Debian Configuration :: 32 Bit Apps On Wine Cannot See System Fonts

Oct 23, 2015

I've just installed Debian 8.2 KDE 64bit, installed wine, and found that a 32-bit Windows program (Agent newsreader) could not see the linux system fonts. (This worked fine on Kubuntu 14.04)

Since this is the first time that I've installed Debian, I'm not sure if I'm missing something obvious or if this is an actual bug.

Steps to reproduce:
Fresh install of Debian 8.2 KDE 64bit.
apt-get install wine
wine wordpad # this is a small word-processor for wine that is supplied with wine
menu -> format -> font
all linux fonts are visible -- so far so good

Because I want to use a 32bit program, I now have to do this, I understand:
dpkg --add-architecture i386
apt-get update
apt-get install wine-bin:i386

But after that,if I run "wine wordpad" and look at the fonts, all the linux system fonts are gone. The only fonts visible are the nine that are built into wine (Courier, Fixedsys, Marlett etc..) So installing the i386 wine support seems to have broken something.

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Debian Multimedia :: Installing WINE Without MS Fonts?

Aug 7, 2010

Is it possible to make WINE work without installing MS fonts? With only fonts that are in the system. Tried Google but no information.

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Debian :: Can't Remove Wine - Apt-get Bricked - Could Not Perform Immediate Configuration On 'wine-unstable'

Feb 16, 2011

while trying to get a game to work on wine I was surprised to find out that the wine version that ships with sid is 1.0.1 released in October 2005. So I installed the latest release I found at [URL] like this :

dpkg -i wine_1.1.42~winehq1-1_amd64.deb

The install failed, I think because I hadn't remove the old wine version, and that's when the joy-ride started. Impossible to remove wine to restart properly. (apt-get remove libwine wine and apt-get -f install didn't) After some googling I tried this :

dpkg -i --force-depends wine_1.1.42~winehq1-1_amd64.deb

This did install the wine version I wanted, and the game ran fine after that. However the result was a borked apt-get. Tried to remove wine again with the above commands, resulting in apt-get failing to do so because it tried installing wine-unstable and reported errors similar to these : E: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'wine-unstable'. see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure for details. (2)

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Software :: Clear WINE State In System If It's Already Flooded With Installed Win Apps And Lots Of Registry Configs?

Dec 1, 2010

What should I do to clear WINE state in my system if it's already flooded with installed Win apps and lots of registry configs? Like WINE has just been installed and nothing more. No Windows apps, no configurations were made, clear registry, etc... Is it enough just to delete "~/.wine"?

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Debian Configuration :: How To Install Ttf Fonts In 8.0 With XFCE4

Jan 16, 2016

I have problem to install my fonts in my Debian. I used this guide but it not worked for me, i just could right click on the font and install it with font viewer.

Ubuntu Linux searches for fonts in specific locations as listed in the /etc/fonts/fonts.conf file.

A look at the contents of /etc/fonts/fonts.conf file indicates the following directories which are searched by Ubuntu Linux for fonts. They are :


So if you want to install new fonts in Ubuntu Linux or Debian for that matter, you can copy the fonts to any one of the 4 directories listed above.

The last directory ~/.fonts is a local hidden directory in every user’s Home folder. If you install the new fonts in this directory, the fonts will be available only for the person logged into that particular user account.

If you want your new fonts to be available system wide, to all users, then you should install them in any one of the first three directories listed above.

Once all your fonts are copied to the specific font directories, you have to make Ubuntu Linux aware of the new fonts so that it can make use of them. This is done by running the following command in the console :

$ sudo fc-cache -f -v


sepanta@dhcppc1:~$ sudo fc-cache -f -v

/usr/share/fonts: caching, new cache contents: 120 fonts, 6 dirs
/usr/share/fonts/X11: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 6 dirs
/usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi: caching, new cache contents: 358 fonts, 0 dirs
/usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi: caching, new cache contents: 358 fonts, 0 dirs
/usr/share/fonts/X11/Type1: caching, new cache contents: 8 fonts, 0 dirs

[Code] ...

Red are my fonts in two different folder.

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Debian Configuration :: Changing Fonts In GRUB2?

Aug 12, 2010

After removing a hard drive I (thought I)wasn't using, GRUB failed to load(turns out stage1 was on that drive) and it refused to install to a new drive(even after I kexec'd into the system - which was fun, considering the LiveCD used a different name for the hard drive). I finally threw in the towel and installed GRUB2, which worked after removing a second, incorrect root=. However, I can't find out how to switch the font from the fugly default to something that doesn't try to gauge my eyes out with a rusty spoon.

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Debian Configuration :: Fonts Are Present But Cannot Be Displayed

May 12, 2011

I originally installed Debian and configured it the way I want it without any problems. It was working perfectly and I was happy. I then tried openSuse. I did not like it and re-installed Debian five hours later. Now I have a strange problem. This is the third re-install. With the first two, after installing a few fonts the system says the fonts are present, but they cannot be displayed. I only get empty rectangles. The fonts are not available in office and there is no text at all on the internet. Only photographs and a few icons. This forum for example, only has lines separating the posts.

I do not know why there is a problem, because I am configuring the system the same as the first time; install scim and add a few fonts. The founts are not in packages, but I need them for some of the work I do in office. Since Debian uses this strange permissions system where the user is not considered the owner of his or her computer, I use gksu nautilus. I makes no difference if I leave the permissions of the fount folder as root or change it to me. I am completely at a loss. As I mentioned, I am doing the same thing I did the first time, so there should not be any problems.

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Debian Configuration :: Xtide Tide Predictor Fonts?

Jul 14, 2010

I recently moved to the east coast, and thought to myself : "Self, you need a tool to get tide charts.Happily I found the Xtide app in the repo, seems to work great.However there is no menu bar with things like "preferences", and this app isn't following the rules I've set in System>>Preferences>>Appearance>>Fonts.There is a file /etc/xtide.conf which contains single line "/usr/share/xtide".Can I add something to this file to get fonts large enough for my old man eyes?I don't see any sort of .xtide file in /home , would I need to create something like that?Also the Xtide page mentions the Xtide control panel,but I don't see any way to access that in the open app window???

There is mention of the ~/.xtide.xml (control panel)Which I apparently get with the installation.Can I just create that file and copy the example on that page? Would I have to also add an entry somewhere else to point xtide to that file?I don't know anything about the "config.hh, in your X resources database" mentioned below in an excerpt from their page. XTide is customized by changing its settings. The most convenient way to do this is generally through the control panel that is documented in a previous section. However, you can also change these settings in config.hh, in your X resources database, or on the command line. The order of precedence, from least significant to most significant, is: 1. config.hh 2. Xdefaults (X resources) 3. ~/.xtide.xml (control panel) 4. command lineUpon reading the tide manpage, I see mention of setting evironment variables in the /etc/xtide.conf mentioned above, but I don't know how to construct these variables. The manpage mentions setting my prefered location with

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Debian Configuration :: Make Xterm To Use Trurtype Fonts?

Apr 4, 2011

How can I make xterm to use truetype fonts by default,out setting it every time i start it?

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Debian Configuration :: How To Troobleshoot Apps

Mar 7, 2011

actually i got some apps doesn't working, i need to know where the error logs are stored i'm using gome as desktop environement, those apps are: gcompris and controlaula

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Debian Configuration :: Why /etc/fonts/local.conf Doesn't Take Effect

Dec 21, 2010

I have used /etc/fonts/local.conf to control how the fonts looks like in my laptop, which runs a Gentoo. In particular, I don't want anti-aliasing. I copied the file to my Debian desktop, but it seems the file doesn't take effect, even after reboot. Do I need to do something else to make it take effect?

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Ubuntu :: PCLinuxOS + KDE + GTK Apps Fonts?

May 4, 2010

I have PClinuxOS 2010 with KDE 4.4.2 and i want to smooth GTK applications.I have installed QtCurve theme and edited gtkrc in home dir and i also set up subpixel rendering to RGB and hinting to full.I know those fonts are smoothed but there is slight difference as you can see in screenshot,and for example Floola isn't smoothed at all(is this GTK app?).My question is,can i make GTK fonts more smooth and how do i do it?

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Debian Configuration :: Build Wine And Write Down All The Actions?

Feb 13, 2011

Has someone tried to build and install wine in squeeze? I tried follow different manuals (e.g. [URL].. but always run into lots of warnings, missing packages and abortion of make. No wonder, squeeze seem to be pretty different from lenny.

I installed the binary wine, but that does not help in my case. There is a kind of bug in code for the mouse that can be fixed only by applying a patch. So anyone want to build wine and write down all the actions?

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Debian Configuration :: Build Wine 1.3.16 From Source In Squeeze

Mar 30, 2011

Building Wine-1.3.16 for Squeeze from Source: Since there isn't a good version of Wine in the repositories, I decided to build my own from source. Here it is. read everything. I DID NOT have Wine previously installed. If you do, you'll have to remove it FIRST.


With all the dependencies installed you can begin building Wine. From the terminal:


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Ubuntu :: Change Fonts In NAUTILUS Without Affecting Other Apps / Desktop?

Jul 2, 2010

I am having one problem though; In changing the Applications font in Appearance preferences, it changes the font used in Nautilus, which i do not want, as the font I am using does not have capitals. I only want the font on my panel Menus and/or Desktop, but not in Nautilus.

So what I want to know is this: can I set the font individually for Nautilus (or any app, for that matter)? If not, can I set the Applications font to the one I want for Nautilus, and then set an individual font for my panel Menu headings/Menus?

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General :: Change Fonts In NAUTILUS Without Affecting Other Apps - Desktop ?

Jul 2, 2010

I have been doing some customisations, and so far, I have my desktop looking pretty sweet.

I am having one problem though; In changing the Applications font in Appearance preferences, it changes the font used in Nautilus, which i do not want, as the font I am using does not have capitals. I only want the font on my panel Menus and/or Desktop, but not in Nautilus.

So what I want to know is this: can I set the font individually for Nautilus (or any app, for that matter)? If not, can I set the Applications font to the one I want for Nautilus, and then set an individual font for my panel Menu headings/Menus?

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Fedora :: Wine Fonts Look Bad After Yum Update (F10)?

Jan 21, 2009

I updated yesterday and now the fonts in my application (PokerStars) look bad (grainy). why this might be and what can be done to fix it? I reapplied "winetricks allfonts" but that didn't help.

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Ubuntu :: Fonts Look Different After Installing Wine?

Mar 23, 2010

I installed Wine on my machine just a few minutes ago and as part of the installation the following packages are also installed: ttf-liberation,
ttf-mscorefonts-installer, ttf-symbol-replacement, ttf-tahoma-replacement. These add extra fonts to the system which I'm assuming are required by windows programs running inside Wine. The problem is though that Firefox also seems to be using these fonts because the fonts now look different inside Firefox. Not a huge difference, but you can tell they are different and they just don't look "right" to the eye. They are no longer as pleasing as they were when Firefox was using the default Ubuntu fonts.

Is there a way to keep these fonts for use by Wine, but not allow any other program on Ubuntu to use them?

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Ubuntu :: Wine Fonts In Firefox?

Aug 2, 2010

Together with Wine some extra fonts were installed (Verdana, etc). Now this fonts are used by firefox to display some websites, and it looks uglier. I'd like to forbid firefox to use this fonts. Is it possible?

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Debian Configuration :: Configure To Automatically Use Wine To Execute Using The ./executable.exe Format?

Nov 5, 2010

I've recently been trying to restore a Debian installation back to it's previous state after a serious operation system crash. Efforts are largely going well however I've run into problems since reinstalling Wine. Previously I could execute a Windows executable by simply entering ./executable.exe in the bash shell but this no longer seems to work as now I have to include the "wine" command in front of the executable. how to configure Debian to automatically use Wine to execute using the ./executable.exe format?

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Debian Configuration :: Wine And Squeeze Kernel - Future Updates To The Packages

Dec 21, 2010

Are the 1.3 Wine packages availible at [url] compatible with the Squeeze kernel? What about future updates to the packages there?

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Debian Configuration :: Dual-Booting To XP - Busted - Program Phone Using VirtualBox Or Wine

May 30, 2010

I haven't used my XP partition for two years, but recently found that I could not program my phone using VirtualBox or Wine. So I tried booting to XP but it just comes up with a flashing cursor. update-grub2 and it sees the part, but same problem.


For some reason I'm suspicious of the Winduhs boot files, but I've run fixboot and the boot repair utility in Winduhs. Do I have to reinstall Winduhs?

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Debian Configuration :: No Longer Allowed To Access The System Configuration

Jul 31, 2011

I am using Squessze and Gnome. When I try to use the gui System>Administration>Network or Users and Groups I get the error The configuration could not be loaded. You are not allowed to access the system configuration.Everything was working before. I read around a bit. In some cases,it was caused by mismatching group and password files after using the gui. I do not know how to check if they are matching. Of course I do not know for sure that is the problem in my case.

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Debian Multimedia :: MPlayer No Longer Listed In Apps Menu After System Update

Aug 3, 2010

MPlayer was working just fine last night, but today I'm having problems which may be due to me performing a system update. I noticed that MPlayer was no longer listed in my Applications menu and I no longer had the option of opening videos with it. However, I now had Gnome MPlayer which must have been installed with the update because I never installed it. Whilst going through Synaptic, I found that the MPlayer GUI had been removed, so I re-installed it. However nothing happened when I attempted to open videos with it.

When I tried to use it through the terminal I got the error message:
mplayer: relocation error: mplayer: symbol codec_wav_tags, version LIBAVFORMAT_52 not defined in file with link time reference

I found a bug report on this very problem here [URL]. The conclusion was that the person filing the bug report was using a version of ffmpeg not found in Debian and that he'd need a version of MPlayer built with his version of ffmpeg libs. I'm assuming that this is also the case with me, however I'm not sure how to go about finding a build or simply building a version of MPlayer with whatever version of ffmpeg that I'm using. For reference, I'm using Squeeze.

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Fedora :: Wine Fonts Scrambled Since Latest Update

Jul 29, 2010

I am using wine for a couple of programs, such as spotify and winscp. These used to work great, untill the latest wine update last week. Suddenly, the fonts are scrambled and all wine programs became unusable. I tried to reinstall my programs and to reinstall wine, but to no avail.
Here's a screenshot of spotify and wordpad:
My installed wine version is 1.2.0-1.fc12 on Fedora Core 12.

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Fedora :: Wine - GUI With Large Buttons And Small Fonts

Aug 18, 2010

I'm kinda new to configuring wine in fedora. My issue is, after I upgraded to fedora 13 and after upgrading wine, my wine configuration gui and all the gui's of all *.exe applications that I was using started having abnormally large gui's with equally large buttons and small fonts. I have attached a screenshot of the wine config GUI as it appears on my screen. My current screen resolution is 1280X1024 and I'm using an integrated ATI chip (ATI Radeon x200 express) with the mesa-dri drivers for display.

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OpenSUSE :: Fonts Under Wine - Office 2007 Look Shabby

Aug 25, 2010

I noticed that the fonts for Office 2007 look shabby. I am not taking about anti-aliasing or subpixel hinting; but the general appearance of the applications in not even close to what I am used to in Windows. I'll show what I mean through some screen shots below. The text for different options in the ribbon looks awful. Compare this with windows and the text is clearly legible.

Same goes for the advanced options and other interfaces in Office 2007 under Wine. [URL]... when I type in some text in word, the default font (Calibri - Size 11) at 100% zoom looks awful. Here is the comparison of Linux with Windows7: [URL]... I would like to mention here that I have excellent font rendering in other native Linux applications like Firefox and Open Office. I know that users of Ubuntu and LinuxMint do not face this issue... I have seen many video and screenshots where the installation on Linux looks as good as that on Windows. Additionally, I was going through some of the treads on this forum and I realised this was an OpenSuse centric issue. Subpixel Hinting Packages (Ubuntu Lucid Patches) are now available for 11.3.

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Ubuntu :: Wine Fonts Smoother With Anti-aliasing?

Feb 23, 2010

I've got a Wine question.. I've searched around for this.. but have only found how to make wine fonts smoother with anti-aliasing.

But my problem is that Images, when they are resized in Wine applications they won't get resized smoothly, the images gets pixly and does not look good at all.. Good example of this is Spotify.

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Fedora :: Wine Not Installing Any Apps In F12

Dec 2, 2009

I just installed Fedora 12 86_64, and Wine won't run any software that I attempt to install. It just says opening file, and after a few seconds disappears. The same software that I was running in Wine f10 is not running in 12.

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OpenSUSE :: Running Win Apps Under Wine?

Jun 12, 2011

There are some apps for win that run on wine just with an ordinary install procedure. There are others that will never work at all. But there are also some that wine users claim to have made run by changing some specific configuration of wine, using some trick or even creating scripts on playonlinux.

So if I try to run an app on wine and it doesn't and I don't find any user documentation about some specific trick or config for that app what adjustments can I do to try to make it run? I mean, it's tiring and perhaps foolish to spend hours playing with every possible config in wine frontend without knowing what I'm doing. So what can I do to find out what libraries, configs, tricks or scripts are needeed to make an app run under wine if it didn't at the first try?

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