Applications :: Clonezilla - Cloned HD Will Not Boot

Jan 28, 2010

I work in a library and want to set up several newer PCs. I cloned a HD containing Ubuntu 9.10 using Clonezilla. When I put the HD in another computer (exactly the same as the one on which I did the cloning) it will not boot.

After pressing the power button, it proceeds as follows:

BIOS loads "Grub Loading" appears on screen for several seconds Ubuntu icon appears for several seconds Icon disappears and then nothing, blank screen

Regarding Clonezilla, I used the advanced screens but chose only the default settings.

Also, if I boot to the Clonezilla CD on the cloned computer, I can choose the HD and the OS loads without a problem.

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Debian :: How To Install Clonezilla And Mount Multi-partitions Cloned Image Disk

May 15, 2010

Simple question, which implies lot of complexity, unfortunately : how to install Clonezilla and mount multi-partitions cloned image disk under DEBIAN ?

Wishing that one day Linux would be so easy and complete as Windows. But we are gaining more users, so Linux will have more apps

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Applications :: Clonezilla - Cloning A Drive To A Partition

Oct 3, 2010

My dad passed away 2 years ago and he had a toshibia laptop, and today I've decided to start using it. I would like to reformat it to Arch Linux from Windows XP.

He has a 80gb hdd with everything on one partition (thats how windows does it). I would like to create another partition (~20gb, and I know how to do this) and have clonezilla clone the main partition and save it to the 20gb partition. This is because you can't clone and save to the same drive unless its partitioned. (I'm saying partition lot).

Anyway my fathers computer is very important to me, and having it remain intact as he left it is very very important to me. I know the easiest and most sarcastic response is to tell me not to use it, but I want to use this computer.

Does anyone have experience with clonezilla? Will it back up the ENTIRE HDD like it says it will, without missing any important documents and files scattered throughout the disc? And when I do finish the cloning, format, and at a later date restore using the image I copied, will it be like I never touched it?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cloned 10.10 Won't Boot?

May 2, 2011

I have 10.10 on an old 60GB hard disk in an external USB caddy so I can boot off this when I want to instead of Windows on the internal laptop hard disk. This works well, and has done for some time.

I recently got a 1TB portable USB drive and thought it would be cool to reserve the 1st 60GB for a clone of the 10.10 system and use that instead. So I set up 2 partitions exactly like the 2 partitions on my old disk (not forgetting the boot flag) and copied the contents with dd. I also used dd to copy the boot sector excluding the partition table (dd if= of= bs=446 count=1; dd if= of= bs=512 skip=1 seek=1 count=2047).

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Fedora Installation :: How To Boot A Cloned Disk

Feb 2, 2010

I have a hp laptop with two internal drives and I also have a large USB drive. When I boot normally the internal boot drive is /dev/sda, the second internal drive is /dev/sdb, and the USB drive is /dev/sdc. I used Acronis True image to clone the internal boot drive onto the USB drive. I would like to be able to boot the Fedora 12 instance on the USB drive but do not seem to be having much luck... Here is what I have tried so far... The following is an entry in grub.conf

title Fedora (
root (hd0,5)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz- ro root=UUID=101b1556-d097-4d85-9bc5-fac2f9abe5d8 LANG=en_US.UTF-8


and tried to boot....Got a no such device error.While in grub I tried the grub command setup (hd2) and then got in the bios and set the boot order to USB drive before internal drive.In this case a reboot does nothing I just get a flashing cursor, grub is not entered.

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Fedora Installation :: Cloned F11 Install Refuses To Boot (kernel Hang)?

Jun 17, 2009

I installed F11 x86 from the DVD onto one of my machines using a total of 4 partitions:

1. /boot
2. /
3. /home
4. swap

I then created an image of the first 3 partitions with fsarchiver and restored it onto a second machine (with different hardware). Grub was loaded onto the second machine as well without a problem. The new cloned install will get past grub fine but the kernel hangs. After removing 'rhgb quiet' from the boot options, I can see that the last message outputted to the console is something about the PS/2 mouse - this doesn't make sense as the mouse is working perfectly fine.

Additionally, I can still reboot using ctrl-alt-delete so the kernel/CPU must still be responsive. I have tried troubleshooting the various pieces of hardware, so I'm guessing it's something with the clone. All the cloned filesystems appear to be fully intact; the partition UUID's are all the same. I've even tried changing the UUID's both in grub and /etc/fstab to hardcoded /dev/sdaX , but this does not fix anything.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: When Boot From Clonezilla It Keeps On Freezing At Same Point

Sep 11, 2010

When i boot from Clonezilla it keeps on freezing at the same point.I boot up and select clonezilla live then select the 600X800 (or whatever it is), I then see text scrolling from the bottom of the screen upwards as it is loading the kernel etc but freezes at a specific point for some reason which means i cant clone my drive. Does any have any ideas on how to fix this issue?

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General :: HP Probook 4510s Won't Boot Clonezilla?

Aug 12, 2010

I have a new HP ProBook 4510s, which will probably not run Win 7 which came with it. grin).So I figured I'd image the disk. Clonezilla won't boot. I tried with several CDs. Slax does boot. Ultimate boot CD boots.

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Ubuntu :: Computer Won't Boot After Restoring Clonezilla Image?

Jul 18, 2011

I have long been using clonezilla as my backup/restore software and have never had a problem with it before, ever. Today I backed up my entire disk (windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.10) and upgraded to 11.04 to try it out. I didn't like it, so I decided to restore the backup. Now I can't boot my computer. It gets to a black screen and nothing happens. No error message, nothing. I can still boot from a live USB (which is what I am using now), and I can also boot from a Windows Live CD. I tried using the MBR repair on Windows and reinstalling Grub through the Ubuntu Live USB. Neither of them have worked. Do you have any ideas what the problem might be?

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Software :: Clonezilla - Force Restore Of Boot Loader?

Sep 29, 2010

I'm having a problem figuring out how to clone and restore partitions from images on a test host, ie. I have different Linux and Windows images in sda2 that I need to restore on sda1 to run tests.

Here's a typical scenario:
1. On a brand new hard-disk, create two partitions, one to hold the OS to run tests, and a second to hold Clonezilla images
2. Install XP in sda1
3. Boot with Clonezilla Live, and save sda1 into an image in sda2
4. Install Linux: It installs GRUB as boot loader in the MBR
5. Save Linux into an image in sda2
6. Restore XP: By default, Clonezilla doesn't restore XP's boot loader, and leaves GRUB to boot XP :-/

How can I force Clonezilla to restore the boot loader in the MBR (while leaving the partition table as-is), so that Linux=GRUB and Windows=NTLDR always?

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General :: Don't Show Boot Messages During Clonezilla Bootup - Splash Screen?

Jul 14, 2010

I am at a loss trying to figure out the options to not show the scrolling boot messages during the boot-up of Clonezilla. Is there a way to have a loading splash screen or even have a static logo that is displayed during the boot process? I have my automated recovery method all ready to go short this one last feature. I have searched all over and am coming up empty on this one.

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Ubuntu :: Installing Grub On Flash Drive To Dual Boot Clonezilla/gparted?

May 15, 2010

essentially what the title says. Clonezilla cannot be installed in ubuntu so running a live linux on the usb and installing the applications in that is not an option.

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Debian :: Display Is Cloned Instead Of Extended

Jun 4, 2015

I'm having trouble with Debian 8 and using my dual monitor setup. Whenever I install a desktop that uses lightdm as a display manager (XFCE, MATE, Cinnamon) the login screen is cloning the two monitors rather then extending the desktop. I don't have the issue with gnome 3 (gdm) or kde (kdm). I tried installing Slim as well, but that has the same cloning issue.

I had a similar issue with g the XFCE environment, but I was able to resolve it by installing arandr and configuring the monitor layout. Upgrading from Stable to Testing also fixed the XFCE issue with the newest version of XFCE. Unfortunately I still have the display manager issue (lightdm/slim) in Testing as well. I would prefer to use XFCE but I'm willing to move to Gnome 3/KDE if need be to resolve the issue with the login screen.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Won't Login From Cloned HDD

Jun 6, 2010

I had cloned my 250 GB HD to a new 1 TB HD using 'dd'. After that Ubuntu does not login. The MBR [Grub] and Windows 7 do start without any problem and all the programs are working perfect under it. When I boot to Ubuntu, the login screen just keeps displaying 'Automatically logging in...'. On the first boot from the cloned HD, Ubuntu displayed that the /home is not found and offered Check/Skip/Ignore and I selected Check. After that the message is not shown. Another weird thing is that at logon, the system does a log off and display a warning that the Power Manager Applet is not responding and asks for Log off anyway.

I have the old HDD intact with me.

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Fedora :: Access Some Files On That Cloned Disk?

Aug 4, 2011

I made a clone of my ordinary disk with Clonezilla some times ago. Now I want to access some files on that cloned disk. Since the cloned disk also has a LVM structure I don't know how to mount it. When I connect the cloned disk I can see both /dev/sdb1 & sdb2. vgdisplay -v gives me:


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Ubuntu :: Dual Monitors Cloned To A Different Resolution?

Aug 18, 2010

I've been searching around and from what I've found this is supposed to just work but I am having some display issues when cloning my laptop to an external monitor. I think the problem is that my laptop has a better resolution than the monitor. Here is my setup:

laptop with a display of 1900x1200
external monitor with a display of 1680x1050

ideally I want to clone the laptops output onto the external monitor so they can both operate in their native resolution. When I setup twinview and set it to clone the laptop displays correctly, however, the external monitor is missing a large chunk on the bottom and right hand side

here's my xorg.conf

# nvidia-settings: X configuration file generated by nvidia-settings
# nvidia-settings: version 1.0 (buildd@palmer) Fri Apr 9 10:35:18 UTC 2010
Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Layout0"
Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0


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Slackware :: Cloned Display On 13 With ATI Radeon 4890?

May 8, 2010

I'm trying to span my desktop across my 2 displays. I tried to edit xorg.conf-vesa to no avail.

Here is xrandr:

bash-3.1$ xrandr
Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1920 x 1080, maximum 1920 x 1600
HDMI-0 connected 1920x1080+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 510mm x 287mm
1920x1080 60.0*+
1680x1050 59.9


I have attached a portion of xorg.conf-vesa and xrandr --verbose.

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Debian Configuration :: Installing Grub On Cloned Drive?

Jun 16, 2011

Im running Squeeze (in VirtualBox on a Win host), and I need to clone my drive to a bigger one and boot from that drive. I used gparted from a live cd for the cloning, and got the following result with fdisk -l:

Disk /dev/sda: 8589 MB, 8589934592 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 1044 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes


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Ubuntu :: Accessing Free Space On Cloned Drive?

Jan 7, 2010

I have an MSI Wind with Windows, Ubuntu Netbook Remix and another Ubuntu derivative installed on my 80gb drive. I recently acquired a 160gb drive, which I plan to put into the Wind. I cloned the 80gb drive, which left me with an identical configuration, plus 80gb of unallocated free space. The problem is that I already have 4 primary partitions; the last of them (adjacent to the free space) is divided up into 4 extended partitions. I tried to make the free space available in gparted, but it won't let me create a new partition because I already have 4 primaries. Is there some way I can get this into the last primary partition? I tried expanding the size of the extended partitions in the 4th primary partition, but gparted won't let me do this.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cloned MAC Address Only Way To Get Internet Access?

Apr 7, 2011

I have a strange problem. I have to clone my MAC address (and specify a different MAC address) to get internet. Without the new MAC address I get an IP address but no internet. This happened with my old (updated from 7.04 -> 10.10) OS installation and with a new, clean install of 11.04. So I have a workaround. But I don't know what the problem is.

Ps. I recently switch modem and router. And I had the problem with old and new modem/router combinations.

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General :: Extract Cloned Image From Hdd Make Live-cd

Dec 22, 2010

I recently used clonezilla to make a backup image of hdd, before doing factory restore, now the image is of not necessary as I can image the restored computer (Acer Aspire 3620).Is it possible to extract image to blu-ray and make bootable as in live-cd?

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Hardware :: Opensuse 11 Machine Cloned With Dd, With Serial Port Blocking?

Feb 23, 2010

I have cloned an embedded system that runs Opensuse 11 x86 using dd. The embedded system uses a simple serial device, by writing to the relevant device file (/dev/ttyS2, usually). Curiously, when I write to the same serial device on the newly cloned system (which, incidentally, has almost identical hardware), thusly:

echo hello > /dev/ttyS2 the command blocks for up to a minute, before finally returning without making the hardware do anything. I can boot into Opensuse's rescue system on the clone and successfully do exactly the same thing, as I can when I boot the original's "identical" operating system. Why might this problem occur? What can I do about it?

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Ubuntu :: Clonezilla - Can't Back Up HDD

Sep 18, 2010

recently just tried to back up my system using clonezilla, it reported an error which said simply- something went wrong, view the logfile for details. Where do I find this logfile? Really want to make an image backup of the HDD. As my linux system is running near perfect now.

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General :: Clonezilla Live On USB

Dec 28, 2009

I'm trying to create a 32GB USB Clonezilla Live disk. I'm logged in as root on Lenny.I created a new partition on the USB drive using fdisk, set the id to b (w95 fat32), and toggled the boot tag.The instructions on the Clonezilla website describes using the mkfs.vfat command to create a file system but Lenny returns a "command not found" result when I try. I tried using mkdosfs but it also returned "command not found".Can mkdosfs format a disk with the bootable tag toggled?

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General :: Cloning Using Clonezilla On HDD

Jul 28, 2010

I want to clone my fedora8 HDD using clonezilla.I have downloaded,and want to boot from that.I have created one partition sda8 with 740 mb and formatted with ext3 and mounted that on /mnt. I have extracted the files onto /mnt from clonezilla zip file. I appended the necessary lines told by website to the , after rebooting when i select that clonezilla from grub,it was telling unrecognized format and cant mount the partition.

how to mount the partition permanently in fstab. Tell me how to modify the grub file to work correctly to boot from that partition.

Output of fdisk

Disk /dev/sda: 80.0 GB, 80025280000 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 9729 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0xa95ea95e


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Applications :: Can Grub Boot Vista/W7

Jan 18, 2010

I use CloneZilla to image partitions and Grub 0.97 in the MBR to boot the os restored in /sda1.

Although it works fine with XP, I can't get Vista or Windows7 to boot. For instance, Vista fails with error 0xc00000e and is unable to load WINLOAD.EXE.

I don't know if it's something in Windows or maybe Grub needs something else besides the following in menu.lst to be able to load Vista and W7?

Code: parttype (hd0,0) 0x7
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

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Applications :: No Gui When Auto Loading From Boot

May 4, 2010

I'm a new user of Linux & I have recently written an application using Glade and GTK for a touch screen interface using Debian V5. The software is now complete and working so the simple bit (i thought) would be to get the software to load when the touchscreen is switched on. I have made a link to the software executable using the system/prefs/sessions option but the software seems to load on startup without the user interface. Looking at the system manager the software does seem to be running but it seems to be in the background. If i load the programme manually the GUI works.

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Ubuntu :: Browse Lzo Clones Done With Clonezilla?

Mar 8, 2010

I made a full disk backup using Clonezilla on a external drive and I used lzo, but this time I need to browse its contents somehow and extract some files but I could not find a utility that reads lzo archives.

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Ubuntu :: Clonezilla Live CD Not Backing Up

Sep 5, 2010

I having some problems backing up my disk with Clonezilla Live (the Ubuntu 10.04 version). When I try to backup my disk, I get this error:


C:bitmap count err, Free: 3596613
Checking free space...
(standard_in)1: Syntax error
Something went wrong!

This is after partclone checks the drive that it will put the backup on. It stops at 97.86%.

I always get this error every time I try to do it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Specified Backup With Clonezilla?

Nov 28, 2010

I want to ask you if i can backup with clonezilla only /home sda3 directory. And to backup sda1 and Linux Swap with another program as Acronis and then to restore the sda1 and Linux Swap With Acronis on a formated Hdd and restore then /home with Clonezilla. Is this capable?

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