverable error. A desktop session will now be run so that you may investigate the problem or try installing again.Just in case, I did the whole thing a second time, but same result.I continued, using the subsequent desktop session. I chose the desktop Icon to install Ubuntu, which all then seemed to go okI am an experienced user, so I have confidence in Ubuntu, however, I believe new users would be suffering a loss of confidence at such situations.

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Fedora Installation :: FED13 Kickstart - Client Failed - Loader Failed To Mount

Jun 27, 2010

I have configured the remote installation of Fedora 13 with kickstart with nfs installation method. All work ok until I boot the Fedora 13 client system.

Fed13 client system receives the IP address from dhcp, receives the loader, loads vmlinuz and initrd.img from tftp, load anaconda, configures the network and dev eth0, mounts nfs server to load kickstart file, loads kickstart file (language...) but when it tries to mount nfs server to install from Fedora 13 installation tree it fails.

First, I thought that I had an error on my NFS configuration but I was wrong. I opened tty with ALT+F4 on the Fedora 13 client and I sew this error:


Is this a bug or can I modify anything to correct this error? How?

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Fedora Installation :: VirtualBox 13 Guest: Live CD Installation Failure

Aug 3, 2010

Running VirtualBox 3.2.6 under some host OS (should be irrelevant which one, right?), I created a machine, intending to install Fedora 13 on it. Got the Fedora 13 Live CD iso image, and an 8.6 GB virtual hard drive, completely blank. I set the machine to boot off the Live CD image. The Live CD boots nicely and I get to its desktop. I open "Install to Hard Drive"...and nothing happens. No error message, zip, nada. Inspection of the system shows a series of odd file systems, but I have no clue what they are for and whether they're usable or not.

The sticky [URL] mentions that the blank virtual hard disk should be partitioned and formatted beforehand...So I did, using the Live CD's Disk Utility (Applications: System Tools: Disk Utility). Although the sticky states the small /boot partition should be ext2 or ext3, the Live CD installer proposes to reformat it as ext4. Shouldn't we have formatted it as ext4 right away, then? Also, the installer set the /boot partition's size to 524 MB, not 200 MB as recommended by the sticky.

OBSERVATION: This was not easy because VirtualBox sets the display to 800x600 at most, and the Disk Utility spills beyond those confines WITHOUT PROVIDING SLIDERS. It was sheer luck that the required buttons (create partition, format partition) were barely reachable (at the bottom edge of the screen). This is a serious problem, because increasing the VirtualBox display size can only be done *after* installation (see for instance[URL] - since this guest addition requires rebooting the guest OS, it probably won't stick to the Live CD).

Once those two partitions are prepared and the virtual machine rebooted, "Install to Hard Drive" works as expected.

OBSERVATION: It is absolutely inexcusable that the Live CD installer (Anaconda?) does not propose to do this partitioning and formatting for the user. It is even more inexcusable that it should fail without giving any feedback whatsoever to the user.

Aside: VirtualBox's guest additions does not work correctly (for 3.2.6 anyway). The Devices: Install Guest Additions menu merely mounts a CD image VBOXADDITIONS_3.2.6_63112) without any feedback (expected feedback because the menu ends with an ellipsis). The CD, once opened, has an Open Autorun Prompt button...which fails to do anything. Manually running also fails. I had to manually invoke from a terminal to get anywhere. Even then I was unable to go higher than 1024x768.

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Fedora Installation :: Live Installation Hangs Up At Initial Login?

Dec 2, 2010

I downloaded the .ISO for Fedora Core 14 Live, with the intention of installing it to my HDD.

I burn the .ISO with no reported problems.

I boot to the installation CD and can get to the point where it asks me to Login (a timer is also going down for Automated Login).

Once I click "Login", nothing else ever happens.

I can hear the disc spinning in the drive and it's trying to load something, but it never does.

I thought that maybe my older (2003) laptop might just be slow, so I allowed it to do whatever it seemed to be doing overnight while I slept.

Well, I woke up this morning and it was still doing the same exact thing with no results.

---------- Post added at 05:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:51 PM ----------

Oh, and I intend to dual-boot. I have already made a partition using Norton Partition Magic. It's NTFS filesystem for now, but I figured the Fedora Installation would give me an option to use that partition anyway - NTFS or not (meaning, it would wipe the NTFS file system and use whatever it is that Fedora Core uses). Am I mistaken in assuming this?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Failed To Create A Live USB In Win 7

Mar 18, 2010

I tried most of the methods using a graphical interface to create a live USB through a 64-bit dvd image to install opensuse 11.2 including unetbootin, Win32DiskImager, Mandriva's Seed... Everything failed, so I'm left with the option to do it through the command prompt. There is a dd tool for Windows, and I got the command line instructions in the Live USB page. One thing I don't understand is that how is insert my path of the iso image for this command in Windows: # dd if=/path/to/iso/openSUSE-11.2-KDE4-LiveCD-i686.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M;sync; Should I replace the bit # dd if=/path/to/iso/openSUSE-11.2-KDE4-LiveCD-i686.iso, with like something like # dd if= CDownloadsOpensuse11.2x-64.iso?

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Fedora :: Black Screen Of Words Instead Of Fedora Live Boot During Installation

Jun 1, 2010

When i boot the fedora image from a dvd i'm not being taken to the fedora live system screen, instead i see a bunch a words on a black screen (looks like DOS) i having compatibility issues or what? ive tried 32bit, 64bit versions as well as different desktops. does anyone have any ideas? my laptop is brand new: toshiba e205 running windows 7 ultimate..

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Fedora Installation :: 15: Impossible To Start Live Usb Installation?

May 24, 2011

Downloaded few minutes ago Fedora 15 live x64 and used Fedora live usb creator to make my usb drive bootable.Once configured correctly my bios Syslinux starts but it hangs on the startup message

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Run 10 Live CD

Mar 13, 2009

Using live CD to check out Fedora10 on WindowsVista, IntelPentiumDual E2180, NTFS. Used Power2Go (default program) to burn ISO to CD. Shouldn't be the problem as I used it to download Fedora6 and those work fine. Downloaded and burned twice in case problem was faulty CD. Boot hangs up after initial screen indicates VMlinuz and image are loading, and graphic progress bar runs through. I get blank screen with blinking cursor, I can enter text all I want to. but no response to any commands. When I exit, shut down screen displays messages that look like I was totally running a linux system.

P.S. Found solution in other forum, press esc during progress bar load, now boot hangs up after loading cups.Going to check out boot edit options on wiki.

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Fedora Installation :: Live CD Won't Run.

Jun 17, 2009

I've been trying to install Fedora 11 all afternoon and have given up. The machine that I am installing on was running Fedora 10 with no problems whatsoever. I tried to install using the regular i386 DVD and it went partially through the install and crashed. I then cleared the hard drive and left two partitions on it (two ext3's). Still no go. Then I reformatted the hard drive, cleared the MBR and turned the machine into a DOS machine. Fedora 11 still wouldn't install.

The Live CD won't run. It errors out with a nouveau error. I saw the sticky concerning that issue. I still maintain that a system which supports nVidia in version 10 should support it in version 11 especially when it's on the list of supported devices (it's a GeForce 3.) I realize that a product can't support hardware indefinitely, but the device I have is on the list, so it should support it.As I type this message, Fedora 10 is installing without a problem. Fortunately, I was smart enough to backup my entire hard drive before starting this fiasco, so I'll be fine when I restore. No harm, no foul I guess.Very disappointing from a distro that I really, really love and want to maintain. I would have thought that the systems people would have put a better effort into the installation program.

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Ubuntu :: Failed To Shutdown LIVE CD Session / Resolve This?

Nov 3, 2010

I tested 10.10 LIVE CD Gnome version.

I did some disk operations on NTFS and FAT volumes.
It worked well.
When I wanted to shutdown from the right upper corner icon,
I got a black screen saying:
(process:272) GLib-WARNING **: getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0)

it does not take any keyboard, incl cont+alt+del

may it be a bug?

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 And 10.10 Live CDs Both Failed To Resize My Partition / Sort It?

Feb 6, 2011

I tried multiple times and they both failed! Why? What could I do to get past this issue?

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Ubuntu :: Live Won't Start - Failed To Mount Loop0

May 28, 2011

I can't boot from LiveCD, it just gets to the console and informs me that squashFS mount failed for loop0. I don't want to go for full installation before I test it a bit.

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Fedora Installation :: No Screen From Live-CD 10?

Jan 18, 2009

Got NVidia GeForce 6200 TurboCache videocard. The free nv driver does not work with this card. Tried to get a screen with boot param: xdriver=vesa. Does not work: gives a black or blue screen too. start the live cd with vesa?

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Fedora Installation :: Cannot Install From Live CD

Jul 8, 2009

I try to install by clicking "Install to Hard Drive" icon on the desktop, but it's not responding. And then i try '/usr/bin/liveinst' and i got the following error :

umount: /media/*: not found
07:27:29 Starting graphical installation...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/sbin/anaconda", line 876, in <module>


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Fedora Installation :: Can't Boot 11 Live CD

Jul 30, 2009

I already know what the problem is, which is that I have an AGP Nvidia graphic card. When I try to boot the live cd it freezes. I've done some research and I've already tried using "nouveau.noagp=1" as a Boot Option from the live cd. But it says unknown boot option ignoring. And it still fails to boot up. Im anxious to begin using Fedora.

When it is trying to also says IO APIC resources could not be allocated.

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Fedora Installation :: 11 Live On Usb-key Won't Install?

Sep 11, 2009

This usb-memory-stick loaded wtih fedora11 and 4GB space for persistence runs nicely
When I click install icon and choose "shrink other partitions" or "use free space for installing", it aborts.I've tried installing on C hard drive and on 300GB-usb-disk with lots of free space; still won't work

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Installation :: Fedora Won't Load Live CDs / Why Is So?

Oct 2, 2009

Why does Fedora not recognize any of my live cds?

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Fedora Installation :: 12 - KDE - Gnome CD Live

Nov 27, 2009

I have a problem when I power on my laptop (EliteBook 8530p) with fedora core 12 live cd in my optical drive. It simply will not start. The two numlock and capslock leds are flashing regularly and the screen is either blank, or it just freezes at the main menu (from which I can enter bios, etc). A HP assistant suggested that I should update my bios, but it's the same. I have also tried to install Mandriva 2010, which the laptop reads and boots up to a certain point when the screen goes blank, with the exception of a scroll flickering at the upper-left corner of the screen. Windows 7, FC 11, Ubuntu have been working till now, so I am inclined to believe that there's no problem with those particular cds (especially given the fact that I have written 3 or 4 with each linux image - fedora and mandriva).

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Fedora Installation :: Cannot Boot Live Cd

Jun 2, 2010

I get it to boot to the loading screen and it gets to what looks like 99% loaded and it just sticks, i have tried multiple downloads, different cds and did "verify and boot" just to be sure and it just sticks and does nothing?

Just read up that it's an issue for a lot of others as well, so i'm downloading the dvd to do a straight install from

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Fedora Installation :: Booting F14 From Live USB ?

Nov 10, 2010

This is my first attempt at using Fedora (the only other distro i've used is Ubuntu), and I'm having trouble booting from a USB device created using the LiveUSB Creator utility, containing the Fedora-14-i686-Live-Desktop disc image. After selecting my USB device from the startup menu, I see a black screen with the following information:


With a blinking cursor. I cannot enter any input, but my keyboard has lights on as normal, so I assume it's working.

The following is a list of my hardware:

Processor: Intel Core2 Duo E6750
Motherboard: MSI nForce 650i P6N SLI-FI
Graphics: nVidia GeForce GT 240
HDD: Western Digital Raptor 150 GB
USB: Memorex Mini TravelDrive 2GB

I am trying to create a dual-boot system, and currently have Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit installed.

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Installation :: Can't Install Fedora On Pc From Live Cd / Fix It?

Nov 12, 2010

I cant install fedora on my pc from live cd because my hard disk has many bad sectors anyone knows how to fix this?

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Fedora Installation :: 14 Live USB Is Frozen

Dec 11, 2010

This is the error message I get after following all the proper steps to setting up a live USB and trying to install it.


Obviously pressing enter doesnt do anything. My hardware is a Dell Inspiron 1420 Core 2 Duo with windows 7, I have an Nvidia video card and I used the LiveUSB Creator from [URL]

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Fedora Installation :: Non-live F15 Iso Be Downloaded?

Aug 27, 2011

Where can a non-live Fedora 15 iso be downloaded?

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Fedora Installation :: Cannot Boot F15 Live USB?

Sep 1, 2011

I'm trying to install using live USB stick. The F15 live CD was downloaded and copied to the USB stick via liveusb-creator. The target machine has Award BIOS v6.00PG, I set the first boot device to USB-HDD. When I tried to boot it from the machine, I get the following error:

SYSLINUX 4.02 2010-07-21 CHS Copyright (C) 1994-2010 H. Peter Anvin et al
ERROR: No configuration file found
No DEFAULT or UI configuration directive found!


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Ubuntu :: Boot.ini Failed - Can't Mount Windows Partition From Live Usb

Jan 17, 2011

The boot.ini file for windows fail(reason unknown) and now i cant boot to any installed OS. Used Ubuntu live from usb to explore the disks, but as i tried to mount the W�ndows partition it failed..


# mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda /media/c/
ntfs_mst_post_read_fixup: magic: 0xffffffff size: 1024 usa_ofs: 65535 usa_count: 65534: Invalid argument
Record 0 has no FILE magic (0xffffffff)


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Ubuntu :: Root Permissions For Failed NAS Drive Linked Via USB And Live CD

Jul 26, 2011

I own a Lacie Network Space (1) which has recently given up the ghost - I looked into getting data recovered from it and it turns out it would cost around 500quid!! After doing some research I've found out that the drive runs linux - SO, I have bought myself a HDD cradle, Downloaded an Ubuntu Live CD, taken the drive out of the network space and mounted it in Ubuntu via USB. All good up til now, I've managed to get the majority of my data off except one folder - my music folder. It has quite a deep file structure (which maybe the issue) but essentially the permissions for the top folder have a padlock and a small cross - this doesn't allow me to even read the files to copy them off. I've now tried the 'chown' command: sudo chown ubuntu /media/ 999GBfilessystem/ openshare/audio

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Get A Vista Box To Recognize Live CD Or Live USB

Sep 8, 2010

I've done a good few ubuntu installations for friends and colleagues and now my Dad wants in on the action. His PC is more than capable of running ubuntu 32 bit BUT I've hit a brick wall I've never come across before. I've burnt a CD image of the 10.04 iso from [URL] on my ubuntu box and for some reason, his PC just won't boot from it. If I select the option to manually select the boot source, all I see is the hardware monitor telling me things like CPU temperature. As for the Live USB - nothing whatsoever. Is it possible that I've managed to corrupt the iso file somehow?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Live CD And Live Stick Not Working

Apr 28, 2011

Live CD: I dowloaded the ISO, burned it to CD, booted from this CD. It starts to load and I can see the purple background with the loading icons. Everything seems normal. But instead of ending up with the login screen, it ends up with a screen that says 'Please remove all bootup media and hit ENTER' or something like this. So I hit enter and then it shuts off my computer. That's it.

Live Stick: So I tried another option and created a stick with 'usb-creator.exe' that is on the CD. Then I start from that stick, but all I end up is a line of 'Syslinux bla bla copyright 20xx-2011'. That's it. Then it does nothing anymore. The cursor is blinking, but no prompt or whatsoever and keyboard input doesn't do anything.

Now something weird: When I insert Live CD and Live Stick at the same time and then boot my computer, then it boots into Ubuntu. Obviously it loads the first parts from CD and then the rest from stick. Because when I'm then in Ubuntu and try to format the stick, it says it can't do so, because there's system files from that stick in use.

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