Debian Installation :: Squeeze Grub2 Error 15 With LVM2 Encrypted Disk?

Feb 9, 2011

This is my specific solution to my specific problem. After updating to Squeeze from my prior Lenny distro (amd64 with whole disk encrytion using LVM2, dm-crypt, LUKS) everything went well - at first. I was duped like so many, thinking that all was well and I could remove the legacy-grub (aka: Grub1) and just use grub-pc (aka: Grub2). As soon as I removed the legacy-grub and rebooted my laptop, I was confronted with:

GRUB Loading stage1.5 GRUB loading, please wait..Error 15 At this point I wasn't sure if it was a Grub problem or a deeper encryption problem - especially after reading that some people had missing packages in Squeeze (lvm2, dm-setup, initramfs-tools, etc.)

Okay, the solution for me.

1. download and burn to disk: debian-live-6.0.0-amd64-rescue.iso[URL]..

2. scroll to and press enter/return on: text rescue

3. choose a root directory - for example: /dev/blah/root (I wrote down the list of possible /dev/.... for reference - this helped me remember where and what I had partitioned in Lenny)

4. choose: Execute a shell in /dev/blah/root

5. once in the shell, I discovered I needed to mount a few of those partitions that I had written down in order to get access to grub-probe, update-grub, grub-install, etc. You may not have to if your partitions are minimal. I you need to use other partitions, type (for example):


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Debian Installation :: GRUB2 Can't Find Encrypted Device?

Nov 14, 2010

I've installed a Squeeze-based distro - Crunchbang - with an encrypted root partition (no LVM), and it won't boot.

Here's what I get: Loading initial ramdisk. Loading, Gave up waiting for root device ALERT! /dev/mapper/hda5_crypt does not exist. Dropping to a shell!

Here's my partition table:
hda1 - Windows (Truecrypted)
hda2 - GRUB2
hda5 - /
hda6 - unused swap


What should I look for? Where do I go from the initramfs shell? Do I chroot? What then? This might be a Crunchbang issue (although others blame LVM which I didn't use, and it's the original Debian installer after all), but there's gotta be a reason it doesn't boot

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Debian Installation :: Unable To Use Grub2 In Squeeze AMD64

Feb 7, 2011

The way I usually boot Linux distros, and this has worked for every distro I have tried up to Kubuntu 10.10, was to install Grub2 on an extended partition, run "dd if=/dev/sda5 of=linux.bin bs=512 count=1", and then adding that bin file to my Windows boot.ini. What usually happens after is that I get the Grub2 menu after selecting it from the Windows Bootloader.

The problem is, with the latest Squeeze AMD64, all I get when I do this is a static cursor and the computer is frozen and I have to hit the reset button.I mounted the Linux partition with Ext2IFS (mkfs.ext3 -I128 /dev/sda5 to get 128KB inodes), and I can see that the Squeeze installer did indeed install Grub2, because I can see the files in their respective directories.

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Debian Installation :: Lenny - Squeeze Grub2 - No More Boot

Feb 28, 2011

Whenever I reboot, I get GRUB and the _ pinking, and that's it. With rescue cd I can have chroot shell, to troubleshoot I did the upgrade-from-grub-legacy and installed it to both /dev/sda and /dev/sdb In recovery I redid the upgrade-grub and grub-install commands but still have the same "GRUB and _ blinking".

Because the text "GRUB" and then nothing I didn't enouncter while googling, I need to ask here for further troubleshooting.

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Debian Multimedia :: Restore Or Reinstall GRUB2 From Squeeze Installation?

Sep 21, 2010

How can I restore or reinstall GRUB2 from squeeze installation? I tried various suggestions from various online articles (most of them for ubuntu), but I couldn't find a solution. Is there any solution, specifically for Debian? GRUB reinstallation from install cd, didn't worked as well. Since I couldn't boot at all, I restored GRUB1 and I'm posting from Lenny, but I can't access Squeeze this way (probably because I have squeeze's partition, ext4 formatted).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 - No Such Disk Error

Mar 13, 2010

I have a Dell machine with two hard drives that has Windows XP Home on the first disk (sda) and I just installed Karmic to the second hard disk (sdb) and when the install finished installing Grub2 to the MBR and the system restarted, I get the no such disk error and the grub rescue prompt. There is no option in BIOS to boot from the second disk. What do I need to do to get this working?

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Debian Installation :: Squeeze On Second Hard Disk?

Jun 7, 2011

I have a system with Windows installed. Now I got a second hard disk on which I want to install Debian. After installation I have a dual boot system or I have to manually configure GRUB? Thnak you and I'm sorry fo my inexperience.

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Debian Installation :: Hard Disk Thrashing With Squeeze?

Apr 22, 2010

Just loaded Squeeze (KDE) onto a partition on my desktop and am a bit alarmed by the disk thrashing thats going on? Damn light on constantly. if I didn't know better I'd think I was using Vista. Is this something to do with 'nepomukservices' that seems to be taking a fair amount of cpu time? Not used to KDE 4 so maybe this is normal.

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Debian Installation :: Get Grub2 To Boot A Live System From Hard Disk

May 8, 2011

I have been frustrated attempting to get Grub2 to boot a Debian Live system from hard disk. Have set aside a 4gb partition /dev/sda1 to contain the Debian Live and some other recovery tools. I actually have them all working from a 4gb USB stick successfully, but getting it to work on my HDD has proved challenging. On USB, I have PartedMagic, Gparted, Grml, and of course my standard 6.01 Squeeze. I have also managed to get the Debian Live booting from that USB stick. Very slick.

However, I can NOT get Debian Live to boot from my HDD; altho all of the others above boot fine. Have tried it two ways - one using an iSO image, which is how it is done on my USB stick. The other attempt is to copy the entire contents of the ISO to a directory.

Here are my directory structures:

debian_live_gnome_squeeze_i386- contains the following: debian-live-6.0.1-i386-gnome-desktop.iso initrd.gz initrd.img vmlinuz which is how it is laid out on my USB stick debian_live - contains the files from the ISO image The error I get is something like "panic unable to find live filesystem" My grub.cfg snippet for the two methods I have tried - the 2nd menuentry is similar to how it works on the USB stick.

menuentry "Debian 6.01 Live (on /dev/sda1)" {
insmod part_msdos
insmod ext2
set root=(hd0,msdos1)


Probly don't really need to get it working since PartedMagic can do almost everything I need for recovery and I can use the USB for reinstall or whatever else.

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Debian Installation :: 'Squeeze' AMD64 Installer Fails To Detect Hard Disk

Apr 20, 2011

Having trouble installing 'Squeeze' 6.0.1a-amd64-netinst on a new AMD64 system.The installer boots and runs fine until it gets to hard disk detection. Then it hangs for about 20 minutes showing a blue screen, during which time the HDD-activity light flickers every 5 seconds. Eventually it says it can't detect a hard disk, and displays a (longish) list of possible drivers; no idea which, if any, would suit.Anyone else installed (successfully or otherwise) on this combo?

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Fedora :: Install Grub2 On LVM2 ?

Nov 26, 2010

I have a working Fedora14 system. /boot is on sda1.

Here is my system:


I would like to install Grub2 to have /boot in LVM2 as well. Is there a guide for it or can someone help me with this task?

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Fedora :: Browse Encrypted LVM2 - Unable To Mount Location

Aug 10, 2009

I have no idea what I'm doing so here goes: I installed Fedora and clicked the "encrypted" box during the process. What I want to do now is "browse" the volume using "File Browser" but I only get messages like, "Unable to mount location, org.freedesktop.DeviceKit.Disks.Error.Failed: Not a mountable file system". Why cannot I not see the files? I have the password. I would like to be able to move, delete, rename, etc files but that seems impossible because I cannot access the drive.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.2 Repair Ext3 Filesystem Within Encrypted Lvm2

Jan 4, 2010

I have two ext3 partitions within an encrypted lvm2 volume. when i start up my system it says that there are 0.3% non contiguous blocks.

This is my steup:

When i want to repair with repair system from dvd it tells me that the repair and check operation for encrypted LVM devices is not supported. so how can i fix my filesystem?

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Slackware :: Shrink A LUKS-encrypted Physical Volume - LVM2

Dec 28, 2009

I have a 160GB harddrive with 2 partitions:

1. /dev/sda1 ext2 100MB (this is my /boot partition)

2. /dev/sda2 LVM2 Remaining space (this is my physical volume and is LUKS-encrypted)

There is 1 volume group, slackvg, and 3 logical volumes:

1. swap 2GB

2. root jfs 10GB

3. home jfs 50GB

I would like to shrink /dev/sda2 to make room for another regular partition, is this possible?

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Debian Configuration :: Squeeze: GPT Support In Grub2?

Feb 14, 2011

I have just upgraded from Lenny to Squeeze, and followed the D-I recommendation to upgrade to Grub2. However, the server will no longer boot - giving a 'missing operating system' error, so it's not getting very far in the boot loader process. I have read, in various location that Grub2 supports GPT, but my efforts to fix the situation have met with little success.

I have managed to boot the system using SuperGrub2 (recovery live cd) and can start up successfully from there. However, when I try to fix the grub installation using the Debian wiki recommendation, I'm met with:

<host>:/# grub-install /dev/sda
/usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: This GPT partition label has no BIOS Boot Partition; embedding won't be possible!.


The attached disk is 4.5TB of RAID 5 disk behind an Adaptec 5405 if that's useful.

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Debian Installation :: Non-system Disk Or Disk Error ?

Jan 22, 2011

After installation of debian, using the squeeze net-installer, on a HP elitebook 6930P, i get the following error. "non-system disk or disk error"

It is right after boot process, and just when it should load grub. Grub is installed in the MBR. Windows7, is installed as well, and is not an option to remove. (Should not be the problem though).

/ is set with the bootable flag.

The installation went without any issues, and I have actually tried to install twice with the exact same thing.

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Ubuntu :: GRUB2: Error: No Such Disk?

Mar 3, 2010

I have a machine with two internal SATA drives sda and sdb. Winows XP is installed on sda and I installed Ubuntu 9.10 on sdb. After installation I rebooted and was able to choose either OS from the grub menu.After shutting down and rebooting I was greated with the grub rescue prompt and the messageerror: no such diskI was able to boot to a live USB and use my system again. I thought the problem came from grub being installed to the MBR of sdb, rather than sda. Therefore I installed Ubuntu again, however installed grub to the MBR of sda.

Same thing happened again - the first reboot works fine, then subsequent reboots grub cannot find the disk and I am forced to boot from live usb.Attempt 3 saw me install the root partition onto sda. A couple of reboots later and I was back at the grub rescue prompt. Two days later and after lots of reading I discovered that after doing a reinstall of Ubuntu, rebooting the system then doing a 'sudo update-grub' seemed to fix the disappearing grub problem.I was wrong. It lasted about 6 reboots between Ubuntu and XP, but has broken again. I don't see what the problem is,One point to note is that the BIOS does not let me choose which of the two internal drives to use as primary, infact it sees them as a single eSATA drive.

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Debian Installation :: Cannot Make Grub2 Boot Software RAID (Error)

Jun 2, 2011

I have a Dell PowerEdge SC1425 with two SCSI-disks, that I have tried installing Debian Squeeze on. This machine has previously been running Lenny (with grub 1), and the upgrade was done by booting a live-cd, mounting the root partition and moving everything in / to /oldroot/, then booting the netinstall (from USB), selecting expert install and setting up everything (not formatting the partition).

Both disks have identical partition tables:
/dev/sda1 7 56196 de Dell Utility
/dev/sda2 8 250 1951897+ fd  Linux raid autodetect
/dev/sda3 * 251 9726 76115970 fd  Linux raid autodetect
/dev/sda1 and /dev/sdb1 contain a Dell Utility, that I have left in place.
/dev/sda2 and /dev/sdb2 are members of a Raid-1 for swap.
/dev/sda3 and /dev/sdb3 are members of a Raid-1 for / formatted with reiserfs.

After installation, grub loads, but fails with the following message:
GRUB loading.
Welcome to GRUB!
error: no such disk.
Entering rescue mode...
grub rescue>

Doing "ls" shows:
(md0) (hd0) (hd0,msdos3) (hd0,msdos2) (hd0,msdos1)

I can do the following to get grub to boot:
set root=(hd0,3)
set prefix=(hd0,3)/boot/grub
insmod normal
This will bring me to the grub menu, and the system boots.

It appears that grub has only found md0, which I believe is the swap partition, because ls (md0)/ returns error: unknown filesystem. I have installed grub to both sda, sdb and md1, and tried dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc and dpkg-reconfigure mdadm, as well as update-grub.

I manually added (md1) /dev/md1
to /boot/grub/, but still no result.

I have run the, but unfortunately I cannot attach the RESULTS.txt, because the forum aparently does not allow the txt-extension. Instead I have placed it here: [URL]. I am tempted to go back to grub-legacy, but it seems I am quite close to getting the system working with grub2.

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Debian Installation :: GPG Error When Update From Squeeze To Wheezy

Jan 7, 2016

I try to update the packages before upgrade to wheezy,looks like when I run apt-get update,it shows error as per below:

W: GPG error: stable Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 379393E0AAEE96F6
rat:~# apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 379393E0AAEE96F6
Executing: gpg --ignore-time-conflict --no-options --no-default-keyring --secret-keyring /etc/apt/secring.gpg --trustdb-name /etc/apt/trustdb.gpg --


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Debian Installation :: Installing The Squeeze 64-bit From CD - Stop Without Error

Nov 14, 2010

I tried to install Debian-Squeeze 64-bit from CD [URL] as I thought mistakenly my cpu has 64 bit support. Ofcurse proccess stoped as the kernel wasn't compatible, but only when I removed the 'quiet' parameter I could see the error, when the 'quiet' parameter was passed, process gave no visible error,just stop in the start screen of debian-installer.

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Debian Installation :: Update To Squeeze Failed - Error 126

Dec 21, 2010

I have done a update from Lenny to Squeeze with the update manager within Gnome. And there was a error 126 and the update broke off leaving me with a non working system. The system does start into Debian Squeeze to the command line. Users are in place and a login is possible. X does not work and there a lot of broken and defect packages. I want to repair my system. Is a restore without losing the configuration possible?

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Debian Configuration :: Squeeze Grub2 Made Console Font Green

Apr 1, 2010

After an update on squeeze about a week or two ago, my console font turned green. I'm not exactly sure of the timing, because I switch between lenny and squeeze, and some time passed between the update and the reboot in squeeze.

During the update, I was asked if I wanted to keep my altered /etc/grub.d/00_header or take the package maintainer's version. I took the PM's version, knowing I'd lose my edit (set gfxpayload=1024x768x16). When I add that line to the new 00_header, run update-grub and reboot, the console font is the size I want, but it's a dull green. Reminds me of my first computer. How do I get it back to white and keep the 1024x768 resolution?

Currently booting with grub-legacy and chainloading grub2. If I boot entirely with grub-legacy, and pass vga=791, the console font will be white. It doesn't matter which kernel I use. Currently, I'm running 2.6.32-3-686. Same behavior exists if I use 2.6.30-2-686. If I use 1024x768x8 I get a dull gray instead of dull green.

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Debian Installation :: Fail: Fontconfig.Debian 6 - Error "disk Haven't Error Replace Disks And Reburned Them"

Feb 26, 2011

I have downloaded NETINSTALL disk from burned it and during installation it says that error and inst will not continued. This disk havent error replace disks and reburned them. On this computer debian 6 has been installed two weeks ago. "Running post-installation trigger fontconfig" on this stage i have fail.

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Debian Installation :: Squeeze- Grub Can't Dual Boot -ntoskrnl.exe Error

Jun 7, 2010

I cannot count how many times I have re-installed squeeze, and do all kinds of fixes to grub, but no joy. Every time, there is this ntoskrnl.exe error, and to re-install it. I thought my WIN XP may be corrupted, so I reinstalled it, and updated it with sp3 and all updates. Then I re-installed squeeze (reformatting all partitions). At the end, the installer ask if I want to install grub to mbr. I replied yes. After reboot, only the and the recovery kernels show up on the grub screen, no winxp.OK, I booted into squeeze kernel and looked at the /boot/grub/grub.cfg file, and there winxp is not included in /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober section. In terminal, I typed

#os-propber and it found winxp in /dev/sda1
then I typed

and now /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober now show winxp.I rebooted, and winxp shows on the grub screen, and I chose winxp.It came back with "ntoskrnl.exe ...error... re-install ntoskrnl..."Here are the details:

fdisk -l
root@SHUM-AMD64:/home/shum# fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 120.0 GB, 120034123776 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 14593 cylinders


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Debian Installation :: Squeeze Dist-upgrade Exited With Error Continue From?

Apr 21, 2011

I was upgrading from lenny to squeeze. At the apt-get dist-upgrade step, at some point (after upgrading and configuring) it tried to create a new certificate for my mail server but creation of the certificate failed, dpkg reported an error and the whole process exited with error. So I rebooted the machine and issued again apt-get dist-upgrade but now the certificate was created successfully . After that it upgraded mysql-client and the process finished.

But I don't know if configuring of the upgraded packages has stopped at the point where dpkg stopped. I suppose so, because very few packages were configured at that point. Is the solution to run dpkg-reconfingure -a (or -u ?) or dpkg --confingure -a or something else ? (dpkg has the PACKAGE STATES)

dpkg --configure --pending gives me no package for configuration.PS: At least I hope that all packages were upgraded and a few were not configured. Is there a way to confirm that all packages were upgraded ?

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Debian :: How To Open Encrypted Mac OS Extended Disk Image

Apr 11, 2016

I tried to access files from my old hard drive that used to be in a Mac (which unfortunately isn't working anymore). I connected it to my computer which I am running debian gnome on. So my question is how do i access a mac os extended disk image. The disk is encrypted and when i try to open it it says that i don't have permission. I think its encrypted in AES 128 bit.

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Debian Configuration :: Creating LUKS Encrypted USB Disk

Jan 15, 2016

Is it better to install LUKS to raw disk (/dev/sdb) or disk partition (/dev/sdb1)? What are best LUKS options?

"cryptsetup benchmark" output
Code: Select allPBKDF2-sha1      1310720 iterations per second
PBKDF2-sha256     862315 iterations per second
PBKDF2-sha512     590414 iterations per second

[Code] ....

Is slow hash better or how to choose it? It is clear that aes-xts is best choise. Is 265 bit key good?

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Debian :: Reverting RAID 1 - Mount Partition As Standalone Encrypted Disk

Feb 11, 2011

I have 2 identical disks originally configured as a pair for a server. Each of the disks has 2 partitions dev/sdb1,dev/sdb2. The sdb1 partitions I had configured as a raid1 mirror. The sdb2 partitions were non-raid and used as extra misc. Space. Further, the raid setup is also encrypted using dm-crypt luks. Now I want to redeploy each of the disks for new purposes. One of the disks i want to deploy exactly as before (keeping the partitions and content), however without being part of a raid array.

I've successfully deployed this disk into a new system and I am mounting the dev/sdb1 partition as dev/md0 because the disk is set to autodetect raid. Actually I am using cryptsetup and mounting with mapper. Can I get rid of the setting for auto detect on this partition without losing the data, or breaking the encryption? I just want to mount the partition as a standalone encrypted disk. Is it as simple as doing crypt setup luksOpen /dev/sdb1 then mounting it with mapper? Or do I need to change the partition in some way. Or do I simply continue to operate it as a 'broken' raid array?

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Debian Multimedia :: 'Startup Disk Creator' For Debian Squeeze?

Jun 14, 2011

Found this 'Startup Disk Creator' in Ubuntu,it is useful,how we get it install in Debian Squeeze? There's a Unetbootin for Debian,but it pull in lots of qt stuff,I don't like it.

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Fedora Installation :: F9 To F10 Upgrade, Now Can't Boot Encrypted Disk?

Oct 4, 2009

I just upgraded my F9 system to F10 using they preupgrade method, and though nothing seems to have failed during the upgrade I can't boot my system any longer.I have a completly encrypted system, and so I need to enter a passphrase at boot. The new F10 system does boot and I do get a Password: prompt but the passphrase is not accepted.My passphrase doesn't contain any odd characters to prevent problems with keyboard mappings. Just plain letters (upper and lower case) and digits

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