Debian Configuration :: How To Troobleshoot Apps

Mar 7, 2011

actually i got some apps doesn't working, i need to know where the error logs are stored i'm using gome as desktop environement, those apps are: gcompris and controlaula

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Debian Configuration :: 32 Bit Apps On Wine Cannot See System Fonts

Oct 23, 2015

I've just installed Debian 8.2 KDE 64bit, installed wine, and found that a 32-bit Windows program (Agent newsreader) could not see the linux system fonts. (This worked fine on Kubuntu 14.04)

Since this is the first time that I've installed Debian, I'm not sure if I'm missing something obvious or if this is an actual bug.

Steps to reproduce:
Fresh install of Debian 8.2 KDE 64bit.
apt-get install wine
wine wordpad # this is a small word-processor for wine that is supplied with wine
menu -> format -> font
all linux fonts are visible -- so far so good

Because I want to use a 32bit program, I now have to do this, I understand:
dpkg --add-architecture i386
apt-get update
apt-get install wine-bin:i386

But after that,if I run "wine wordpad" and look at the fonts, all the linux system fonts are gone. The only fonts visible are the nine that are built into wine (Courier, Fixedsys, Marlett etc..) So installing the i386 wine support seems to have broken something.

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Server :: Postfix Configuration To Split Mail Between Apps On Same Host?

Jul 19, 2010

I have an OpenSuse 11.2 system that is running 2 BBS systems independently, both of which are capable of receiving smtp mail on prot 25. What I would like to do is set up Postfix on the OpenSuse OS to receive all mail for both those domains and then send the relevant mail to the correct BBS. I would therefore have Postfix listening on Port 25 External and the 2 BBS applications listening on different ports on the localhost address. At least that is the plan.

how to do this. I want to do it and still make sure Postfix is secure and not accidentally open up any nasty relay holes etc etc.

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Ubuntu :: Hidden Mimized Apps \ Reach Apps That Minimized Them Self And Are Not Shown In The Top Menu?

Apr 30, 2011

Some minimized apps no longer appear in the top menu and by that are no longer accessible.For example firefox with the minimize addon or Jungel Disk backup service.How can I reach apps that minimized them self and are not shown in the top menu?

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Debian :: Can't Get Basic Apps

Jun 2, 2011

I'm trying to get compiz setup but it is not having any affect at all. I installed it and went to the synaptic system manager and added all the compiz plugins that were there. I restarted several times before and after going to the synaptic system manager. It said installed successfully, however it has no effect so it isn't "on" whatsoever. I have watched ..... tutorials on how to set it up. It looked easy enough but did not work for me. I have tried commands from tutorials but I don't know enough or how to edit folder contents. I think they were old tutorials anyways, I am running the newest squeeze debian distro. The 3d desktop was one reason I wanted to try linux. If I can't get the basic apps like this to work then there is no reason for me to use linux.

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Debian :: Using KDE Apps In GNOME?

May 24, 2011

it was difficult for me to get it set up. So, when Squeeze became the stable release, I strayed. Tried Ubuntu, Mandriva, PCLOS, Mepis, both KDE and Gnome, and after using Lenny for several months, they all sucked. So I'm back, and although it took me several hours, over a few days, and 50 searches, I have Squeeze set up just how I want. I love how fast and stable it is!!

I've become a big fan of Gnome over the past year, because of how simple, fast and stable it is. But, there are a few KDE apps I prefer over the ones available for Gnome. I want to install K3b, KTorrent, digiKam/showFoto, and probably Amarok (although I haven't given Rythembox a fair chance). I realize this will install the KDE base, but other than the space taken up, is there any disadvantage to doing this? If there's a chance it will affect the speed and stability of the system, I'll learn to live without them.

Is there a way to extract the MD5 SUM from a .iso I download in Gnome?? K3b does it automatically before the burn. Does Brasero do this and I'm just missing it?

I've tried using Transmission a few times before to download torrents, but never with success, yet with KTorrent, I just click on the file and it starts downloading it.

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Debian :: Compiling The Apps For I686?

Dec 21, 2010

If I wanted to avoid installing certain i386 apps from the repository, could I somehow compile my own (generic compiling, or for deb packages) with an i686 architecture in mind?Would this be congruent with the rest of the Debian OS, or would the extra instructions cause instability (if even possible)?

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Debian :: Adobe Air Apps Cannot Be Installed In Sid

Jul 7, 2010

I have read this simple instruction to get me tweetdeck into my desktop computer (AMD Athlon X2, 2GB ram, 160gb HDD - Debian SID)[URL]

I'm not sure what happened but installing Adobe Air in Debian is like installing in Windows XP -- I used the .bin file instead of the .deb because the .deb say's Adobe Air is 32 bit application.

So it is installed (sucessful or not I still don't know) -=- I go to tweetdeck site and got to its desktop page where there should be an install button -- however, there aren't any or it wont show -- it partially show like a running circle but it's not running. Then when I click on it -- it disappears.

I tried installing other air app like livebrush but the same -- the button is not shown. My Sid is updated as of now. I also have google chrome browser -- the behavior is the same as with iceweasel v3.5.10

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Debian :: Running Too Many Apps On My DockStar?

Feb 4, 2011

What are the ways to check the CPU/memory utilization on my headless torrent box on Seagate DockStar? Besides rtorrent and sabnzbd, I also have Asterisk running on it for occasional telephone calls.

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Debian Multimedia :: Get 'no Device' When Trying To Use TV Apps

Apr 23, 2011

I'm having a problem getting a winTV card working. Looks like the card installs correctly and I know the card works ok. I get "no device" when trying to use TV apps (kdetv, tvtime, xawtv). They look for the device at video0 but mine gets configured as video1. How can I change that? I have tried using ivtv-ctl -d /dev/video1 to change the device but that didn't help.

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Debian :: No Sound In Games And Apps

Mar 8, 2010

I installed Debian lenny amd64 a couple days ago and I have only got a few things figured out thus far. I got libdvdcss, and adobe flash along with some neat little games and apps. Well I had no sound at all because I couldn't get my audigy ls working with lenny so I'm useing my onboard sound (a realtek). I changed all my sound options to ALC 880 Analog now I have sound for movies and mp3's but not in games or on the web (ie ....., farmville).

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Debian :: Apps Shut Down Mysteriously ?

Apr 23, 2009

Running Lenny in my plain vanilla x86 box since Lenny went final. No video card. System is completely up to date with the 26-2 kernel. All apps are Deb stable from repos.

chkrootkit, rkhunter, and clamav have all been run within the last 24 hours (clean). Firestarter is the firewall.

I left the box with about 10 apps running over all 4 virtual desktops (KDE). Came back in a couple of hours to find all apps closed except Gkrellm. Boinc, which had been dormant for lack of work, had gotten some jobs and was running in background. All apps reopened normally except Iceweasel did show the "closed unexpectedly" notification. I don't use a screensaver.

System did not shutdown and auto reboot. Uptime clock and syslog had chugged along right through it. Syslog seemed normal except for the exerpts below that looked curious to me.

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Debian :: Lenny Freezes With Certain Apps?

Jan 25, 2010

lenny freezes 100%, ie only help is to turn off power, reboot and fsck.this happens often with firefox loading a pdf-link. Firefox 3.5.7 has newest, libjavaplugin and libflashplayer.Where do i look first? which log files? I have 2Gb main mem.

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Debian :: Log Off/log On As Different User Breaks X Apps Under 5.0.1?

Jun 26, 2009

I've just installed Debian 5.0.1 (i386; network install) and I've run into a bizarre issue that I have no idea how to troubleshoot. If I log on as (e.g.) User1, log off, and then try to log on again as User2, X-based (i.e. not terminal) software will fail to load until I reboot. After logging on as User2, all X software (including the Gnome interface) will display its interface for a fraction of a second before vanishing from the screen and the task bar. One time the Gnome interface wouldn't load after log-on: the taskbar and menubar repeatedly flashed on and off the screen as Gnome repeatedly tried and failed to load.

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Debian :: Upgraded Kernel - Now Can't Use Certain Apps

Aug 25, 2010

I recently upgraded my Debian kernel to 2.6.35 via backports and reinstalled my graphic driver. But when I try to use certain apps, it just sits there in the taskbar trying to load for a couple minutes, then automatically closes itself. Specifically I've noticed the nvidia x-server menu and open office doing this, while they both worked fine before I upgraded the kernel. some apps will do this, while others will work fine.

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Debian :: Characters Corrupted When Using Console Apps?

Jul 4, 2010

I'm having a problem with getting the console to display special characters. I can type special characters in on the command line but they arent outputted properly when using something like aptitude or man. What I find strange is that in X the same programs work fine.

Heres the locale settings:


Unfortunately I dont know how to find the font settings.

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Debian :: Failed To Install Apps On Testing?

Sep 10, 2011

I have tried to install some applications on my Debian Testing but I've got this common error after fetching packages from internet:

dpkg: warning: 'ldconfig' not found in PATH or not executable.
dpkg: warning: 'start-stop-daemon' not found in PATH or not executable.
dpkg: error: 2 expected programs not found in PATH or not executable.
Note: root's PATH should usually contain /usr/local/sbin, /usr/sbin and /sbin.
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)

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Debian :: KDE - Removing Unwanted Apps Safely?

Dec 1, 2010

I've just installed Squeeze with KDE. I was wondering what is the best way to remove some unwanted apps without breaking everything (I want to get rid of Kopete and a few other apps like Dragon Player as I don't use them)?
I tried to: apt-get remove kopete
but it said it wanted to remove a whole bunch of other stuff as well. (I'm a recent Fedora convert).

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Debian Multimedia :: Qt Apps Crash / No UI Controls

Nov 25, 2015

Qt apps like vlc, kolourpaint, qbittorrent are missing the windows controls like menus. Smplayer crash on opening a video(any format). I'm using mate with marco wm, I also tried openbox but is the same.

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Debian Hardware :: ALSA - No Sound In Certain Apps

Nov 15, 2015

So I've got a new system on which I had to re-install Debian, and I've been trying to fix the sound today, but it doesn't seem to work... I've kept the same ALSA configuration (except a minor adjustment to the card number as this system appears to have two cards instead of one), but it doesn't seem to work as expected. I got this weird error while running an app that uses ALSA:

Code: Select allALSA sound driver initializing...
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1024:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
    --> (Device: default)...Failed: Operation not permitted

In VLC it works fine, provided that I manually choose the right device under Audio -> Audio's my /etc/asound.conf:

Code: Select alldefaults.ctl.card 1

pcm.dsp {
    type plug
    slave.pcm "dmix"


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Debian Programming :: Cross Platform Sql Gui Apps

Jun 8, 2014

What are the availability`s for cross platform sql , gui, application development using raw code in the Debian environment. I would rather work with raw code. I have been working with PHP MySQL, need to advance to Universe Application Development cross platform Raw Code for both mobile and desk top.

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Debian Configuration :: ProFTPd Configuration - Use To Host MySQL Databases And A Few Websites

Nov 18, 2010

I am having no luck configuring ProFTPd on a Debian Lenny production server we use to host our MySQL databases and a few websites. I had originally set it up so I could login and manage our internal sites, but I have the need to allow a few clients in to access their sites that we host. I am trying to root the users in their site directory, which would be "/sites/".

It just hit me while typing this. Is it possible to create a user without a shell to prevent login via SSH and set the home folder to /sites/whatever instead of /home/username? That would allow me to continue operating with my current configuration and root them in their site while preventing SSH logins.

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Debian Configuration :: Multipath Configuration On 5.0 64 Bit - Doesn't Create The Relative Devices

Jul 20, 2011

i have a HP MSA 2312fc SAN with 2 LUNs configured. The first LUN (LUN ID 1) is correctly connected to the system, but when i connect the second LUN (LUN ID 30), i find in the syslog this message: multipathd: 8:64: size 6835937472, expected 5267578112. Discard

Here is the multipath.conf


So I correctly see the two luns, but multipath doesn't create the relative devices. Under /dev/mapper I see: control mpath0 mpath0-part1 mpath0-part1 is the first lun, the one I mounted in a directory under filesystem. I can't find the device for the second lun

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Debian Configuration :: Reboot Both The Server And The Client Machines Every Time Change The SAMBA Configuration?

Apr 5, 2010

I am *finally* getting around to rebuilding my file-sharing computer. I'll be sharing files with both Linux and Windoze machines. It's a home network, so there's nothing fancy needed. I know I have to tweak my smb.conf file until I'm satisfied with the features and security. I'm using SWAT and I'm starting with a bare-bones conf file. It's not secure but I can see the server and selected files/directories from my other Linux box.

My really dumb question is, do I have to reboot both the server and the client machines every time I change the SAMBA configuration? I thought I just had to stop and restart the SAMBA service in the SWAT software - but then the server disappears from my client. It looks like I need to reboot both machines for the client to see the server.

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Debian Configuration :: Fstab Configuration - Failed To Open /proc/filesystems: No Such File Or Directory

Aug 23, 2011

I have some errors when run the mount -all command: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdc5, missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail  or so Failed to open /proc/filesystems: No such file or directory


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Debian :: Some Apps Have Strange Spacing In Options Menus

Oct 14, 2015 wide are the spaces between these entries. A quick research shows that this affects only certain apps such as gnome-terminal or Anjuta, but doesn't affect for example Synaptic - my first thought was that it's related to these using GTK3, but now I can see it's not that. This is not theme-related as it appears no matter what theme I choose. No results by googling.

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Debian :: Some Apps Suddenly Crashes With Segmentation Fault

Feb 16, 2016

I noticed weird behavior with some of the installed applications. It all started with Guake when I wanted to use it. My shortcut key is F4, I hit F4 and nothing showed up. So I run Guake in terminal, everything fine. Then I hit F4 key and after few seconds Guake crashes with message "Segmentation fault". Nothing more, just that. Then I noticed that Audacity does the same, Gdebi too and even Reportbug app does that (I'm not sure about "segmentation fault", but the app crashes). I don't remember doing anything special or installing any app. All I can think of is this message when booting the system

Code: Select allsystemd[1]: Job rpcbind.service/start deleted to break ordering cycle starting with

No idea, if there is any connection. Is there anyway, how I can maybe see more behind that "Segmentation fault" error? I found history.log in /var/log/apt/, so I'm thinking about looking into it and see if I really did not installed anything. I have a little feeling that it might have started after some update, but I'm not sure about that..

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Debian :: Uninterpretable Apps Continuously Crash Computer?

Mar 15, 2011

I was wondering what is happening to my computer. It runs perfectly fine, until out of nowhere my CPU load goes up to 100% for no reason, and in the System Monitor, the process that I think is responsible is the "uninterruptible process". It's so far been chrome, firefox-bin, and now gnome-netstatus-applet.

Is this a hardware problem or buggy software? Because I honestly don't know what it is. I've even reinstalled the programs and rebooted several times, most of the reboots were because of my computer crashing every time!

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Debian Multimedia :: KDE 5 And E17 - All Qt4 Apps Tray Icons Are Missing

Jul 26, 2015

All qt4 apps tray icons are missing. Debian decided to drop sni-qt support and wmsystemtray is actually piece of shit. Also I can't even use ubuntu version of sni-qt, because it also needs to have patched version of qt4, but debian refused to include that patches. What should I do to make skype icon visible in kde5 tray?

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Debian Multimedia :: Most OpenGL Apps Crash My Laptop / What To Fix?

Jul 11, 2010

I'm running Debian Lenny with GNOME on a ThinkPad T43. Some OpenGL apps like the game Trigger run great, while others like Stellarium crash my system beyond recovery. I get a black screen, I can see the mouse cursor and move it at a very slow speed, but nothing else. I can't switch to a different terminal or restart X with ctrl-alt-bksp.

I assume that the problematic apps do not like the laptop's integrated graphics chip? Is there a way to know ahead of time what apps might be troublesome, before actually running them? I hate hard resets.

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