Debian Installation :: GRUB2 Can't Find Encrypted Device?

Nov 14, 2010

I've installed a Squeeze-based distro - Crunchbang - with an encrypted root partition (no LVM), and it won't boot.

Here's what I get: Loading initial ramdisk. Loading, Gave up waiting for root device ALERT! /dev/mapper/hda5_crypt does not exist. Dropping to a shell!

Here's my partition table:
hda1 - Windows (Truecrypted)
hda2 - GRUB2
hda5 - /
hda6 - unused swap


What should I look for? Where do I go from the initramfs shell? Do I chroot? What then? This might be a Crunchbang issue (although others blame LVM which I didn't use, and it's the original Debian installer after all), but there's gotta be a reason it doesn't boot

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Debian :: Solved - Grub2 Cannot Find Root Device?

Jul 23, 2011

I have a raid array using mdadm made up of two drives. The drives have two parts, the first for boot information and the 2nd for LVM. Everything but /boot is under LVM management. Originly the two drives were hooked up to a sata controller in a computer with no on-board sata. However I was not able to get the computer to boot to a sata drive off of that controller. So there was an IDE drive with the MBR that loaded grub.

Now the computer in that setup seems to have died. So the drives were moved to another computer with an on-board sata controller and now the bootup works as far as getting to the grub menu. However after the grub menu the error message "Cannot find root device"

I found the boot info script [URL].. note at the time that was run the computer was running with one drive that has a full Debian install with the raid drive in question mounted and chrooted into. The script was ran from the chroot envirment.[URL]..

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Debian Installation :: Squeeze Grub2 Error 15 With LVM2 Encrypted Disk?

Feb 9, 2011

This is my specific solution to my specific problem. After updating to Squeeze from my prior Lenny distro (amd64 with whole disk encrytion using LVM2, dm-crypt, LUKS) everything went well - at first. I was duped like so many, thinking that all was well and I could remove the legacy-grub (aka: Grub1) and just use grub-pc (aka: Grub2). As soon as I removed the legacy-grub and rebooted my laptop, I was confronted with:

GRUB Loading stage1.5 GRUB loading, please wait..Error 15 At this point I wasn't sure if it was a Grub problem or a deeper encryption problem - especially after reading that some people had missing packages in Squeeze (lvm2, dm-setup, initramfs-tools, etc.)

Okay, the solution for me.

1. download and burn to disk: debian-live-6.0.0-amd64-rescue.iso[URL]..

2. scroll to and press enter/return on: text rescue

3. choose a root directory - for example: /dev/blah/root (I wrote down the list of possible /dev/.... for reference - this helped me remember where and what I had partitioned in Lenny)

4. choose: Execute a shell in /dev/blah/root

5. once in the shell, I discovered I needed to mount a few of those partitions that I had written down in order to get access to grub-probe, update-grub, grub-install, etc. You may not have to if your partitions are minimal. I you need to use other partitions, type (for example):


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Ubuntu :: Grub2 Can Not Find Device For /, Big Mess-up?

Feb 24, 2010

I had grub trouble with a hardware change and have been trying to solve this. I think I have done more harm then good. I can not boot into Ubuntu or Windows 7. Here is the boot info script and other info on my problem. Can someone please help me with this,

Processing triggers for libc-bin ...
ldconfig deferred processing now taking place
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo os-prober
/dev/sda1:Windows 7 (loader):Windows:chain


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Debian Installation :: UEFI Won't Find Boot Device After Successful Install

Sep 12, 2014

I installed Debian Jessie (netinst, daily snapshot) on my Acer Aspire V5-123 laptop in the UEFI mode with the secure boot turned off. everything (network, hardware, partitioning, ...) went smoothly to the last step, but after removing the boot media (USB stick) and rebooting, the firmware could not find the boot device ! The only thing I can think of, is that the EFI boot is not set up properly by Debian installer, but I don't know how to fix it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Boot OS - Grub2 /

Aug 25, 2010

I used to have 2 HDDs for ubuntu: 1 x 80GB and 1 x 500GB The 500GB disk was my /home directory and is now used exclusively for Windows 7. I have now moved /home to the 80GB drive and have modified /etc/fstab to point /home to /home rather than /dev/sdb1. However, I cannot boot into ubuntu. I have tried using Super Boot Disk cd-rom but still no joy. I think I need to fix grub and have tried by booting into a Live-CD and following a tutorial I found on the forums but it complains about not being able to find a I guess this has something to do with the fact that the 500GB HDD is now gonoe but am not sure how to resolve this issue. how to recreate this file but the command failed.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 Does Not Find Filesystem?

Jan 11, 2010

Here is my problem. Grub2 outputs error: unknown filesystem. Then when i use "ls" command it outputs this:
(hd0), (hd0,4), (hd0,2), (hd1) and when i "ls (hd0,4)/ or any of them it says: error: no such disk

So, heres my story. I dual boot vista and ubuntu from my main 320GB hdd. Today i tried to fresh install 9.10 on a different external hdd. The 500GB hard drive already had two partitions, a 30GB Fat32 and the rest NTFS. both of these partitions had about 17GB used on them. I installed off a cd and i shrunk the NTFS to allow for more partitions. I made a 4gb swap as logical at the end then a primary ext4 / partition in front of it. The drives are Fat32 sdg0, ntfs sdg1, then an sdg3 (which im confused about and says is extension), and sdg4 (with linux) and sdg5 (swap). When finished with the partitions it asked me to select where to mount the ntfs and i said /windows. When i tried to boot up it did not recognize my external apparently because it was plugged in via firewire. I switched to usb and it booted but then i got the error message in grub. Also, when i switched from firewire to usb the drive changed from sdb to sdg. How do i fix this problem? Will reinstalling ubuntu fix this? Is there an easier way? I tried reinstalling grub but it did not work.

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Ubuntu :: Restore Grub2 On Encrypted Partition?

Jun 10, 2011

I had to reinstall Windows, which has obviously overwritten my lovely Ubuntu Natty

I would like restore grub2, however failling to do so

I'm running:

sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot
sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda5 crypt1
Enter LUKS passphrase:
key slot 0 unlocked.


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Fedora :: Grub2 Support Booting Off Of Encrypted Partitions?

Oct 12, 2009

Does grub2 support booting off of encrypted partitions? I'd like to have an encrypted linux system, but only have space for one partition or logical group in my mbr. Or can I include that one /boot partition in the lvm group.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 - Error: "no Such Device : <UUID Ending In 4ec05>"

Dec 11, 2010

So I've a computer with a lot of disks which is running Ubuntu 9.04. The setup is made od a software raid 1 array of 200 MB for use in /boot (md0), then another raid1 array of the remaining space as a unique PV for the LVM2 vg0. This vg0 is split in many lv, for /, /usr .... and swap. A few days back, one of the raid1 disk went wrong. So as the raid is built on 160Gb disks and nobody in my town sells so little disks I bought a couple of 320GB disks. The partitioning was made like the original partitions, except that the second partition is way bigger than it was. I replaced the failed disk in the arrays, and now I've an md0 of 200 MB and an md1 of roughly 150GB as it was previously and all is in sync. This replacement was made using a rescue disk (in order to be sure that the machine was not locking anything...)

So I thought it was fine. But upon reboot on the hard disks, I get a fast GRUB message "error: no such device : <UUID ending in 4ec05>. when I start the first Ubuntu entry I get the same error. So I edit the boot entry, remove the "search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set <UUID ending in 4ec05> " and boot the damn thing. When booted I ran :


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Debian Configuration :: WARNING: Could Not Find Hdaps Input Device

Jun 22, 2011

I am using Debian testing i386. Just upgraded to 2.6.39-2-686-pae. After reboot, and ever since, I am getting warning: WARNING: Could not find hdaps input device (No such file or directory). You may be using an incompatible version of the hdaps module. Falling back to reading the position from sysfs (uses more power). Use '-y' to silence this warning.

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Debian Installation :: Create An Encrypted Partition During Installation?

Jul 30, 2010

Installing Debian on a new laptop and read that Debian-Installer (DI) can create an encrypted partition (/home) during installation.However, when I went through installation and started the manual partitioning (standard, non-lvm) , I am unable to locate the encryption option.

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Debian Installation :: Graphic Installer Encrypted LVM

Nov 30, 2014

I want to install debian 7.7 to a laptop with encrypted LVM, but some how i can't install inside the LVM a separate /home and swap partition. Graphic Installer says i cannot change anymore after i made a encrypted LVM. When i make the separate partitions before making an LVM, i can encrypt them but i have to enter for every partition my passphrase. How I can create a LVM with /, /home and swap without entering three times my passphrase.

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Debian Installation :: Custom Encrypted LVM Install

Mar 23, 2015

After my NVIDIA card died I decided it was time to buy an AMD card again (R9 270X), but I didn't think AMD drivers were such a pain in Linux as people said. Of course, in some distros anyway. On Arch, for example, there's no official release because Arch's developers would have to hold Xorg in order to make a closed-source driver available, because AMD's pace isn't in pair with Linux. So in order to install AMD's drivers on Arch I must rely on some guy's unnoficial repositories, but that isn't the whole problem. Even though I'm cool with adding repos and downgrading Xorg, I'm not cool with it not working for a lot of apps, so that's where I decided to try a few distros. Manjaro is a no-go because it installs Flash as default. openSUSE although is a very good distro, is a complete mess when it comes to repositories, specially multimedia ones. Ubuntu/Mint are also a no-go, Ubuntu because after 12.04 they have a spyware by default, and Mint because it contains non-free stuff by default.

So here I come! I ran Debian in the past for a long time (aside from a breaf period last year) and it was lovely, I could easily set up a custom encrypted install, but now I don't remember how to, and it's killing me. I don't like how the installer doesn't show the partitions size as they actually are, and I don't like how the automated encrypted LVM setup doesn't let me chose the encryption algorithm or the timeframe between each passphrase attempt. That's why I must create my install, and here's what I used to do on Arch (the part that really matters), converted to what I use on Debian:

Code: Select all# modprobe dm-mod

(create one 1GB partition for /boot, unencrypted ; create another big 930 GB formatted as "8e" - LVM - on dev/sda2)
Code: Select all# fdisk /dev/sda
(chose my ciphers and iter time)
Code: Select all# cryptsetup -c twofish-xts-plain64 -y-s 512 --iter-time 5000 luksFormat /dev/sda2
(open the luks container on "sda2_crypt")


After this is done, I go to the "partition disks" page where I select each partition/volume to it's correct destination. I then proceed to installing the base system, configuring apt, and all that. Now, before I install Grub I used to execute the following commands on shell:

Code: Select all # nano /etc/crypttab

I used to put something there, but I don't remember what exactly. It's been a long time since I used Debian for long! But here's what I put there:

Code: Select allsda2_crypt /dev/mapper/sda2_crypt none luks

Then I procceeded to instal syslinux (I REALLY don't like GRUB)

Code: Select all# chroot /target
# apt-get install syslinux

But I get the following error:

E: cannot write log (Is /dev/pts mounted?) - posix_openpt (2: No such file or directory).

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Debian Installation :: Removing An Encrypted LVM Partition?

May 16, 2011

I installed an old version on accident, I used an encrypted LVM. When I removed the old debian and started the installation of the new version, the encrypted partition could not be used to install, and the drive itself was creating an error message when I tried to mount the installation there. This is probably a vague explanation of what is happening, but does anyone know how to remove these encrypted LVM partitions?

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Hardware :: Mounting Encrypted LVM - Device Not Valid

Feb 13, 2011

I recently had one of my computers motherboard die and so I moved the hard drive to another linux machine so I could access the data. The hard drive is installed correctly and I've mounted several logical volumes on the drive ok, but I'm having trouble with the two volumes which were encrypted. The LVM Gui in Fedora is ignorant to any encrypted LVMs so I looked around to see if others have solved this problem and found the following command:
# cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/vg_delldesk/lv_home luks-fedora

My Logical volume container is vg_delldesk and the encrypted volume is lv_home - when I execute this command I get the following error:
Device /dev/vg_delldesk/lv_home is not a valid LUKS device.
I have access to the root partition from the old box so the config files are there to reference the old setup if needed. My current box is Fedora 14 x_64, I have dm_crypt mod installed in the kernel as well.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Choosing To Boot From The CD It Says 'cannot Find Bootable Device'?

Oct 7, 2010

I am dealing with a problem which I cannot seem to fix myself.I have a computer (age ~1 year) on which I am trying to install Ubuntu.The problem which I am facing is at the point of choosing to boot from the CD it says 'cannot find bootable device'.Note that this PC does not have a floppy drive and that I do not have a 1GB USB stick. I do have a 256MB USB stick.

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Debian Installation :: Live System Working With Encrypted Persistence

Oct 28, 2014

I tried a while getting a live system working with encrypted persistence. The command

Code: Select alllive-persistence activate /dev/sdx2

works perfect, but boot time persistence works only for unencrypted storage. 'Cause I can not append the boot-log as file the most important part here:

Code: Select all+ tailpid=123
+ tail -f boot.log
+ cat /proc/cmdline
+ LIVE_BOOT_CMDLINE=BOOT_IMAGE=/live/vmlinuz boot=live noeject keyboard-layouts=de components persistence persistence-encryption=luks,none initrd=/live/initrd.img debug=true
+ Cmdline_old

[Code] ....

The most confusing line is "Warning: cryptsetup is unavailable" - I took a look into the scripts, it checks if cryptsetup and askpass is executable if not this message. But:

I mounted the hdd-img file local and took a look: all binaries there.

So I tried a lot getting it working on boot time. I tried it with live-tools from testing, from wheezy and last but not least installed and pinned live-tools to unstable. Always the same. askpass isn't executable on boot time before mounting the persistence.

Config is
Code: Select alllb config noauto
    --apt apt
    --bootstrap debootstrap
    --binary-images iso-hybrid
    --distribution testing

[Code] .....

(tried with binary-images=hdd, too)

and yes, cryptsetup is inside package-list (otherwise live-persistence from within running machine with crypted partitions would not work). Live tools I used for last run is 4.0.3-1 from unstable, before tried with 4.0.2-1 from testing.

Whats going wrong in boot system?

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Debian Installation :: Boot Freezes After Install On Encrypted Volume

Jan 1, 2016

I just installed Debian Testing on an encrypted partition (using the encryption feature in the installer). Problem is when I boot I enter the passphrase and then Debian starts to load a bit and then it stops and won't move again. During a normal boot the boot stops after : EDAC sbridge : Couldn't find mci handler Then do a recovery mode boot from grub loader so more information is displayed during the boot time and it stops after : [12.513770] fb: switching to nouveaufb from simple it stops there I can't type anything, I can reboot the computer with ctrl+alt+del tho

I was booting just fine in a previous installation on a MBR-partitioned disk (now it's GPT-partitioned). I have to add that during installation I added a second encrypted volume on a HDD (while / is on a SSD) that mounts to /data. When few days ago I installed it on the MBR-partitioned disk it asked me for the /data passphrase pretty fast, now it just seems to boot and asks me only one passphrase until it freezes.

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Debian :: Recovering Grub After Windows Installation - Encrypted Partitions And LVM

Nov 4, 2010

I'm running Debian Squeeze AMD64 with full disk encryption and LVM. After reinstalling Windows 7 I lost GRUB from the MBR. I managed to install GRUB after following this guide and using an Ubuntu 10.04 graphical installation disc, but I only get to a GRUB CLI when booting, so I can't actually choose an OS there.

I tried following this guide but I'm stuck after "# Mount the partitions to /mnt/root" and don't know what to do.

Does anyone know how I can fix GRUB so I get to choose between Debian and Windows 7 there?

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Software :: Cann't Find The Device Created Through Device Mapper In /proc/partitions?

May 15, 2011

Recently, I created a device sc0 through device mapper. The divice could be found in /dev/mapper/sc0. My problem is that the device doesn't exist in /dev/partitions which will block my following test.BTW, I found dm-0 in /dev/partitions. Is it the same as /dev/mapper/sc0? But the device /dev/dm-0 doesn't exist!

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General :: Ubuntu - Find The Device Node File For USB Device?

Aug 23, 2011

I've bought an X10 Home Automation USB interface: the CM15.

This is the information lsusb gives:

skerit@KIP-DU-SKER:~$ lsusb Bus 008 Device 002: ID 0bc7:0001 X10 Wireless Technology, Inc. ActiveHome (ACPI-compliant)

But this tells me nothing about where the device file is! How can I find that, or create one myself?

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Debian Installation :: Encrypted LVM Install - No Root File System Detected

Jun 1, 2013

I'm a long time user of Debian, but I'm having trouble with my partitioning process. Here is where I currently stand:

I am installing the latest Wheezy build. I am trying to install debian with an encrypted LVM that spans two hard disks.

My partitioning layout is as:

1. /home
2. /root
3. swap
4. /boot

I then added partitions 1, 2 and 3 to a physical volume group. I then took that physical volume group and added it to a logical volume. Then I encrypted the logical volume, leaving the /boot partition untouched. I was under the assumption that the only partition the system needed free to reach the loading of the LVM is the /boot partition, as it holds the files necessary for booting. But when I attempt to finalize the disk, it gives an error stating, "No root file system detected". That would be an issue as it is currently sitting inside the encrypted LV. Am I wrong in including the root partition in the encrypted LV?

What is the best way of having as little of my file system non-encrypted as possible while still allowing a proper boot?

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Debian Installation :: Installer Incorrectly Setting Crypttab For Encrypted Swap?

Oct 29, 2014

Setting up a randomly passworded swap partition in Debian installer with the default settings (aes-xts-plain64 w/ AES-256 key strength) gives the following line in /etc/crypttab:

Code: Select all####_crypt /dev/#### /dev/urandom cipher=aes-xts-plain64,size=256,swap

However according to cryptsetup manpage when using XTS mode the key size must be doubled so in effect the 'size=256' parameter above is actually resulting in AES-128 strength, no? To get 256 bit key length the size option should be set to 512. Quote from cryptsetup manpage:

For XTS mode (a possible future default), use "aes-xts-plain" or better "aes-xts-plain64" as cipher specification and optionally set a key size of 512 bits with the -s option. Key size for XTS mode is twice that for other modes for the same security level.

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Debian Installation :: Recover Grub On A Dual Boot Machine With Encrypted LVM

Oct 16, 2015

My laptop setup is:

sda1: W7
sda2: FAT16
sda3: /boot
sda4: encrypted LVM with debian (everything besides /boot)

now I've re-installed W7 so grub was overwritten. I've tried the procedure which worked for me previously:booting with the netinst usb in rescue mode, choosing a root partition to mount, using grub-install to reinstall the grub:

Code: Select allmount /dev/sda3 /boot
grub-install /dev/sda

Now I'm on Jessie (stable), and this time this fails, and I am able to mount only sda3.grub-install doesn't exit so I'm assuming it has been replaced by `grub-installer'. also '/boot' doesnt exist so I created it manually.

Code: Select allmount /dev/sda3 /boot
grub-installer /dev/sda

The latter fails with
Code: Select all/dev/sda/proc not a directory

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Ubuntu :: Grub2 And Win 7 - No Such A Device

Mar 30, 2010

Grub2 fails when trying to boot into Win 7 from Grub2 menu. No such a device. I did run Here is the result:

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================ Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks for


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OpenSUSE Install :: Failure Setting Up Encrypted Dm Device On /dev/sda2?

May 21, 2009

openSUSE Install/Boot/Login: I am looking for a Linux distribution with a working LTSP OOTB. LTSP-openSUSE / KIWI-LTSP looks interesting (

When I boot openSUSE-11.1-DVD-i586.iso, go through the installer, and attempt to use encrypted LVM, I get the following error dialog:

Error Failure occurred during following action: Setting up encrypted dm device on /dev/sda2 System error code was: -3034

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot Fails: Can't Find Root Device + Drop To Shell

Dec 27, 2010

From one day to the other my system stopped booting properly. Since I (finally) fixed it, I wanted to share my solution. It runs on a fakeraid pair of SSD's of 60 GB each (actually a single Revodrive device, but it shows up as two devices). When Ubuntu 10.10 boots, I'm dropped to a shell.During boot, when I removed "silent splash" from the kernel's command line, I got these messages:


[ 4.960240] scsi 6:0:0:0: Direct-Access ATA OCZ-REVODRIVE 1.20 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5
[ 4.960425] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdg] 117231408 512-byte logical blocks: (60.0 GB/55.8 GiB)


I doubt that this is what was needed (as I had that already when it didn't work, but I might be required in addition to installing dmraid)

# update-initramfs -a

After installing this, the problem was solved!! This is strange since I don't recall uninstalling this package or changing anything important, for that matter (perhaps did apt-get upgrade, but that's about it!). [URL]

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Debian Installation :: Raid LVM Grub2 Will Not Install

Apr 20, 2015

I have created a system using four 2Tb hdd. Three are members of a soft-raid mirrored (RAID1) with a hot spare and the fourth hdd is a lvm hard drive separate from the RAID setup. All hdd are gpt partitioned.

The RAID is setup as /dev/md0 for mirrored /boot partations (non-lvm) and the /dev/md1 is lvm with various logical volumes within for swap space, root, home, etc.

When grub installs, it says it installed to /dev/sda but it will not reboot and complains that "No boot loader . . ."

I have used the supergrubdisk image to get the machine started and it finds the kernel but "grub-install /dev/sda" reports success and yet, computer will not start with "No boot loader . . ." (Currently, because it is running, I cannot restart to get the complete complaint phrase as md1 is syncing. Thought I'd let it finish the sync operation while I search for answers.)

I have installed and re-installed several times trying various settings. My question has become, when setting up gpt and reserving the first gigabyte for grub, users cannot set the boot flag for the partition. As I have tried gparted and well as the normal Debian partitioner, both will NOT let you set the "boot flag" to that partition. So, as a novice (to Debian) I am assuming that "boot flag" does not matter.

Other readings indicate that yes, you do not need a "boot flag" partition. "Boot flag" is only for a Windows partition. This is a Debian only server, no windows OS.

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Debian Installation :: Fixing Grub2 On A EFI GPT System?

Nov 10, 2015

I installed Debian 8.2 first, then Windows 10 over it (I know, backwards, but I didn't wish to lose my customizations on Debian up to that point, and didn't realize until later that I wanted to Dual Boot). Running from a LiveCD of Debian 8.2:

Code: Select allsudo fdisk -l
Device - Start - End - Sectors - Size - Type
/dev/sda1 - 2048 - 116211711 - 116209664 - 55.4G - Linux filesystem
/dev/sda2  - 116211712 - 116244479 - 32768 - 16M - Microsoft reserved
/dev/sda3  - 116244480 - 232421375 - 116176896 - 55.4G - Microsoft basic data
/dev/sda4  - 232421376 - 234440703 - 2019328 - 986M - EFI System


That's where I am stuck. I'm a bit new to Debian & Linux still and I've never dabbled with Grub2, I imagine I can't mount /dev/sda4 because in chrooted into /dev/sda1 and it can't see /dev/sda4 at this point (what I'm thinking anyway). So I try:

Code: Select allroot@debian:/# fdisk -l

fdisk: cannot open /proc/partitions: No such file or directory/I imagine that's what it is, but I don't know a way around that. I want to dual boot Windows 10 & Debian 8.2 on a UEFI (or EFI?) system with a GPT Disk. No guide I have found for fixing Grub2 or getting Dual Booting working with Debian then Windows installed have covered both things at the same time. I just have to be special I guess.

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