Debian :: Configure Volume Buttons Without Pulseaudio

Dec 25, 2015

I disabled pulse audio in favor of just working with jack, alsa_in & alsa_out and everything works pretty well except for one thing.

When I enable pulseaudio I can control the volume with my multimedia keys, volume up, volume down, mute.

If I kill pulseaudio not only do I not have volume controls but the little widget in the top bar seems to be broken.

I looked in my /etc/acpi/ folder and see these files relating to volume

Code: Select all#!/bin/sh

test -f /usr/share/acpi-support/key-constants || exit 0

. /usr/share/acpi-support/key-constants
acpi_fakekey $KEY_VOLUMEUP

[Code] ....

running xev i get this output for those buttons:

Code: Select allFocusIn event, serial 36, synthetic NO, window 0x1e00001,
    mode NotifyUngrab, detail NotifyAncestor

KeymapNotify event, serial 36, synthetic NO, window 0x0,
    keys:  0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   
           0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   

[Code] ....

nothing comes up for those keys, the terminal cursor just blinks.

also one more thing, those keys are set to shortcuts in the settings->keyboard->shortcut menu.

I can control my device with the amixer so I would like to just bind amixers functions to the keys but I don't really know how to go about doing that.

How can I bind amixers commands with those keys?

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Debian Multimedia :: How To Have Volume Buttons On Laptop Change 'pcm' Channel Volume Rather Than 'master'?

Jun 13, 2010

I'm running squeeze (last updated today), and everything has been working great. There is only thing that would simplify my life minutely..Anybody know how can I have the volume buttons on my laptop change the "pcm" channel volume rather than "master"? If they could control pcm, then I could adjust the volume coming out of my headphones or my computer speaker (both controlled by pcm, but not master...seems strange to me) with just one click.I tried to find this info online, but all results seem to refer to an older version. The simple "click here, set this" solution no longer is possible.

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Debian Multimedia :: Laptop Volume Buttons And GNOME Volume Are Not Synchronized

Feb 27, 2011

Debian Squeeze 6.0.0 on a Thinkpad T43, sound volume is not synchronized between the laptop volume buttons and GNOME's Volume Applet. So if I turn the volume all the way down with the physical buttons, the volume applet may still indicate 75%.I did not have this problem in Debian Lenny. Pressing the volume buttons used to show a volume bar on the screen, as did pressing the mute button.

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Debian Multimedia :: Testing / Sid Pulseaudio Volume Control Bug?

Mar 6, 2010

I'm having a problem with Pulseaudio for quite some time, I already made some topics about it. But still no solution. The thing is, I can't use my keyboard volume control, it's only manipulating my ALSA configuration. Not my main Pulseaudio volume. Here is some information about my sound card:

$ pacmd list-cards
Welcome to PulseAudio! Use "help" for usage information.
>>> 3 card(s) available.
index: 0
name: <alsa_card.pci-0000_00_1b.0>
driver: <module-alsa-card.c>
owner module: 4

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Debian Multimedia :: Amixer Only Controlling Headphone Volume With Alsa And Pulseaudio

Nov 13, 2015

I'm having a problem all the sudden with amixer. set Master 5% used to control the pulse audio master volume. Suddenly, it will only raise and lower the headphone volume. Pulseaudio works, but I no longer have a master volume at all.

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Debian Multimedia :: Pulseaudio - Possible To Configure More Than 1 Alternate Sample Rate?

May 23, 2015

This is Debian 8. Pulseaudio uses 44100hz by default, with 48000hz as the 'alternate sample rate'. The hda sound driver on this (and seems most) audio hardware supports 44100, 48000, 96000 and 192000 sample rates. Anything else, pulseaudio resamples it. High quality resampling settings use more cpu resources, so it's best to use one of the supported sample rates, when possible. This is done by default for 44100 and 48000, but if you want to use 96000, for example, you have to set it in /etc/pulse/daemon.conf as "alternate-sample-rate = 96000". But this causes 48000 audio to be resampled.

Pulseaudio log, 48000 stream gets resampled:

Code: Select allD: [pulseaudio] resampler.c:   rate 48000 -> 96000 (method speex-float-10)

while 96000 stream is copied:

Code: Select allD: [pulseaudio] resampler.c:   rate 96000 -> 96000 (method copy)

44100 and 48000 defaults make sense since this is the majority of audio content these days, but I do have some 96000hz audio. I know there were reasons why it was limited to one alternate, but I could get around the issues. So, is there a way to configure more than one alternate sample rate for pulse audio?

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard Volume Buttons

Jul 11, 2011

so i just got a nice hp keyboard from my dad (very slim) to use with my laptop and external monitor. it has a volume up key, a volume down key, and a mute key. the only problem is, the computer thinks they are actually letter keys. whenever i press volume up, it thinks i hit "b" and types that on the screen. the same goes for the other two buttons. is there anyway i can get them to function normally? everything else works.

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Ubuntu :: PulseAudio Volume Adjustment In Shell

Feb 19, 2010

I'm using Mangler and WoW under Wine. Mangler is quiet, WoW is not. I would like to write a script to adjust the volume of my Wine application (set it to say 50%) and then launch Mangler. The CLI page on the PulseAudio wiki offers

Code: set-sink-volume/set-source-volume But I am apparently missing the part of how to apply that to an application. Update: Solved with update to 1.1.2010227

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Ubuntu :: SDL Applications Intercept Volume Buttons

Jun 1, 2010

I use a Compal KLH B0 laptop if I recall correctly. (It's rebranded but great!) It uses a completely standard keyboard where Fn+F7 and Fn+F8 are the volume buttons. This happens with all SDL games I have.

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General :: Cannot Get Volume Buttons On Keyboard To Work

Apr 8, 2011

I just installed Linux Mint XFCE (newly-released Debian Based OS)My Problem is that I cannot get the volume buttons on my keyboard to work. I've done some research and it appears I need to install the "xfce4-volumed" package and I have done so. Still the buttons do not work. I've also tried installing xfce4 and also gstreamer.Nothing has worked.

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Fedora :: Pulseaudio Volume Drops On Each Subsequent Track?

Nov 1, 2009

Whenever I play music tracks in totem Movie Player, the volume drops on each subsequent track - it's VERY annoying. Does anybody know of a permanent fix for this? I've gone through the steps on the pulseaudio thread, and they only fix the problem temporarily. I've even gone so far as uninstalling everything attached to pulseaudio (which was real fun btw since xorg and the video drivers apparently are dependent). After fixing that mess, the audio is STILL screwy. Never had this problem under F10 - do I need to go back?

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General :: Limit PulseAudio Volume To Prevent Overdrive?

May 11, 2010

Is it possible to limit maximum volume in PulseAudio? Currently, PulseAudio sets PCM channel too loud which results in distorted sound. I use aumix to turn volume down, but whenever any other sound is played (IM notification etc), PA plays with knobs, turning master volume down and PCM up. code...

I use OpenSUSE 11.2, pulseaudio 0.9.21, ALSA 1.0.21 and ALC889A sound codec.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Pulseaudio Volume Control Gone From Panel

May 4, 2010

I upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 and my volume control disappeared from the panel. I have reinstalled pulseaudio but it had not re-appeared. I can't find it in the Add Panel list nor can I find it in the Pulseaudio volume control application as an option.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Control Pulseaudio Volume From Kmix?

May 7, 2010

I've just upgraded to kUbuntu 10.04. I've been using Gnome for a few years now, and felt the need to try KDE again. I've managed to get my NVidia 8200 with HDMI audio working, but have one last annoying issue.

I can't control volume with my RF remote or keyboard.

More to the point, the keys control the sliders in kMix, but to no effect on the sound. This is likely because I need to use Pulseaudio to get my HDMI working. The sliders in Pulse volume control, control the volume nicely. Either I need a way to force kmix to talk to pulse, or a way to re-map these keys to control pulse.

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Ubuntu :: Importance Of Pulseaudio Volume Restore Module?

Nov 17, 2010

What is the importance of 'module-volume-restore' in Pulseaudio configuration file(/etc/pulse/ The Login sound on my Lucid desktop is very loud.Upon searching,i found that above(module) can be the cause of the problem.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: PulseAudio - Cannot Set Main System Volume

Nov 27, 2010

I've got rhythmbox playing and to minimize the effect of the mic input being routed to the computer's main output, I wanted to set the main system volume to be fairly low and turn up the level in rhythmbox. Pulseaudio won't let me do that. If I change the computer's main volume, it changes rhythm box's volume, and vice versa. I don't think I saw that behavior before, no idea what changed.

Am I completely misunderstanding something? I thought the point of an audio server is so that the client applications could produce the signals in their own way and send them through the server. Why do they have to interfere with each other's settings? Is there some preference to make it stop doing that? I looked in pavucontrol, device chooser and manager, don't see anything.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Replace Pulseaudio - Can't Adjust Volume

May 7, 2011

I tried fixing m pulseaudio so it wouldnt mute the sound whenever i set it below 24%, but now i cant adjust the volume. Are there alternatives to pulseaudio? i have kmix installed, will this suffice?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Volume Buttons On Hp Stopped Working?

Apr 17, 2010

I left for a week and when i came back, the light-up buttons on my hp laptop no longer worked- they cannot control volume any more.

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Ubuntu :: Change Extra Mouse Buttons In Volume Up / Down

Nov 19, 2010

Is there a way to change the extra mouse buttons into volume up/down?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Volume Manager Disappeared After Removing PulseAudio

Jan 10, 2010

Is there any way to have Volume Manager in systray without PA?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Enable A Volume Bar With Esound (after Removing Pulseaudio)?

Jan 10, 2010

My OS is Ubuntu 9.10 64bit. I have been having problems with audio in several of my applications - all of which were fixed by removing Pulseaudio and installing Esound. After uninstalling pulseaudio, there is now no volume bar in the notification applet on my desktop panel.

In addition to this, my volume keys on my keyboard (Lenovo Y550 Ideapad) no longer work. Is there an application I can install that will put a volume bar back on my notification panel (using Esound)?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Stuttering - Pulseaudio - Missing Volume Control

Nov 24, 2010

i recently did a clean install of 10.10 to an old box i had so i could mess around with it and learn. however, all audio (and videos too) would stutter and play very quickly (a 1 minute videos video would play in about 45 seconds). so i followed the solution found here: [url]

this fixed the playback problems perfectly, however, i lost the volume control applet in the upper-right of the screen. reinstalling to volume control and then adding the "indicator applet" back to the panel adds a non-functional volume control icon and an additional mail icon.

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Software :: Difference Between Fedora And Ubuntu (pulseaudio) Volume Controls

Feb 3, 2011

Newer versions of both distributions are using the new pulseaudio volume control (I'm not referring to pavucontrol but the main volume control accessible via the volume icon in the panel). However, even though both distros' versions have the identical interface, they clearly do two different things. I've searched for this topic before and have come up with nothing; makes me wonder why no one else seems to have an issue with this.

For Fedora (12 and up) the main slider for the sound card's volume does just that, although the sliders for individual applications use the same "scale." If I drag an application's slider higher than that for the sound card, the "main" slider moves along with it.

In Ubuntu (Lucid and later) the main slider is the same as Fedora's, but the individual applications are scaled differently. Dragging an individual application's slider all the way to the right (100%) sets the maximum volume of this application to that of the sound card, whatever that happens to be at the moment.

In this respect, Ubuntu's individual sliders are relative to the (arbitrary) value set for the sound card, but Fedora's individual sliders are "hard-wired" to the main slider. I'm wondering if it is possible to make Fedora's volume control behave like Ubuntu's, i.e. is there a configuration setting, or is this designated in the source code? I'm sure there is a heated debate over why things are this way in Fedora, however with the new pulseaudio systems, the minimum value for the main slider for my sound card is pretty loud and this makes most audio unlistenable in Fedora, at least through headphones without an on-board volume control.

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Ubuntu :: Change The Function Of The Extra Mouse Buttons Into Volume Up And Down

Nov 24, 2010

I've run in to one problem which makes me go back to Windows 7,and that's not being able to change my extra mouse buttons to function as volume up and down. I watch a lot of movies and series on my PC, and I use my wireless mouse to control volume and to pause and play. The last 2 are no problem, but I can't seem to find an option to change the function of the extra mouse buttons.I've looked all over the net, and read various forums, they don't have a clear answer or even an idea how to accomplish this. So I turned to this forum, which I should have done in the first place.

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Ubuntu :: 9.04 Jaunty- Volume Buttons/Speaker Sound Does Not Work?

Aug 5, 2009

originally my sounds worked completely, but now I only have sound out of the headphone jack. I used all the OEM software originally, but ended up following this step-by-step guide to run all pulse audio. After installing that I noticed that the sound keys on my laptop still showed that they changed the volume, but didn't have any effect in PulseAudio Volume Control... fixed that by changing the keyboard layout. While that bugged me the sound still came out of my speakers and headphone jack, but just recently the speakers randomly stopped working. Has anyone else experienced this?Computer:Lenovo 3000 N100 0768-4JUWindows 7, and Ubuntu 9.04*Edit- I tried to make it in one post, but it would not allow me yet saying I tried to post a link.

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Fedora :: The Volume Control Tray Icon Was Disappeared When Removed Pulseaudio

Oct 17, 2009

Because of a horrible problem (volume bursting, this is known bug), I completely removed Pulseaudio and some related packages. So I'm now using pure ALSA, and it's working fine. Yet, the volume control tray icon was disappeared. How can I recover it?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Global Hotkeys To Control Banshee/Rhythmbox/etc Volume With PulseAudio?

Jan 14, 2010

For awhile now, I've been trying to set two global hotkeys to control my volume level in Banshee. Before anyone comes in here and says to use the Volume Up/Volume Down keybinds in gnome-keybinding-properties, that does not work. That controls the master volume. I'm looking for a global hotkeys that control JUST the application volume.I've been playing around now, and I think I might have found a way. Since 9.10, Pulseaudio is integrated and the default sound manager. It also allows controlling the application volume level. While changing the volume would be through Pulseaudio and not in the specific application, this would work.

My question is if there's a way to set a keybind to control a specific application's volume within Pulseaudio? Or even a way to set a keybind to the event that happens when a specific application's volume is turned up or down within Pulseaudio.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Configure Pulseaudio Settings

May 10, 2011

I have just upgraded to 11.04 and the sound on my skype isn't working...configure my pulseaudio settings.whenever i try opening pulseaudio volume control, it says "Connection failed: Connection refused"

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Ubuntu :: Configure Keyboard Media Buttons?

Aug 29, 2010

I have an Acer Aspire 3680 running 10.04. It has four buttons on the top left side of the keyboard ( but I want to make them do specific things (like open the terminal, or firefox). How would I go about doing this?

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Ubuntu :: Tablet PC Buttons - Configure Any Unrecognized Button?

Apr 13, 2011

I'm currently trying to set up the extra buttons on my Tablet PC and I can't find a way how to get a working button code to show up. I have used the xev command and it doesn't show up anything when I press the buttons. When I tried the dmesg command I get this:


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