Debian Configuration :: Intel GM45 Terrible Performance.

Jun 7, 2010

Ok first off, I love debian, but on my new notebook I am getting a little frustrated with the terrible, video performance.Direct rendering is enabled on both systems, and openGL is working (I can if I wanted to use compiz etc...) fine on both systems, just running slow on debian.

I have tried Lenny, Squeeze and Sid, I have compiled the intel driver (and Mesa3D) from git and got it working (I am sure its working because its given me a slight boost), I ahve also tried building the latest stable (and RC2) kernel.If I install ubuntu 9.10 I get pretty decent 3D performance, its not ground breaking, but hey its an intel chipset so I am not expecting to kick the latest nvidia / ati card's backside.I really dont want to use ubuntu, I find it unstable when compaired to debian, but I also want to be able to play the odd game when I am bored, and at the moment I just cant do that under debian

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Debian :: Flashplugin-nonfree Terrible Performance / No Spike In CPU

Jun 3, 2011

II installed flashplayer by every different method I can so far, and all of them have the same problem. This problem presents itself, for example, while playing a video on ...... As the video loads, flashplayer is fine, but as soon as it starts playing, the browser tab begins to run at roughly 1 frame per 10 seconds. When I turn the browser priority to maximum in System Monitor, it improves slightly, going to about 1 frame per second. The strange part is, my CPU and memory usage barely spike at all, to less than 30%. This happens regardless of browser (have tried iceweisel and chrome). It happens with hardware acceleration on, and off. I have tried installing flashplayer from the tar.gz on the adobe website, from the repository (all three packages), and manually placing the plugin in the browser myself. The issue presents itself the same every time.

My system specs are: 1.83GHz duel core intel centrino processor, 3GB RAM, ATI Mobility Radeon HD 2600. Nothing fancy, but flash player performs as flawlessly as flashplayer can under windows (and also performed well in my previous Ubuntu 10.04LL install).

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Install Iegd Driver For Intel GM45?

Jul 31, 2011

Just installed my first linux ever. The highest resolution I can get on my video card is 1024x768. I found out that I need to install iegd driver for my intell GM45 card. Can you tell me where I can download that driver and how I can install this?

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Ubuntu :: GM45 Chipset HDA Intel Sound Mic With The Lucid 10.04 Release

Jun 4, 2010

New to Ubuntu. I've read all I can about the current mic issues with the Lucid 10.04 release. There does not seem to be any specific threads dealing with the GM45 chipset. I've had sound out of speakers on fresh install, and have done every single line addition (individually) suggested with:


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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Intel Video Driver Problem With Mobile 4 Express (GM45) Chipset Using X11?

Aug 10, 2009

Perhaps someone has run across this problem I loaded CentOS 5.3 on an AOpen MP45-BDR workstation. It uses the Mobile Intel 4 Series Express Chipset for the video graphics. It is officially identified as: GM45 chipset (Intel GMA X4500 MHD).

There are two problems. Using the "intel" video driver, the X11 server does not appear to support digital video cable (DVI interface). It is also stuck in 1024x768 resolution and I want it to display in 1280x1024 resolution. Using a DVI cable, the system boots and displays properly (GRUB and boot messages) until the X11 server starts, then the signal is lost. The system is configured with a dual boot (Windows XP Pro) and Windows operates properly and supports all of the features of the video graphics chipset (DVI and full resolution). So the hardware is ok.

The "intel" video driver has a description of "Experimental ..." so maybe there is an update to this driver or a replacement driver that supports this chipset. I checked the buglist and found CentOS bug ID 2951 which is somewhat similar. The user was utilizing the "intel" video driver and it locked his system but changing the driver to i810 was a work-around. My system does not lock. I did try the i810 video driver but the X server did not like it - it would not start. This makes sense since the description of this driver specifies support for the older Intel onboard chipsets.


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OpenSUSE :: KDE 4.5 Freezes From Time To Time With A INTEL GM45?

Oct 26, 2010

I don't know why but since I upgraded the KDE 4.4 desktop from openSUSE 11.3 to 4.5, the desktop just freezes some times.

If i was listening music, or watching a video I can still hear everything and even move the mouse, but nothing works.

So I switch to TTy1, perform a init 3, then init 5 to restart all the graphic system, and start again. This happens without message, without log, and without clue...

Should I downgrade to 4.4 or this has a Workaround?

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Debian Configuration :: Seeing Slow Network Performance With Large Mtu?

Apr 22, 2010

I have 2 ASUS Boxes (one with 8GB, one with 4GB) When both mtus are set at 7200, using scp to copy a 56MB file takes 2:06. If I reduce either mtu to 1500, the speed is 2 seconds. I'm wondering if this is some kind of kernel bug or driver bug or what. For the moment, I've lowered the mtu to 1500 to get the performance out of the machines, but find it interesting that what should make it faster is actually slowing down. Where should I post this to get it looked at? Is anyone else seeing it.I see a similar performance issue with smbclient too.

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Debian Configuration :: Partitioning The Four Individual Drives To Get Maximum Performance / Space From Them?

Jan 25, 2011

I've got 4 identical 1 TB drives and would like to use them in a software RAID configuration on my home server. I'm running Debian Linux using 'mdadm' utility to manage the software RAID. I don't know how much I've read is fact or dated or even false so I decided I would ask here to get help from people who know more about this than I do. This is essentially just a file server machine to store all my data so being that I've got four identical SATA hard drives, I was thinking about doing RAID level 5. I guess I'll start here and ask if that is the recommended level of RAID. I think RAID level 5 will be fine for my general server usage. My second issue is partitioning the four individual drives to get maximum performance / space from them. Basically just asking here how would you or you recommend I partition the drives? I was thinking about doing three seperate partitions per drive:

/dev/sda1 = 4 GB (swap)/dev/sda2 = 1 GB (/boot)/dev/sda3 = 995 GB (/Now from that partition schema above, obviously all the types will be 'fd' for RAID and the partition for /boot is going to be bootable. My confusion is that I read Grub doesn't support booting from RAID 5 since Grub can't handle disk assembly. If /dev/sdx2 (sda2, sdb2, sdc2, sdd2) are partitioned for /boot (bootable), how would you guys configure this RAID to match up equally? I don't think I do a RAID level 1 on 4 identical partitions, right?

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Debian Configuration :: No Sound On Intel 82801

Nov 27, 2010

I've recently installed stable (5.x, I think that's lenny...) on a laptop and there's no sound at all.

I had this problem years ago when I last installed linux on here. I solved it then and I thought the solution was unchecking "external amplifier" in alsamixer.

I believe my sound card (Intel 82801DB-ICH4) is detected and the appropriate driver loaded (snd_intel8x0) however, even running speaker-test produces no sound (no error either).

I've read that the intel hda have a model parameter found by greping for codec in /proc/asound/card? but I can't find any information about what codec is used in any path like that. Is there a model parameter for this card too? I'm on a philips freeline X10 laptop.

I ran alsaconf and nothing seemed to change. I tried alsactl init but the command init wasn't found, I suppose that must only be in newer releases. I installed libesd-alsa0 to replace libesd0 but that didn't help (should I revert this file? libesd0 says it's for oss). I also appended "options snd_intel8x0 index=0" to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base which got the card registered as the first device.

Here are the outputs of commands I've seen used:


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Debian Configuration :: Can't Unmute HDA Intel Sound Card?

Aug 3, 2010

According to HDA Analyzer, my sound card is muted; however, I can't unmute it through HDA Analyzer or anything else. According to alsamixer, everything is unmuted, though. According to the ALSA documentation, there's no 'model' id for my codec -- Conexant 5069 -- so I don't have an option to put in /etc/modprobe.d/sound.conf. What can I do to unmute the card???

Here's the hardware: cat /proc/asound/cards:

0 [Intel]: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel
HDA Intel at 0xd6400000 irq 34

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Debian Configuration :: How To Install Ethernet On Intel I7 Amd64

May 25, 2011

Go to "/lib/modules/2.6.32-5-amd64/kernel/drivers/net/e1000e/" and delete the e1000e.ko-file

Then download [URL]

Take the newly downloaded e1000e.ko-file and move it to "/lib/modules/2.6.32-5-amd64/kernel/drivers/net/e1000e/"

And finally load the module with either: "# modprobe e1000e" or "# insmod e1000e".

You should now have a working ethernet connection.

If connection is lost on system restart try rmmod e1000e; modprobe e1000e

I've for the first time installed linux (debian) to my computer. And I have a problem with ethernet that I can't solve.

I have a Asus Sabertooth P67 motherboard with built in ethernet card, I cant find any drivers for linux, I've tried google, Asus support page etc, but can't anything that says it will work with my computer, just a alot of windows drivers.

where I can find the drivers? Or if there's another way to solve the problem. When installing Debian i could choose between different drivers but no one worked, I've also tried with my motherboard CD but there was just windows drivers...

Intel i7 3.4 GHz.

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Fedora :: F11 Low Performance Intel X3100?

Nov 21, 2009

I have a Dell Inspiron 1525 laptop with a X3100 on board. The problem is the performance doesn't really fit my expectations. Compiz works fairly OK, but TuxRacer runs at 25 FPS, Glest runs just terribly slow and there is quite noticeable tearing in videos (MPlayer and Totem). Not to mention 400-600 FPS in glxgears.So far I have only tampered with Xorg (see below, changes marked red).

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier " Configured"


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Debian Configuration :: Intel FPU Underrun Error Being Reported Every Time

Aug 4, 2015

I just bought an lenovo thinkpad 440 few days ago. I did all that was shared at [URL] ....

I get the following on the CLI :-

Code: Select all[ 1527.961367] [drm:intel_set_fpu_fifo_underrun_reporting [i915]] *ERROR* uncleared fifo underrun on pipe A
[ 1527.963448] [drm:ironlake_irq_handler [i915]] *ERROR* CPU pipe A FIFO underrun

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Debian Configuration :: Intel 5100 Wireless On Toshiba Laptop?

Feb 5, 2010

I have recently installed the intel-wireless-tools and now my laptop detects my wireless router and connects to it but when I go into a browser I can access the internet. If I connect to the wired network no problems(same router) no go on Wireless.

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Debian Configuration :: How To Check Version Of Loaded Intel Microcode

May 2, 2010

Because the version of the microcode installed by the package intel-microcode in Testing (2009-03-30) is way older than the one currently offered by Intel (2010-02-09), I only installed the package microcode.ctl and let it fetch the microcode. However, after reading the Read Me files, manual pages and system logs, and checking the directory where the microcode is stored, I have not been able to find an option to check the version of the microcode in use.

This is the output of update-intel-microcode:
Local version:
Remote version:
could not extract the actual data of remote microcode

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Debian Configuration :: Wlan0 Troubleshooting Using Iwlwifi For Intel 5100?

Oct 1, 2010

I've installed firmware-iwlwifi I've modprobe -r'd and modprobed the iwlagn module I CAN scan, using iwlist wlan0 scanning, and I can see my essid, hovering in the distance. it is definitely broadcasting.

I use wicd and wicd-curses. No wireless show up in wicd-curses. ifup wlan0 gives me no dhcp offers received and slumbers again. from iwconfig:

wlan0 IEEE 802.11abgn ESSID:off/any
Mode:Managed Access Point: Not-Associated Tx-Power=15 dBm
Retry long limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off
Encryption key:off
Power Management:off
from lspci:
03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation WiFi Link 5100

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Debian Configuration :: Wheezy Radeon / Intel Graphics Switcheroo?

Apr 16, 2011

I have an Acer Aspire TimelineX 4820TG. I'm running Wheezy and I can't seem to get switcheroo working correctly. I was running Squeeze, then upgraded to Wheezy because it had a kernel over 2.6.33 with switcheroo built in. Below is the layout of my build...

(~)$ uname -a
Linux skipjack-debian 2.6.38-2-686 #1 SMP Thu Apr 7 05:24:21 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux
(~)$ lspci | grep VGA
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 18)
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Redwood [Radeon HD 5600 Series]


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Ubuntu :: Intel I810, Weird Performance On 10.10?

Oct 26, 2010

I used Ubuntu 9.10 with my current PC for about a six months, and never had much of an issue with my motherboard videocard. However, Moving up to 10.10, it seems a lot slower, and I get really bad fps on games. What's wrong here?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Get Better Performance From Intel 945GM?

Mar 24, 2011

Is there anything I can do in Ubuntu 11.04 to get the Intel 945GM to work more stable and run faster? It won't load the Unity interface at ALL. It won't load the Classic Desktop unless I use the one without effects, or else the title bars disappear. Is there something I can do to make it more stable, and run more efficiently?

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Debian Configuration :: Failed To Load Nouveau - X Doesn't See Intel Driver

Aug 27, 2015

Built a machine w/ i5-4440 & gtx 960. I installed xserver-xorg-video-intel & xserver-xorg-video-nouveau. Xorg -configure fails, so I added xorg.conf I found online, makes no difference. xrandr can't open display. startx of course fails.

Backstory: My plan was to dual boot sid + stable as fallback with shared partition. First installed stable and whether connected to mobo or gfx card, I couldn't get login on tty, it would just hang on errors. So I installed sid (this time using lvm to hopefully make partitioning easier) and while I get the "failed to load nouveau" errors on mobo, gfx card gives me a login screen.

uname -a
Code: Select allLinux 4.1.0-2-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.1.6-1 (2015-08-23) x86_64 GNU/Linux

lspci | grep VGA
Code: Select all00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v3/4th Gen Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 06)
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GM206 [GeForce GTX 960] (rev a1)

[Code] .....

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Debian Configuration :: Graphics:No 3D. Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960?

Mar 1, 2010

I have a fairly new laptop, 2*1.8 Ghz, but when I try to run games more advanced than pac-man, it's about 1-0.5 frames / second. This doesn't seem right. I've goggled it, and found a few posts from 2008-2009, but nothing that actually helped. Does anyone have any idea, as to what might be wrong? If anyone has this card, I'd like to see what you have in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file...

@art:~$ lspci -nn | grep VGA
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:2a02] (rev 03)

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Debian Configuration :: Unable To Get Intel Pro/wireless 3945abg Connected To Router

Mar 2, 2010

I am unable to get my intel pro/wireless 3945abg connected to my router. The firmware has been installed and at first was even able to connect, but now the access point doesn't even show up in network manager. I am currently able to connect using a USB wireless adapter, but for certain reasons, would prefer to use the former. I've looked over this page with no results.

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Debian Configuration :: Intel Turbo Mode Not Kicking In On Nehalem Xeon?

Mar 9, 2010

I've got a dual Xeon 5570 (Nehalem) server. It clocks down properly, but never, under any circumstances that I've found, clocks up past its TSC. Even when running basically nothing but cat /dev/zero > /dev/null, nothing gets clocked higher than the TSC. Below is the turbostat output, which clearly knows what the hardware is actually capable of, but it never actually achieves it. I'm running Lenny, with backported kernel 2.6.30-bpo.2-amd64. I tried the 2.6.32 backport and there wasn't any difference. know where I should look next? BIOS settings? Do I need to change some kernel option and recompile?

# ./turbostat
Nehalem multiplier 22, TSC frequency 2933 MHz
Nehalem 4 cores active: 24 mult, max turbo frequency = 3200 MHz
Nehalem 3 cores active: 24 mult, max turbo frequency = 3200 MHz
Nehalem 2 cores active: 25 mult, max turbo frequency = 3333 MHz
Nehalem 1 core active: 25 mult, max turbo frequency = 3333 MHz


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Debian Configuration :: Reboot Cycle Running 64bit Squeeze On Intel T3200 Dualcore

Mar 13, 2011

running Debian Squeeze (standard 32bit squeeze Kernels linux-image-2.6.32-5-486 and linux-image-2.6.32-5-686) happily without trouble on a 64bit capable Samsung laptop featuring an Intel T3200 Dualcore processor. However, when I try to boot using the squeeze 64bit kernel (linux-image-2.6.32-5-amd64) the system proceeds through a few text lines immediately after Grub, and then performs a warm start.

The text output I get immediately after Grub look similar to the ones I get booting the 486 and 686 kernels, without any indication for the reboot behavior. The rebooting also seems to happen before any entry is written into the boot/system log files (logging is enabled). This behavior also occured when I first tried to prime the machine from the Debian squeeze install CD using the amd64 kernel. I'm generally happy with the 32bit kernels, but I'd like to use the amd64 support to do some Java compatibility testing for 64bit architectures.

The Laptop is a Samsung R510-Aura T3200 Delfina with the following Hardware and Setup (using Grub as boot loader):

- Intel Pentium Dual CPU T3200 @ 2.00GHz (see for details)
- NVIDIA GeForce 9200M GS
- 3GB RAM + 1GB reserved for GeForce
- Konfiguration Details:
-- Phoenix Bios


Maybe a strange BIOS-Setting that works with the 32bit kernels but not with the 64bit kernel? I've seen a post on here that indicates someone is running the amd64 kernel on a T3200 successfully, and the chip is definitely 64bit capable, so the reboot behavior is a complete mystery for me

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Intel Graphics And Random Poor 3d Performance - Sometimes Its Okay Sometimes No

Apr 16, 2010

I am running kubuntu 9.10 on a dell inspiron 14 with an intel GM45 graphics card. When I run 3d games like Nexuiz, openarena and tremulous I get really random performance. Sometimes things are totally playable with somewhere between 50-80 fps and other times I get maybe 4 fps and everything takes forever to load. These effects persists between logouts, X restarts and reboots! I get no errors when I run things in console either.I never really play games much but when something doesn't work...

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Debian Hardware :: Intel Soft Modem Configuration Error - Unable To Prepare Temporary Kernel Tree

Dec 4, 2010

I am runing debian-5 (lenny), the default kernel 2.6.26 was unable to start the x so i installed the new kernel linux-image-2.6.32-5-686_2.6.32-28_i386.deb, now x works, but there is problem building modules for the intel soft modem linux driver hsfmodem- which is supplied in the modem cd by the intel company.

I installed these kernel packages for this purpose:


in all these cases hsfconfig failed with the above error,

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Karmic UNR & Intel 945GME Video Performance - Dismally Choppy

Jan 10, 2010

having not experienced the issues with jaunty and intel display cards, i can't say whether this is a real problem or not. from what i can tell, mtrr is not a problem.

on my new dell mini 10v w/ intel 945gme and a fresh install of karmic unr, video playback performance is only so-so.

most videos-style flash video is decent. local h.264 playback from .m4v and .mov containers is flawless. but streaming flash video originating as h.264 is dismally choppy - this includes vimeo and hulu-quality streaming video.

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Ubuntu :: Ondemand Vs Performance - Increases The Clock Speed To Performance When The CPU Is Under Load

Jul 31, 2010

I just wanted to know if having my laptop set to ondemand, will this affect performance in any way? I realize it increases the clock speed to performance when the CPU is under load, but does the time it take to go from ondemand to performance affect speed? Will there be any noticeable difference between the two setups? I have a dual core intel at 2.2GHz when in performance. When ondemand is set with no load it downclocks to 800Mhz.

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Fedora :: Default Firefox Fonts Are Terrible?

Nov 28, 2009

The font defaults are terrible and I can't hardly see it on my screen, how do you guys fix it? what fonts do you use for firefox?

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Ubuntu :: Rhythmbox Terrible At Fetching Lyrics

May 26, 2010

I was wondering if there were any way of adding or changing where Rhythmbox gets its lyrics from as it never finds lyrics for any of the songs I listen to, making it a rather useless feature.If I recall correctly, Songbird was much better at actually getting hold of lyrics for songs I listen to, so is it possible to switch to whatever site Songbird (possibly a plugin for Songbird rather than it being native) gets its lyrics from? (Also, I just realised I posted this in the wrong section)

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