Debian Multimedia :: How To Have Volume Buttons On Laptop Change 'pcm' Channel Volume Rather Than 'master'?
Jun 13, 2010
I'm running squeeze (last updated today), and everything has been working great. There is only thing that would simplify my life minutely..Anybody know how can I have the volume buttons on my laptop change the "pcm" channel volume rather than "master"? If they could control pcm, then I could adjust the volume coming out of my headphones or my computer speaker (both controlled by pcm, but not master...seems strange to me) with just one click.I tried to find this info online, but all results seem to refer to an older version. The simple "click here, set this" solution no longer is possible.
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Feb 27, 2011
Debian Squeeze 6.0.0 on a Thinkpad T43, sound volume is not synchronized between the laptop volume buttons and GNOME's Volume Applet. So if I turn the volume all the way down with the physical buttons, the volume applet may still indicate 75%.I did not have this problem in Debian Lenny. Pressing the volume buttons used to show a volume bar on the screen, as did pressing the mute button.
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Mar 7, 2011
I'm running Kubuntu 10.10 32 bit on an old DFI KT600AL motherboard based system using the onboard VIA 3058 AC97 audio (because it supports front panel audio connections and none of the add-in PCI soundcards I have do). I have an old Gateway/STB TVPCI TV tuner card (mainly wanted the FM radio part to work) hooked up to the cd audio connector on the motherboard because the digital audio over the pci bus apparently isn't supported for this card (neither is the onboard analog mixer on the tv tuner card, I had to hack a CD-ROM audio cable and solder it to the audio outputs of the tv tuner module on the TV tuner card). When I use the master channel as the master channel (selected in Kmix) then as one would expect it affects the output volume of all other audio playing on the system except that which is being handled by the PCM channel. On Windows the PCM channel was also affected by the "Volume Control" slider such that ALL volume levels were reduced when moving the slider. I'm hoping someone can help me figure out how to make it work like this on Kubuntu.
First off I should warn you that I (like many users of older hardware that is not properly supported under PulseAudio) have uninstalled PulseAudio (because it's garbage) and am using Alsa to manage my audio hardware. I would think that there would be some way to do this using the 'amixer' application to add the PCM channel as a component of the 'Master' channel so that when the volume is turned down using the 'Master' channel control it will affect the PCM channel too (at least the output to the speaker jack, not necessarily the capture or mix volume though), but I'm not really any good at doing things from a terminal window and the options for the amixer command kind of confused me.
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Apr 10, 2011
My volume control seems to have only three settings: TOO LOUD, VERY QUIET, OFF. If I adjust the Master volume slider from the Panel, only about the right 1/8th has any effect and if I slide it past about the 95% mark, I get no sound at all. At the far-right end of the volume control, I get total volume. It's basically like the slider only has any impact in the top 5% of it's space. Below 95% of the slide, there is zero volume.
It's so drastic, that one tap down of the volume button on my keyboard kills the sound (because it nudges the slider past that 95% mark). This happens in the Audio settings, etc., system-wide. If I adjust the volume for an individual app from within the app (MPlayer, for example) it behaves exactly as expected (that is, app volume works smoothly, it's just master volume that has this issue). I have run through most of the "obvious" things-- I'm wondering if I broke something by installing the extra KDE packages to get Amarok to work.
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Nov 6, 2010
On my Fedora 14 system, the gnome-volume-control-applet manipulates the Front channel, rather than Master (or PCM), which means I continually have to use alsamixer in terminal to adjust the audio volume in the other channels.In earlier version of Gnome (pre-pulseaudio?), this could be configured in the volume control preferences, but no more.Anyone know how I can fix this?My audio adapter is pretty standard Intel stuff. lspci: ode:00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) HD Audio Controller
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May 26, 2010
How do i change the channel gnome-volume-control controls? I want it to control pcm but it controls master front. There used to be a setting right in the sound preferences but i think it disappeared with the 9.10 upgrade or at least i can not find it anymore. I've looked on the at gnome alsa mixer while changing the volume and master front gets controlled while pcm is always set to max. The problem with this is that master front does almost nothing to change the actual volume.
If i control pcm with the alsa mixer the volume range is fine. I've found a manual for gnome-volume-control on [URL].en and the pic there actually looks like i remember it looking. But i can not get to that screen. What i have looks completely different. Its a window with the tabs Sound Effects | Hardware | Input | Output | Applications. But there is no sight of any channel settings and the only slider there does the same as the applet one.
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Oct 29, 2010
I've got my xubuntu 10.10 install just about perfect on a little acer aspire d250, apart from a small sound useability issue: In the interests of simplicity and resource usage I removed pulseaudio. After a bit of fiddling I got it so that my USB soundcard (ProDac) is recognized and automatically set as the default soundcard when plugged in. Any sound applications automatically use the USB sound if it present, no need to around with pulse. The only problem is that my netbook's volume control keys still only control the master volume of the inbuilt soundcard, and have no effect on the usb sound. Does anyone know of a way to change which sound device these keys actually effect? I'd like to write a little script so that when the usb device is detected the keys are remapped.
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Nov 19, 2010
Is there a way to change the extra mouse buttons into volume up/down?
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Nov 24, 2010
I've run in to one problem which makes me go back to Windows 7,and that's not being able to change my extra mouse buttons to function as volume up and down. I watch a lot of movies and series on my PC, and I use my wireless mouse to control volume and to pause and play. The last 2 are no problem, but I can't seem to find an option to change the function of the extra mouse buttons.I've looked all over the net, and read various forums, they don't have a clear answer or even an idea how to accomplish this. So I turned to this forum, which I should have done in the first place.
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Jan 30, 2010
Ever since upgrading to Karmic, I haven't been able to adjust master volume when my USB headphones are chosen as the output device. If I try to adjust my master volume (via the media keys on my keyboard or gnome-volume-control), the output volume doesn't change until it's entirely muted. I can adjust the master volume fine when I'm outputting through internal audio.I am able to adjust the volume fine on an application-specific basis, but this becomes quite a nuisance, especially when I switch between internal audio (where master volume is regulated) and USB audio (where master volume is always at full-blast). This worked fine in Jaunty, and stopped working once I updated to Karmic. My USB headphones are listed as "Storm HP-USB500 5.1 Headset".
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Mar 17, 2011
i'm using opensuse 11.3 64bits and upgraded kde from 4.4.4 to 4.6.0 now i'm having some problems with audio. it seems kde have problems with audio-devices. sometime i message about none workin devices and ask me to remove it. i manage to get sound from amarok, but not from web-browser lika videos. the computer is a dell latitude d830 with intel hda-devices. computer is docked in a dell d-dock. i can't adjust master volume using computer buttons or kde-volume, so i have to use volume on external speakers.
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Oct 9, 2010
I've just removed PulseAudio and installed Envy24Control in order to make sound working with my M-Audio Delta 1010LT, it's working fine now, but the only problem is that the master volume control disappeared, and the buttons on my keyboard (volume + and volume -) are not working (with PulseAudio they were fine). Using Ubuntu 10.10
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Apr 17, 2010
I left for a week and when i came back, the light-up buttons on my hp laptop no longer worked- they cannot control volume any more.
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Dec 25, 2015
I disabled pulse audio in favor of just working with jack, alsa_in & alsa_out and everything works pretty well except for one thing.
When I enable pulseaudio I can control the volume with my multimedia keys, volume up, volume down, mute.
If I kill pulseaudio not only do I not have volume controls but the little widget in the top bar seems to be broken.
I looked in my /etc/acpi/ folder and see these files relating to volume
Code: Select all#!/bin/sh
test -f /usr/share/acpi-support/key-constants || exit 0
. /usr/share/acpi-support/key-constants
acpi_fakekey $KEY_VOLUMEUP
[Code] ....
running xev i get this output for those buttons:
Code: Select allFocusIn event, serial 36, synthetic NO, window 0x1e00001,
mode NotifyUngrab, detail NotifyAncestor
KeymapNotify event, serial 36, synthetic NO, window 0x0,
keys: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[Code] ....
nothing comes up for those keys, the terminal cursor just blinks.
also one more thing, those keys are set to shortcuts in the settings->keyboard->shortcut menu.
I can control my device with the amixer so I would like to just bind amixers functions to the keys but I don't really know how to go about doing that.
How can I bind amixers commands with those keys?
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Apr 26, 2011
Just wondering if anyone else experienced this. I have been using Ubuntu for half a year now and I love it. I just installed Kubuntu Desktop to try it out and I found that I can't get near as high volume with it than I do with Ubuntu. Ubuntu is even way louder than the Windows that used to be on here.
So why is there a change in the max of volume? I am a huge music person and that is the only thing holding me back from getting rid of gnome. I like how fresh and clean KDE is.
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Mar 24, 2011
I used Ubuntu 10.10 (64 bit) on IMac i7. As far as, I remember, after installing Pulse-Audio Equalizer, for each restart of the system, after login screen, system sets volume to maximum value. What can I do?
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Jun 12, 2010
since using 10.04 I have a big problem with my usb headset (freetalk everyman)
1. Problem: I cannot regulate the volume of the phones (output) anymore with gnome-volume-control. By default the volume is set to 100% which is way too loud. When I set it under 100% there is no sound at all. Values over 100% work.
2. Problem: The X server is freezing iregulary when I connect the headset and disconnect it, Magic SysRq works. I checked Xorg.0.log and found out that it recognizes the usb headset as keyboard:
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Oct 31, 2010
I am struggling with a problem with the volume control... when i try to adjust the volume with the sliding bar i can not do it. If i put the scrollbar to the 0 position, it is muted. when i move it to anywhere else, i get the full volume. From other programs like vlc, i can adjust the volume with no problem.
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Nov 10, 2010
how to set at least my headphone/lineout socket precisely to -15dB at boot up? If I knew how to make amixer commands permanent, I wouldn't be re-raising the issue
The Gnome GUI volume control is fine in normal circumstances but to set it accurately requires a bit too much fiddling, IMO - now if someone were to adjust the programming so a dB readout accompanies slider movement, rather than as a pop-up after adjusting the slider, 'twould be more ergonomic, IMO.
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May 25, 2010
I think my question os quite silly, but yet, I can't figure out how to fix it. I had Debian Lenny installed on my laptop. While in Debian, i could control the volume of laptop speakers and headphone in separate channels. So, i could, for example, play a music in laptop speakers and in headphone, at same time.
In April, I've migrate to Kubuntu 10.04. I cannot do it any longer! There are no two separate channels in KMix. Everytime I plug headphone, it redirect the audio output from speakers to heaphone, and when i take the headphone out, it puts taudio output back to speakers. How can I control volume of each channel manually in Kubuntu 10.04?
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Jul 7, 2010
As I said, the problem is when veiwing flash videoes in fullscreen.
In fullscreen if v try to change the volume with multimedia keys, it gets minimized, as the notification bubble pops out.
I hv been seeing it since previous versions.
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Jul 11, 2011
so i just got a nice hp keyboard from my dad (very slim) to use with my laptop and external monitor. it has a volume up key, a volume down key, and a mute key. the only problem is, the computer thinks they are actually letter keys. whenever i press volume up, it thinks i hit "b" and types that on the screen. the same goes for the other two buttons. is there anyway i can get them to function normally? everything else works.
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Jan 13, 2010
Whilst sound works for MBP5,1 / 5,2 under Karmic, it could definitely be better - mainly the master volume does not affect the headphone output, and the speakers don't automute when headphones are plugged in. However, I've finally got around to writing a patch for alsa which fixes this - the patch is against the latest version of alsa-drivers ( If you want to test it (since so far I've only tested it on my MBP5,1 - any feedback from MacBook 5,1 / MB(P) 5,2 owners would be great too) follow these instructions: First make sure you don't have any versions of linux-backports-modules-alsa installed:
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Mar 23, 2010
i have this weird problem with my pavucontrol. for some reason my input levels go up and down by themselves when i'm talking on skype...mostly up...and it's annoying because i'll be talking normally, but to the people i talk to on skype it sounds like i'm yelling, and i have to have pavucontrol open always to constantly keep the levels under control..i've made a short desktop recording showing what i mean.i didn't include sound, but as you can see, i'm not turning the levels up manually..i just talk and they go up by themselves
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Jun 2, 2010
Banshee have crashed 3 times 'til now when I try to change the volume inside the program. It happened only 3 times, but now I'm afraid to change the volume and change it directly with the speaker's controls.One more question. When banshee crashes, all the system gets freezed. I tried with the console (CTRL+ALT+F1) but I don't know how to kill the banshee process.
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Jun 1, 2010
I use a Compal KLH B0 laptop if I recall correctly. (It's rebranded but great!) It uses a completely standard keyboard where Fn+F7 and Fn+F8 are the volume buttons. This happens with all SDL games I have.
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Apr 8, 2011
I just installed Linux Mint XFCE (newly-released Debian Based OS)My Problem is that I cannot get the volume buttons on my keyboard to work. I've done some research and it appears I need to install the "xfce4-volumed" package and I have done so. Still the buttons do not work. I've also tried installing xfce4 and also gstreamer.Nothing has worked.
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Sep 21, 2010
Is there a plugin or a setting that I'm missing that would allow me to change volume using the scroll wheel instead of seeking? I usually use VLC for my videos but I would prefer to use Totem if possible.
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Feb 11, 2011
Recently I installed JACK and Ardour to try out. Later I decided against it and so I uninstalled them. After restarting my computer, I noticed that the sound applet has disappeared from the panel, although the battery and mail icons are still present. There is still sound coming out of my laptop speakers, but it is stuck at whatever volume I had it set on before the last time I shut down. Volume sliders inside Banshee and suchll function, but I cannot change the overall system volume, and my keyboard shortcuts for this have stopped working as well. When I go into System->Preferences->Sound, all I get is a message that says "Waiting for sound system to respond." and nothing happens. I've tried searching around for a solution, but nobody I could find seems to have had aimilar problem, and none of the various other solutions proposed have worked for me. I'm on Ubuntu 10.10 by the way.
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Aug 5, 2009
originally my sounds worked completely, but now I only have sound out of the headphone jack. I used all the OEM software originally, but ended up following this step-by-step guide to run all pulse audio. After installing that I noticed that the sound keys on my laptop still showed that they changed the volume, but didn't have any effect in PulseAudio Volume Control... fixed that by changing the keyboard layout. While that bugged me the sound still came out of my speakers and headphone jack, but just recently the speakers randomly stopped working. Has anyone else experienced this?Computer:Lenovo 3000 N100 0768-4JUWindows 7, and Ubuntu 9.04*Edit- I tried to make it in one post, but it would not allow me yet saying I tried to post a link.
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