Debian :: Intalling The RTLinux-3.2-wr On 5.0.4?

Jul 27, 2010

My computer has Debian 5.0.4 (with kernel linux-2.6.26-2-AMD) installed. Processor is AMD64 athlon dual-core CPU. I am trying to install RTLinux-3.2-wr. Below is what I did:

1) download a clean kernel : linux- and patch : patch-

2) configure and build the kernel with the patch applied

3) reboot with the new kernel

"uname -r" shows ""

4) download and unpack RTLinux-3.2-wr.tar.bz2 into /usr/src/rtlinux-3.2-wr, the execute the following commands:

cd /usr/src/rtlinux-3.2-wr
make menuconfig

I get an error message "Makefile: 66: schedulers/x86/Makefile: No such file or directory", which is caused by line 66 "include schedulers/$(ARCH)/Makefile" in file /usr/src/rtlinux-3.2-wr/Makefile. When I go to directory "/usr/src/rtlinux-3.2-wr/schedulers", I find that there is no "x86" subfolder. The existing four subfolders are "alpha", "i386", "ppc" and "mips" respectively. What should I do to "make menuconfig" successfully?

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General :: Rtlinux Source Compatible With Fedaro Latest Version

Jan 7, 2010

i want to know, which RTlinux core(source) is compatable with fedaro latest version.

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General :: How To Fix Lilo After Intalling Windows

Aug 3, 2010

I have slackware one one partition with lilo. Today I've installed Windows 7 on another partition and now I have to fix lilo. How can I do that? Can I reinstall it from the slackdvd ?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Walkthrough For Intalling A Driver That Is In Tar.gz?

Mar 11, 2011

I've got a linux driver for by Broadcom 802.11 wireless card which I downloaded from the broadcom website. It's in a tar.gz format and I have NO idea what to do with that. My ubuntu machine has no internet access at all so none of the solutions I'v been able to find that deal with these broadcom drivers will work for me (because they all seem to require internet).

So, maybe someone could point me to a walkthrough for intalling a driver that is in tar.gz?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Intalling Build-essential ?

May 14, 2011

I tried this command:

And got these lines:

Why the package not found.

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General :: After Intalling 13.1, Machine Wont Boot?

Aug 13, 2010

I installed SW 13.1. Install and config completed without issue. When I attempt to boot, POST completes, and bootup stalls. Only a blinking cursor is visible. Any pointers on how to resolve this/achieve a succesfull bootup?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot With XP - 4 Different Partitions - No Success Intalling Ubuntu 10.10?

Nov 22, 2010

For the past 4 days Ive been trying to install ubuntu 10.10 64bit with no success. I am a total newbee when it comes to linux so I will be needing your kind help with it.At first I installed ubuntu to one of my portable drives with no problems, but now I want to install it to my hard drive and have a dual boot between windows XP and Ubuntu.

When I arrive to the manual partitioning part is where I get lost. I have totally destroyed my windows installation 5 times already ( thank god for norton ghost for restoring my windows installation. )

I have read several articles and blog posts regarding a dual boot system with windows and Ubuntu but none of them cover my specific situation so I keep getting lost and screwing things up.


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Debian Configuration :: Dual Boot Ubuntu/Debian: Debian Has Disappeared?

Apr 5, 2011

I have just installed Ubuntu (/dev/sda7) and Debian (/dev/sda4), but since I have updated all informations on Ubuntu, then Debian did not appear anymore on the grub list. There is an wiki I have found, but I an not really sure about what to do.

Here are the boot informations:
Boot Info Script 0.55    dated February 15th, 2010                   

Boot Info Summary:

=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks at sector 488861020
of the same hard drive for core.img, core.img is at this location on
/dev/sda and looks on partition #3 for (,gpt3)/grub.


ps: on this file, it says that the /boot is installed on the MBR and /dev/sda3. I will remove the boot from MBR as I am now using /dev/sda3 instead. Sorry for my english

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Debian :: Best Small -600mb Frugal Debian Or Debian-based Distro's?

Jul 17, 2009

I know of 3 at least so far Sidux and GRML and DRBL are there any others that are based on stabel or sid? or what? frugal as in like puppy, tinycore, dsl, etc nomadic like, usb, hd, etc?

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Debian :: Debian 6 Have The Same Font Smoothing As Debian 5 Has?

Jun 1, 2010

Is it exactly the same? I saw 5'th smoothing and 6'th smoothing. For me - no difference at all. Does anyone have precise technical information?

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Debian :: Enter Username And Password For Test Windows Account / So Debian Can Authenticate It?

Jul 7, 2011

I have a Windows domain with a proxy. I have an account that can use the proxy and the URL that points to the proxy.pac file. this might seem a stupid question but can anyone tell me how do I enter the username and password for my test Windows account so that Debian can authenticate it?

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Debian Installation :: Booting Debian With Ubuntu/XP Triple / Warning Bootdevice May Be Renamed?

Mar 6, 2010

I had (and still do) a working dual-boot XP/Karmic (GRUB version 1.97 beta4). I shrank the Ubuntu partition and set up partitions and installed Debian 5.04. When I got to the point of installing GRUB, I told Debian to install grub to MBR. On rebooting, Ubuntu was not an option on the NEW (looked different) grub menu.Maybe it was GRUB2? Could boot to either XP or Debian though.

Thought easiest thing was to reinstall Ubuntu since it seems to "see" other OS's more reliably. So I did, and installed GRUB again during its install to MBR. Then, all three were in the GRUB menu (version 1.97 beta4 again), but when tried booting to Debian, got an error (forget the wording), but think it was because the partitions got renumbered when installing Ubuntu.

SO, reinstalled Debian, reformatting the partitions but not deleting them first so the numbering stayed the same. When got to the part for installing GRUB, I told it to skip (I got some kind of error that said "Install failed. This is a fatal error. You will have to boot with an external device..."), hoping now the current GRUB would work.

Now, all three were on the GRUB menu, but when I tried to boot Debian, I got "no such device" and a list of numbers/letters after it. And "press any key to continue", which takes you back to the GRUB menu (version 1.97 beta4, by the way).

O.K., did sudo update-grub in ubuntu and rebooted. Now, Debian 5.04 shows as last entry in GRUB, and choosing it starts a boot, which hangs at "Begin: Waiting for root file system....".

Waiting long enough at the "Waiting for root file system..." hang results in a series of notifications:

WARNING bootdevice may be renamed. Try root=dev/hda3
Gave up waiting for root device. Common problems:
-Boot args (cat /proc/cmdline)
-Check rootdelay= (did the system wait long enough?)
-Check root= (did the sytem wait for the right device?)
-Missing modules (cat /proc/modules; ls /dev)
ALERT! /dev/sda3 does not exist. Dropping to a shell!

In Gparted, the partition with Debian root is hdc3, although on the GRUB menu it's listed as /dev/sda3. However, in Gparted the Windows partition is hdc1 and on GRUB it's /dev/sda1, and it boots fine.....

Is my Debian install just borked? Did telling it to skip installing a bootloader (I got some kind of error that said "Install failed. This is a fatal error. You will have to boot with an external device..." ruin it?

If skipping the bootloader install did ruin it, how do you install Debian without borking your current GRUB? That's what happened the first time.

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Debian :: Debian Synaptic Package Manager Error: Xserver-xorg Stripped?

Feb 10, 2011

I have used Debian Linux for two years, most recently the seventh or so iteration of Version 5. I use the Gnome desktop and the Synaptic Package Manager, not the Update Manager, for updates because it's easier to build a log with the former.In my most recent update, Synaptic stripped out all the xserver-xorg files�47 in all. I thought it peculiar but did not know enough to interfere. When I rebooted, the system told me I must install xserver or correct GDM configuration and restart.

Have I been hacked? Am I being tested by the Linux Illuminati? Or does it have something to do with the warning message I received at the end of the update-upgrade, attached? And how do I go about reinstalling xserver? With Aptitude? I have tried running apt-get -f install, to no effect.

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Debian :: Install Debian Root Into Software Raid Partitions Sda2 And Sdb1?

Mar 2, 2011

I got two harddisks, sda and sdb. Is it possible to install Debian root into software raid partitions sda2 and sdb1 leaving all other partitions 'normal' (not-raid)? do partitions sda2 and sdb1 need to be exact same size and position?

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General :: Debian - Install Rtl8187se Driver In Default Debian Kernel (without Generic)?

Apr 20, 2010

I have rtl8187se linux driver, during installation in debian linux it tells that "the kernel is not a generic". How can i install this driver in default debian kernel (without generic)?

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Debian :: Debian Disobeying Instruction - Ignore Command And Fetched Packages

Jul 19, 2011

Upon installing Debian, it asked me if it can use a mirror to get updated packages. I said no, yet it ignored my command and fetched packages. Why did Debian disobey me?

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Debian Installation :: Moving Debian Install From Virtual Machine To Physical

Feb 20, 2010

I have been learning Debian by using a virtual machine. After fine-tuning my installation procedure, I decided to copy that installation to my physical system. The hard drive already has another Linux based system installed. I plan to dual boot.After copying files I updated fstab and menu.lst.The partition scheme between the virtual and physical environments are similar, but the partitions are not mapped exactly the same.Thus the Debian system on the physical hard drive fails to boot simply because the initrd is created for the root partition location on the virtual machine. The initrd created in the virtual machine is looking for the root file system on /dev/hda1 whereas on my physical drive the new location is /dev/sda7.How can I rebuild the initrd on the physical system? I started to use the installation DVD in rescue mode, but I did not get too far.

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Debian Installation :: Debian 5.0.4 New Install Will Not Read Boot Disk Info

Mar 10, 2010

I down loaded Debian 5.0.4 and burned it to CD (several times I might add till it was right) and now the computer I'm putting it on wont acknowledge it as a boot disk and load. It does not have a problem with my windows cd, which has a crack and the start of all my problems, But not the Debian CD-1 disk. what now? The computer is an IBM thinkpad a22p. Everything works as far as I can tell. But I was going to reinstall Windows and failed in that because of a small crack on the edge of the disk that stopped the install and any hope of accessing the file on the laptop. Microsoft does not support windows xp any longer, you must buy windows 7, but the ibm will not run it due to processor speed and ram limitations. But it will run linux and I'm willing to try it just to get out of microsoft control.

Idon't know what else to do. This is the link to where I downloaded the software ( [URL] ). The others five that i downloaded were on the same page that I got this one. Are there bad files here? Is there a missing file in the disc?

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Debian Installation :: Dpkg: Error Processing Debian-archive-keyring?

Sep 7, 2010

I have a post in beginners section but maybe I can find some help here.. If you do not mind,please read the following post about my problem.viewtopic.php?f=30&t=55243&p=320093#p319848

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Debian :: Tablet Features For LMDE (Debian Testing), Fujitsu T4310?

Jul 4, 2011

I tend to stay on for long time. My machine is a Fujitsu T4310 tablet. I have got all tablet features previously working properly when I was on Isadora Mint. After installing LMDE to my surprise basic features of the tablet simply worked out of the box but I'm missing a few important features like multitouch, screen rotate and buttons in tablet mode.

As far as my experience with Isadora, it needed a driver called "fjbtndrv", but I couldn't find it in the repos, moreover, I think it might need some tweeks to get it behaving properly. I found some refferences but it refers to other ubuntu based distros, which I can't use of course.

p.s. prefere a solution other than compiling it myself, it looks scary and has lots of dependencies.

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Debian Configuration :: Strange - Running Php5 On Debian Lenny And Apache?

Jan 18, 2010

i do have a strange problem get running php5 on lenny 64 inside apache2. i had installed it as all instructions on the web does: # apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-cli php5-common php5-cgi

apt has enabled php automatically, so
/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.conf does have inside:
<ifmodule mod_php5.c>
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml .php3
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps


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Debian Configuration :: How To Best Manage Partitioning When Install Programs Not From Debian Repositories

Dec 4, 2010

How to best manage partitioning when install programs not from debian repositories?I just discovered that Debian installs applications not from repositories to /opt and /lib. Both directories or folders reside in root (/) partition.Having made my root (/) partition (which is only around 500MB) -- more than sufficient for holding a couple of linux images but NOT good for holding application.What is the best solution for resolving this? It's annoying and worrying that my system always reminds of a close to full capacity root partition.

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Debian Configuration :: Dropbox Install For Debian Squeeze From Source Code

Feb 19, 2011

how to install Dropbox for Debian Squeeze from source.Please read everything before you begin. I prepared it as I installed Dropbox for my own system. Please Note: I use sudo, you may have to use root or 'su' from the command line. If you don't know the difference between sudo and su, then you shouldn't try this until you know. At the time I did this, the lastest dropbox version was 0.6.7.

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Debian Configuration :: Make Boot Partition Within LVM In Debian Usin Preseed?

Mar 16, 2011

I know that boot partition is possible to create within debian distribution that has grub 2.0, as I have done before with ubuntu. I have been trying many different options with my preseed file but it keeps taking the boot partition out of LVM and creating and extended partition too and then creates the LVM primary partition.

### Partitioning.
# you can specify a disk to partition. The device name can be given in either
# devfs or traditional non-devfs format. For example, to use the first disk


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Debian Multimedia :: Squeeze Compiling Dwm From Debian Source / Reality Check

Aug 18, 2011

Below is the recipe I've used to compile dwm from source on Squeeze

apt-get install devscripts debian-keyring
apt-get build-dep dwm

It all seems to work, however debuild gave an error about secret keys. Is this a sensible procedure? What happens in the (probably unlikely) event there is another source patch?I've gone to a tiling window manager as the result of the purchase of a wide screen LCD monitor. I like to have some stuff down the right hand side when running Firefox and OpenOffice in the main panes. Any configuration tricks welcome. Modern screens are the wrong shape!

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Debian Hardware :: Success Story - VHS Tapes To Digital Video Using Debian?

Feb 27, 2010

In a previous post I mentioned I planned to buy a Canopus ADVC 55 VHS to DV capture card (viewtopic.php?f=7&t=48224).

Now I have done that. And, it works like a charm using my 64-bit Debian Sid and Kdenlive! All my VHS will be saved for the future!A short HowTo: Plug in a SCART to composite adapter into the "TV out" on the VHS player. Plug in the three red/white/yellow composite RCA cables into the adapter and into Canopus ADVC 55.

Plug in a Firewire cable into the Canopus ADVC 55 and your Firewire card on your computer. Start the computer, start Kdenlive and click the connect button. Start the VHS player and click Play.

In Kdenlive and click the Record button, as fast as you can. Wait until tape is finished. Now you have a dv-file which is about 13GB per hour, so make sure you have the space on the hard drive. The dv file should then be stored as such, as the master backup. But, it is now easily converted to any other format.

I have too many home made movies to let them rot away as VHS. My previous attempt with the USB dongle only produces precompressed MPEG2 files which would have sucked. These DV files are uncompressed, take up a huge space, cannot be played as such, but! They are the raw material for any other format. If I'd like, can using Kdenlive readily make it FullHD with a few clicks.

Oh, and it works with vinyl records too!!! Then just use Audacity to edit them later. Don't buy a cheap USB dongle, buy a Canopus ADVC 55 or something similar. The quality is crisp!!!

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Debian :: Install Debian Testing On A Hardisk With 5pct Of Bad Clusters / Sectors?

Jan 4, 2010

I have an harddisk which is old, since many years >10 years, and I recall I crashed few clusters using windows programs which were old and harddisk stuffs doing. So the pc lives with bad clusters, this pc lives very well since many years.Question, the pc has woody debian, which let us to install and exclude bad sectors during install. Bad clusters was an usual thing in the past, but today not anymore.Unfortunately debian squeeze installer coders had the good idea to remove the " bad cluster checking " before installing debian, during install (cdrom netinst).

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Debian Configuration :: Save To Install Kernel On Debian Lenny 5.0.5 Or Stick With Automatic Updates

Aug 20, 2010

is it save to install linux kernel on Debian Lenny 5.0.5 or stick with automatic updates...

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Software :: Debian's And Debian Based Distros With Disk Space - Burn Video On Hard Drive

Aug 13, 2010

Debian and debian based distros issue has a issue that has come to make it self aware to me when I was trying to burn a video on my hard drive with braseo and it won't let me burn more than 4.4 gigs to a dvd with 4.7 gigs of free space even a file that is over the 4.4 gig limit by a megabyte with windows i didn't have this problem. One more thing I have 16 gig flash drive and on debian and debian based distros i can only use 13.1 gigs of it but on fedora I can use all 16 gigs.

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Debian :: Mounting Usb-sticks Has Cropped Up After Installing Debian-5.0.4 Anew?

Mar 29, 2010

This problem of mounting usb-sticks has cropped up after installing debian-5.0.4 anew. Whenever I am attaching the usb the lower panel shows JetFlash TS2GJFV30 (not mounted). When I am clicking on 'Mount device' a red warning sign is appering telling 'Error'. If I run terminal command 'mount /dev/disk' then error message is 'mount: can't find /dev/disk in /etc/ or /etc/mtab'.

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